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1、Sub-regulations, opposite to the standard social regulations, refer to the regulations which sway outside the standard social regulations and dominate people's behaviors visibly or invisibly.

这两个规则都使用同一个 if-then 规则模板。

2、Both use the same if-then rule template.


3、There are two kinds of business rules: rule set and decision table.


4、And according the essential attribute of Chinese reading, we discuss it from the three aspects in detail: logic rule, structure rule and temperament rule.


5、"Regulations" means the Regulations contained in the Annexes to the present Convention.


6、Electronic evidence has brought challenges to traditional evidence rule such as Best Evidence, Authentication Rule and Hearsay Rule.


7、It is Rule No.

1. It is the only rule .


8、Rule clustering re-organizes rules which are generated during the procedure of association rule mining, to help customers find out interested rules.


9、Self rule is a rule of evidence.


10、With F rule, FP rule and BP rule, some of the context-free languages cannot be accepted.


11、This right overrides any conflicting provisions in other Rules, including Rule 13-2.

创建规则——规则架构师然后必须使用 RMA 创建规则。

12、Create rules—The rules architect must then create the rules using RMA.


13、Using multiple instances of a rule task or a flow task within a ruleflow does not cause the duplication of the rules referenced by these tasks in the ruleset.


14、As a social rule, the rule of recognition is shown in the law-identifying operations of the courts.


15、The next article covers the concepts of rule severity, custom rule parameters, and creating rule templates.


16、Different rules are required - and adaptation is critical.


17、Rule sharing can help you create project-specific rules and rule configurations.


18、Just because of this , according to the function of folk law , the folk law is classified into fact - judging , fact and value judging , and value judging law .


19、The Origin Rules Agreements set up in Uruguay round stipulated the unified rules on non -preferential rules of origin but no multi -rules on the preferential ones.


20、These rules are related to the fees of the Trade Marks , and they shall be construed as one with the Trade Marks Rules 1994 and the Trade Marks (Inernational Registration) Rules 1996.

21、You use rule groups to organize sets of rules by well-defined categories to permit the creation of a rule flow.可使用规则组,根据定义良好的分类组织规则分组,允许创建规则流。

22、You have just finished creating your rule group that uses a rule set and if-then rules.您刚才已完成了对使用规则集和 if-then 规则的规则组的创建。

23、Business rules involving ruleset and decision table templates涉及规则集和决策表模板的业务规则

24、To list the resources associated with each rule, expand the rule categories and rule nodes.列出和每一项规则相关联的所有资源,展开规则类别和规则节点。

25、Classify rules—The rules architect then needs to classify the rules that have been identified into the appropriate categories.对规则分类——规则架构师需要对已划分到相应类别的规则进行分类。

英文句子26:,26、Rules that require several passes over the data are called columnar rules.需要传递多个数据的规则称为柱状规则。

27、Do we have a regular or irregular rate of change here?这里的变化率是规则还是不规则的?

28、The signature of a ruleset extracted from a given rule project is determined by the transitive closure of the ruleset parameters of that rule project and all the rule projects it referencies.从给定规则项目提取的一个规则集的签名,由该规则项目和它引用的所有规则项目的规则集参数的传递闭包决定。

29、In AD-NIDS, the intrusion rule is made up of two parts:rule header and rule option.NIDS所使用的入侵规则由规则头和规则选项两部分构成。

30、The lights and shapes specified in these Rules shall comply with the provisions of Annex I to these Regulations.本规则条款规定的号灯和号型,应符合本规则附录一的规定。

31、Rules are combinations of speakable text and references to other rules.规则包括可叙述性文本和其它规则的引用。

32、Most of the commercial and open source rule engines support the ability to capture rules in a tabular rule form.大多数商业和开源规则引擎都支持以规则表格的形式捕捉规则的功能。

33、Do you know the laws of cricket?你知道板球的规则吗?(规则)

34、Note that test names which begin with '__' are indirect rules used to compose meta-match rules and can also act as prerequisites to other rules.注意,以“__”开头的测试规则名是一个间接规则,它被用于组成元匹配规则和作为其它规则的前置测试,这些规则不会被计算评分也不会列在“命中的测试”报告中。

35、It contains information about the correlations between the rules of a rule set.它包含了规则集中规则之间的相关信息。

36、The en rule: The en rule works exactly like the ax rule, but with a NW (non-word) production anticipated to follow.en 规则:en 规则的作用完全象 ax 规则,但希望后跟 NW (非文字)产品。

37、Access rules can be divided into two categories: read access rules and write access rules.访问规则可以划分为两类:读访问规则和写访问规则。

