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关于”种类()ppt“的英语句子47个,句子主体:Type () ppt。以下是关于种类()ppt的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Type () ppt


1、Dr Teitelbaum has identified four types of sugar addiction. He says they are triggered by different causes, from hormonal changes to infections.


2、Women at high risk for thyroid disease have an increased rate of PPT.


3、Hello, it's me again! Sorry for forgettingattach the ppt in last email, here it is. Ying.


4、The medicinal used parts of plants are including whole plant, roots and bulbs, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds.


5、There are two different views of the gulls taxonomic position: fell under the Charadriiformes;


6、There are

15 species of ticks and 46 species of medical mites in this area.


7、That's just the those-- let me use my pointer that's just these two lines here. I checked the value, and in one case, I'm changing the last to be mid minus

1, which is the case I'm in here and I just call again. All right?



8、In the presentation, Erwin explained three different ways of managing the temporal data in an application


9、Before you log in to pload your entry, be sure to review categories and sub-categories and choose the most appropriate for your entry.


10、Professor Tao Xiuao cracked jokes, told stories, projected a Power Point presentation on a large video screen.


11、There were the most species in Carabidae, with

19.1% of the total predatory insects.



12、To put things in perspective, the number of living species of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals combined is less than 58, 000.


13、In tick communities, Ixodes persulcatus are dominant species for all rodent hosts.


14、Millions of years ago, this ancestor split into two separate lineages, eventually becoming apes (like chimps and gorillas) and hominids, the precursor to human beings.


15、Of course, our books and materials, including the online materials like the PPT in our classroom, are written by our experts.


16、But I found that the class was over ahead of time.I cann't give you the PPT printout


17、From things hidden deep within the oceans, to things moving along the outermost reaches of skies.


18、Office 2010 brings with it Office Web Apps, which includes Web versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote.


19、Why can't I delete the uncategorized Category ?


20、Liliaceae owns the most edible wild plants and occupies 50% of all.

21、The results showed that more than 60 species of prey were ingested by hairtail , while fish together with crustaceans constituted the dominant prey.结果表明,带鱼全年摄食的饵料种类数共有60余种,鱼类和甲壳类为其主要饵料类群。

22、Rich in high-concentration keratin PPT full of cystine, it can nourish hair while perm, offering an excellent texture and leaving distinctive energy and elasticity. To gain the perfect curl result.富含大量保留氨基酸胱氨酸的高浓度角蛋白PPT,烫发的同时并高效滋养护发,烫后质感极佳,赋予捲发与众不同的活力弹性,令捲曲效果更完美,持久。

23、The test portfolio was expanded to accommodate the critical functions core to PTT's functionality.测试组合已经扩展,能够让关键功能核心符合 PPT 的功能。

24、The species of cladoceran and copepod in Shiquan River are fewer. From the specimens we observed 狮泉河的枝角类和桡足类种类很少,所采样品仅检出枝角类5科8属18种,优势种类为尖额溞和盘肠溞;

5 families

8 genus

18 species of cladoceran and the dominant species are A.

25、The library has many different kinds of books这两个都对

英文句子26:,26、Various as they are in feature, they roughly fall into the same categories.英汉两种语言代类辞格虽各有特点,但这两种语言的代类辞格类型大体相当;

27、Model : There consistently constitute nwis first clbumm protected cats 答:黑龙江省有国度级一类回护植物5种,二类回护植物11种,三类回护植物10种。

5 types: the second clbumm has 11types plus third clbumm has

10 types.

28、“We send out PowerPoints that dispel rumors,” Mr. Corsetti said. “I send the e-mail Corsetti先生说,“我们已经分发了PPT来辟谣,我每天发20遍这个邮件。”

20 times a day.

29、A total of 85 species were identified, which included 55 fish, 25 crustaceans and 调查共捕获游泳动物85种, 包括鱼类55种、甲壳类25种、头足类5种;

5 cephalopod species.

30、Considering how much we use PowerPoint in our daily lives, learning to craft first-rate, no-nonsense slides is a great way to communicate effectively internally and externally.想想看吧,我们每天的日常生活里要使用多少PPT啊,学会制作出一流的、直截了当的幻灯片是进行有效的内外部沟通的一种极佳手段。

31、Some kinds of penguins eat a small shrimp-like crustacean called krill.一些种类的企鹅吃小的甲壳类的类虾--磷虾。

32、Currently, There are approximately 150 described genera of microsporidia with over 1200 individual species.微孢子虫的种类很多,至今发现的微孢子虫种类超过1200种,分别划入近150个属。

33、It allows types to be implicitly converted to another type by the compiler.它可以让编译器隐式地将一种类型转换成另一种类型。

34、Which type are you?你是那种类型?

35、This is as close as I get to bulleted Power Point.It's all there.这些内容和我放在在PPT上的差不多,那上面都有。

36、This is a matter of personal style to some extent, but I tend to use PPTs very sparingly.某种程度上这跟个人风格有关,但我自己倾向于少用PPT。

37、Besides, it also includes multivitamin, amino acids, microelements, many active enzymes, spirits, lipids and acids.另外,还有多种维生素、氨基酸、微量元素和多种活性的酶类、醇类、脂类、酸类等物质。

38、Aspirin is a kind of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, or NSAID .阿司匹林是一种非类固醇消炎药,或NSAID的种类。

39、We used to filter and the kinds of six, but the type or a lot of.我们常用的滤光镜的种类也就六种,但其种类还是很多的。

40、So, the classification of stone chips can re- fer to the division of flake platforms.石片包括了各种类型台面的石片,石片台面的分类可以视为石片分类的一种。

41、" direct download of the drawing, Chainsaw Husqvarna 372xp parts " of " the "photographer.PPT和下载。直接下载可用于Husqvarna的372xp电锯图解零件图。

42、The best example of a very bad way to use PPT is to put the speaker's entire comments on the slides. He or she then reads them out word by word, line by line, slide by slide.举例来说,最不当的使用方法就是把演讲人的全部讲话都放在PPT上,然后逐页逐行逐字地念出来。

43、The element type has a type manager assigned.元素种类具有一个分配的种类管理器 。

44、There is more than one kind of English.英语的种类/类

45、Most people probably have 在一个小时的展示中,有的人可能会使用20张、30张甚至100张PPT。

20, or 30, or 100 slides for a 1-hour presentation.

