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关于”中秋节的古诗“的英语句子48个,句子主体:Ancient Poems of Mid-Autumn Festival。以下是关于中秋节的古诗的高一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Ancient Poems of Mid-Autumn Festival


1、Music from the baroque, classical, and romantic period is performed during the festival, as well as more modern pieces.


2、Yulando offers a variety of fine asian antiques and collectables, especially fine quality works of art and decorative pieces from China.


3、The earliest methods for determining the seasons recorded in ancient Chinese classics are the observation of the sun's shadow at noon and the meridian stars at dusk.


4、We hear, across the distances, murmurs of ancient hunters and see anew the visions of poets and lovers of long ago.


5、This thesis begins with the reception aesthesis and concerns much about the relationship between Pound's Imagism theory and the Chinese culture, particularly Chinese classical poetry.


6、The Double-Ninth Festival sees various activities such as climbing a mountain, admiring chrysanthemums, wearing cornel (Cornus officinalis) and eating Double-Ninth cake, etc.

7、There are two legends which claim to explain the tradition of eating mooncakes. 关于吃月饼这个传统的来历有两个传说。


8、The "Chunqiu Style of Handling Cases" makes up for the inadequate written law and gives impetus to the perfection of Chinese ancient criminal constitutional theory.


9、In Psalm 119, the writer suggests a similar pattern in verses 129-136. God is the teacher; we are the students.


10、So Tao Yuanming became the stronghold of the spirit, the end result of spirit of Chinese ancient intellectuals who giving their hearts completely to the tiptop of artistic realm.


11、They also captured and tagged a total of 38 geese in Mongolia before their autumn southbound trip.


12、Circadian rhythm is one of all kinds of the time rhythm which concluded by the ancients, aggravation or reducing of various diseases is according to the rule in a day and night.

ect, but china still that China.因此,我们常说古埃及、古希腊、古罗马、古印度等…唯独没有‘古中国’,中国还是那个中国。

13、Therefore, there are ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, ancient India …


14、Chinese tradition culture is an endless treasure resource to all Chinese people, especially ancient poetry recited so far.


15、In the context of Post-colonialism, the focus of translation of Chinese classical narrative novel is how to keep and inherit traditional culture and what kind of cultural identity standpoint.

The last time I saw Remilia, she reading this ancient book in the library…帕秋莉:我也是…最后一次看见蕾米莉亚时,她在图书馆读一本古书…

16、Patchouli: Same for me…


17、The literary criticism theory of Liang Shi-qiu was constructed on the foundation of classic theories, which have a most important characteristic of rational supremacy .


18、In ancient China, people observed a three-year mourning period after their parents' passing, during which they lived in seclusion and hardly ever went out.


19、In the 2000 years from Spring and Autumn Period on, the general notion of the ancients is the tendency to stress lyric but slights narrative, and emphasizes economy while opposing elaboration.


20、Being able to isolate eggshell DNA will givedetailed information about how ancient bird and reptilian species livedand died.

21、Of the three, it is possibly the oldest, dating back to the Warring States Period in 227 B.C.这三个节日中,它可能是最古老的一个,可以追溯到公元前xx年的战国时代。

22、In ancient and early Medieval times, Christmas was either a minor feast, or not celebrated at all. the Romans had a winter celebration known as Saturnalia.在古代及中世纪前期,圣诞节只是一个次要节日,有时人们根本不庆祝它。

23、Section three mainly involves the modern codification movement from China and Japan which are the most important representatives of older Chinese law family;第三节则主要涉及古老的中华法系中的两个主要代表——中国和日本近代法典化改革的问题;

24、During the Spring and Aurumn Period and the Warring States Period, thoughts on military geography had been the most active and made a great impact on laterages in ancient China.中国古代,以春秋战国时期的军事地理思想最为活跃,并对后世产生了巨大影响。

25、China since ancient times to life rites of the two issues : marriage and funeral rites device.我国自古以来重视人生礼俗中的两大环节:婚仪与丧仪。

英文句子26:,26、In English versions of ancient Chinese poems exists disorientation in time and space, which is specifically embodied in the internal and external features of language.古诗英译中存在时空错位,具体体现在语言的内在性和外在性两个方面。

27、The fall of 1989, I went into Basha old village and forged a profound friendship with the Miao Compatriots.xx年秋天,我走进岜沙古村与苗族同胞结下了深情。

28、It is the inheritance of the trend of back-to-ancient in the middle and late Jin Dynasty and the necessity of the trend of back-to-Han culture.它是金代中后期以来诗坛复古思想的继续,也是元初恢复汉文化活动的必然。

29、The translatability of Chinese poetry has long been a hot subject in comments of literary translation but most articles tend to evaluate it by the same standard.中国古诗的可译性一直是文学翻译评论中的热门话题,但是大部分评论都偏爱以相同的标准去评价译文。

30、Autumn dresses the mountains in red and purple as maples are all blazing -red .秋天把整个黄山装扮成红紫相同的世界,正是枫树火红的季节。

31、So the autumn leaves, remember, the millennium ancient alley, bright, pneumatic osmanthus fragrance, blow of charm.是如此的秋夜,记得,那条千年古巷里,月明星稀,风动桂花香,吹散一世的魅惑。

32、The origin of this summer festival centers around a scholarly government official named Chu Yuan.这个夏季节日源于古代中国一位博学多闻的官员屈原。

33、Of the many traditional ceremonies found in the FSM, the traditional Pohnpeian "sakau ceremony" captures the harmonious spirit of the Micronesian people.在密克罗尼西亚的许多传统节日中,古朴的波纳佩人举行的“萨考节”体现了密克罗尼西亚人民和睦相处的精神。

