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关于”表示建议的句型“的英语句子56个,句子主体:Suggested sentence patterns。以下是关于表示建议的句型的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Suggested sentence patterns


1、He said first that he was “open” to China's proposal that the dollar should be superseded as the reserve currency.


2、To encapsulate these functions, we'll create another view-model class that represents a product.


3、The doctor appointment heart flat and straight line, said feng instrument body will slowly disperse blood stasis, she is not recommended surgery.


4、And I commend all the Senators and Representatives who did the right thing.


5、Horowitz said that he and his co-authors used tools from string theory to develop the gravity model of a superconductor.


6、The Bio-morphotyping method was first established to differentiate 175 clinical isolates of Candida albicans. Each isolate could be described by a five digital code.

另外一种表示建议的方法是说recommend /推荐,例如:I recommend the roast duck /我推荐烤鸭。

7、Another way to suggest something is to say recommend / recommend, e.g.: I recommend the roast duck / I recommend the roast duck.


8、Indicatesthe type or state of a breakpoint.


9、UML is a powerful language for object-oriented modeling, but it has some explicit drawbacks. For example, it lacks a model check mechanism so it is difficult to keep the consistence of Meta Model.

本文 描述了表达式问题,显示了一些示例,然后演示 Clojure 的协议和数据类型如何解决它,其简化了某种编程挑战。

10、This article describes the Expression Problem, shows some examples of it, and then demonstrates how Clojure's protocols and datatypes can solve it, which simplifies certain programming challenges.

利用标签 EXP 创建一个称为期望的新需求类型,然后创建表

11、Create a new requirement type called expectation with the tag EXP, and then create the attributes shown in Table


1 中显示的属性。


12、Pacheco is out to impress during a week with the first team - and Benayoun has been there to offer help and advice.


13、A spokeswoman for Allergan, which makes implants, sent a statement by e-mail saying that the company supported the drug agency’s recommendations.


14、Some of my friends had given what they thought was strategic advice; others were genuinely appalled by what I had done.

例如,当有人建议推出Fail Whale的毛绒玩具时,她表示说很喜欢这种想法。

15、Someone suggested a plush-toy version of the Fail Whale, for instance, and she says she likes the sound of that.


16、The example code in Listing

19 creates a distinct user-defined type called "birthday" and is being used as the column type while creating the external table.

19 中的示例代码创建了一个明显的名为 “birthday” 的用户定义类型,并在创建外部表时用作列类型。


17、The following drawings show some concepts for consideration only.


18、Graph or table representations for formal language grammars and network protocols


19、Is there anyone who disagrees that they would be chosen?


20、But in private, Chinese officials say the suggestion that China will do much more to save Europe is preposterous.

21、Then, some suggestions are given for environment governance in China.最后,针对我国的环境治理给出一些启示性建议。

22、As you can see, we have created several new stereotypes to define, represent and process those variations.正如您看到的,我们已创建了用于定义、表示和处理这些变量的若干新的原型。

23、The country’s president, Yoweri Museveni, has made it clear he wants a big refinery built.该国总统约文.穆塞韦尼已经明确表示他希望建造一家大型炼油厂。

24、The meeting ended with protestations of friendship from everyone.会议结束,人人表示彼此将友好相处。

25、The report suggests parents stand as governors at their local primary school so they have influence over which images pupils are shown.报告建议家长们代表当地小学的执政官,这样才能对展示给学生的图片施加影响。

英文句子26:,26、You is entitled to challenge any arbitrator.你方有权对任何仲裁员表示异议。

27、The study of workflow modeling mainly concerns the way to express clearly and accurately business process within actual application and especially the way to formalizing .工作流建模主要是研究如何清晰、准确地表示实际应用中的业务过程,特别是研究如何以形式化的方法表示工作流模型。

28、The examples in this article will follow the format of that recommendation.本文中的示例将遵循该建议书的格式。

29、I also describe how to build an auto-complete control, similar to Google Suggest, that displays a suggestion list that is updated in real time as a user types.我还介绍了如何构建类似于 Google Suggest 的自动完成控件,在用户输入时显示实时更新的建议列表。

30、A sample hierarchical representation of the RUP meta-model is shown in Table RUP 元模型的一个分级表示法的例子如下面的表4所示。

4 below.

