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1、All of visitors have lunch in the Xinwen room in third floor.


2、However, if you're eating at a downscale restaurant a tip is not necessary.


3、The restaurant here can hold 200 persons at the same time.


4、And eat less!


5、You can eat free in my restaurant whenever you like.


6、My particular restaurant, we have a fair contingent of business lunch people,


7、Supper is redy t six.


8、Meals are only provided with voucher payment.


9、Tables in the better restaurants on the Westside of Los Angeles cannot be booked without Hollywood connections.

富有节奏的背景音乐、友好地服务让你拥有一场美妙的就餐之旅。 我极力推荐你去丽莎餐厅就餐。

10、Funky music in the background and a really friendly staff made the entire experience wonderful.


11、The ultimate bachelor behavior is eating in front of the TV: breakfast, lunch and dinner.


12、This ticket entitles you to a free meal in our new restaurant.


13、They found that how often fathers ate in fast-food and in full-service restaurants influenced how often their children ate in the same places.

14、238. Supper is ready at six. 晚餐六点钟就好了。


15、A hotdog when she came for lunch, Chinese if she stayed for dinner.


16、Hotel Brand Food - Mao's hotels can accommodate 400 people dining;


17、The restaurant here can hold 300 persons at the same time.


18、There--the lips on napkin #3.

19、leave off with an appetite. 吃得七分饱, 就该离餐桌。

20、Supper is ready at six. 晚餐六点钟就好了。

21、These agapes probably refer to the taking of the Communion, The Lord's Supper,but in the context of a bigger meal as we've seen was the case also in Corinth.这些爱席指的就是吃圣餐,主的圣餐,不过这顿餐比较隆重,就像我们在科林斯看到的那样。

22、Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our restaurant.晚上好,女士们、先生们,欢迎来本餐厅就餐。

23、238. Supper is ready at six. 晚餐六点钟就好了。

24、You may dine alfresco.你可以露天就餐。

25、Microwaves help nuke their early breakfasts, noon lunches, and five-o'clock dinners.北美人就算是吃饭也很有效率,微波炉一早就把他们的早餐、午餐和五点的晚餐加热好了。

英文句子26:,26、FAITH LAPIDUS: A diner is a small restaurant. Old-time diners were built in a factory and transported to their place of business.一个餐车就是一个小的餐厅。 过去的餐车都是安装在工厂里面,这样方便他们送餐。

27、It's time for meal. Please come to our fast-food restaurant. The price here is good. You can taste it to see if it fits you.未经到就餐的时候了,请到咱们的钝餐店就餐,价钱挺廉价的,你能够尝一尝是否折心味。

28、Now Muriel's family is in the dining room.现在谬里尔的家庭在餐厅就餐。

29、For example, it is okay to ask for a discount on bad service when you are with your family, but not when you are with a business associate.比如说,与家人一起在餐馆就餐时,如果碰到了糟糕的服务可以要求折扣,而和生意合伙人同出就餐时就不可以这样做了。

30、The server prepares table set up, and removes food covers with guest's permission.客房送餐员要布置就餐摆设,并在客人的允许下拿开餐盖。

31、At restaurants waiters and waitresses will take your food quicky to the car door so that you can eat elsewhere.到餐馆时,餐厅效劳员会很快把你要的食物送到你的车门前,然后你就可以在在别处就餐了。

32、Students' dining is based on a self-service-oriented manner.留学生就餐以自助方式中餐为主。

33、They sat in a corner booth, away from other diners.他们坐在餐厅角落的小隔间里,与别的就餐者分开。

34、Simple tricks of using smaller serving utensils or plates can encourage smaller portions, reducing the amount left on plates.一些很简单的技巧就是提供较小的器皿和餐盘来鼓励小份额或者小碗就餐,从而减少剩在餐盘中的食物。

35、Xueyu Chinese restaurant area 275 square meters, western buffet breakfast, provide team meal, wedding banquet, party, meeting buffet, can accommodate up to 200 people at dinner.雪域中餐厅面积275平方米,提供中西式自助早餐、团队餐、婚宴、聚会、会议自助餐,可容纳200人同时就餐。

36、At dinner time we went to a restaurant near the beach of Cala Figuera.晚餐时间我们前去费格拉海湾旁的餐馆里就餐。

37、Have your lunch with different colleagues, colleagues you never talked much with.午餐和不同的同事,一些你从来就没有和他们就过餐的同事一起共餐。

38、During mealtimes a steady stream of dishes comes in dirty and goes back to the dining room clean.在就餐时间,源源不断的餐碟脏兮兮地进来,干干净净地回到餐厅。

39、Leave off with an appetite. 吃得七分饱, 就该离餐桌。

40、We ate lunch in the Le Meurice restaurant - a memorable meal in a lovely room.我们在莫里斯餐厅进午餐,在这样的香艳可爱的餐厅就餐很令人印象深刻。

41、Students can only use their ID cards at certain campus restaurants during these hours. Meals during "off hours" must be purchased with campus "meal money. "在指定时间指定的学校餐馆可以使用学生卡就餐。非指定时间就需要自己用“餐饮费”买食品了。

42、Dining room is at ordinary times family dines jointly or the life space of repast of fete relatives and friends.餐室是平时家人共同进餐或宴请亲友就餐的生活空间。

43、Is that your dinner?这就是你的晚餐?

44、Dramatic hilltop and oceanside dining.戏剧山顶,海边就餐。

45、And you might have to make reservations to get a table at KFC.要想在肯德基就餐,你也许还得订餐。

46、To picnic is to eat a meal out of doors.野餐式地用餐就是在户外吃饭。

47、A patron may come in to eat only when one of the eight stools opens up.顾客只能在八把餐椅有空位的时候才能进餐厅就餐。

48、Mystery Diners make monthly checks on every restaurant and Drive-Thru in the country.“神秘就餐者”每月对全国的餐馆及“服务到车上”餐厅的服务进行检查。

49、Also, most restaurant¬s use the hated melamine chopsticks for dine-in.同时,大部分餐馆使用含有三聚氰胺的筷子就餐。

50、Lots of restaurants offer special deals if you eat before 6pm.许多餐厅提供特奉,如果在晚上6点前就餐。

经典英文句子51:就餐,51、Blind restaurant an eye-opener for London diners.去伦敦“黑暗餐厅”体验盲人就餐。



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