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关于”表建议的句型10种“的英语句子44个,句子主体:Table 以下是关于表建议的句型10种的中考英语句子。

10 suggested sentence patterns。

英文句子模板1:Table 10 suggested sentence patterns


1、More than

10 formats of report, such as income report, workload, management report etc.

建议用量: 5%,可根据韧性要求,兼顾成本,适量增减(3-10%)。

2、Suggestion dosage: 5%. According to toughness requested, looking after both side the cost, increasing or decreasing properly (3-10%).

建议用量: 可根据韧性要求,兼顾成本,适量增减(3-10%)。

3、Dosage: Suggestion dosage: According to toughness requested, looking after both side the cost, increasing or decreasing properly (3-10%).


4、We'll pursue the multi-lateralization of the Chiang Mai Initiative, establish the Asian Capital market and put in place the 10+3 foreign exchange reserves pooling.


5、We suggest using a 10-point type in your warranty because it makes for comfortable reading.


6、The NBN proposes similar technologies for these areas, which are less than

10 per cent of the population.


7、Large and luxury room with optional U-type, round type, squire type and desk type layout can accommodate 10-100 people to hold a meeting.

世卫组织极端耐药结核全球专题小组会议,xx年xx月 - 结果和建议

8、WHO Global Task Force on XDR-TB, October 2006 - Outcomes and Recommendations


9、Such a proposal, among suggestions to a congressional super-committee, is expected to result in up to

3 trillion dollars in deficit savings over

10 years.


10、Practical advice on the

10 steps for developing a publishable manuscript is offered in this article.



10 different meeting rooms including a banquet hall, a multi-functional hall and a conference center can accommodate

20 to 250 people.


12、Objective To establish the animal model of alcoholic gastritis and investigate the expression of interleukin-10(IL-10) in alcoholic gastritis.


13、Once and long ago, the human species had a 10-foot high structure.


14、Recommend eating 5-10 servings of fruit and vegetables a day to meet your micronutrient needs.


15、The pedigrees assessment results showed that 43 erect, semi-erect panicle and

10 curve panicle accessions genetically related with Liaojing



16、Experts suggest that every

10 years for a new mattress.



1, Yedan

19 and Shendan

10 belonged to the group with mid water use efficiency, mid yield and strong water saving;



18、There are

4 genera ,

10 species belonging to Aglaieae ( Meliaceae ) in Guangdong province.


19、The wizard displays the list of profiles associated with the model (see Figure




20、Only 47 endemic Indian ferns , less than 10% of those reported previously, are accepted here.

21、"More than 一位议员说:“做过纹眉手术的议员超过10人。”

10 legislators have had their eyebrows tattooed, " said a legislator.

22、The W. H. O. 's emergency committee, after meeting until 世界卫生组织紧急委员会在日内瓦召开的直到晚上

10:30 p. m. in Geneva, also recommended abandoning efforts to contain the flu's spread.


23、We suggest a compromise - 10%.我们建议双方各让一步-九折。

24、Serving & Food Match Suggestion:Squeeze a bit of lemon on top and with this chilled Fume Blanc at 7℃–10℃.饮用及配餐建议:饮用温度最好在7℃–10℃,并加入小许柠檬汁。

25、Brown-Volkman recommends closing your eyes, letting your imagination run free, and asking yourself the following 布朗-沃克曼建议你闭上眼睛、让你的想象力自由驰骋,问自己下面10个问题。

10 questions.

英文句子26:,26、I suggest 我建议先订xx年。如果双方同意,合同可以延长。

10 years to start with. The contract would be extended if both sides agree.

27、The default value is 其默认值是 10,建议将这个值设置在

10, and the recommended setting should be between

10 and 100.

10 到 100 之间。

28、Thomas-Greenfield spoke at an October 9-10 conference on infrastructure investment in Africa.托马斯-格林菲尔德在xx月xx日到xx日举行的非洲基础建设投资会议上发表了讲话。

29、It shows that the cold-rolled deformed bar is a new kind …从而表明冷轧钢筋是一种前途广阔的新型建筑材料。

30、For example, you could create 例如,可以创建

10 unload scripts to unload 500 tables from each unload script, totalling 5000 tables.

10 个卸载脚本,每个卸载脚本卸载 500 个表,总共 5000 个表。

31、We will orchestrate suggestions that shall work for all other species upon the land and within the surrounding 10-mile radius.我们将整编出建议为方圆10英里内的所有土地上其它物种而工作。

32、On a pain scale of 若将疼痛分为10个等级,这种类型的疼痛在1-3的范围内。

10, it ranges from

1 to


33、More than 10% of calories as polyunsaturated fat is not recommended.多不饱和脂肪的建议摄取量为不超过摄取食物热量的10%。

34、Oracle recommends an empirical value of Oracle建议的经验值是



35、Results there are 结果有十种类型的不规范出院诊断影响了ICD-10编码工作。

10 kinds of nonstandard that influenced the ICD-10 coding.

36、Pruning after planting is not recommended.不建议在栽种后剪枝。

37、The Grant may be accepted within 28 days from the day of offer, upon payment of a nominal consideration of HK$10 in total by the Grantee.提出授予购股权之建议可自建议之日期起二十八天内,在购股权承授人支付面值总代价港币10元后被接纳。

38、The preliminary investigation on bamboo Species in Fuyang County revealed that there were 本文通过对富阳县竹种资源调查,初步表明有10属61种7变种18变型(包括引种在内)。

18 forms,

7 varieties and 61 species (including introduced ones) belonging to

10 genera in that area.

