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关于”能力的句子“的英语句子3个,句子主体:Competent sentences。以下是关于能力的句子的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Competent sentences

1、To get attention, I suggest you tailor a sentence or two that powerfully addresses his or her problem. And what you can do to solve it. 为了获得注意力,我建议你写下一两个能够解决他们问题的句子,以及能够在解决他们的问题方面做些什么。

2、Moreover, the correct ratio of discrimination was 73.1% (yes), 66.9% (impaired) and 87.2% (no), respectively, and the general correct ratio of discrimination was 78.1%. 多种因子对有性自我防卫能力、性自我防卫能力削弱和无性自我防卫能力的患者的判别正确率分别为73.1%、66.9%和87.2%,总判别正确率为78.1%。

3、Prerequisite: Ability to use telekinesis as a supernatural ability. 先决条件:能以超自然能力使用心灵遥控能力。

4、Excellent skills in community, financing and negotiating, prefer to have financing resources; experiences in leading a team of more than 10 people; 具有较强的公关能力、融资能力和谈判能力,有融资渠道者优先;有带领由10人以上组成的团队的经验;

5、Ability to problem-solve and make decisions. 有解决问题及决策能力;

6、Its type expansion should take decision evaluation from the ability of resources' basic, interior collaboration, management integration and capital management. 联盟类型扩张应从资源的基础能力、内部合作能力、管理协调能力和资金运筹能力等方面进行决策评价。

7、This word means that those people with authority make the final decision. 字面的意思是拍打板子,也指有权力、能主事的人作出最后的决定。

8、Of princes shall outlive this powerful rhyme… 能够和我这些有力的诗句比寿……

9、In many cases, a supervisor “determines” the ability of a worker in about three weeks, labeling them as either “can do” or “can’t do” workers. 许多情况下,一个主管会在三周内‘决定’其员工的能力,并将他们归为‘有能力’或‘没能力’的中的一种。

10、Good presentation, writing and negotiation skills in English. Other languages are a plus. 英语的表达能力,书写能力,谈判能力良好,会其他语种者优先。

11、This kind of knowledge entails judgment and deliberation the deliberative skill or the deliberative art. 这类知识,需要判断力与商议能力,商议技能或商议艺术。

12、Strong judgment and decisiveness; bias for action. 较强的判断力和决策力。

13、Others will admire your common sense, wisdom and calm approach to the problem. 别人会佩服你的判断能力、智慧和解决问题的方法。

14、It embodies the abilities in guessing the meaning of the words, inferring, judging and generalizing, which plays a decisive role in solving reading comprehension problems. 它体现在阅读中的猜词能力、推理判断能力、概括能力等方面,在解决阅读理解问题中起着决定性作用。

15、It will shatter every barrier, sunder any shield, tear through any enchantment, and lend its servant the power to pass sentence. 这股力量能粉碎一切的障碍、击破一切的防护、穿过任何魔法,并赐给它的仆人足够的能力,让他们执行判决。

16、Teaching had educational power, aiming at the loss of taste in mathematical instruction, posing the position "The rarest quality in mathematics education was seeking taste for students". 教学具有教育性,数学而言的“识”是指分析鉴别知识经融会贯通而获致个人见解的能力,包括预见力、判断力、鉴赏力、洞察力、看问题的能力、提问题的能力。

17、I am constantly questioning my judgment and decisions. 我一直都质疑我的判断力和决策力。

18、Some people argue that citizens suffered from the insufficient rights protection are due to their lack of negotiation skills, so they have no choice except collective action. 有些人认为,当今公民因为自身的谈判能力不足而不能有效维护其权益,因而,采取集体行动是民众提高谈判能力不得已而为的途径。

19、The arbitration prize shall be ultimate and has valid fastening forces to both sides. 仲裁判决应为究竟了局判决,对双圆均具有束厄局促力。

20、Self-driven and pro-act with strong leadership and negotiation skills. 良好的领导能力及丰富的商务谈判经验和沟通能力。

21、Whether a definitive agreement can be reached will depend on further negotiations with Resourcehouse, it said. 该公司表示,能否达成有约束力的协议,将取决于与源库资源进一步开展的谈判。

22、Sentences: I can see with my eyes. I can hear with my ears. I can smell with my nose. 能力目标:能够把看见、听见和闻见的东西用含有感官动词的句子描述出来。

23、I knew Hoar and had great confidence in his judgment and ability. 我了解霍尔,对他的判断力和能力很有信心。

24、We study actors command ability that is different and how about in "Fucked Intension" that is parameter estimation command ability. 分析了不同指挥能力下的参与者,怎样从受骗强度这个参数有效的判断指挥员的“能力”;

25、He learns from his parents and listens to what they day. 小孩子没有思考和判断能力, 要向父母亲学习, 听从父母的教导.


