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关于”鼓励孩子“的英语句子27个,句子主体:Encourage children。以下是关于鼓励孩子的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Encourage children


1、In the same exhibition hall, a skinless drum and laser harp also catch the children's attention.

根据《儿童发育(Child Development)》最新刊登的基尔默博士和弗吉尼亚。吉儿。里瓦斯对卡特里娜飓风幸存者的研究说明,这类似的鼓励和孩子创伤后成长有着密切联系。

2、Such encouragement is linked to post-traumatic growth in kids, according to a study of Katrina survivors by Dr. Kilmer and Virginia Gil-Rivas in the latest issue of Child Development.

那个是美妙的时刻。孩子在哭, 我也在哭, 护士们在鼓掌。

3、It was a beautiful moment. The baby was crying. I was crying. The nurses were clapping.


4、To encourage you toward a slow and delicious path, allow me share the wise words of my father, who often told me: ”Slow down, kid, or you’re gonna fall and hit your head.


5、By almost all standards, it's been a miserable failure, encouraging only the proliferation of "dumb boxes" that are haphazardly nailed together.


6、While Maria Glickman says she urges her daughter not to work so hard and that 'getting a B is OK, ' she also has been encouraging her to look at Ivy League schools including Columbia and Princeton.


7、From the Easter Bunny to spinach to death, we lie about all sorts of things to give our kids a sense of wonder, encourage them to try different foods and protect them from harsh reality.


8、The other posters in this thread encouraged you to film specific market events which are confusing, and bring the footage online for interpretation.


9、Show your kids how to maintain their own rooms and reward them for doing so.


10、They went up on deck to get food from huge pots.


11、Encouraged by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, she advocated women's suffrage.


12、Plus, of course, it's a fail-safe way to encourage children to don wellies and head outside, even when it's chucking it down: an essential bit of kit, then, on any walking holiday.


13、The greater male aggression and noncompliance may reflect the fact that such behaviors are tolerated and even encouraged in males in our culture more than they are in females.

上海如今鼓励有条件的夫妇生第二个孩子。 在外国人眼里,此举意味著中国正朝结束xx年来严格执行的一胎化政策迈出了第一步。

14、China is taking the first step towards reversing its “one-child policy”, with the authorities in the second city of Shanghai now actively encouraging thousands of couples to have a second baby.


15、They also will encourage portrayals of girls in age-appropriate attire and as positive characters, along with male characters who value the female characters for more than their appearance.


16、We simply could not have done this without his encouragement and generous assistance.

" "努力工作不会导致死亡!

17、"hard work never killed anybody." but why take the risk?


18、Li Xia learned that xiaowen and relationship of puma, praise for puma is bloody man, feelings for xiaowen and Anne also encourage more.


19、However, with the rapid development of EC, worldwide tax-free policies has made Electronic Commerce "vacuum" and "collapsar" of taxation.


20、Dale Carnegie said, “Abilities wither under criticism; they blossom under encouragement.”

21、When his boysstart playing bagpipes and snare, he practices with them, whomping a bass.他的孩子们开始练习风笛和行军鼓时,他也会和他们一起练,弹他的贝斯。

22、This policy applies to all the employees of Dragon Pharmaceutical Inc. and its subsidiaries. Third parties are encouraged to report concerns as well.本制度适用于凯龙药业及其子公司的全部员工,并鼓励其它第三方进行举报。

23、The kids are meant to roll and pound and make all sorts of interesting animals and shapes.我本来想孩子们可以捏捏,卷卷,捣鼓着玩橡皮泥,捏出各种有趣的动物和形状。

24、Only methodologies that encourage and embrace such adaptability will be effective.只有鼓励和信奉这种适应性的方法才是有效的方法。

25、The coach gave us a much-needed pep talk during the half.教练在中场休息时给了我们一些十分必要的鼓励。

英文句子26:,26、A colorful waterspout shot from the mouth of the electronic dragon and the children clapped.一道五颜六色的水柱从电龙嘴里的喷出,孩子胶鼓起掌来。

27、Coming from a middle class family, she was a young girl at a dance academy when spotted by a film director and encouraged to become an actress.来自于中产阶级家庭的她,还是一个舞蹈学院的年轻女孩的时候便被一个电影导演看中,并受其鼓励成为一个演员。

28、I see that the curious children walking alongside us are wearing only shorts, their bellies protruding out of a skinny body frame, a typical sign of malnutrition.我注意到好奇地跟在我们旁边的小孩,都只穿着短裤,瘦骨嶙峋,肚子却胀鼓鼓的,是典型营养不良的征状。

29、Mumford, at first encouraging, became the rudest, calling her "Mother Jacobs" and comparing her to a quack.起初鼓励过她的芒福德成了他们当中最粗鲁无礼的一个,叫她“雅各布斯大娘”,还把她比作江湖骗子。

