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关于”表述心情好“的英语句子44个,句子主体:Express good mood。以下是关于表述心情好的专八英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Express good mood


1、These nouns refer to the feeling or expression of deep-seated ill will.

事实上,面向服务的某些元素用 UML 表述实际上比用 WS-* 系列规范表述要好。

2、In fact there are certain elements of a service-oriented design that are actually better expressed in UML today than they are in the WS-* family of specifications.


3、A. You seem troubled. Is anything the matter?


4、Many of these duties will be indescribably difficult.

对 倒排表 的最好描述是:它是对比特串的压缩表示。

5、Inversion lists are best described as a condensed summary of a bit string.


6、it doesn’t take much to bring on a blue day.


7、Narration references-story and plot-are often regarded as the core of narration. Scholars usually focus their study on them.


8、Today is shuttlecock festival. I'm in a good mood.


9、He also says non-native speakers generally use too much emotional language and give too many details before getting to the main idea.


10、His face has been described as "visually noisey.


11、It was no wonder the men were in a good humour now.


12、Basically tells the story of the royal army detective story, the plot is compact, wonderful, good books! ! !


13、And for the love of God, make sure your phrasing is clear.


14、A number of studies have indicated that a badly written manuscript with poor use of


15、They employed the best lawyer they could get to plead their case.


16、Lists are excellent representations of such trees.


17、this is crazy, because you’re only young once and you’re never


18、And there is something of dignity in his countenance, that would not give one an unfavourable idea of his heart.



17 to melody specification sincere sensibility, the Dian of pagoda, feel like fairyland(




20、The form. of the former formula is formally formulated.

21、He slowly told us the story with a low mood.他心情沉重的缓缓地讲述那个故事。

22、Putt these thoughts together and they will help you build your COTE (confidence, optimism, tenacity, enthusiasm), the best thing to wear when you have to perform your best.把这些想法都利用起来将有助于培养你的COTE(信心、乐观、坚韧、热情),这些是你想要好好表现需要具备的最好品格。 。

23、Talking about my mind cannot just be a way of talking about my body.谈论心灵,不可能只是谈论身体的另一种表述

24、The good news has put me in a happy mood.听到这个好消息我心情舒畅。

25、Go to my hometown. I am very happy now.摆好幸福的表情, 整好微笑, 过年喽。

英文句子26:,26、The story of "The Good Samaritan "from the Bible describes a man who showed compa ion.圣经中的「好撒玛利亚人」的故事,描述一个流露同情心的人。

27、He heard her voice and only pitied her for the anguish she was feeling now in telling him.在听她讲述的时候,他只有对她在现时讲述这些情况时所表现出来的痛苦的同情。

28、A pick-me-up as one word is something that makes someone feel better or gives them energy.“pick-me-up” 合起来是一个词,表示“能让人振作起来、让人心情好起来的东西”。

29、Compassion and caring show that you will be a good father and is therefore very attractive.有怜悯同情之心和懂的关心表明你将是一个好爸爸,因此这也是很吸引人的。

30、The author discusses the central condition for effective decentralization is representation.论述了有效的分权管理的中心条件——代表制。

31、you could forget your date’s name or have an embarrassing photograph published. 你根本无法振作起来。

32、"May I ask what that was?" said the Englishman with an expression of curiosity, which a close observer would have been astonished at discovering in his phlegmatic countenance.英国人带着一种好奇的表情问道。 他那冷峻的脸上竟会现出这种表情,一个细心的观察者见了大概会很惊奇的。

33、What makes you feel better when you feel terrible?你沮丧时 怎样才能让心情变好?

34、There are much better or more appealing expressions.除此之外还有更好且更有吸引力的表述。

35、Conclusion Mental health status lies on the degree of alexithymia to some extent. Alexithymia maybe the personality basis of mental health.结论心理健康水平在一定程度上取决于述情障碍的水平,述情障碍可能是心理健康水平的人格基础。

36、Advantageously, the construction element (方便地,所述构件(

1) exhibits both optimum self-supporting characteristics and a good fire resistance in case of fire.

