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关于”学校生活“的英语句子42个,句子主体:School life。以下是关于学校生活的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:School life


1、Althought the merger of the schools and the promotion to regular colleges has brought this kind of schools vigor and vitality, this issues the new challenges to them.


2、What I enjoy most is the social life – the school is very academic but we play hard too.


3、At the welcoming ceremony, the school handed out school uniforms, beddings , textbooks and daily necessaries to them.


4、I always associate the song with my school life.

5、The mind is like a horse on a plain, easy to let go but difficult 学如逆水行舟


6、Systematic education of the life-skill is needed to develop in the middle school.

7、You don't need to look up to others, for you yourself are a spectacle.——不必仰望别人,自己也是风景。


8、Classroom teaching is the dailiest and most fundamental activity of the school education and it is the basic form of the interactivities between teachers and students.


9、During in the school, the oversea student should join in the school's activities.

The mind is like a horse on a plain, easy to let go but difficult 学如逆水行

10、Learning is like rowing upstream,not to advance but to drop back!


11、"I know I can". Positive thinking is half the work.


12、You are enrolled in a full-time school called "life".


13、Students, PE teaching and creative abilities should be trained through the military training, telling a lesson in the trial teaching, teaching practice and all kinds of tasks in the athle…

本课题的研究, 将对在校寄宿生活的农村留守学生进行调查研究,全面掌握他们的家庭生活、学校生活状况。

14、This topic research, will on the boarding life of rural left-behind student survey and study on a comprehensive grasp their family life, school life condition.


15、I have a colorful and sufficient school life. We have many different classes and activities in school.

The mind is like a horse on a plain, easy to let go but difficult 学如逆水行舟,不进则退 2ou can get used to everywhere if you learn the mathes physics and chemistry well. 学好数理化走遍天下都不怕 3Me and my friends gathered at the school gate after school.放学后和朋友在校门口汇合 4I well merry you after graduation,毕业后再娶你 5An idle youth a needy age 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲 6The way with you一路伴你 7Refuse to tow the class拒绝拖课

16、Learning is like rowing upstream,not to advance but to drop back!


17、You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called Life.


18、Finally, in theory and the status quo, based on Proposed life of deaf primary school language teaching practice strategies with a view to living deaf primary school language teaching be helpful.


19、Enjoy your university experience and make sure to get involved in campus clubs and activities.


20、The teachers' views on children's life have a great effect on children's school life.

21、We talked about our new school life .我们谈论了新学校的生活。

22、Myers is executive head of the girls’ school, the boys’ school, the sixth-form college and the community programmes, with Myers不仅是女校的校长,男校的校长,(供xx岁以上学生就读的)高级中学的校长,同时也是社区活动的策划者。

1, 700 pupils and 354 staff.

23、I live on bread and water at school.我在学校时过着粗茶淡饭的生活。

24、You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called Life.你入读了一所叫做“生活”的大学的全日制非正式学校。

25、Learning is like rowing upstream,not to advance but to drop back! The mind is like a horse on a plain, easy to let go but difficult 学如逆水行舟

英文句子26:,26、Some universities,like Oxford and Cambridge in Britain,are residential,which means students live and study on campus.英国有些大学,如牛津和剑桥提供学生住宿,这就是说学生在校园里学习和生活。

27、School-based tobacco prevention and control projects could extended students' family, which confirmed the strength of such program;学校控烟活动能对学生家庭成员起到间接教育作用,这是对以学校为基础进行控烟活动的优势的肯定;

28、The most unforgetable thing in my school life happened in the last year.最难忘的事情在我的学校生活发生在去年。

29、Life teachers in our school take charge of students' daily life.学校配有生活老师,照顾学生的饮食起居。

30、Postpone inter-university activities; reduce large-scale student activities. If student activities cannot be avoided, check students' health condition first.延期进行校际活动;减少大型学生活动。


31、not pleasant experience on their first day on campus.当前,一提到即将开始的学校生活,许多学生都会兴高采烈。

32、Extra-curriculum activities are both important part of students' college life and one of the important carriers of talent cultivation of schools.课外活动既是学生学习生活的重要组成部分,也是学校培养人才的重要载体之

33、I keep record of my school life in English.我坚持用英语记录我的学校生活

34、After-class activities really enrich our school life.课外活动真的丰富了我们的学校生活。

35、In a word, I love my school. I find my school life more and more meaningful and colorful.总之,我爱我的学校,我发现学校生活越来越有意义和多姿多彩。

36、A school is the main place for minor students to study and live. Students'breaking away the control of family and their lively characters decides the increasing accidents of personal injury.学校是未成年学生学习、生活的主要场所,脱离家庭的监督管教和学生的活泼好动决定了在校学生人身伤害事故增多。

37、mental health promotional activities in schools (e.g. programmes supporting ecological changes in schools and child-friendly schools);学校内的精神卫生促进活动(例如,支持学校生态变化的规划、对儿童友好的学校);

38、3Me and my friends gathered at the school gate after school.放学后和朋友在校门口汇合

39、The deputy head teacher of a large school with 在维多利亚瀑布东部一所拥有

1, 500 pupils east of Victoria Falls told the BBC that hundreds of her female students are now selling their bodies for whatever they can get.


