必修二英语第二单元单词朗读 英语

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必修二的英语是"obligatory course",还网络中常译为"obligatory subject",在《现代英语词典》中,共找到18个与必修二相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. obligatory course

必修二翻译为obligatory course。

示例:以前,第二学期的国际银行学是选修课,但现在它变成了必修课。 It used to be that the second semester of International Banking was an elective, but now it says it's a required class.


2. obligatory subject

必修二翻译为obligatory subject。


14 days compulsory military training for freshmen.

2、Early in February, the Ministry of Education issued a new regulation that colleges and universities should carry out a minimum of


3. mandatory subject

必修二翻译为mandatory subject。

示例:在我空间相册里还有必修二,你可以看看。 I am sorry you are having trouble in making friends.


4. required course

必修二翻译为required course。

示例:That traitor is a guy, of course of course



1. mandatory subject(必修学科)

2. obligatory course(必修课)

3. obligatory subject(必修科目)


4. requ( 回报;

5. required course(必修课)


1. A necessary lesson... if you are to one day join the champions of the House of Batiatus.

译文:这是必修课 如果你想加入巴蒂塔斯家族的冠军之列。

2. -Oh, yeah. Basic Warp Design is a required course at the Academy.


3. is it totalitarian to require reading, writing and arithmetic?

译文:“极权主义”要求必修英文读写和算术吗? 。

4. This is a required subject.

译文:这门是必修课 你会被当掉。

5. The course consists of ten core modules and five optional modules.

译文:这门课程包括十个必修单元和五个选修单元。 。

6. it's a compulsory lesson. You can't bunk. Get up!


7. One of the first things you learn in med school.


8. is Engllsh a compulsory subject?

译文:英文是必修科目吗? 。

9. Certain courses are compulsory, others are optional.

译文:某些课程是必修的,其他是选修的。 。

10. To be in harmony with nature should be the first compulsory course and greatest desire of any champion.


11. There's a whole course on it in med school. it's required.

译文:医学院有关于这些手则的 专门课,而且是必修。

12. Your book should be required reading for all aspiring theologians.

译文:您的书应该作为 所有神学家的必修教材。

13. Lafayette Park. it's one of my Outreach programs.

译文:早餐祈祷聚会 每日必修课.。

14. Further down, you start getting into algebra one, algebra two, a little bit of precalculus.

译文:继续,就开始了代数一,代数二的学习, 会涉及一点学微积分前必修的课程。。

15. So you're gonna be doing this from now on, every day...

12 weeks.

译文:从今天起这是你每日的必修课 持续12周。


标签: 朗读 单词

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