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关于”常用的100句“的英语句子3个,句子主体:Common 100 sentences。以下是关于常用的100句的专八英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Common 100 sentences

1、Arterial thromboses are far more common in the brain than venous thromboses (by a ratio of about 100 to 1). 在脑部,动脉血栓比静脉血栓更常见(比例大约是100比1)。

2、Usually, 50-100 ms delay time is normal. 通常来讲,50-100毫秒的延迟时间都属于正常的范围。

3、Payment will be made by a 100% confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit, available by sight draft。 付款方式为 100% 即期,保兑,不可撤消信用证。 注解:在第一个句子中,confirm 的意思是"确认"。在第二个句子中,confirmed L/C 应翻译为"保兑信用证",即指一家银行所开的由另一家银行保证兑付的一种银行信用证。

4、The main dimensions of liver, gall bladder and pancreas of 100 normal personals were measured. 并对100例正常人的肝、胆、胰主要径线进行了测量。

5、Methods:100 patients with conventional X-ray examination was normal or suspected skull fracture patients CT scanning. 方法:对100例经常规X线平片检查正常或疑似头骨骨折的患者行CT扫描。

6、Methods 100 cases common bile ducts were normal in diagnosis of colour ultrasound. All were performed with spiral CT thinly scanning. 方法对100例经彩色超声检查胆总管未见异常的患者,进行螺旋CT薄层扫描。

7、Several years ago, I had to maintain a site that contained over 100 pages with a regular HTML editor. 几年前,我必须利用常规的 HTML 编辑器来维护一个包含 100 多个页面的站点。

8、Patients with vitiligo usually require 100-300 treatments over a year or more. 白癜风患者通常需要100-300治疗xx年或更长时间。

9、Payment is typically a dollar amount per quintal (100 pounds) of cherry; 售价通常是每公担(100磅)樱桃一美元;

10、Method: To observe urine routine, renal function and the side effect of 100 patients before and after using demethylvancomycin. 方法:观察100例应用盐酸去甲万古霉素患者用药前后尿常规、肾功及用药时的不良反应。

11、While it may sometimes spike to 100%, typical values are less than 75%. 尽管有时它会达到 100%,但通常它的值小于 75%。

12、Normal reactions (50-500 mg of product) can be diluted with between 25–100 mL of solvent. 正常的反应(50-500 毫克的产品)能用 25-100 毫升溶剂稀释。

13、He always makes sure to stop and do 100 crunches, 100 push-ups, and 50 pull-ups. 他经常停下手头的工作,做100个仰卧起坐,100个俯卧撑和50个引体向上。

14、Each of these releases usually produces runs that range in 30-100 pips. 新闻稿,其中每一个通常会产生运行在30-100点的范围。

15、The reason for this was that the level of applied pressures was considerably lower compared to 100 MPa normally used nowadays. 这样做的理由是,该级别的适用于压力是相当低的比较通常使用的100兆帕现在。

16、However, his most popular quote is "Better to see something once than hear about it a hundred times." 不过,最常见的一句,却是“百闻不如一见”。

17、In 2009, there were 119.45 male newborns for every 100 female births, while the natural ratio should be about 105 males per 100 females at birth. 在xx年,每出生100名女婴,就有119.45名男婴诞生,而正常的男女出生比率应该是105:100。

18、The illusive run target of 100% of all available tests often seems excruciatingly close but unattainable. 虚幻的所有可用测试的100% 的运行目标常常看起来非常接近,但是却难以达到。

19、Our factory reported a short of 100 for this goods. 翻译一句话求助:工厂报告此批货物短数100本。

20、Say a long-distance bus company has 100 buses during normal time. If the 100 buses are all put in use without maintenance, the demand cannot be met anyway. 比如说,一个长途客运公司,正常(情况下)我就配100辆车,这100辆车你全部投入使用,没有检修,那它也满足不了要求。

21、This is especially nice in rooms that are incredibly bright of if you like to use 100 watt bulbs. 如果你喜欢用100瓦灯泡,使房间非常明亮的话,使用这种玻璃是最适合的。

22、Tsunamis can often become monster waves of more than 100 feet (30.5 meters). 海啸常常会掀起超过100英尺(30.5米)的巨浪。

23、One tiny bottle is good for 50-100 shaves depending on how many drops of oil you need to use. 取决于你每次的使用量,一小瓶剃须油通常可以使用50-100次。

24、Water is the chemical substance with chemical formula H2O. 好了有10句了,你要100句都有.

25、In other words: Wouldn't it be good to know if the query returns 1, 100, 1,000, or 10,000 rows? 换句话说:知道这个查询将返回 1 行、100 行、1000 行还是 10000 行有什么不好呢?