31、Sinopec has said its proposed acquisition of all listed subsidiaries to simplify the complex corporate structure and eliminate intra-group competition.中石化表示,其所有的上市子公司的收购建议,以简化复杂的公司结构,消除集团内部竞争。

32、When I suggested a drink, she coughed disapprovingly.我提议喝一杯时, 她咳了一下表示反对。

33、The people of company A appreciate the difficulty of soliciting and then evaluating proposals for projects of this magnitude and scope.这个项目以这样的质量和范围提供评估建议,A公司对于其征集的困难程度表示赞赏。

34、To load data from the data file /data/americascust.dat (created above) into the base table customer, use the INSERT statement as follows要将数据文件 /data/americascust.dat(此前已创建)中的数据加载到基表 customer,可以使用 INSERT 语句(如下所示)

35、Individual attachment -- the DimeAttachment class can be created based on the attachment type and a stream, which represents the attachment content.个别附件——依照附件类型和流创建 DimeAttachment 类,它表示附件的内容。

36、Based on rule based reason(RBR), a rule representation model is founded by Object Oriented Rule Model(OOR).基于RBR(基于规则的推理)技术,应用面向对象的规则模型(OOR) ,建立了动态装配规则的知识表示模型。

37、As for the International Conference on Haiti, China endorses the international community's efforts to help Haiti start its reconstruction at an early date.关于加拿大蒙特利尔海地重建会议,中方对国际社会为帮助海地及早开展重建工作所作的努力表示赞赏。

38、Boothman suggests an "almost imperceptible forward tilt" to show that you're open to and interested in what the person has to say.布斯曼建议,身体“稍微向前倾”,以表示你敞开心扉,并且对对方要说的话感兴趣。

39、Speaking to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, British Foreign Minister David Miliband said Afghanistan needs to be built from the grass-roots level.英国外长米利班德在对北约议会讲话时表示,阿富汗的建设需要从基层做起。

40、The UK public is deeply sceptical about scientific claims for what causes or prevents cancer, a poll suggests.一项调查显示,英国公众对于医学专家口中的癌症病因以及防癌建议,普遍深表怀疑。

41、He echoed LaToya's suggestion that the move originally came from street kids who were performing in the ghetto.他从托娅的建议中得到启示,太空步的灵感最初源自在贫民区街头表演的小孩子。

42、In announcing the deal, Lenovo executives spoke excitedly about creating the first truly global Chinese company.宣布这项协议时,联想兴奋地表示将建立的第一个真正全球化的中国企业。

43、Prior to EMF V2.5, as shown in several screenshots above, a concrete model produced from an extended Ecore model could keep the file extension '.ecorex' (as proposed by the wizard at creation time).在 EMF V2.5 之前,正如上面的几个屏幕快照所示,从一个扩展了的 Ecore 模型生成的具体模型应该保留 '.ecorex' 的扩展名(如创建时的向导所建议的那样)。

44、Creates a delegate of the specified type that represents the specified static method of the specified class, with the specified case-sensitivity.创建指定类型的委托,该委托表示指定类的指定静态方法。

45、This makes it very easy to create new source document types or change the presentation format of archetypes without having to search and replace through hundreds of style sheets.这就使创建新源文档类型或改变原型的表示格式变得非常容易,而无须查找并替换数百个样式表。

46、Here, let me, on behalf of the Ministry of Construction, to the convening of the meeting of the Shanghai low-cost housing pilot project achievements expressed warm congratulations.在此,我代表建设部,对这次会议的召开,对上海市廉租住房试点工作取得的成绩表示热烈的祝贺。

47、In this modeling scenario we discuss the representation of cyclic (iterative) behavior in a process model.在此建模场景中,我们将讨论流程模型中的循环(迭代)行为的表示形式。

