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关于”春节的短句“的英语句子60个,句子主体:Short Sentences of Spring Festival。以下是关于春节的短句的托福英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Short Sentences of Spring Festival


1、The next new bulletin, shorter than usual, made no mention of the demonstration.


2、The linker length of the conjugates can be changed and the nucleobase and ribose can adjust water solubility of the target compounds.


3、A short man with a bunched wing body that gave the impression of being gnarled and sour.


4、The junk basket is used by the rig crew to store an assortment of relatively small parts of the drilling rig, ranging from drill bits to crossover subs to lifting subs to spare kellys.


5、The study was also too short to show whether TwHF can slow the joint damage caused by rheumatoid arthritis.

6、事业有成、更上一层楼、蒸蒸日上Wishing you every success Promoting to a higher position


7、The xerophytes appeared to be different from common habitat. Short of internode; litter and thick of twigs.


8、Better rhythm characteristics in final four steps of run-ups shows, but the time of step with soars are short partially in the overall.


9、It is necessary to use a short-wave radio to pick up the programmes.


10、Write down your answers and send text messages to 1396 while watching the show.


11、Chapter two discusses the background of this work: Chilicot s life, the development of Missa Brevis and the style of Jazz.


12、Flow couplings are typically installed above and below completion components, such as landing nipples, that may affect the flow.


13、Oil should be changed more frequently during cold weather, particularly when short-trip operation predominates.


14、Which has significant influence on the short-term and long-term regulation of blood pressure.


15、The landing nipple is made of special alloy steel, stainless steel, or K-Monel.


16、Please put these two lift subs onto drill floor, we shall use it!


17、You can use a short-wave radio to pick up the programmes.


18、There are many advancetages of energy-saving, short cycle and low cost.


19、This means that the capacity of short-term regulation of D. diversiformis to light is 21. 19% .


20、Rhythm is simply these patterns, usually repeating patterns, of longs and short that get superimposed as they set up above the basic beat underneath.

21、Quails typically have short rounded wings that enable them to spring into full flight instantly when disturbed in their hiding places .鹌鹑通常有短圆的翅膀,使他们能够进入春季在躲藏地被扰乱时立即充分的飞行。

22、You'll find that there is a nice balance between a sprinting stroke and a slow, sluggish stroke.你应该能够找到一个平衡的节奏,这个节奏介于短冲和慢速划手之间。

23、I often think of our youth, it was a strange sort, for a long tail are dragging, like wings as a blatant, refused to leave.我常常在思索我们的青春,它真是一个奇形怪状的玩艺儿,短短的身子偏偏拖了一个长长的尾巴,像翅膀一样地招摇着,久久不肯离去。

24、Premature failure of the usually long-life, low-energy light sources may also be occurring.使用寿命短,节能灯的光源会经常引起事故。

25、"Riskis a biologically normal event among adolescents, " said Bickel, because they have a "shortened temporal view of life eventsand choices."Bickel说:“生物学上,冒险是青春期的正常事件,因为他们对生活事件和选择都是短视的。”

英文句子26:,26、Too bad I only was assigned to judge the short program in Vancouver.可惜的是我在温哥华只得到了执法男单短节目的机会。

27、Their performance soon had the crowd on its feet before the short program was over.在短节目比赛结束前,他们的表演很快技惊四座。

28、With the constant development of TV program column, short telefilm has become the most heavy kind of program for present creation .随着电视节目栏目化的不断发展,电视短片成为当前创作量最大的一类节目。

29、Can not bear to leave, because it has used to spend the day and night, though short-lived to only from spring to autumn.不忍离去,因已习惯了日夜相守,虽短暂到只是从春到秋。

30、The bracelet, anklet has extended chain and the length can regulate by oneself.手链、脚链都有加长,长短可以自己调节。

31、The shortest possible multi-byte sequence that can represent the code is used.这是能够代表被使用代码的最短的可能的多字节序列。

32、Its structure and elevates the short festival including the high and low stopcock.其结构包括上下旋塞阀和升高短节。

33、Better rhythm characteristics in final four steps of run - ups shows , but the time of step with soars are short partially in the over2 all.最后四步助跑节奏, 表现出较 好的节奏特点, 但步长和腾空时间偏短。

34、An example is the S/s gene, which determines pin(s) and thrum (S) style length in certain species of Primula.例如报春属植物中决定花柱长短为针式型(s)还是线式型(S)的S/s基因。

35、It's necessary to use a short-wave radio to pick up the programme.必须有一台短波收音机才能听到这些节目。

36、The field trial of plastic film mulching on dryland spring wheat was conducted in the semiarid region of Loess Plateau.在黄土高原半干旱地区,对旱地春小麦进行短期地膜覆盖试验。

37、The cd shuffle can save you thousands of keystrokes in a very short time.cd 转移可以在非常短的时间内为您节约数千次键击。

38、AIM: To study the effects and mechanisms of vinpocetine injection in treatment of mice with the transient ischemic attack (TIA).目的:研究长春西汀注射液对实验性短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)磷脂水平的影响。

39、Trigger circuit was used to adjust C15 and control recording time.采取触控式延时控制电路,调节C15可控制每次录音时间的长短。

40、TAIL : High set, in shape of sickle, hanging; reaches the hock. Docked short.尾巴:高位,镰刀状尾,下垂可达至附关节。截短。

41、They suspect that the shortened nights of springtime are also responsible for a change in human attitudes and that special languor which we call "spring fever".对自然界的生物来说,这是它们生长、繁殖的好时机。 他们还猜想春季夜晚的缩短导致人类心理状态发生变化和睡眠不足,由此引发“春烧”症状。

42、Through long-term and short-term two methods to investigate the regulation of food intake by Methionine in Peking Ducks.通过长期调节和短期调节两种方法,研究蛋氨酸对北京鸭摄食调控的作用及其机理。

43、This section is split between through-floor lifts and short rise lifts.本节分为通过一楼电梯和升降机短上升。

44、The next news bulletin, shorter than usual, made no mention of the demonstration。下一个新闻节目比通常短,没有提到旅行。

45、Pleottom put these two lift subs onto drill floor, we shall use it!请把这两个擢升短节放到钻台上去,我们要用!

46、Did you know that shorter showers save water and energy?你知道吗?缩短你沐浴的时间,可以节约水和能源。

47、团圆饭 family reunion dinner 年夜饭 the dinner on New Year‘s Eve

48、Stand-by engine and shorten chain to 由于引航员登船,备车锚链缩短至2节。

2 shackles for pilot embarkation.

49、HINDQUARTERS : Set parallel, slightly open at level of stifle and hock joint. Legs short. Metatarsales thick, straight set.后腿及臀部:后腿位置平行,膝关节和附关节的接合处略微张开。大腿短。跖骨厚实,直。

50、This is the premise of Franz Kafka's short novel The Metamorphosis .卡夫卡的短篇小说《变形记》就是以这样的情节为前提。

经典英文句子51:春节的短句,51、Sai Meng Short Report and Case Report Pulmonary Manifestations of Tuberous Sclerosis …彭世明 短篇和病例报告 结节性硬化症的肺部表现 。

52、They had received personal best scores in their short and long programs, beating their former personal best in the long program by about 他们在短节目和长节目中均取得个人最好成绩。 长节目中,以16分突破个人最好记录。

16 points.


标签: 英文 短句 春节

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