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关于”诗歌的格律“的英语句子2个,句子主体:Rhyme of poetry。以下是关于诗歌的格律的八级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Rhyme of poetry

1、Poems like the poems of the English Lord Macaulay are, although in meter and rhyme, not poetry at all, but only rhetoric. 诗歌,如英国麦考莱勋爵之诗,虽有格有韵,然非诗也,纯属华丽之辞藻而已。

2、It is Spenser's idealism, his love of beauty, and his exquisite melody that make him known as "the poets' poet." 正是斯宾塞的理想主义,对美的热爱以及精美优雅的诗文韵律是他成为“诗人中的诗人”。

3、Poe's verse, like that of many Southerners, was very musical and strictly metrical. 爱伦·坡的诗歌类似于许多南方作家的作品,有很强的乐感,对韵律的要求极为严格。

4、Traditional metrical vernacular verses and semi-metrical vernacular verses constitute new-vernacu… 旧体或变体白话诗同新格律诗一起,构成白话格律诗的两个格局。

5、Foot: It is a rhythmic unit, a specific combination of stressed and unstressed syllables. 音步:音步是诗歌韵律的一个单元,是一个重度音节和非重度音节的组合。

6、He would pass by many delicate rhythms, but he would have detected every live stanza or line in a volume and knew very well where to find an equal poetic charm in prose. 他会略过很多纤巧的韵律,在一本诗歌书中很快探测出其富有活力的诗节,也很清楚在散文中到那里去找相同的诗意。

7、The rhyme is more important to the poetry. 诗韵之于诗歌犹如“文”之于“言”。

8、He rhymed out sonnets in her praise. 他写成押韵的十四行诗歌颂她。

9、Alliteration: The repetition of the initial consonant sounds in poetry. 头韵:诗歌中单词开头读音的重复。

10、Chinese metrical verse sound pattern contents rhythm and the rules of rhyming. 律诗 的声律模式包括节奏和韵律两部分。

11、Chinese poetry, especially classical rhymed poems, focuses greatly on the construction of imagery, which is very different from western poetry. 汉语诗歌,尤其是古典的格律诗体,是非常重视意境营造的,这一点与西方诗歌体裁的文字有着极大的不同。

12、While the rule of poetry itself development was a potential influence on Fengzhi's poetry creation, which promote him to realize the aesthetic innovation of the poem. 诗歌自身的发展规律也潜在地左右着冯至的诗歌创作,并促发他实现诗歌的审美创新。

13、Traditional metrical vernacular verses and semi-metrical vernacular verses constitute new-vernacular metrical poetry with modern metrical verse. 旧体或变体白话诗同新格律诗一起,构成白话格律诗的两个格局。

14、Prose is distinguished from poetry by its greater variety of rhythm and its closer resemblance to the patterns of everyday speech. 散文体与日常口语相似,不同于诗歌,缺少韵律和乐感。

15、The difference between the satirical poetrys characteristics and the standard from lyric poetry is the main reason causing the satirical poetrys sub-poetic state. 讽刺诗独特的风韵格调与潜在的抒情诗标准之间所存在的差异是造成讽刺诗“亚诗歌”状态的主要原因。

16、Metrical poetry, free verse and prose poetry are three basic poetry genres. 格律诗、自由诗、散文诗是诗的三种基本体裁。

17、Zang has made attempts at rhythmic verse, semi-rhythmic verse and free verse. Some of his poems are distinguished by striking meters, rhythm and sound harmony. 臧克家对新诗的新格律体诗、半格律体诗和自由体诗的押韵进行了探索,有些诗具有一定的格律美,节奏分明,声韵和谐。

18、Go To A Poetry Recital And Ask Why The Poems Don't Rhyme? 跑到一个诗歌朗诵会上问他们为什么这些诗歌都不压韵?

