关于”i开头“的英语句子37个,句子主体:i beginning。以下是关于i开头的初一英语句子。
英文句子模板1:i beginning
1、When I got to the wharf , t he steamer had already started.
2、How can i enlighten your wooden head .
3、Could it be when I start getting wrinkles and losing my hair?
4、So I grew my hair out. I took bubble baths.
5、I did not take my eyes off her head and neck.
6、I got stage-fright and became tongue-tied.
7、I learn to do well from the very start
8、I can only recall it begins with “Ja” and end with “son”.
9、Yet now I was going back.
10、With that method in mind, I just start tossing stuff.
11、I cottoned to you from the first.
12、I prefer to stay behind the camera and do my work, thanks very much.
13、Soon I was competing in talent shows.
14、"Well, " he confessed, "I was a bit shivery at first;
15、put your hands on your head, or I will fire!
16、Then I just started to feel this urge.
17、开头是称呼,如, distinguished guests/respected guests/, ladies and gentlemen, i am very honored to 。
18、I have a splitting headache.
19、The end of the pier is near, I fear, and the mist hasnt cleared.
我抬起头来看到基斯的眼睛慢慢地睁开 我笑了。
20、I looked up to see Keith's eyes slowly open and I smiled.
21、First I took upon modelling the woman's head. Using the same technique as I used in the Minotaur.先从制作头部开始吧,使用的方法和刚才建那只牛头怪的方法是一样的。
22、I' d better go ahead and sing the first song.我最好开头先唱第一首曲子。
23、I felt a thrill of terror as the door began to creak open.当门开始嘎吱一下打开时,我感到一阵恐怖袭上心头。
24、I nodded dumbly and he slit the envelope.我默默地点了点头,他就撕开了信封。
25、I would hold up four fingers and gleefully shout, “Four!我会伸出四个手指头开心地喊道:“四个!
英文句子26:,26、I stared at him contemptuously and he looked away.我轻蔑地瞪了他一眼,他赶快掉开头。
27、At the moment we were leaving, I said to uncle, "I have never seen grandma before, I wanna kowtow to her."离开时,我给舅舅说,我未曾见过外婆,给她磕个头吧。
28、I am an active girl. I has long hair.我是一个活泼开朗的女孩,我有一头长发。
29、I nodded eagerly as she began to draw.我使劲点了点头,她就开始画了。
30、Your mind may jump during the meditation initially. ("Am I breathing right?"冥想开始时你的头脑可能上下乱窜。
31、True… but I don't get away from that old geezer.对…但我还是没能离开那个怪老头。
32、Open the door, I pale, sweating, mother asked me?打开门,我一脸苍白,满头大汗,妈妈问我怎么了?
33、Here I am, just give a beginning of this novel.我在这里,写着刚有开头的小说。
34、At the moment we were leaving,I said to uncle,"I have never seen grandma before,I wanna kowtow to her.离开时,我给舅舅说,我未曾见过外婆,给她磕个头吧。
35、I think I would want to scan that line as a bit of an odd beginning.我觉得这是个很奇怪的开头。
36、What's the--Let's go back or I guess we're going to go to the beginning.什么是,我们回头,我觉得我们或者应该从头开始
37、I believe, I believe, my heart is opened wide. I receive His love, I'll never walk away.我相信,我相信,打开心门来接受,选择这上好的福份不回头。
38、I think that it was Rivest, I don't remember what "S" was, and Adleman.包括里弗斯特和阿多乐曼,我忘了“S”开头的是谁了。
39、In 1966, I started working with migraine patients.在xx年,我开始研究偏头痛患者。
40、The wind bit with a sharper edge and I turned toward my home.风刮如刀割,我开始掉头回家。
41、I took up meditation – recommended for tension headaches, because I suspected that my migraines increased when I was under stress.我开始练习冥想-建议针对紧张性头痛,因为我怀疑我一到紧张的时候偏头痛就会发作。
42、I felt for the electric light switch on the wall and turned it on.我摸索着寻找墙壁上的电灯开头,打开了灯。
43、I kept my eyes down on the reading list the teacher had given me.我埋头看老师开给我的阅读清单。
44、Still, I had promised, and reluctantly I drove there.但是,我已经答应女儿了,只好硬着头皮开车去到那里。
45、I guess the beginning, but I guess the ending.我猜着了开头,但我猜不中这结局。---《大话西游》。
46、I am not giving up, I am just staring over.【我没有放弃、我只是从头开始,
47、Billy: I threw a rock at him and he ducked .比利:我向他扔石头,他躲开了。
48、I knew I was quite drunk, and when I came in I put on the light over the head of the bed and started to read.当时我明白我醉得很厉害,后来走进房间,打开床头灯,开始看书。
49、I guess I'd better volunteer to sing the first song.我猜想最好自愿去唱第一首歌开个头。
50、I broke the seal and read.我扯开封口,劈头念信。
经典英文句子51:i开头,51、I remember when I started doing my hair myself – I cut bangs, and I started curling my hair and pressing it, literally, with an iron.碧昂斯曾经用熨衣服的方法熨自己的头发。 “我记得当我开始自己打理头发时,我剪了刘海,我尝试卷我的头发,然后压平,实际上是用一个熨斗熨平。
52、Well. The month before I started, I had six migraines.我开始吃药的前一个月,头疼发作了六次。
53、What do I need to open an account?开一个户头需要什么?
54、NO11, I have a splitting headache!我头痛得快裂开了!
55、When she noded, I made a U-turn. I looked in the mirror and found the rest of the procession was still following.她点点头,我就调转车头往回开。我从后视镜里看到,后面的车队仍然跟着我们。
56、Oh, I think I'd like to take the monthly savings account then.噢,那我想我要开一个按月计息的户头。
57、There's a first time for everything. You know what I mean?万事开头难。你明白我的意思吧?
58、I uncover the red kerchief on your head.撩开了红红的头巾。
59、I have an account with Midland Bank.我在米德兰银行开有户头。
60、I know that he can't act on guess-work.我知道他是决不会开空头支票的。
61、At first I tried just combing my thinning hair over the top of my head.一开始,我只是试着把我稀薄的头发梳过头顶。
62、I evaluated my personal assets and... wham!I became a cab driver.我算了下我手头的资产……嗯,然后,我开上了出租车。
63、'Go on with the next verse, ' the Gryphon repeated impatiently: 'it begins "I passed by his garden. "'“背第二节,”鹰头狮不耐烦他说,“开头是,我经过她的花园'。”
64、I can't drive you home because I only live just down the road.我不能开车送你回家,因为我就住在路的那头。
65、He spoke first: “I recognize you from the white hair.”他先开口了,“我是从你的白头发上认出你的。”
66、But the next day, I was at work.然而,第二天我又开始埋头工作。
67、I feel chilly and dizzy since last night.从昨晚开始。我就觉得冷和头晕。
68、So I continued with my father’s story, knowing that I could make up the missing details as I went.因此,我继续讲,既然开了头,我必须把缺失的细节补上。
69、The end of the pier is near, I fear , and the mist hasn't cleared.恐怕就要到码头的尽头了,可是薄雾还没散那开。
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