46、By default, the uncategorized category will be checked, unless you have already changed the name of that category.默认情况下,未归类的种类会被选中,除非你已经给那个种类更改了名称。

47、In the case of the ants, studies show a much greater affinity of Malagasy taxa to Afrotropical taxa, rather than to Indoasian groups (Fisher 1997, 2003).关于蚂蚁的研究,显示马达加斯加种类与非洲种类的关系比印度种类的关系密切。

48、There should be a clear goal, plan and conclusion in each PPT.在每一页幻灯片里要有明确的目标、计划和结论;

49、Indeed, the sort of usage that is in decline is the sort that can barely be called usage at all.使用的种类确实在减少,而使用种类仅仅是可以被称之为使用的种类。

50、Results: No difference was found in the PPT of alveolar ridge mucosa between the left and the right side.结果:无牙颌患者同颌左右侧牙槽嵴粘膜测试点的疼痛阈之间无显著性差异。

经典英文句子51:种类()ppt,51、Like attracts like , each creature loves his kind.物以类聚,各种生物都爱他的同类。

52、Flowers are categorized into many different kinds.花被分类成许多不同的种类。

53、Thin sliced raw variety meat, fish, various bean curd products and all kinds of vegetables are boiled in the soup base.薄切生各种肉类,鱼类,各种豆腐产品和各种蔬菜煮的汤底。

54、The 41 species of wild birds distributing in China are composed of 野生鸟类以广布种类为主,有19种,占所见种类的46。

19 Eurytopic realm species(46.

55、These species could tolerate the organic pollution and low dissolved oxygen.优势种为轮虫类和枝角类,这此种类极耐有机污染,耐低溶氧。

56、May Day PPT, with blue sky and white clouds as background map, it is vibrant, and detailed description of the source of Labor, there are many good place for tourism, exciting content not to be missed!五一劳动节PPT,用蓝天白云做背景图,显得朝气蓬勃,内容详细的介绍了五一劳动的来源,还有许多旅游的好去处,不容错过的精彩内容!

57、Mainly work in the field as Wood, Ceramic, Fabric, Ox bone, Leather, Metal, Resin, Acryl, Natural Stone, and all kind of quality material.主要涉及木类、陶类、布类、牛骨类、皮革类、金属类、树脂类、亚克力类、天然宝石类等多种材料。

58、At six clinical sites, 47 subjects aged 在六个临床研究站点中,47名9到xx岁的受试者及46名19到xx岁的受试者经过随机化之后,接受12个星期的PPT 、VT/斜视矫正,或安慰剂VT/斜视矫正治疗。

9 to

18 years and 46 subjects aged

19 to 30 years were randomized to

12 weeks of treatment with PPT, VT/ orthoptics , or placebo VT/ orthoptics .

59、The whore area has broad in-shore fishery with affluent sea resources and contains 580 kinds of economic fish 527 kinds of shellfishes and 32 kinds of shrimp .全区的近海渔场辽阔,海生资源十分丰富,计有经济鱼类580种、贝类527种、虾类32种。

60、About 80 percent of the species fished ends up in Japan.在日本,80%种类的鱼类已经被捕捞到几乎绝种。

61、Widespread species only make up 3%.广分布种类较少,仅占种类总数的3%。

62、Besides, we also can make more than 1200 varieties of machine parts, such as series of cranks, links, adjusting crank, forks, short shaft, bushes, etc.同时生产各种曲柄类、连杆类、调节曲柄类、叉形杆(变动曲柄)类、短轴、套类等各种高难度异型类零件壹仟贰佰多种均收到客户的一致赞赏和青睐。

63、You are probably thinking to yourself, “Oh no, not another Powerpoint presentation – BORING!”你大概会暗想:“哦不,怎么又是这样的PPT演示文稿,真没劲!”

64、“We send out PowerPoints that dispel rumors,” Mr. Corsetti said. “I send the e-mail Corsetti先生说,“我们已经分发了PPT来辟谣,我每天发20遍这个邮件。”

20 times a day.”

65、There are 翼手类共记录到3种,占所有物种总数的15%; 啮齿类有9种,占种数的45%。

3 species of Chiroptera and

9 Rodentia occupying 15% and 45% respectively.

66、The species of palearctic region and those of oriental region appeare repeated character inMayan forest region.该林区蛾类古北区种类与东洋区种类呈现交迭分布的特点。

67、Some species have characters of resistance to disease, insect resistance and tress tolerance, which are precious germplasm resources in crop breeding.有些种类还具有麦类作物抗病、抗虫和抗逆等优良特性,是麦类作物育种非常宝贵的种质资源。

68、It was a good thing that I had a backup copy of my Powerpoint file on a flash drive.还好我的U盘里有PPT文件的备份。

69、Thin sliced raw variety meat , fish, various bean curd products and all kinds of vegetables are boiled in the soup base.薄生各种肉类,鱼类,各种豆腐制品及各类蔬菜煮的汤基础。



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