19、In English, the meter most commonly used with blank verse has been iambic pentameter. 英语中, 无韵诗最常用的格律是抑扬格五音步(因此无韵诗又被称为无韵五节拍诗)。

20、The characteristics of art are that every line of his poems has 7 or 8syllables and the first words of the lines are in rhyme. 在诗歌艺术特色上,阿山海戈的大部分诗歌的诗行是7 或8 个音节,押头韵。

21、Some of them aimed at the poet's personal using rhymes, such as the using rhymes of poem of Bai Juyi written by Ma Chongqi; 其中有对诗人个人用韵情况的研究,如马重奇《白居易的诗歌用韵》;

22、Even worse, poets that try to get paid end up writing jingles and failing and hating it at the same time. 更糟糕的是,打算通过写诗赚钱的诗人最终只能写出有韵律的打油诗,这时他已经失败了,同时他开始痛恨写诗。

23、Having a metrically complete pattern, especially having the full number of syllables in the final foot. Used of verse. 押韵的,完全韵脚的格律完整的形式,尤指最后的韵脚其音节数完整。用在诗歌中。

24、This is the line that begins the poem's final verse paragraph and it has to be one of the most amazing moments in all of English literature. 这行是以诗篇最后的韵诗开端的,是英语诗歌文学中,最惊艳的段落之一了。

25、It is Spenser's idealism, his love of beauty, and his exquisite melody that make him known as"the poets'poet." 正是斯宾塞的理想主义,对美的酷爱以及精巧优雅的诗文韵律是他成为“诗人中的诗人”。


26、"Eight ills" are in ancient Chinese poetry about poetry sound legal terms, often with the "four tones" and mentioning a Five Characters Ancient One Metrical rules. 八病是中国古代诗歌中关于诗歌声律的术语,是经常与“四声”并提的一种五言古诗格律规则之一。

27、The poetry of imagery style is the real free poem in English poems which only un-extremely reforms in writing style English poems with rules and forms of classical poetic composition. 意象派诗歌是英语诗歌中真正意义上的“自由诗”,但是只是对格律体英语诗歌作了并不极端的文体改良。

28、Next, it introduced the melody, form, harmonic progression, poetic rhythm, piano accompaniment of important works in Schubert 's art song again. 其次从歌曲本体入手,对舒伯特艺术歌曲中代表作品的旋律、曲式、和声、诗歌韵律的采用、钢琴伴奏等方面重新作出审视。

29、Although Bly's imitation poems have the Chinese style, these poems lack the essence of Chinese classical poetry due to the differences of the Chinese and American culture. 勃莱的仿中国诗极富中国色彩,但是,由于中美文化的隔膜,这些诗歌并不真正具有中国古典诗歌的神韵。

30、Sonnet: A 14-line verse form usually having one of several conventional rhyme schemes. 十四行诗体, 一种由十四行组成的诗歌形式,通常有一种传统的押韵形式, 莎士比亚用过此诗体。

31、is the burden of my song 诗歌韵脚整齐,押韵的元音非常柔和圆润,读起来简洁明快,绵软悠长。

32、My grandfather, for example, was a poet, a good one. His rhymed improvisations were romantic and very stylized, in a way I have never heard again. 我的外祖父是一位出色的诗人,他的即兴诗常常韵律整齐,而且十分浪漫和极具风格。

33、When I am by myself, the rhythm of walking, and rhythm of writing and poetry are very easily combined. 当我独自生活时,散步的韵律,写作和诗歌的韵律很容易就能结合起来。

34、The primary metrical pattern in Frost is the primary metrical pattern in English poetry, which is to say blank verse or unrhymed iambic pentameter. 弗罗斯特基本的诗歌韵律,是英国诗歌的基本韵律,也就是无韵诗或不押韵的五音部抑扬格。

35、The language and meter used by Aeschylus in his plays was the forerunner of blank verse, or unrhymed iambic pentameter. 埃斯库罗斯在剧中使用的语言和韵律则是素体文,或者说成无韵抑扬格五步诗的前身。

36、The second chapter is on the musical elements of Thai poetry, including the history of Thai poetry, conversational habits, and the versification of Thai poetry in details. 第二章是泰语诗歌的音乐性,包括泰语诗歌的简史,口语的习惯,泰语诗歌详细节律与关于押韵的解释。

37、The "non-poeticization" reality in the city society makes the "mood" and "lasting appeal" of classical poetry missing which makes the poetic reconstruction of modern poetry very difficult. 都市社会的“非诗化”现实使古典诗歌的“意境”和“韵味”散失,从而使现代诗歌的诗意重建异常艰难。

38、In the academic community, little work has been done to discuss the Ping-ze format in Ze tonal rhyme metrical verse specially. 关于仄声韵格律诗的平仄格式,学界迄今很少有人专题论及。