26、Alcohol can also impair judgment to the extent that you may not make the best or brightest decisions in a cold weather emergency. 酒精还能削弱你的判断能力,在寒冷天气下出现紧急状况时不能做出最佳和最明智的决定。

27、The referee should improve the moving ability, improve the identification maneuver ability … 裁判员应通过提高跑动能力、识别动作能力、加强团队配合来减少错、漏判。

28、The appraisal ability is a ability of the judgement related to thing whose value is high or low, and it is also a ability of the determination about rights and wrongs. 评价能力就是判断有关事物价值高低及判定事物是非、曲直、优劣的能力。

29、Abilities of coordination, plan, perspicacity and management together with negotiation skills; 协调力、计划力、注重细节、管理能力、谈判技巧;

30、She couldn't think of a good put-down quickly enough. 她没能立即想出一句有力的反讥。

31、Don't I just have the ability to return mother? 鸡翅在油锅里发出滋滋的叫声,好像在笑话我刚才的失败,我告诉你们几个,这次一定要让你们漂漂亮亮出锅。

32、The award made by the Arbitration Tribunal is final and binding on both parties. 仲裁法庭所做出的判决都是终审判决,对仲裁双方都是有约束力的。

33、Results The average total score of critical thinking ability of medical students was above 280, and 51.08% of students showed positive critical thinking ability. 结果 医学生的批判性思维能力平均总分>280分,51.08%的学生表现为正性批判性思维能力;

34、Simulation-based training is a useful means to enhance the ability of peoples judgement and management. 仿真训练是有效提高受训人员判断能力和处理能力的方法。

35、The decision binds only the parties whereas the ratio decidendi may bind others in similar disputes in the future. 判决仅对涉案双方有约束力,而判决理由则可能对将来其他类似的争议有约束力。

36、Strong ability to communicate, coordinate and decide, strong sense of responsibility. 应具有较强的沟通、协调、判断能力,责任心强。

37、To effectively capture their attention, imagination, and dollars, you need to be able to quickly recognize their identity and which characteristics of tea are likely to appeal to them. 为了能有效地吸引他们的注意力、想象力和银子 你需要能够快速识别他们的特质,并且能够判断出这茶叶到底哪方面能合他们的胃口。

38、One might summarize these points by saying that relativism does not undermine the capacity to criticize others or to improve one’s own values. 综上所述,相对主义既没有能力批判他人,也没有能力证明自己的价值观。

39、The prepotency of criminal definitive fact has a special scope and extent, based on the higher standard of proof. 基于刑事判决较高的证明标准,其既判事实预决力有特殊的效力范围和效力程度。

40、To improve writing ability by the reinforcement of reading, listening, speaking, and critical thinking abilities. 应用阅读,听讲,说话和分析判断的能力以提高学生写作的能力。

41、Good managers are required to innovate, problem-solve, create and lead. 优秀的管理者必须是能创新,能解决问题,有创造力,有领导力的。

42、Schooling requires above all that students learn, solve problems and think abstractly. 例如,孩子一旦进入学校,就总得接触各种各样的作业,而教育的首要任务就是培养学生的学习能力、解决问题的能力以及抽象思维能力。

43、Your son will learn to problem-solve in your absence. 您的孩子将会学习在没有你的状态下解决问题的能力!

44、Judged fact has predeterminative force which derives from effects of judicial judgement to relevant cases in future. It is the courts duty to ascertain and apply judged facts. 既决事实,对于将来的相关案件具有预决效力,这种效力源于判决的效力。

45、Sucess depends on your endeavor and capability. 成功与否取决于你的努力和能力。

46、Reflection is a kind of integrative ability involving critical thinking, selective decision and self-management. 反思能力是一种涉及批判性思维、选择决策和自我管理等多方面的综合性能力。

47、By opening rounds of negotiations with neighboring countries over boundary disputes, Chin has been able to create peaceful resolutions. 通过与邻国开展边界纠纷谈判,中国已经有能力缔造和平决议。

48、Even so, I'm not in a position to judge the business reasons for Hyatt's decision. 尽管如此,我还没有能力来判断凯悦酒店做出这个决定的商业理由。

