关于”中的句“的英语句子24个,句子主体:sentence in。以下是关于中的句的高中英语句子。
英文句子模板1:sentence in
1、These statements will be put to greater -- and more interesting -- uses in future articles.
2、Your sentence cannot be found in Resolution 1441.
现在我们需要编写将该 web-jamon-config.xml 文件复制到 web_INF/spring 文件夹的代码,webmvc-config.xml 也在该文件夹中,还要编写 add import 语句的代码,该语句在 webmvc-config.xml 中要导入 web-jamon-config.xml(参见清单
3、Now we need to write the code that will copy this web-jamon-config.xml file to WEB_INF/spring folder, where webmvc-config.xml
发出以下 SQL 语句查看 T1 表中的 ID 和 XML 数据。
4、Issue the following SQL statement to see the ID and XML data in the T1 table.
5、Strange number, a strange statement, in the white screen shop started.
6、The Greece team won one score because the Chinese team served out.
7、"When one drinks with a friend, a thousand cups are not enough, " runs one traditional saying.
段中第四句是第二点:尊敬老人长期以来就是民族传统--画中的女孩不仅自私无礼而且不文明、令人憎恶。 句中有平行形容词的用法,程度也是渐进的。
8、Whats more, respecting the old has long been a national tradition-such a person as the girl depicted in the above picture is not only selfish and impolite but also uncivilized and detestable.
9、What he means is what he says in the following clauses.
10、During the process of transmission, this statement of Jesus has been differently applied.
11、In a basketball shoes in the ads, here are saying is very right.
12、It's crucial to keep repeating your mission statement throughout the attempt.
换句话说,SAAJ 给您提供了以 XML 为中心的角度来看待 SOAP 消息中的元素。
13、In other words, SAAJ provides you with an XML-centric view of the elements of a SOAP message.
14、The Buddha in the Dhammapada says of nirvana that it is "the highest happiness".
15、The Koguryo revival ('boom') hit the right cord with the youth of Korea.
16、The keys to the Path of the Dragon are hidden in ancient documents.
其中, 中国区 更以 46项大奖 的成绩为xx年的工作划上一个圆满的句号。
17、As a perfect conclusion to 2010, SE China received 46 awards, which are surely eye-catching.
18、High school three years, a word has been accompanying I walk-god.
19、In addition, there are mistakes of punctuation and some other problems.
20、CDFG generated for every place node according to the assignment statements in it.
21、This is why people say, "Is Saul also among the prophets?因此有句俗语说:“ 扫罗也列在先知中吗?”
22、This context is then appended to every statement found in the retrieved RSS.这个上下文然后被追加到在检索到的 RSS 中找到的每个语句中。
23、Logical page size (for example, in the CREATE INDEX statement above, PAGESIZE was required)逻辑页面尺寸(例如,在上面的 CREATE INDEX 语句中,需要 PAGESIZE)
24、The Chinese subtitle, however, mistranslated her remarks such that the endorsement was removed.中文字幕却错译,删去她认同的字句。
25、In other words, Posey 's may substitute in team status nobody.换句话说,波西在队中的地位无人可以取代。
英文句子26:,26、When a REFRESH statement is invoked for an MQT defined with nicknames in it, it deletes any pre-existing data in the MQT and populates the data afresh.每当针对一个其中定义了昵称的 MQT 调用 REFRESH 语句时,该语句会删除 MQT 中预先存在的任何数据并重新用数据进行填充。
27、Diagrammatic iconicity in language is mainly reflected in syntactic iconicity.语言中的拟象象似性主要反映在句法象似性上。
28、As another Chinese maxim puts it, "The lotus root is broken, but the string still connects."正如另一句中国话所说的“藕断丝连”。
29、Probe into advertising language are of important and special function.探究省略句在广告中所发挥的重要而特殊的作用。
30、The real estate has the advertisement language, the general idea is: Henan most China.地产界有句广告语,大意是:河南最中国。
31、The old man raised his headfacing the rising sun.(老人抬起头,面对冉冉升起的太阳。)一句中的。
32、The "problem" begins here in 2Timothy 问题开始于提后
4:2 with "preach the word".
33、Struggling, in other words, may be the adjective Chinese people prefer.纠结,换句话言之,可能更是中国人喜欢的一个形容词。
34、The first statement really hit home and made us think “really?”.第一句话实在一语中的,且引起了我们的思考,“真的是这样吗”?