39、By the way, the extreme mistake made by free verse has been corrected and the tradition of metre poetic style of Chinese poetry has been inherited in 20th century. 讽刺诗采用格律诗体,在一定程度上纠正了同时期汉语诗歌在诗体自由化上的极端,保证了汉语诗歌的格律传统在20世纪的被继承与发扬。

40、For I know in my heart that the Supreme Poet wrote but one poem, and it scans perfectly, and it also rhymes perfectly. 因为我心中明白,‘至高无上’的诗人只写过一首诗,这首诗格律完美,音韵绝佳。

41、The research is done in three respects: first, how rhythm and sense are combined in poetry; 首先,从诗歌传统的节奏入手,分析了音律、用韵、平仄等因素对声音和意义在诗中结合的影响;

42、Reveal vowel rhyme, harmonious rhyme and tidy syllable are the important material factors that make Dai Wang-shu's works gentle and terse. 揭示了诗歌语言采用的双声、叠韵、和谐的押韵和整齐的音节等语音修辞手段,使诗歌形成了柔美、简洁的风格;

43、She employs a wide range of stanza from three - line stanzas to twelve - line stanzas, and the variation of the rhyme scheme makes her poems ease and graceful. 从三行诗节到十二行诗节在她的诗中都有运用,各种韵式变化使诗歌显得自然流畅。

44、What elements of prosody can you note and discuss? Look for rhyme, meter, and stanza patterns. 你能注意到并能讨论的韵律要素有哪些?弄清诗歌中的押韵节拍、诗节模式。

45、Shujie's poems pregnant with divine artistic conception, outset from Mongolian Plateau, he cherishes honor of poetry as if fronting life. 舒洁的诗歌充满神性的气韵,从蒙古高原开始,他对诗歌荣誉的珍重就如同面对生命。

46、In a word, a translator must by all means strengthen his consciousness of style reproduction if he hopes to be any success in the poetry translation. 本文试图探索诗歌翻译的方法和途径,以使译诗不仅能准确传达出原诗的内容,也能尽可能相似地模拟原诗的形式,达到以原诗风格与神韵的再现。

47、Tradition has it that about this time Watts complained to his father that metrical psalms were the worst part of church worship. 相传华兹对韵律诗篇颇有微言,甚至曾向父亲抱怨说:韵律诗篇是崇拜最弱的一环!

48、The primary metrical pattern in Frost is the primary metrical pattern in English poetry, which is to say blank verse or unrhymed iambic pentameter. 弗罗斯特基本的诗歌韵律,是英国诗歌的基本韵律,也就是无韵诗或不押韵的五音部抑扬格。

49、My poems are written to Cantonese rhyme and rhythm. 我作的诗词都是采用粤音韵律的。

50、Many modernists think that rhyme and metre hamper the poet's free expression. ; 很多现代派诗人认为韵律妨碍了诗人的自由发挥。


51、A particular arrangement of words in poetry, such as iambic pentameter, determined by the kind and number of metrical units in a line. 格律:诗歌中字词的特定安排,由一行诗中韵律单位的类型和数量而定,如抑扬格五音步诗行。

52、From the use of rhyme, the poems about Shen Yue narrow remand the case more than the poet of Yuanjia, and poetry to rhyme poet of Yuanjia less than the quantity. 从用韵看,沈约的诗歌押窄韵的情况较元嘉诗人多,且转韵的诗歌数量较元嘉诗人少。

53、Of late, a new school of new metrical poets emerged in the Chinese poetic landscape through the joint effort of many new metrical poets and has made remarkable achievements in theoretical building. 新时期以来,经过不少新格律诗人的共同努力,在中国诗坛上逐步形成了又一个新格律诗派-雅园诗派。这个诗派在格律理论建设上取得了引人注目的成绩。

54、Shenyun is the wonderful artistic world that the poets pursue and is also the poets' deep understanding and feelings about the world. 神韵则是诗人追求的诗歌妙境,是对世界的感悟。

55、The unique style of the Russian poetry consists in its meter and rhyme. 俄文诗的独特之处在于它有自己独有的、别具一格的格律和韵律。