38、When working with complex business-driven rules, a rules engine should be employed to externalize them to business users.当需要实现业务规则时,应该使用规则引擎将这些规则呈现给业务用户;

39、Some examples of the categories are front-end validation rules, back-end workflow rules, knockout rules, and tiering placement rules.一些示例类别包括前端验证规则、后端工作流规则、淘汰规则和分层放置规则等。

40、Jürgen Habermas s conception of rules concerns three questions: the condition for following a rule, the genesis of the rule consciousness and the justification of the validity of rules.尤根·哈贝马斯的规则观涉及三个理论问题:遵守规则的条件、规则意识的产生和规则正当性的辩护。

41、One such grouping of rules is called a RuleSet.这样的一个规则分组称为一个规则集(RuleSet)。

42、The “Grandma” rule.“外婆”规则。

43、We have discussed our safety and sanitary regulations.我们已经讨论了安全规则和卫生规则。

44、This rule is often referred to as the "Active Player, Nonactive Player order" rule.此规则的别名为「主动玩家先决定」规则。

45、In England, there mainly are the literal rule, the golden rule and the mischief rule.英国形成了以文义规则、黄金规则和除弊规则为主要代表的解释方法。

46、Simulation results show that they have excellent performance, especially the IRA code performs better than the irregular LDPC code of DVB-S2.仿真结果表明,用这种方法构造的规则码和非规则码都具有优良的性能,特别是非规则码的性能优于DVB-S2的非规则码。

47、Rules 规则

1 and

2 are if-then rules that determine the billing increment based on the usage plan.

1 和规则

2 是基于使用计划来确定计费增量的 if-then 规则。

48、These Rules may be cited as the Patent (Fees) Rules 1998. The Patent (Fees) Rules 1996 hereby revoked.该规则被引用为《xx年专利(费用)规则》,xx年专利(费用)规则废止。

49、Externalization of business rules using rule engines利用规则引擎实现业务规则

50、The fifth part describes the predicable regulation, fault offset regulation, reducing liability rules and losses offset rules.第五部分主要论述了可预见性规则、损益相抵规则、过失相抵规则和减轻损害规则。

经典英文句子51:规则,51、According to the value of them, association rules are classified into positive, invalid and negative association rules.根据影响度、相对置信度或有效度的大小,将强关联规则分为正关联规则、无效关联规则和负关联规则。

52、Neoplastic cells hae large column, irregular form, lining up in atactic shape.瘤细胞体积大,形态不规则,呈不规则排列。

53、The Macro-Theory in English textual teaching includes three rules:omitting rule, generalizing rule and structuring rule.英语语篇教学中的宏观理论有三个规则 ,即删略规则 ,概括规则和结构规则。

54、Regular or irregular?Hmm?规则还是不规则的,嗯?

55、The fundamental principles of WTO has been concluded into four, namely non-discrimination, free trade rule, transparent and fair competition rule.一般认为,WTO有四条基本规则,即非歧视规则、自由贸易规则、透明规则和公平竞争规则。

56、In case of a rule set, it contains the records that did not verify one or more rules of the rule sets, and creates a row for each non-verified rule.对于规则集,它包含未验证规则集中一个或多个规则的记录,并为每个未验证规则创建一行。

57、Rule-combining algorithm: As I explained in the point above, a policy can have multiple rules.规则组合算法:如 上一条规则所述,一个策略可以包含多条规则。

58、Most rule management environments have useful capabilities to manage compound rules, decision tables, and interdependent rule elements.许多规则管理环境能够管理复合规则、决策表和相互依赖的规则元素。

59、The former is same as the order of intergeneration, and the latter is just the reverse order of intergeneration.前者与相生的规则同,后者则与其规则相反。

60、The rule of corroboration which was discussed in this article belongs to one of the rules of judge.现有的证据立法中,尤以认证规则规定得最少,本文所要探讨的补强证据规则即属认证规则之一种。

61、This structure supports both fixed-date rules and floating-date rules.此结构支持固定日期规则和浮动日期规则。

62、To cluster similar rules, start scanning the rules in the subroutine.要集群化类似的规则,则需要在子例程中扫描规则。

63、According to legal action, the rules of criminal evidence can be divided into three parts they were the rule of quote, the rule of cross-examination and the rule of judge.按照诉讼的进程,刑事证据规则可以分为举证规则、质证规则和认证规则三块。

64、The ew rule: The ew rule succeeds only if you are inside a word.ew 规则:仅当在文字内,ew 规则才成功。


标签: 规则

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