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关于”表示强调的句型“的英语句子30个,句子主体:Sentence patterns indicating emphasis。以下是关于表示强调的句型的高考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentence patterns indicating emphasis

Window 对象表示一个可调窗口。

1、A Window object represents a resizable window.


2、Statistical views are a powerful new form of statistics that represent relationships among complex predicates or across tables.


3、The painting of cloud water from the glare said.


4、The furore, he says, “underscores the need to reassure people on what we are doing.


5、The consumer group says its findings emphasise the need for clearer nutrition labelling on food packaging.

此屏幕显示关于此 SQL 语句的每次调用的详细统计数据。

6、This screen displays the detailed statistics about each invocation of this SQL statement.


7、Amplitude is shown logarithmically to emphasize the function's form .


8、They tried to protect crops family by family. I understood this and worked to establish a culture that emphasized community.


9、It's how fast they adjust to the target.


10、Examples include online banking pages, store check-out pages, surveys, and user-feedback forms.

以下图表展示了使用 WS-RM 进行请求-回复 Web 服务调用的典型消息流。

11、The following diagram shows a typical message flow for a request-reply Web service invocation using WS-RM .


12、UBS AG upgraded the largest maker of chemicals for the construction industry to “buy” from “neutral,” citing a “strong fourth quarter.

松下表示市场调查显示它的50英寸型号将售2000 $。

13、Panasonic said market research had shown that its 50-inch model might sell for $2, 000.


14、Semantic services enable you to represent semantic models, identify model-to-model relationships, and execute the necessary translations to reconcile data with differing semantic models.


15、In fact, Mr. Milevsky goes so far as to say there is too much emphasis on a person’s risk tolerance.


16、Don't underestimate how bolding certain words or sentences can make an otherwise benign statement one with emphasis.


17、In aspect of means in the grammar of style, the main use of the particle for emphasis and respect.

这证据显示~的重要性在怎么强调都不为过。 。

18、This evidence shows that the importance of~cannot be overemphasized.

一个公司可以有一组 DTD,这些 DTD 表示一组一致的信息描述,它们中的每一个都强那些调新信息类型的专门化值。

19、A corporation can have a series of DTDs that represent a consistent set of information descriptions, each of which emphasizes the value of specialization for those new information types.


20、It may be advantageous to design a class-dependent time-frequency kernels method highlights the difference of class.

21、"The core of the design is a contrast of old and new, in monochrome colours, " added the architect.建筑师表示:“设计的核心是在灰色调中强调新与旧的对比。”

22、The solution will lead to solve a hyper singular integral equation, when a double layer potential distribution formulation is used.采用双层位势来表示解, 要导至求解超强奇异型积分方程。

23、Supporters were naturally frustrated at the final whistle, and Benitez insists he understands their disappointment.球迷自然对最终的赛果表示强烈的不满,贝尼特斯强调他理解球迷的失望。

24、Yeah. Absolutely. A lot of emphasis, a lot of variation in tone, and the italics are part of the representation of that.对,绝对是的,很多的强调,很多语气上的变化,而斜体字就是它的表示方法之

25、At a time when the importance of racial harmony has been stressed repeatedly, such a publicised visit may seem rather contrived.“虽然在强调族群融洽的时刻,这么”昭示天下“式的表达方式也许稍嫌刻意。

英文句子26:,26、Reinforce demonstration by example;加强典型示范;

27、Victorian, in other words, can be taken to mean parent of the modern -- and like most powerful parents, it provoked a powerful reaction against itself.换句话说,“维多利亚时代”这个词可以用来表示“现代之母”的意思。 就像大多数强大的父母那样,它引发了一场强烈的反应。

28、CPA's audit report includes an unqualified opinion with emphasis on matter paragraph, a qualified opinion, an adverse opinion and a disclaimer of opinion.涉及持续经营问题的审计意见类型包括带强调事项段的无保留意见、保留意见、否定意见和无法表示意见。

29、J&J said the transaction would dilute its adjusted earnings in 2009 by between 强生表示,该交易将令其xx年经调整后的每股盈馀(EPS)稀释0.02-0.03美元.

2 and

3 cents a share.

30、The focus on "my town" reveals both of these impulses.强调“我的家乡”揭示了这俩个促成原因。

31、Katakana originated from the radicals of Chinese characters, and is mainly used to express foreign loanwords or emphasis.片假名源于汉字的偏旁部首,主要是用来表示外来语或强调的。

32、Yan in a low-key source said.于欣源低调表示。

33、The diagram in Figure 图

4 shows the use of layers to highlight a change over time, with the top screen capture showing the current model and the bottom one showing the next version of the model.

