1、(Though) he is only twelve, he (can) play the piano very well.
2、An optional completion function is available to preemptively complete the task, even if all of the subtasks are not yet completed.
3、The not or late delivering job compensation is all compensated by bidder.
4、A: We're going to (get that done/ do that/ finish up) next week.
5、Perfectionism is the enemy of completion.
6、The pressing question is who should do it and how.
7、Finish: The standard finish is Rosewood PE high gloss paint .
他们不仅准时完成工 程,而且完成得很出色。
8、They completed the project not only punctually but also perfectly.
9、My mother (will buy a new coat )[要给我买一件新大衣]
10、Make a habit of pruning your list of completed, dead, and obviated tasks.
11、Together, we have accomplished what some might have thought couldnot be done.
12、The loan was expected to close on Friday but hasn't.
13、You'd better ( to come early next time)[下次早点儿来]
14、The present and past perfect tenses both belong to the perfect tense.
15、Insert Namely hole, a synchronous machine.
16、The old have been working hard all their lives.
17、If I need to deal Completed , I will complete the transaction.
18、Finish all the eight tenons of the four sides, and the front cover will be done.
19、Complete any incomplete worksheets and review characteristics of animals.
20、Done is better than perfect. 比完美更重要的是完成。
21、Work will be performed in Phoenix, Ariz., with an expected completion date of June 2014.这项工作在菲尼克斯完成,合成预定于在xx年xx月前完成。
22、Some places have completed their first round of training of cadres, while others have not.轮训 有的地方已经完成了,有的没有完成。
23、He has left for Shanghai that day. 去上海了(leave for 出发前往,到。
24、He ( went Shanghai that day)[那天去上海了]
25、This means that given sufficient memory, XSLT can calculate anything any other Turing-complete language (such as C++) can calculate.也就是说,如果有足够的内存,那么 XSLT 可以完成其他任何图灵完成语言(如 C++)所能完成的计算。
英文句子26:,26、The buyer can have Cherrington complete the rig or have another party complete.买方可以彻林顿完成钻机或由另一名党 完成。
27、You'd better come eariler next time.Taking a walk is good for your health. 对身体(也就是健康)有好处
28、In the "finished" use , the past perfective denotes an action or state already in completion before a specific past.过去完成体的“已完成”用法表示一个动作或状态在过去某时之前已经完成或结束。如。
29、Out of 31 provinces and regions, 26 fulfilled emission reduction targets.全国31个省区中,26个省为“超额完成”或“完成”等级。
30、Available finishes: walnut, cherry, maple, bianco and nero.可完成:胡桃木、樱桃木、枫木、完成和尼禄。
31、Taking a walk is (good for your health )[对你的身体有好处]
32、It can do this either synchronously or asynchronously.它既可以同步完成,也可以异步完成。
33、They have to walk to work.Thank you for (helping me) 帮助我,for 是介词,要接ing形式
34、Step 步骤
6 - Complete the WAG generator
6 - 完成WAG生成器
35、Rona: Yes, I just finished it yesterday.罗娜:做完了,我昨天刚完成。
36、Accept imperfections. – Perfectionism is the enemy of completion.接受不完美——完美主义是完成任务的大敌。
37、To prevent from growing, accomplishing, or succeeding.压制,{镇**}:阻止…成长、完成或成功。
38、He finished with the sword to cause, I will use the pen to complete.他用宝剑未能完成的事业,我将用笔杆来完成。
39、The following steps are required to build the auto-complete control要构建自动完成控件,需完成以下步骤
40、Tooling funds would normally be released at Phase 工装费用通常在完成第二阶段(完成PSW )时发放。
2 completion (completion of PSW ).
41、Upon completion of follow-up interviews, the data-gathering phase is mostly complete.完成后续访谈时,数据收集阶段差不多就完成了。
42、In addition, open channel diversion has been finished by 50%, and 20% of materials that the project needs have been prepared.目前,基础放样、一期开挖和爆破作业已完成,导流明渠施工完成50%工程量,工程备料完成20%。
43、However, new development done in .NET is being done in either C# or VB.然而,.NET中完成的新开发也在C#或VB中完成。
44、Do it early.尽早完成。
45、DG undergoes a metamorphosis with each of his films.每完成一部电影,东健便完成一次蜕变。
46、Wei Hua's home is next door to us.My mother wants to buy me a new coat. (也可以说成是buy a new coat for me)
47、With this change, your modifications to the shopping cart are complete.完成了这个改变,您就完成了对购物车的修改。
48、Divesting should be completed within six months from closure of the proposed transaction.剥离应在拟议交易完成后的六个月内完成。
49、I could remember the thing (as if)it happened yesterday.这儿一切都好。
50、Taking a walk is good for your health. 对身体(也就是健康)有好处
经典英文句子51:完成,51、There, done.瞧,完成了。
52、Out of 31 provinces and regions, 26 fulfilledemission reduction targets.全国31个省区中,26个省为“超额完成”或“完成”等级。
53、My mother wants to buy me a new coat. (也可以说成是buy a new coat for me)
54、Responsibilities1, To accomplish definite outstanding achievement as well as accomplish monthly report forms;工作职责
1、按要求完成指派业绩,并完成月 报表;
55、However, all of them must be completed to complete the group.然而,必需完成全部的备忘单才能完成任务组。
56、When you finish all phases, you complete the evolution — a macro iteration.当您完成所有阶段时,您完成了演进 —— 宏观的迭代。
57、This clothing shop sells __all___ ____kinds___ ____of_____ clothes保罗本周末打算去野炊。
58、They (have to work on foot )[不得不走路上班]
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