40、I often dream fugueI became a school principalto deal with a variety of school for students. In real lifeI imagine:If I were the principal …我常常在梦里神游我成为了一名校长处理着各种学校事务为学生们忙活着。在现实生活中我也幻想:假如我是校长……

41、Fatima, who is in an academically gifted class at her public school, tries to get all her modelling and acting work done outside of school hours.虽然公众活动频繁,但Fatima作为公立学校天才班中的一员表示决不把模特和演艺活动与学校生活混为一谈。

42、In Mainland China boarding schools, there are caretakers who are responsible for management of students'residential matters, caring about students'feelings, and enriching students'school lives.生活教师就是在寄宿制学校中负责管理孩子的寄宿生活,与他们交流感情,丰富其在校生活的教师。

43、We study assiduous, live pleased and interesting. I love our school.我们学习刻苦,生活愉快而有趣。我爱我们的学校。

44、Mateer forbade the use of tobacco and alcohol either inside or outside the campus. Often he made inquires into the conduct of his students.他禁止学生吸烟饮酒,不拘在校内或校外,更进一步对学生在校外的非法活动也加调查。

45、please remember me to your family, you have a chinese friend named amy! 15.你的学校生活轻松吗?

46、You are enrolled1 in a full-time informal school called Life.你会在一个非正式的全日制学校学习,这个学校名叫生活。

47、Marlon Ray is the school's dean of Students. He says some of the children have difficulty life situations.马龙·雷是学校的教导主任,他说有的学生面临生活困境。

48、The construction of boarding school must solve the problems of the students' adaptation such as life adaption and so on.举办寄宿制学校必须解决好学生尤其低龄儿童对学校生活等方面的适应问题。

49、2ou can get used to everywhere if you learn the mathes physics and chemistry well.学好数理化走遍天下都不怕

50、Secondary vocational schools in school third-grade students through engineering combined Dinggang internship can obtain a certain remuneration to cover study and living expenses.中等职业学校在校xx年级学生通过工学结合、 顶岗实习获得一定报酬,用于支付学习和生活费用。

经典英文句子51:学校生活,51、Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai branch campus environment, teaching and living facilities in the domestic first-class are called for students to learn in this life and provided good conditions.北京师范大学珠海分校的校园环境、教学和生活设施在国内均堪称一流,为莘莘学子在此学习和生活提供了良好的条件。

52、School counselors are all about helping to make your school experience the best it can be.学校辅导员所做的一切都是帮助你感受最好的学校生活。

53、She rebelled against the regimentation of school life.她曾反抗刻板的学校生活。

54、Some of these schools are private and offer a flexible schedule for students who may be working or are even in school at university.这些学校有些是私立的,为学生提供灵活的课程安排,这里的学生可能是在职的,甚至还是在校大学生。

55、I always associate that song with my school life.我总是把那支歌同我的学校生活联系起来。

56、School values are the background support and the cores of school culture.学校价值观是学校师生员工生活方式的背后支撑,也是学校文化的核心。

57、This new curriculum reforms to the school life impact is omni-directional, and it has brought the school life brand-new change, also is summoning the new relationship between teachers and students.这次新课程改革对学校生活的冲击是全方位的,它带来了学校生活的全新变化,也呼唤着新型的师生关系。

58、We may establish self-discipline organization from the management of the dormitory and the life of the student and so on.我们可以从校风校纪监督方面、宿舍管理方面、学生的生活等方面来建立大学生自律组织。

59、"I know I can". Positive thinking is half the work. “我知道我能。

60、I always associate that song with my school life .我总是把那支歌同我学校的生活联系起来。

61、Often, these kids have trouble getting through school and face other difficulties later in life.通常,这些孩子在完成学校生活和面对未来生活中会碰到困难。

62、"I know I can". Positive thinking is half the work. “我知道我能。

63、The TMSSSI Project is undertaking a School Health and Hygiene improvement initiative in 22 Schools.藏文学校策略支持项目正在22所学校开展健康与卫生项目活动。

64、My only child has just started boarding-school.我的独子刚刚开始他寄宿学校的生活。

65、Parents should consider if the permissiveness of home life clashes with the structure of schoolday.父母要考虑家庭生活的宽容放任,与学校生活的体系,是否冲突。

66、We talked about our new school life .我们谈论了新学校的生活.

67、9Freedom is not that you can do anything without limits不是你想做什么你就可以做什么

68、Don't make the choice if you dislike, once you make the decision, please hold on. 不喜欢就不要选择,选择了就要坚持。

69、The mind is like a horse on a plain, easy to let go but difficult 学如逆水行

70、School life to give you what is the deepest impression?学校生活给你印像最深的是什么?

71、School and classrooms are the future training rooms of the students.学校、课堂是学生未来生活、工作的训练场、练功房。

72、Finally, here's a giant new campus for Yunnan University, which was built to accommodate 最后看看云南大学广阔的校园,新校区建筑面积可供230万学生居住生活,现在这里有1万1千名学生。

2.3 million students. It has

11, 000 enrolled.

73、Studying again... I was working and I really missed being in school.重拾学业……我在工作时非常怀念学校里的生活。

74、Education does not end when formal school ends; it is a lifelong process.即使正规的学校生活结束学习也是无止尽的:它是毕生的事业。

75、Being a good school institution, Ribet also provides students chances to take part in lots of extra curricular activities.作为一个优秀的学校,瑞贝学校为学生提供丰富多彩的课外活动。

英文句子模板76:School life,76、Graduation ceremony is an important part of rituals activities in school.毕业典礼是学校生活中的一种重要仪典活动。

77、Anyway, i enjoy my school life.但无论如何,我很享受学校的生活


标签: 生活 学校

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