4 中的图显示了层的使用,以强调随着时间发生的更改,图上方的屏幕截图显示了当前的模型,图底部的屏幕截图则显示了模型的下一个版本。

34、The affix-sheng is basically used after numerals in Shaoxing dialect, which indicates the depiction of or emphasis on the relevant topic.绍兴方言中的词缀“生”主要用在数量词之后,表示对事物的描述或强调。

35、That’s exactly what the latest findings show.这正是最新的调查结果所表示的。

36、I beg your pardon. I didn't catch you just now .强调时用升调,意为“请再说一便”,表示没听清楚。

37、Such property-based pointcuts can express a set of join points that matches "every call to a subtype of an Account" without forcing the programmer to enumerate those subtypes.这类基于属性的切入点可以表示一套与“每个针对 Account 子类型的调用”匹配的连接点,却不必强迫程序员枚举这些子类型。

38、But wild type GFP and EGFP are not ideal to detect the transient changes of gene expression regulation.但野生型GFP及增强型GFP等因半衰期长,稳定性强,对反映一过性转录表达调控的变化不甚理想。

39、I do believe I am the best,and you can make it! 注:believe 前加了do表示强调突出,增强语气!

40、画中的云水由强光表示。The painting of cloud water from the glare said.

41、This last may also be in a key signature to show changes in key.升降号也可 画在调号上以表示调的改变。

42、I want to emphasize today the presentation of them.我们今天想要强调的就是,他们的表示。

43、Hairstyles with curls , can get frizzy, stressed, split ends, and other hair damaging types.发型的卷发,可以模糊,他强调,开叉等头发损害类型。

44、Application and EJB deployment descriptors need to be adjusted to represent existing modules and EJB components.需要调整应用程序和 EJB 部署描述符来正确表示现有模型和 EJB 组件。

45、China is ready to deepen cooperation with the ROK under multilateral frameworks, and step up coordination on hot spot issues, he said.他表示,我们愿同韩方深化在多边框架内合作,就热点问题加强协调。

46、We will also highlight the supporting tools demonstrating the services modeling capabilities currently offered by the IBM tools listed in Table 我们还能够强调显示支持性工具,以演示表


1 中列出 IBM 工具当前所提供的服务建模功能。

47、For instance, the Chinese word huar said in a high pitch means flower, but in a dipping pitch means picture.比如在汉语中,hua用高的声调(阴平,译者注),表示“花”,用降调说(去声,译者注)就表示“画”。

48、A line under something , such as a symbol, word, or phrase, used to indicate emphasis or italic type.下划线划在符号,词或词组下的线,用以表示强调或斜体打印。

49、Zhou Qiang welcomed the visiting of Vietnamese youth delegation.周强对代表团一行的来访表示欢迎。

50、Patrice Evra insists that he is happy at Manchester United and hopes to be offered a new deal in the near future.帕特里斯-埃弗拉强调他在曼联很开心,并表示希望能够尽快续约。

经典英文句子51:表示强调的句型,51、These researchers were encoding digital data by varying the intensity of a pulse of light. For example, high intensity would represent a 这些研究者通过改变光脉冲的强度来重编电码,比如,用高强度来表示1低强度来表示0。

1 and low intensity would represent a 0.

52、The figures are all distorted and exaggerated, which sets off the extremely expressive tension of forms themselves, enhancing the visual impact while striking a chord in each and everyone's heart.人物以夸张、变形为手段;强调造型形体本身所展现出的一种极强的表现张力,增强了对于视觉的冲击,对心灵的憾动。

53、This method of portrayal emphasizes both the regressive nature and the time equivalence.这种图示方法既强调了海退性质也强调了同时性。

54、I prais'd it much, the happy life I led in it, expressing strongly my intention of returning to it;我对那地方和我在那里的愉快生活,大加赞扬,强调表示我打算回去的意图。

55、Giveback (including patents, publishing, and presentations, with particular emphasis on mentoring)取得的成绩(包括专利、发表作品和演示,特别强调顾问指导)

56、The report from WWF said the findings illustrate the pervasiveness of industrial chemicals and underscores the need for tighter chemical regulation.基金会表示,这样的发现显示工业化学原料的滥用,并强调需要订立更严格的法规加以约束。

57、TIME termed the results "a counterreformation of sorts in a Republican-led era that emphasizes deregulation and self-reliance."《时代》杂志表示,该调查结果"也算是一种反改革,是对共和党执政时期强调放松管制与自力更生的反弹."

58、So I indicated the molecule.所以我强调这种分子的表示法。

59、Each POM semantic section is represented as an editor page, which enhances the global readability of the model.每个 POM 语义部分都被表示为一个编辑器页,这增强了模型的整体可靠性。

60、This evidence shows that the importance of ~ cannot be overemphasized.这证据显示~的重要性在怎麽强调都不为过。

61、He questioned Adam Smith's emphasis on the invisible hand.他对亚当·史密斯对“无形的手”的强调表示怀疑。

62、I could have put a rho but I want to emphasize the fact that here it is going to be a constant.我本来可以用ρ来表示,但在这我是想强调,它是一个常数。

63、The agency did not say which Samsung model was involved and said it is continuing to investigate the incident.但并未透露涉事的三星手机机型,该机构表示将继续调查该起事故。



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