56、In the last years, with verse into the low valley, more people pay attention to modern metric verse gradually. 近些年来,随着诗歌渐入低谷,人们关注的目光逐渐转向了现代格律诗。

57、Blank verse is unrhymed iambic pentameter. 无韵诗是不押韵的抑扬格五步格诗。

58、The rhythmic pattern of a stanza, determined by the kind and number of lines. 韵律一个诗节的韵律格式,由诗节中诗行的类型和数量而定。

59、Free verse is non-metrical poetry, another thing altogether. 自由诗体是无韵律的诗,总的来说是另一种诗体。

60、The life of the rhythm of Chinese poetry lies in the modem situation of listening. 汉语诗歌进入现代“倾听”之境,方可获得其韵律的生命感。

61、In English poetry, aesthetic sense and English pronunciation are closely linked, reflecting especially in the metre, such as alliteration, assonance, rhyme, semi-assonance and onomatopoeia. 英语诗歌中的美感和英语语音息息相关,尤其体现在韵律的运用上,最常见的有头韵、尾韵、谐音、半谐音和拟音。

62、埃斯库罗斯在剧中使用的语言和韵律则是素体文,或者说成无韵抑扬格五步诗的前身。 The language and meter used by Aeschylus in his plays was the forerunner of blank verse, or unrhymed iambic pentameter.

63、Although free verse is the main poetic style of Chinese poetry in 20th century. Metre poetic style which is reformed is the most important poetic style used by ironic poetry. 尽管自由诗是20世纪汉语诗歌的主流诗体,但是讽刺诗采用的主要诗体是在传统的基础上适度改良了的格律诗体。

64、It is Spenser's idealism, his love of beauty, and his exquisite melody that make him know as "the poets" poet. 正是斯宾塞的理想主义,对美的热爱和精美优雅的诗文韵律使他成为“诗人中的诗人”。

65、In English Poetry, metre and rhythm are important approaches to foregrounding. There's no doubt investigating metre and rhythm may help us comprehend the implications of the English poetry. 英诗的韵律和节奏是诗人用来实现“前景化”特征的重要手段,研究和了解英诗的韵律和节奏有助于我们更好地理解英诗的内涵。

66、Comparison of its poetry Prosody pay attention to rhythm and tidy battle. 其诗歌比较讲究韵律节奏和整齐仗。

67、It was in blank verse that she sang. 她以无韵诗体作诗。

68、English verse composed in iambic pentameter. 不压韵的诗(通常是抑扬格五步格诗)。

69、In the middle of Qing Dynasty, the three schools of poetry:style, romantic charm and temperament, attacked one another. 清代诗坛,格调、神韵、性灵三大诗派各立门户,以诗论互相攻讦。

70、He made various bold attempts to introduce English metres into Chinese poetry, from Elizabethan sonnets to Byronic stanzas. 他做了许多大胆尝试,把英国的韵律诗,从伊丽莎白时代的十四行到拜伦时代的诗歌,介绍给中国诗歌界。

71、A poem With weak rhymes halts. 她以无韵诗体作诗。

72、Milton wrote his epic in lines of unrhymed iambic pentameter or what we call, and what Milton would have called, blank verse. 弥尔顿的史诗由不押韵的抑扬格五音步诗句写成,我们,还有弥尔顿都称其为无韵诗。

73、This fact about English has long been exploited by poets in creating the English language's most common verse form, iambic pentameter. 英语里的这种语言现象在很久以前就被诗人运用在诗歌里,如英语里最常见的韵律形式,抑扬格的五步音诗。

74、Unite the poem rhyming word is an important method in the study of Chinese phonology. 通过系联诗歌韵脚字,考求诗文韵部系统是音韵学研究当中的一种重要方法。

75、He doesn't care how many words there are in the line as long as the last words rhyme, so the meter is appalling. 他不管一行诗里有多少个词,只要最后一个词合韵就行,因此他的诗几无韵律可言。

英文句子模板76:Rhyme of poetry

76、The change is reflected in their English sonnet composition, such as the adjustment of the rhythm, the reform of the text structure, and the alteration of the rhyme and metre. 它表现在华埃特和萨里对用英语写作十四行诗时所遇到种种问题的探索,如对诗歌节奏的调整,对诗篇结构的改动和对诗行格律及韵脚的变革等。


标签: 八级 诗歌

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