26、The abnormal expression of MIP-1β and S-100 protein play important roles during malignant progression of human colon cancer. 和S-100蛋白的异常表达在结肠癌的恶性进展过程中起重要作用。

27、Nowadays, a typical radio transmitter has a power of 100 kilowatts so that it can broadcast information over a large area of influence. 如今,一台常见的无线电发射机的功率已达100瓩,因此它的播送范围很大。 收藏。

28、Compare 100 grams of fresh apricot (40 calories) with 100 grams of dried apricot (over 250 calories). Same weight, very different calories. 把100克的新鲜杏(40卡热量)和100克干杏(超过250卡的热量)做对比,同样的重量,热量却差别非常大。

29、And tonight, we winnow them down to 100, and finally to number one. 今晚,我们精选了100句电影台词,逐一展示,直到排名第一得台词。

30、There are more than 100 types of cancer, characterized by abnormal cell growth. 以反常细胞增殖为特点的恶性肿瘤有100多种类型。

31、In a common long-distance network environment, the bandwidth is about 1M and the latency is about 100 milliseconds. 在常见的长距离网络环境中,带宽大约为 1M,延迟时间大约为 100 毫秒。

32、Methods: 108 AD patients and 100 normal controls were examined with neuropsychological tests and the dementia severity was determined with clinical dementia rating(CDR). 方法:采用常用神经心理学量表测定108例AD患者和100例正常对照组,临床痴呆评定量表(CDR)确定AD痴呆的严重程度。

33、"Oh, yes, it works very fast, " Mr. Grey said. " I once advertised for my watch-dog and offered a reward of $100. " “噢,有用,而且见效非常快。”格雷先生说,“我曾经发布了一条广告,要招聘一个值班员,报酬是100美金。”

34、Of Paramont’s 800 employees, 100 are Brazilian, and day-to-day business is conducted in English. 派拉蒙800名员工中,约有100名巴西人,日常工作都用英语。

35、“Now, his vocabulary is well over 100 words, and he speaks to me in full sentences, ” she said. “现在他的词汇量大了,能够运用100个单词,还能用完整的句子和我说话,”她说。

36、" Tan perennial springs within the full pond, deep bottomless, and many fish and shrimp, and therefore, "100 net 100 fish, " says that he heard his name were Barry. 潭内常年泉水满塘,深不见底,且鱼虾繁多,故有“百网百鱼”之说,百里皆闻其名。

37、Turkish novelist and Nobel laureate Orhan Pamuk often rewrites the first line of his novels 50 or 100 times. 土耳其作家、诺贝尔文学奖(Nobel)得主奥尔罕•帕慕克经常会把小说的第一句话写上50或者100遍。

38、Common with CD4 count below 100 cells/mcl 当CD4数量低于每微升100个细胞时的常见症状

39、Deng has so far managed to serve over 100 clients, most of whom are now her regulars. 邓梅目前已经有100多位客户,大多数是常客。

40、We are constantly exhorted to give 100 per cent – or even a mathematically impossible 110 per cent. 我们常常被鼓励做到100%完美,甚至110%完美 美——哪怕这在数学上是不可能的。

41、For this condition, a "100 percent arrester" is often selected. 对于这种情况,常选用“100%的避雷器”。 好评(0)

42、As a common sense, the insurance loss ratios in developed or underdeveloped areas are usually lower than 100%. 作为一种常识,无论是发达地区还是欠发达地区保险赔付率通常低于100%。

43、Results: the abnormal rate of EEG is 100%, mild abnormal was 6 cases (13.04%), moderate abnormal was 31 cases (67.39%), marked abnormal was 9 cases (19.59%). 结果:脑电图均有不同程度的异常,异常率为100%,其中轻度异常6例(13。4%),中度异常31例(67。39%),重度异常9例(19。

44、Clausal predicate is a special but normal sentence structure in the Chinese language which always exists in the history. 主谓谓语句是汉语独具特色又较为常见的句式。

45、The drugs for the lengthy treatment of MDR-TB can cost more than 100 times that of the drugs to treat common tuberculosis strains. 用于疗耐多药结核病漫长治疗的药品费用比治疗常见结核病菌株的药品可能贵100倍以上。

46、It is common to see a DEV instance with clients such as 100, 200, 300, and so on defined. 一个DEV实例有几个实集是很常见的,比如象100、200、300等等这样定义的实集。

47、Figure 5 demonstrates that for transactions containing ten statements, all of which are 100% re-directable to a single node, response time improves 300% with SACR. 图 5 演示了包含 10 个语句的事务的情况,所有语句都 100% 可重定向到一个节点,在使用 SACR 的情况下,响应时间提高了 300%。

48、The film has numerous lines in Premiere magazine's poll to find the 100 Greatest Movie Lines. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain" came in at No 24. 《首映杂志》调查列出了100句最佳电影台词,该电影中的很多台词包括在内,如第24句是:“ 不要留意帘子后的那个男人。”

49、More than 100 of these consultancy projects have been undertaken so far, and many more are to come. 第十一题,开头一句话说一共有超过100个咨询项目被承接了,还有更多的在后面。

50、There is somebody waiting for you. 某人,有人,常用于肯定句中。


51、It already has 118 male births for every 100 female; way above the global "normal" ratio of between 103 and 107 boys for every 100 girls. 目前,中国男女婴的出生比例是 118 比 100,这大大超过 103 比 100 至 107 比 100的国际正常水平。

