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关于”描写雨“的英语句子49个,句子主体:Describe the rain.。以下是关于描写雨的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Describe the rain.


1、Barely a word about it has appeared in the national press.


2、To see a place with one's own eyes is better than any description.


3、Would you even write? Once you have the pen, no rule says you have to write. Would you sketch? Scribble? Doodle or draw?


4、Learning colour is pen paint from life later; Should be pencil sketch next.


5、For the word by Jin, write to worry, fear pear rain.


6、These are the epitomes of the strong and all-weather brotherhood between Chinese and African people.


7、It resembles the freehand traditional Chinese painting and also shows the delicacy of the linear sketch.


8、I had written into my description of Joe's Bar in "Raindrops" that peanut shells "littered the floor."


9、This painting represents a storm at sea.


10、The strong consciousness of depicting histories of Hugo?s novel creation had affected Zengpu deeply.


11、The Chinese pictogram for "rain" depicted a raining scene. The horizontal strike above represents the sky, the square below represents the cloud and the dots in between represent raindrops.


12、The infiltration supplement coefficient is both two-factor function of grassland coverage and rainfall intensities for Huangmian soil.


13、In using the method of contrastive linguistics, this thesis describes and contrasts the similarities and differences of Korean and Chinese spatial relations on the both-way.


14、That has come in the form of many articles from the print media and movies from Hollywood.


15、The authors write that they have not fully considered rainfall or its potential interaction with temperature.

在这些令人称奇的描述中, 我个人认为雨花石的外观与玛瑙更为接近。

16、While these descriptions are admirable, to my mind rain flower pebbles seem to be most closely aligned with agate.


17、Since today is a rainy day, I have decided to post about my previous encounters with black widow spiders.


18、What Victor Hugo wrote in the Paris Guide for 1867 of "Down with war!


19、Such study and description are proper if done from a proletarian position.


20、Why couldn’t they just throw it down a storm drain?

21、Yoji Yamada's first modern tale in ten years which depicts present families of Japan.该片是山田洋次xx年来首部描写日本当代家庭的影片。

22、After an inch of rain at the racecourse overnight the going is described as good to soft.在一晚上下了一英寸的雨之后,跑道状况被描述成好至松软。

23、On the background of family history, life of the lv's clansmen has been recorded in spontaneous way for one century in he Li Xu-yu's Novel Houtu.李旭雨的中篇小说《厚土》以“家族历史”为幕布,描画了“吕氏族人”一个世纪的风雨沧桑。

24、Secondly: We will thoroughly depict the structure of The History of Southern Dynasties' polysyllabic words.第二章是对《南史》复音词的结构进行细致的描写。

25、She then described a cyber-novel she is planning to write about a princess who lives during the Qing Dynasty.接着她描述了她计划写的一本网络小说。

英文句子26:,26、A differential equation, which describes the transients of pulsed MOS capacitors, is derived.本文给出了描写脉冲MOS电容器的瞬态特性的微分方程。

27、She is presumably depicted as welcoming Zeus, who impregnated her in the form of a shower of gold.画面描绘她大概在等待宙斯的来临,宙斯会化作金雨与她相会使其受孕。

28、Brel Hare achieved fame with stories that portrayed local life in the California mining camps.布雷特。哈特因因描写加州矿区当地生活小说而成名。

29、There are some passages in which the flood is said to have lasted for 40 days, or be on the earth for 40 days.有些片段描述,比如说在《创世纪》第7章第17节中,雨要下40天。

30、He paints an otherworldly, murky scene of dread in the cemetery where lightening flashes and thunder roars.他把墓地描写得阴森恐怖,不时伴有电闪雷鸣。

31、Amidst the vast, the lilac girl under the umbrella, that a loss of sorrow, always also draw out.烟雨苍茫,丁香姑娘伞下,那一袭彷徨的哀怨,总也描不出。

32、This is a grand understatement.这么说明显是轻描淡写了,在我们行走时,好像在参加一个“狼先生,现在几点了?”