30、Due to countless such parenting epiphanies that occur on the show, many wives are encouraging their spouses to tune into "Where Are We Going, Dad?""由于节目中出现了无数次类似的感悟,许多妻子鼓励她们的配偶去看《爸爸去哪儿》。

31、Using more eye contact, praise and encouragement, and giving the child regular 'jobs' such as holding the door for others, helped him settle down, she says.该托儿所的所有人保拉•帕里托(Paula Polito)表示,通过运用更多的眼神接触、赞美和鼓励,给这个孩子分配诸如为其他人开门等日常“工作”,他最终平静了下来。

32、Let them have their own spot in the garden to dig for worms, catch bugs, or just dig in the dirt.让孩子们在花园里拥有专供他们在地里挖蚯蚓、找虫子和捣鼓泥巴的区域。

33、They suggest that parents should be encouraged to stop using a bottle by the child's first birthday because of the risk of over-feeding.他们认为,由于有这种过度喂奶的风险,应该鼓励父母在小孩xx岁生日前就停止使用奶瓶。

34、Collaboration is encouraged on all aspects of the class, except where explicitly forbidden.除了明文禁止的部分之外,我们鼓励各种的合作。

35、Taekwondo Class will start in April. Parents please encourage your children to join the class. The details are as follow.本校积极推行课外活动,并将于xx月开办跆拳道班,请家长鼓励贵子弟参加。跆拳道班详情如下。

36、If you notice your child has a bulging eyeball , it may be due to infection of the sinuses.如果您发现您的孩子有一个鼓胀的眼球,这可能是由于感染的鼻窦。

37、The times of parental frustration should be used as times to re-group, re-think, and re-evaluate.家长应在烦恼的时间重整旗鼓,调整自己的认识,重新评价孩子。

38、Bidoof: Oof … I can't do anything for you all but give encouragement.小河狸:哩…我除了鼓励就没办法再为你们做什么了。

39、Endless love and courage is our gift to you, Seraphin.无尽的爱和鼓励都是我们给予你们的珍贵礼物。塞拉芬。

40、Bored by her tight lecture schedule, the young girl befriends an aging pilot next door and becomes fascinated by his story of the little prince and the asteroids.厌倦了紧锣密鼓的课程安排,小女孩和一位年老的飞行员邻居成为了好朋友,老人对女孩讲述了小王子的故事,便开启了小女孩追寻小王子的探索世界之旅。

41、But his legend was united with old Nordic folktales of a magician who punished naughty children and rewarded good children with presents.但是有关他的传说却跟一个北欧民间故事结合了起来,故事中有位魔术师,他爱惩罚顽皮的孩子,并送礼物奖励好孩子。

42、Later in the study, the children expressed dislike for the foods they had been rewarded for eating.后来在研究过程中,孩子们表示并不喜欢因为奖励而去吃的食物。

43、"work fascinates me." i can look at it for hours! " "工作好有意思耶!

44、And now I'm like baby, baby , baby noo.我现在就像个孩子,孩子,孩子,不。

45、The book is divided into 365 chapters (each chapter is page-long and it contains a motivational quote and a lesson).这本书分为了365章(每一章大概只有一页的内容,写着一条充满鼓励性的格言和例子。

46、Plus, of course, it's a fail-safe way to encourage children to don wellies and head outside, even when it's chucking it down: an essential bit of kit, then, on any walking holiday. Ages 7+当然除此之外,鼓励孩子在外面穿上雨靴、雨帽也是一种预防措施,即使是在倾盆大雨的时候:它们在任何徒步旅行中都是必备之物。

47、"your future depends on your dreams." so go to sleep. "现在的梦想决定着你的将来",所以还是再睡一会吧。

48、Everybody met each other candidly and encouraged each other in the entirely course of discussing.在整个讨论过程中大家坦诚相见,互相鼓励。

49、Children courage, life force continues to move forward the last tour … go … the captain finally found that black children have disappeared.…船长终于发现那个黑人小孩失踪了。


50、Then a controversy arises: whether private cars should be encouraged in Beijing?这样就引起了一场争论:北京是否应该鼓励私家车?

经典英文句子51:鼓励孩子,51、Nag partner. Need encouragement to lose weight, exercise more or eat healthier?倾诉对象 瘦身需要鼓励,是锻炼多些,还是健康饮食?

52、They buried the toddler, with his rattle and plastic bat, by the Hindon River.他们将这个还在蹒跚学步的孩子连同他的拨浪鼓和塑料球棒一起埋在了HINDON河。

53、Honor he feared injuries, again more encouraged separated, reluctantly he heaped chasing again.荣恐玥再受伤害,忍痛提出分手,更鼓励浚再追玥。

54、Teaching boys early on to distance themselves from these images and encouraging them to find the lies in the messages can help, said Lamb.拉姆博士标示,引导男孩们远离这一类型的影视作品,鼓励他们发现这些信息中所隐藏的谎言,对他们会有所助益。

55、That is, how much control and/or encouragement do they need from you?也就是他们到底需要你给予多少管控和/或鼓励?


标签: 孩子

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