39、After I showed him just how visual his message could be, he went back to the drawing board, dismantled his existing presentation, and reduced it to about 我建议他用图形方式来表达他的信息。于是,他对幻灯进行了修改,将内容缩减至10多张图片丰富的内容。

10 image-rich slides.

40、Here are 文中将列举了10条建议帮助您的孩子平稳地转变。

10 tips on how to help your children make the change smoothly

41、Hessan shared her 赫森与我分享了她的10点建议,现在我拿来与大家分享。

10 tips with me, and I'm sharing with you. -- Patricia Sellers

42、There are 22 arbor species, 该表推荐出适宜在本区推广应用的乔木树种22个、灌木种4个、林种4个,建议试验树种10个。

4 scrub species,

4 forest-types and

10 suggested experimental species that are good for popularization and application in the region.

43、As Graham suggested, Prof. Shiller uses a 10-year average P/E ratio, adjusted for inflation.如格拉汉姆所建议的,席勒采用的是经通货膨胀因素调整后的xx年平均市盈率。

44、The recommended space might be one car length per 建议的距离可能是每10英里/小时为一个车身距离。

10 miles-an-hour.

45、We have made joint efforts for 我们共事xx年,为建立新型中俄关系付出了很大努力。

10 years to form the new-type Sino-Russian relations.

46、Methods The effects on NO inhalation were studied in 方法选用10头上海种白猪,利用低氧建立急性缺氧性肺动脉高压模型。

10 mechanically ventilated piglets with hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension.

47、I will be attending a conference on behalf of my college in Sydney from July 我要代表我们学院参加xx月10-xx日在悉尼的一个会议。

10 to


48、If the insulin hypoglycemia test has indicated a deficiency of pituitary reserve for HGH, a test with R-Gene 如果胰岛素的降血糖试验表明对HGH,与R-10基因测试垂体储备不足,建议以确认否定的答复。

10 is advisable to confirm the negative response.

49、Kaur suggests staying closer to the buildings, where you'll be exposed to approximately 考尔建议人们,尽量要靠近建筑物行走,因为在那里接触到的污染物质会比靠近路边人行道接触的污染物少将近10%。

10 percent less pollution than curbside .

50、Architectural model of Materials milestone after 新里程建筑模型材料公司经过xx年的发展,模型材料品种多达数百种,产品质优价廉,服务热情周到。

10 years of development, models of up to hundreds of varieties of materials, product quality and cheap, warm and thoughtful service.

经典英文句子51:表建议的句型10种,51、The results showed as follows: There were 165 species(including varieties, forma and cultivates) belonging to 28 genera of Bambusoideae in Xiamen botanical garden.结果表明:厦门植物园建园以来引种的竹类植物共有28属165种(含变种、变型和栽培型)。

52、It was advised that 丝绸之路时,人们建议每天吃10到20这样的水果。

10 to

20 were to be taken daily along the Silk Route.

53、WHO annually recommends a vaccine composition that targets the three most representative strains in circulation.世卫组织每年建议一种疫苗组合,以流行的三种最具代表性的毒株为目标。

54、Could I suggest that we adjourn for today and meet tomorrow morning at ten o' clock?我建议今天的会议延期,我们明天上午10点再开,好吗?

55、Nantero built a functioning carbon nanotube memory prototype Nantero建立一个正常运作的碳纳米管内存原型10培养基阵于xx年。

10 GiB array in 2004.

56、Nutritionists advise that athletes get 营养学家建议,运动员可以从糖中获得他们每天摄入总热量的10%。

10 percent of their total daily kilojoules from it.

57、"I would rather see a cap at “我宁肯看到一个10磅的上限,”莫氏谈及针对过度肥胖病人增重新建议时说。

10 pounds, " Mohs said of the new weight gain recommendations for obese patients.

58、Energy experts said that the regulator's proposals represented an "extraordinary volte-face".能源专家认为,监管机构此次的建议代表了一种完全与之前不同的观点。

59、To be safe, Fonacier recommends that children avoid piercing until after age 为了安全起见,Fonacier建议小孩避免穿耳洞直到xx岁以后。


60、We said to enter above the 10/22 high (blue line) starting a protective stop just below the 10/26 low.我们建议在超过xx月xx日的高点(蓝色线)时进入,在低于xx月xx日低点时停止进入以保安全。

61、King got the advice to cut down his texts by 金从一位拒绝信中得到的建议是将他的原文删除10%,随后的数xx年他都一直遵守这个建议。

10 percent from an old rejection-letter and has followed this advice for decades.

62、OBJECTIVE To construct a new recombinant eukaryotic expression plasmid by fusing rattus IFN-γ-inducible protein-10 gene, and explore the expression of IP-10 in NIH 3T3 cells.目的构建大鼠干扰素诱导蛋白-10(IP-10)基因的真核表达质粒,并研究其在NIH 3T3细胞中的表达情况。

63、He appreciated the proposition and suggestion Mahathir put forward at the just concluded 10+3 summit.在刚刚结束的10+3会议上,阁下发表了重要的看法和主张,我对此表示赞赏。

64、Imagine you got laid off today. Who are the 5-10 people you'd write to for advice?想象一下,如果你今天失业了,你会向哪5-10个人来寻求建议?

65、Of the 24 mixed-type foci in 混合型5例24个病灶,为多种表现并存,其中支气管充气征10个,磨玻璃征12个。

5 cases,

10 had air bronchogram and

12 had ground-glass opacities.


标签: 建议

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