34、First of all, Professor Li introduced to the audience some famous universities at all times and in all over the world, and the history of BNU and our beautiful campus.首先,李春秋教授列举了古今中外的一些大学,以此引出北师大的渊源和我们美丽的校园。

35、This picture echoes an old Chinese poem: Sharp Edge of a Sword Comes out from Grinding, and Plum Blossom's Fragrance Comes from the Bitter Cold.这张照片和一首中国古诗产生了共鸣:宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花的香自苦寒来。

36、Autumn dresses the mountains in red and purple as maples are all blazing-red;秋天把整个黄山装扮成红、紫相间的世界,正是枫树火红的季节;

37、CCTV correspondent Stephanie Freid said, The festival is a mix of ancient history and modern fantasy.中央台记者Stephanie Freid说,这个节日将古老历史和现代幻想结合在一起。

38、The legend of the MidAutumn Festival中秋节的传说 Mooncakes are to MidAutumn Festival what mince pies are to Christmas. The seasonal round cakes traditionally have a sweet filling of lotus seed paste or red bean paste and often have one or more salted duck eggs in the center to represent the moon. And the moon is what this celebration is all about. MidAutumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th month, it is the time when the moon is said to be at its brightest and fullest. This year the festival falls on October

39、The fields in autumn are fruity. People are easy to have good mood in a harvest season.秋天的田野硕果累累,人们在收获的季节总是会欢欣鼓舞。

40、OVER the course of history it have be artists, poets and playwrights who HAs did the outstandingest progress in humanity's understanding of love.在漫长的古代事件长河中,艺术家、诗人和剧作家在人类对于爱的理解上做出了巨大成就。

41、Remilia: I was spending my time in Patchouli's library, when I found this ancient book.蕾米莉亚:我把时间花在帕秋莉的图书馆里,结果发现了这本古书。

42、Since time immemorial flowers have been an integral part of every celebration and festival.而那些古老悠久的花已经成为所有仪式和节日中最主要的部分。

43、For me, it wasn't particularly - it was slightly odd because when Katie came in to play Cho…对我来说,这并不特别,它有点古怪,因为当凯蒂来玩秋…

44、Under the condition of classical artistic spirits and in the context of national salvation, modern Chinese city poetry is always being pressed.中国现代诗歌都市话语在古典艺术精神和现实的救亡语境的制约下,一直处于被压制的状态。

45、This app contains over 40 short stories of Chinese history from Spring and Autumn period to Warring States period. This app is in Traditional Chinese…中国历史悠久,本软件透过不同白话文历史故事,让大家加深认识中国古代春秋战国时期的历史故事和人物。

46、Dragon and phoenix dances are popular at many Chinese festivals, and dragon and phoenix decorations are ubiquitous on Chinese clothing, pottery, and numerous other everyday objects, past and present.龙凤舞是中国很多节日里一个受欢迎的节目。从古至今,龙凤装饰在中国服装、陶器和无数其他日用品中随处可见。

47、Making the past serve the present, the author draws three beneficial inspirations from the full explorations of the agriculture geographical knowledge in The Book of Songs.古为今用, 作者通过对《诗经》中农业地理知识的深刻挖掘, 得出了三个有益的启示。

48、Autumn is the best season in Beijing. Why don’t we go for a picnic this weekend?北京的金秋是最好的时节,我们何不在这个周末去野餐呢?

49、In this quiet season, fall in love with the town of leisure time, every morning at Muyan stroll in ancient paved stone ancient lane, let the life full of tranquil idle.在这样宁静的季节里,恋上了古镇的悠闲岁月,每天晨晓暮烟之时能这样漫步于古韵铺就的青石板古巷中,让生活写满着恬淡闲散的味道。

50、In legend stories, the scenic spot of moon is symbols of beauty and love, life and eternity, human spirit home.在古老的神话传说中,月成为诗化的女性,是美与爱的象征,是生命与永恒的象征,是人类精神家园的象征。

经典英文句子51:中秋节的古诗,51、In this article, twenty ancient human skulls(本文对内蒙古林西县井沟子遗址西区墓地出土的春秋—战国时期的颅骨进行了人类学的考察,该组颅骨在种族特征上可归入现代亚洲蒙古人种中的北亚人种范围。

9 male,

11 female) unearthed from the Spring and Autumn-Warring states period cemetery at the Jinggouzi site in Linxi county, Inner Mongolia, were studied.

52、Chinese Tibetan and Mongolian part in the protocol, gift, courtesy of worship contributing to the day-to-day contacts and scarf.中国藏族和部分蒙古族在迎送、馈赠、敬神和日常交往礼节中奉献的丝巾。

53、MA Zhi-jun, the poet of Middle-late Ming Dynasty, was not mentioned in the study of Chinese ancient literature history as well as the study of his literature works.明朝中后期的诗人马之骏,在当今的中国古代文学史研究中无人提及,对其文学创作的研究也几乎是空白。

54、Bajos are seasonal wetlands that cover about 40% of the area traditionally inhabited by the Maya.这些低洼地带属于季节性的湿地,古代玛雅人居住的地区中有40%是这类低洼地。

55、In ancient times, people use every Mid-Autumn refined confectionery offerings on god, Offering, the whole family points after eat, said family reunion together.在古代,每逢中秋人们就用精制的糕饼祭奉月神;祭奉之后,全家人分吃,表示合家团圆欢聚。

56、In this pair of works, Mr. quarter of the contents of the generality of the poem made a deal with the modern lay a success.在这副作品中,季先生在内容上对古诗作了概括性的现代处理奠定了成功的基础。



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