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关于”划分成分的软件“的英语句子45个,句子主体:Software for dividing components。以下是关于划分成分的软件的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Software for dividing components


1、This project is the software part of a microwave frequency counter.


2、According to the IP Voice Card total structure, the implementations of the hardware and software are presented distinguishingly.


3、TATA Advanced Systems, as the lead on the program, along with other TATA partners will be responsible for project management, security, software development, production, integration and delivery.

Internet 协议套件被划分成几层;每层都提供特定功能,如图

4、The Internet protocol suite is split into several layers; each layer provides specific functionality as shown in Figure


1 所示。


5、As an important part of the satellite navigation industry, the GNSS software receiver technology has made a considerable progress.

分类器(Classifier)? 如果在用户属性上的给定条件为真,定义将在其中用来划分用户的分类。

6、Classifier - Defines classifications that a user will be categorized within if given conditions hold true on user attributes.


7、In addition, the event and processes in this diagram are plotted against the part of the organization where the event happens or the process takes place.


8、Still, it managed to remove some of the threats, scoring about

3 of

10 against spyware and about

4 of

10 against commercial keyloggers.


9、I think of software development as involving many subdisciplines .


10、Pulsed High Magnetic Field Measurement System Based On LabVIEW has been constructed, it was composed of two parts: hardware and software.


11、A digital voltage regulator is composed of two main parts -hardware and software.


12、At the same time we can set up different authority for different client and build security control software to guarantee the whole tank area information security.


13、The dissertation is divided into five parts: part one is a brief introduction to Beijing Thunisoft Co. , Ltd;


14、illustrationFor the last

15 years, software reengineering has become an important subdiscipline within computer science.

15 年,软件再造工程已经成为计算机科学中的重要分支学科。


15、The power includes "hard power "and "soft power". Information power is an important part of the "soft power".


16、In Public Accounting is a value-added program that is a registered 150 Credit Hour Licensure-Qualifying Program.


17、Fractionating the conditioned medium first by solubility revealed that its tumor suppressive activity could be divided into a morphogenic insoluble fraction and a cytotoxic soluble fraction.


18、With the rapid development of Auto-Control, computer science and communication technology, configuration software is become an active part in the monitoring field.


19、Secondly, the most valuable asset of the enterprises in the line of software is the talented employees, whose efforts account for the lion's share, but these can not be covered by the Tax Deduction.


20、After Germany's unconditional surrender in 1945, the Allies divided occupied Germany into

4 military zones;

21、The fourth-class introduces the flow chare of hardware and software.第四部分介绍其软硬件的流程图;

22、The method of software and hardware co-design is totally different from the former that means software and hardware design is developing in the same time.软硬件协同设计则是代表系统的软件和硬件部分的协作开发过程。

23、These seven building blocks--identity, presence, relationships, conversations, groups, reputation and sharing--provide a good functional definition for social software.这七个组成部分——身份,状态,关系,交流,小组,名誉,分享——给社交网络软件下了个不错的实用定义。

24、With the development of the component-based software engineering (CBSE), the developers have been divided into two groups, component producer and customer.随着基于构件的软件工程(CBSE)的快速发展,开发人员已经被分成构件生产者和使用者两个群体。

25、The techniques of quadrature processor based on the polyphase filters are important part of software radio.基于多相滤波的正交处理器技术是软件无线电技术的重要组成部分。

英文句子26:,26、Based on the accomplishment of the hardware circuit, we develop and design software using high-level language C language.在完成系统硬件电路基础上,采用高级语言C语言进行系统软件部分的开发和设计。

27、The whole district is divided administratively into 全区划分成11个行政驻地军分区和1个镇。

11 resident subdistricts and

1 town.

28、OK, one might say, software is simply an immature engineering discipline. In my professional career, the technologies underlying software projects have turned over about every five years.好的,有人可能会说,软件只是一个未成熟的工程分支,在我的职业生涯中,大约每xx年软件项目的底层技术就要翻新一次。

29、Part of a software package that is processor or platform-dependent.软件包的具有平台依赖性的那一部分。

30、The user-oriented software flexibility is described as the potential flexibility, the available flexibility, the used flexibility, the current flexibility and the demand flexibility.将面向用户的软件柔性划分为潜在柔性、可利用的柔性、已利用的柔性、当前柔性、需求柔性;

31、Research on trusted software is one of the branches of trusted computing.软件可信性研究是可信计算的一个分支。

32、It uses the information such as recipes, processes to build up the math model and algorithm, which could resolve the issue of converting the monthly planning into batch orderings.详细研究了中药制造业的计划生成与分解。如何使用配方、工艺规程等相关工艺文件对生产计划分解为批生产指令。

33、Mambo's development track is divided into several solutions.Mambo 的开发划分成几个解决方案。

34、In June, the company installed software for employees that grade their smiles from 0 to 100.在xx月份,这家公司为他们的员工安装了一款软件用来给员工的笑容评分,评分从0分到100分。

35、All of the sources including code, documents, and configuration files should be divided into several components.所有的资源包括代码,文档和配置文档都应该划分成几个组件。

36、In the former case, distributed teams "own" the development effort for one or more discrete components of an application.在前一种情形中,分布式团队“拥有”一个或多个对应用软件的分散组件的开发工作。

37、The software uses typical up to down and modular designing methods. The software includes main program, interrupt service routine and fault processing program, which are explained in detail.装置的软件设计遵循模块化,自顶向下的设计思路,软件整体分为主程序、中断服务程序和故障处理程序三大部分,并对各部分的流程做了详细的说明。

38、The schema file is divided into sections which begin with a heading in square brackets.架构文件被划分为很多部分,每个部分都以一个位于方括号中的标题开头。


1: The Software Tar Pit explains the many reasons why the software field arrived at its current state.