33、The climatic index of floods and water loggings are usually the abnormal rainfall of a year or a certain period.洪涝与湿害的气候指标常用年或某时段的降雨异常来描述。

34、The pen I wrote it, think of rain, want in early to late autumn.这一笔我写下的微凉,心里默想细雨,想要南国的深秋早点莅临。

35、Well, how does Yeats stand in relation to the events he's describing?那么,叶芝是怎么处理,他和他所描写的事件的关系的呢?

36、It may thus have been written about AD 66 or 70, and apparently in Palestine.它可能因此描写过公元66或xx岁,显然是在巴勒斯坦。

37、Near Number Thirty-seven Middle school, Shumuling, Yuhua District, Changsha city .长沙市雨花区树木岭三十七中旁用英语怎么写 changshayuhuaqushumulingsanshiqizhong 。

38、Still another depicted europa deceived by jupiter under the disguise of a bull .再一幅是描写欧罗巴如何被化身成公牛的朱庇特所欺骗。

39、Eastern sunrise west rain, don't know that Liu Yuxi is down here?东边日出西边雨,不知道当年刘禹锡是否也是在这里写下的?

40、This means that out of 100 one-hour trips, it will rain on 这意味着在100次为期一小时的外出中,有10次会碰上下雨,90次无雨。 把这写到每列的标题中去。

10 of them, and stay dry on the other 90-giving the whole of the bottom line of the contingency table.

41、Wrote here, I have the tears poured down the rain fly for Dayton, and tears soaked the eyes.写到这里,我已是泪飞顿作倾盆雨了,泪水浸透了双眼。

42、In describing the patterns, we have documented the relationships between the patterns.在描述模式的时候,我们已经为模式之间的关系编写了文档。

43、Painting courses: drawing, childrens painting, oil painting, gouache, watercolor, comic books, sketches, watercolor.绘画课程:素描,儿童绘画, 油画,水粉画,水彩画,漫画,速写,水彩。

44、The most frequent responses to the first question were descriptions which are self-evident from the term 'rainforest'.对第一个问题的大部分频繁的回答是描述‘雨林’这个不证自明的术语。

45、That banner said, "We the People Say No to Acid Rain."那面旗子上写道“我们讨厌酸雨“。

46、Students will be taught different writing styles, such as description, narration, exposition, and argumentation.课程内容涵盖不同的写作体材,如描述、记叙、论说文等。

47、It will include 193 paintings, drawings and sketchbooks, alongside an 18-screen film.它将包括193幅油画、素描和速写,还有一个18屏的大银幕。

48、The sounds of the surging tide have been described as like thunder in a storm, or the hoofs of a thousand horses.奔腾的潮水声被描述成像暴风雨里的雷声或者是万马奔腾。

49、She decided she wanted to write a book about her experiences at the magazine.她决定写一本描述她在书刊杂志社工作时的经过。

50、New climate portal depicts future scenarios for temperature and rainfall and expands access to climate data.新的气候变化门户描述了气温和降雨的未来情景,增强了气候变化数据的公开性。

经典英文句子51:描写雨,51、Drawing from memory in sketch teaching class can help student to have a better understanding.在素描教学中,默写可以从根本上解决认识深度的问题。

52、To calculate the grid rainfall in Shiemen watershed and Taipei was firstly applied by spatial statistic methods to describe the distribution of rainfall.首先利用空间统计方法,计算石门水库集水区及台北市各网格之降雨量,以描述地面降雨分布。

53、It's really, in a sense, the physical image is of rain; it's raining, so it's leaking all over it.这在某种意义上确实是,下雨的一种具体的描述;,因为在下雨,所以天空像是在漏水。

54、A song… for a stormy night.我在写一曲……暴风雨夜的歌。

55、I do want to write more of my time travel stories featuring my temporal interventionists (the latest being "These Are the Times" in the November 2007 Analog).我还想写更多的时间旅行题材小说,卖点在于我的时空干扰描写。



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