1)展示出最佳的自支撑特性和遭遇火情时表现 出良好的抗燃性。

37、Liu Xie put forward the concept of emotion and diction? The issue of artistic emotion was deeply related.刘勰在《文心雕龙》中提出“情采”这一范畴,对艺术情感问题进行了深入的论述。

38、The author expounds the key problem how to express one's true feelings on one hand by telling the truth with emotions; on the other handy cherish a deep affection for life, think deeply about life.文章通过实例,从说真话、吐真情和用心感受生活、思考生活两方面阐述了作文应如何来表达真情实感的实质性问题。

39、Sakuya: Haha… You are not really in good mood.咲夜:哈哈…你还真是没好心情啊。

40、From the same list women chose warm, loving, generous, sympa- thetic, attractive, friendly and giving.女人从同一份列表中选择的是温暖的、钟情的、大方的、有同情心的、有魅力的、友好的和付出的。

41、At last, the author proposed the core competency-based diversified operational strategies for Homey based on the fore-mentioned theories and Homey Group's real-life situation.最后根据前述的理论以及好当家的情况提出了基于核心竞争力的多元化经营战略。

42、The law does not allow of a captious and strained intendment, for.法律中不允许过度矫情和做作的表述。

43、Fortunately, the experience of the Japanese mice suggests that this won't happen.所幸的是,日本的老鼠实验表明了上述情况不会发生。

44、The main state on "self in Chuang-Tzu's theory is "I Lose Myself.庄子关于自我问题的核心表述是“吾丧我”。

45、The eyes and mouth show emotion: more open and curvy for happy thoughts;眼睛和嘴代表表情:对于开心则更加张开和弯曲;

46、If Angel's father were the good man she had heard him represented to be, he would be able to enter into her heart-starved situation.如果安琪尔的父亲果真是他描述的那样一个好人的话,他一定会理解她的焦渴的心情的。

47、Emoji Plus - Best Emoticon Keyboard!绘文字加- 最好的表情键盘!

48、It is a world where the most intimate feelings and desires can be portrayed with a single emoticon.如今这个世界上,内心最深处的情感和愿望可以用单单一个表情符来描述。

49、This attains to the narrative core of the dream.这一点触及了梦的表述核心。

50、My good mood disorder, maybe I am too stupid.我的心情好乱,也许我真的太傻了。

经典英文句子51:表述心情好,51、Local people always show their complex and ambivalent feelings by creating and telling legends of historical features and modifying their content to express their own feelings and evaluations to them.地方民众通过创作和讲述历史人物传说,及不断修改其内容来表述自己对历史人物的感情和评价,显示出其复杂感情和矛盾心理。

52、your boss is picking on you,也许只是一觉醒来,没有感觉到或者看到自己最棒的一面,

53、It means that you act completely natural, as if whatever the situation is, it hasn't caught you off-guard or thrown you off balance.喜怒不形于色不代表完全没有表情,而是自然,就好像无论风云如何变幻,你还是那个心如止水的你。

54、I would like to express our sincere gratitude to you for your warm reception and kind hospitality.对贵方的友好接待和盛情款待我谨对您表示衷心的感谢。

55、People who waver in their opinions and quickly change from being enthusiastic to showing disinterest are said to "blow hot and cold".人们表达意见时摇摆不定,突然从满怀热情变得漠不关心,这种行为就被描述为“一会儿吹热气一会儿吹冷气”。

56、Your best bet is to deliver all your teasing lines as matter-of-fact statements with a deadpan, straight face.你最好是象陈述事实一般面无表情的说出调戏的台词。

57、The article is fairly brief have expounded legislation behaviour that circumstance offends.文章还简要阐述了情节犯的立法表现。

58、you might just wake up not feeling or looking your best, 发现自己又多了几条皱纹,又重了几斤,或是鼻子上冒出了一个大包。

59、One moment he was friendly, even warm; the next he was coldly indifferent.他时而友好甚至热情,时而冷漠无情。(表示反意)

60、Pity and compassion are words appropriated to signify our fellow?feeling with the sorrow of others.怜悯心和同情心是对别人悲哀而产生的我们同袍情的表示。

61、The results suggest that JXK has the adventage of decreasing the myocardial oxygen consumption, and the same time, increasing the cardiac pump function.结果表明,健心康在明显降低氧耗的情况下,能显著提高心脏的泵血功能,说明本品具有很好的抗心肌缺血作用。

62、Here's a little story that illustrates this situation.这里有这样一个小故事,正好描述了这一情境。

63、Objective To evaluate the correlation between alexithymia and mental health status.目的了解述情障碍与心理健康状况的关系。

64、More specifically, on the basis of their own perception or experience of illness, the patients tend to focus on descriptions of events and explore the in-depth meaning of illness.此类患者通常以疑问语气集中描述病症,较少自我主观论症,与医生协作推索病因,倾向于表达内心情感,寻求移情。

65、We express our profound sympathy and heartfelt condolences.我们表示深切同情和衷心哀悼。


标签: 英文 心情

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