48、List control using the demo, including static controls and create a list using dynamically created list control, multi-column display.说明:列表控件使用演示,包括静态创建列表控件和使用,动态创建列表控件,多列显示等。

49、'We encourage people to leave fish off their plates for good - the good of the people, animals and earth, ' he said.最后他表示:“我们建议人们让鱼远离他们的餐盘是有好处的,对人们、动物和地球都会有好处。”

50、The result is a very rich modeling toolset that can represent a wide variety of flow types.这就形成了一个丰富的建模工具集,能广泛地表示不同的流类型。

经典英文句子51:表示建议的句型,51、Contrary to statements in your letter, stockholders representing a significant portion of our outstanding shares have indicated to us that your proposal substantially undervalues Yahoo.相反,声明你在信中,股东代表的相当一部分优秀的股价已经向我们表示,你的建议大大低估了雅虎。

52、HJ-relay. Miniature relay for wide applications. Au plating type. Plug-in type (with diode and LED indication). 黄建忠中继。微型继电器广泛的应用。镀金的类型。插件型(二极管和LED指示)。 4表三线圈电压110伏直流电。

4 form C. Coil voltage 110 V DC.

53、This means that BPMN process models will have a standard representation for exchange between modelling tools based on XMI (XML for Model Interchange).这意味着BPMN过程模型会有一个标准表示,以便在基于XMI(模型交换XML)的建模工具间的交换模型。

54、Many data structure needs can be met with the built-in list type. However, sometimes there is a need for alternative implementations with different performance trade-offs.许多的数据结构都能够用内建的列表类型表示。然而,有时需要不同的代价实现。

55、In other words, you can create a single appointment that is displayed on numerous calendar dates.换句话说,您可以创建一个约会,这个约会将在多个日程表日期上显示。

56、The first thing to keep in mind, Gebhard says, is that most of the well-meaning advice you're hearing is "what we call noise."格哈特表示,你首先需要牢记,你听到的大多数善意的建议,“被我们称为噪音。

57、This tells your spouse that you notice who your spouse really is and do not take him or her for granted.这句话表示你发现你配偶的真实性格,也表示你不认为你们的关系是理所当然的。

58、Anyone who doubts this should watch Lang Lang's performance of the Mozart C Minor Concerto once again.如果有人对此表示怀疑的话,那么建议他再去欣赏一遍朗朗演奏的莫扎特C小调协奏曲。

59、Finally, I would like to congratulate the IMF for its approval of the voice and quota reform proposals made by the Managing Director.最后,我想对国际货币基金组织批准总裁提出的发言权和份额改革建议表示祝贺。

60、Tom tossed his head to show his dissent.汤姆把头往后一仰, 表示异议。

61、The recommendation should be understood as meaning that if you implement ALL these recommendations, then you'll get the performance benefit shown.对于建议应该这样来理解,如果您实施所有建议,那么可以获得显示的性能好处。

62、Ana Pablo, who works as a dishwasher at a restaurant, said her brother was advised to take pulque for his diabetes.在餐厅当洗碗工的安娜:帕波洛表示,就有人建议她患有糖尿病的弟弟饮用普尔奇酒。

63、It is recommended that contributors also follow the contribution process (managed model) because only then can these entries show up in the catalog.建议贡献者同时遵循贡献流程(托管模型),因为只有这样才能在目录中显示这些条目。

64、He said that in the UK the FRC Market Participants Group had created a package of 他表示,在英国, FRC 所属的市场参与者小组创建了一项方案,包括了15项旨在减少风险、改善审计市场的建议。

15 recommendations designed to reduce the risks and improve the market.

65、The protocol sequence ID table consists a boolean field to reflect if a given protocol sequence is supported or not.协议序列 ID 表包含一个布尔字段,表示是否支持给定的协议序列。

66、"We welcome opportunities to engage constructively and contribute our expertise to future deliberations," said Kanoute.“我们对于建设性参与以及为未来的审议贡献我们的专家技能的机遇表示欢迎。” Kanoute说。


标签: 建议

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