52、Broadly, a 100% charge equals 100 miles, but sometimes you see a big drop when you're driving and that can be unsettling. 总得来说,这款车在满电的情况下可以开100公里,但是有时候在行驶途中你会发现电量下降的非常快,这一点非常令人不安。

53、Chestnut 50 grams, 100 grams of rice porridge, often edible, with spleen and stomach, kidney qi, the role of strong bones. 用板栗50克,粳米100克煮粥,经常食用,具有健脾胃、补肾气、强筋骨的作用。

54、The bacteria is so abundant that just one spoonful of ocean water contains 100-1,000, 000 bacteria cells per cubic centimeter. 细菌非常多,在一茶匙海水中间,每立方厘米就含有100-100万个 细菌细胞。

55、Applications include 100 KHz adjacent channel DX, and superior IMD immunity in very high RF areas. 应用范围包括,和优越的IMD的免疫力非常高的射频领域的100千赫相邻信道的DX。

56、This is quite rare (approximately 3 people in 100) and normally only happens with a wasp sting. 这是相当罕见(约3人在100 )和通常只发生与蜂螫。

57、The Victoria tower of palatial southwest Cape, 100 meters in height, whole stone structure, very sublime. 宫殿西南角的维多利亚塔,高100米,全石结构,非常壮观。

58、Till present, the digital devices of the well runs normally, and keep 100% running rate. 从正式观测至今,周至深井的数字化公用设备一直正常运转,保持着近100%的运行率。

59、Results 226 cases of patients with fever (100%), cough, sputum is a common symptom (52.5%), there are 74 cases (32.74%) without respiratory symptoms; 结果 226例患者,发热(100%)、咳嗽、咳痰为常见症状(52.5%),尚有74例(32.74%)无呼吸道症状;

60、This wine is using 100% Friesa, an unusual variety of the long history Piedmont. 这款酒酿造选用100%弗雷伊萨葡萄,一种不同寻常的历史悠久的皮埃蒙特品种。

61、See Congress:Top 100:Complete List - The entire Top 100 Clean Energy Technologies listing. 见大会: 100 :完整列表 -整个前100位的清洁能源技术的清单。

62、96 of the 100 most common English words are Germanic. 英语中100个最常用词中96个来自日耳曼语。

63、The lap was 100 per cent and the pit stop felt very good for me. 那一圈是100%的,进站换胎我感觉非常好。

64、For more than 100 years afterward, presidents used the word “unprecedented” in 72 speeches and mostly reserved it for major addresses. 此后大约xx年间,总统们在72篇讲话中用了“空前的”一词,并且常常把它留给正式演说。

65、We sell 100% hand-made products: ranging from accessories to clothing and daily products. 我们售卖100%人手制造的产品, 如手饰, 手工艺品, 人手缝纫服饰, 日常用品等等…

66、The size you specify for the statement cache size should be relatively large. Typically this is in the range of 100-200. 您为语句缓存指定的大小应当相对较大,一般在 100 到 200 之间。

67、These $100 notes, depending on condition, may be of significant numismatic value. 所以这些100美元钞票,根据票况,非常有收藏价值。

68、And tonight, we winnow to 100 and finally to number one. 今晚, 我们精选了100句电影台词,一一展示,直到排名第一的台词。

69、Alternatively, STATCHANGE can also be set using the SQL statement session environment STATCHANGE x, where x is an integer between 0 and 100. 此外,STATCHANGE 还可以通过使用 SQL 语句会话变量 STATCHANGE x 设置,其中 x 是介于 0 和 100 之间的整数。

70、I typically end up with 50-100 log entries per day. 我通常每天结束时会有50——100个日程记录。

71、In one of Bem's studies, 100 college students were shown a list of 48 common nouns flashed on a computer, one at a time, for three seconds each. 在本的一项试验中,100名大学生坐在电脑前,48个常见名词一个一个地展现在电脑屏幕上,每个用时三秒种。

72、GENERAL EURO-paste ES326, is an excellent 100% solids two components epoxy filler for application underwater with conventional tools. 总述ES326是优异的固含量为100%的双组份环氧填充剂。可采用常用工具在水下施工。

73、Because the DM-10 and B-100 use no global negative feedback, the damping factor is very modest. 由于糖尿病- 10和B - 100使用没有全球性的负反馈,阻尼因素是非常温和的。

74、More than 100 testcase and 10 assert statement were developed. 一共开发出100多条测试向量,10条断言语句。

75、Don't use the diffident words and sentences. 不要常用缺乏自信的词句。

英文句子模板76:Common 100 sentences

76、The sensitivity and specificity of MRDWI for acute cerebral infarction were 100 %and 100 %, respectively, while those of conventional MRI were 27.8 %and 100 %, respectively. DWI诊断急性期脑梗死的敏感性为100%,特异性为100%,而常规MRI诊断急性期脑梗死的敏感性和特异性分别为27.8%和100%。


标签: 专八 口语

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