49、Gemini lacks concentration and the ability to take quick decisions. 双子注意力不太集中,并且缺乏迅速做决定的能力。

50、Chinese criminal judicial verdicts, as a formal legal document, can be seen as one of the genres of written texts. 中文刑事判决书语体作为具有法律效力的非规范性文件,具有特定的人际功能。


51、There is nothing to call out his individuality, his ingenuity, his powers of balancing, judging, deciding. 没什么工作能唤醒他的个性、才智以及权衡、判断、决断的能力。

52、Generally it's accepted that only the judgment in the text of adjudicate has res judicata, while the judgment in the reason for adjudicate binds neither no one nor nothing. 一般认为只有判决主文中的判断具有既判力,而判决理由中的判断没有既判力。

53、The professor guides the discussion, with the aim of helping the students develop a keener business judgement and a larger arsenal of problem-solving skills. 教授会指导这个讨论,致力于培养学生更敏锐的商业判断能力和解决问题的技能。

54、Judgment is the faculty of subsuming under rules . 判断力是把某物归摄在规则之下的能力…

55、And let the kids learn some of the courses are helping to train children to solve problems and overcome the pressure capacity. 而让孩子从小学习一些课程,是有利于培养孩子解决困难和克服压力的能力的。

56、The course focuses on teaching children soft skills, like presentation and problem solving as well as language acquisition. 此套教材着重于教授孩子们的软技能,例如英语自我展示能力、问题解决能力和语言获取能力;

57、Good multicultural communication skills, writing skills, strong presentation skills, relationship-building and negotiation skills. 较好的跨文化沟通能力,写作能力,演讲能力和谈判能力。

58、Self - judgment is critical for the success in vocal music teaching at normal universities. Without such ability, there would be little hope of solving problems encountered during training. 自我判断能力是高师声乐教学中能不能成功的关键,没有正确的判断,就不会有正确的解决问题的办法。

59、Higher-level reasoning, critical thinking, and meta-cognitive thought. 更高水平的推理能力、批判性思考的能力和培养元认知思维模式。

60、The puzzles have been specially designed to develop children's visual recognition skills, eye-hand co-ordination skills, problem solving skills and reading and spelling skills. 通过该拼图游戏,可以培养孩子们的观察能力,手眼协调能力,解决问题能力和阅读拼写能力。

61、Maters, tell me some ways to improve this kind of ability? 如何去提高对长句子的理解,翻译能力?。

62、Collor nurtured the idea that he was a superman , who single-handedly could resolve Brazil's crisis. 科洛尔一直希望自己有超凡能力,凭一己之力就能解决巴西的危机。

63、2 judgment. that equipoise, that nice adjustment of the faculties one to the other, which is called good judgment, is an essential to the speculator. 判断。平衡力,判断的能力,都叫优秀的判断,这对投机者很关键。

64、Power -- or the authority to decide or to compel 能力 —— 或者决定或强制的权力

65、But Tanaka has critics too, who question whether she's up to the job of foreign minister. 然而,批判田中真纪子的也大有人在,他们质疑她掌管此要职的能力。

66、It's success depends mainly on the research insights, insights, the ability to think from a theoretical field and innovative ability. 科研成功与否主要取决于其洞察力、感悟力、理论思维能力、田野能力和创新能力。

67、Have good ability of communication, coordinating, business negotiation and crisis handle, organizing and planning ability. 具有良好的沟通协调能力、商务谈判能力与危机处理能力,严谨的策划组织能力。

68、On one side, as judgment for conducting again is the complement of judgment for rescinding, the validity of the latter affects the former a lot. 一方面,重作判决作为撤销判决的补充,撤销判决的效力对重作判决产生重要影响。

69、Learning inquiry-based reading and creative reading can develop imagination, capacity for critical thought and critical capabilities. 学习探究性阅读和创造性阅读,发展想象能力、思辨能力和批判能力。

70、Outgoing personality, strong ability in public relations, great adaptability, good at business negotiation; 性格外向,具有较强的公关能力、应变 能力和谈判能力;

71、They are confident. They are critical thinkers. 他们所感兴趣的人、所能宽容的人各种各样,他们也很自信,具有批判性思维能力。

72、Jury trials not only give credibility within a community about verdicts reached in court cases, but also seem to turn jurors into better citizens. 陪审团庭审不仅能让案件的判决结果在社区内具有信服力,而且似乎还能促使陪审员成为更好的公民。


标签: 小学 能力

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