第1部分:软件开发中的焦油坑 阐述了软件领域发展到今天这个状态的许多原因。

40、In software design, it performs time-sharing collecting to the detected points, diagnoses the fault and drives other terminal.在软件设计上,完成检测点分时采集,故障的诊断及各种终端的驱动。

41、Note-taking, cataloging, and bookmarking service Evernote divides people.集笔记,分类和书签功能于一身的服务Evernote将人划分成两类。

42、Use the backup scheduler included in the backup software.使用备份软件里内含的备份规划器

43、Partof a software package that is processor or platform-dependent.软件包的具有平台依赖性的那一部分。

44、This is an osteochondroma cut into three sections.这是切成三部分的骨软骨瘤。

45、Declarative transaction demarcation lets you declare rules for the transactional behavior of the software, and have the transaction manager automatically carry out these rules.声明式事务划分 允许您为软件的事务行为声明规则,并让事务管理器自动执行这些规则。

46、The thesis presents the hardware design, software design and functions of the ground testing apparatus of space-borne SAR data-forming equipment in detail.论文对星载合成孔径雷达数据形成分机地面测试仪的硬件、软件设计及功能等方面进行了详细地研究。

47、Note: Softgel color is that of its natural ingredients.注:软胶囊,它的颜色是天然成分。

48、The dynamic buckling condition is expressed as the bifurcating condition and the buckling force and the buckling modes are obtained.通过方程求解,将梁的动力屈曲划归为分叉问题并给出了分叉条件,并由分叉条件得到了屈曲临界力和模态。

49、This made a whole continuum of intermediate pictures that were part human, part doll.他随后将类似人的脸配对到每个玩具娃娃的脸上,然后有图像处理软件将它们扭曲合成,组成了一个整体连贯的中间部分人部分玩具娃娃的图片。

50、Module design and debugging was devided in two parts, which are hardware and software.其中模块的设计和调试包括硬件和软件两个部分。

经典英文句子51:划分成分的软件,51、CIO of FHLB-OF: Agile coaching was integral to our early success with agile software development.Geoff Henton(FHLB-OF的CIO):敏捷指导与我们敏捷软件开发早期的成功是密不可分的。

52、Consider modularizing your software to isolate and centralize important functions考虑模块化你的软件,以分离和集中重要模块。

53、Serviceability in IBM NAS is divided into sub-components and levels.IBM NAS 中的可服务性按子组件和级别划分。

54、Patterns are part of the software professional's toolbox today.模式是当今软件专业人员工具箱中的一部分。

55、Parts inside your printer are at the end of their service life. See your printer documentation.您打印机内的部分零件的使用寿命已经耗尽,用我们正版软件清就行了,不会清成其他型号!

56、Sensi Soft is a global services and software company specializing in classified advertising solutions.森西软是一个全球性的服务和软件公司在分类广告解决方案。

57、In this article, the control-software module of ticket selling machine and ticket checking machine are plotted based on the relating cost among modules.本文基于模块之间关联性代价,划分了售票机和检票机控制软件模块。

58、Network teaching course is the important part of the campus teaching resources and the starting point of the development of campus network software.网络教程作为校园网教育资源的重要组成部分,应将其作为校园网软件建设的一部分列入网络建设。

59、Component - Decomposes each attachment into a file and the rest into a single file.组件 —— 将每个附件分解成一个文件,其他部分放到一个单独的文件中。

60、The supporting corporate configuration management backbone becomes the vehicle for a software delivery chain, staging deliverables into solution integration, test, and delivery.支持的公司配置管理中枢成为软件交付链的运载体,将可交付件分阶段为解决方案集成、测试和交付。

61、As Bob suggests, it would take a well-planned form or software to track a bunch of goals, broken down by periods of your life (正如鲍勃建议的那样,需要有一个计划的很好的模式或软件去追踪那一大堆的目标。 被你的生命历程分成块的那些目标。

1 year,

5 years,

10 years, etc).

62、For example, one proposed method for classifying types of stealthy malware is categorizing rootkits as Types I-III, identifying the level of the software stack they invade and modify to hide.一种值得推荐的为各类隐秘型的黑客软件分级的方法就是根据它们修改系统的内容来分成类型1-3,并以此来识别它们所入侵或修改并隐藏的软件存储栈的级别。

63、Japan's nuclear safety watchdog is now categorising this as an accident with wider consequences - an innocuous phrase that does not really do justice to the disruption that's been caused.日本核安全监督部门现在把核泄漏事件划分到“有广泛影响”事件当中,但是,这个分类并没有真正地体现出这次事件的所造成的极大影响。



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