35、Let's test this concept of using print statements in PHP.让我们在 PHP 中用 print 语句来测试这个概念
36、It is rectitude--truth in action, and shines through every word and deed.这实际行动中的真理,在每一句话语、每一个行为中熠熠闪光。
37、The handle to UPPERCASE.so is closed by dlclose, and the dll is unmapped from memory.dlclose 关闭到 UPPERCASE.so 的句柄,并且从内存中取消 dll 映射。
38、One of his favourite quotes was: 'Reach for the stars.他最欣赏的引语中有一句是这样:‘摘星揽月。
39、His pronouncements were cited with awe by our Chinese hosts.我们的中国东道主们对他的每句话都奉若神明。
40、So it became a saying: "Is Saul also among the prophets?"此后有句俗语说:" 扫罗也列在先知中吗?"
41、I bethink sentence in a novel: your wait will be empty at all.我开始相信小说中的那句话,你的等待终将成空。
42、Zhao Jing Tao, a college student in China, thought of an old saying.一位中国大学生赵景涛想起了一句古语。
43、where $cnt is the number of rows affected by the SQL statement.其中 $cnt 是这条 SQL 语句所影响的行数。
44、Life is like a box of chocolates,you never konw what you're going to get.这句话出自《阿甘正传》中阿甘妈妈对阿甘说的话。
45、Don't remember how to start, just remember in others in the laughter of my haughtiness of paint on words.不记得怎么开始,只记得在别人的笑声中我的傲慢中画上句话。
46、In other words, they are pretty much pure profit.换句话说,这项收入中很大一部分就是纯利润。
47、I guessed what was happening from a few words she let fall.我从她说的几句话中猜动身生什么事了。
48、In other words, Chinese demand for foreign goods weakened, but global demand for Chinese goods weakened more.换句话说,中国对外国商品的需求减弱,但全球对中国商品的需求则更弱。
49、Within this routine, first a check for non-null context handle is made.在这个例程中,首先检查是否有非空的上下文句柄。
50、In the "Koguryo Tales", by Wei Shou pointed out: "The barbarian in China, Jimi only" general principles.在《高句丽列传》中,魏收提出:“夷狄之于中国,羁縻而已”的总原则。
经典英文句子51:中的句,51、For the JDBC SQL Statement field, enter {call createAccount(?,?)}, as listed in the mycomp.BankAccountSPFile.对于 JDBC SQL 语句字段,输入 {call createAccount(? ,如 mycomp.BankAccountSPFile 中所列出的。
52、Any Claim denying the One-China Principle in this book will be rejected.本书中任何违反一个中国原则的立场和内容词句一律不予承认。
53、Unlike C90, C99 allows declarations to be intermixed with executable statements.与C90不同,C99允许声明混合在可执行语句中。
54、Every SELECT statement in the procedure generates a result set.过程中的每一条 SELECT 语句都生成一个结果集。
55、Words could once again flow from his mind to the page.心中的词句又得以倾泻于纸页之上了。
56、The handle to lowercase.so is closed by dlclose and the dll is unmapped from memory.dlclose 关闭到 lowercase.so 的句柄,并且从内存中取消 dll 映射。
57、Composition of Chinese painting There is a saying: "Happy to sparse, dense needles should not be."中国画的构图有一句话:“疏可跑马,密不容针。”
58、China still has an adage, cry " the method is different, do not be seek " , this word is reflected more those who be in partial play business is medium high-level controller on the body.中国还有句老话,叫“ 道不同, 不相为谋”,这句话多体现在部分游戏企业的中高层管理者身上。
59、Note in particular the last statement in the method: System.out.println( "integer = "+t.image).特别需要注意方法中的最后一条语句: System.out.println( "integer = "+t.image) 。
60、The ability to embed comments in a SQL statement using a pair of hyphens使用一对连字符在 SQL 语句中嵌入注释的功能
61、A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts.句中不应有赘余之词,段落中不应有赘余之句,就像画作中不应有蛇足之线条,抑或机器不应有多余之零件。
62、In this experiment, volunteers were asked to unscramble a series of sentences.在实验中,参与者首先完成一系列的组句。
63、This statement, from the Seam reference documentation, embodies the core vision of Seam.Seam 参考文档中的这句话体现了 Seam 的核心思想。
64、The oath was expanded after the Civil War to include a loyalty clause.在南北战争后,就职誓词中加入了效忠的语句。
65、In the next example, let's try using the "Do you ever" pattern without the sarcastic undertone.在下一个例句中,“Do you ever”并不带挖苦的意思。
66、For example, notice that the period at the end of the first paragraph is marked as style T4, while the period in the final paragraph is outside any span.比方说,请注意第一段后面的句点被标记为样式 T4,而最后一段中的句点则在任何样式作用范围之外。
67、In those scenarios, JDBC batching does not allow batching of different SQL statements.在这些场景中,JDBC 不 支持对不同的 SQL 语句进行批处理。
68、The column value separators can be changed from the defaults in the LOAD DATA statement.在 LOAD DATA 语句中可以修改列值分隔符的缺省值。
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