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关于”心情好“的英语句子42个,句子主体:good mood。以下是关于心情好的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:good mood


1、It's strange that good mood peaks around midnight.


2、So I bring you this message: Be of good heart: be of good spirit.


3、If people feel glum, they don't buy baubles.


4、A. You seem troubled. Is anything the matter?


5、Chocolate lovers know that eating chocolate makes them happy.


6、He doesn't look very happy recently. Do you know hat happened?


7、In fact, good mood, the sun always can find me.


8、For example, positive emotions that are broadening such as feeling curious, playful and compassionate towards a stranger can result in building a possible life-long friendship.


9、I will not show anyone that my feelings are hurt: they may be hurt, but today I will not show it.


10、Great! Soaking in the bath really relaxes me.


11、TEMPER】He was in a good temper yesterday and smiled all day.


12、Feeling low and depressed? If you want to be able to instantly access a good mood, try this technique from life coach Rebekah Fensome.


13、You too can be in a perfect mood when you see the Purrfect Mood Detector illuminate on your beloved cat!

14、 自我感觉姐妹之间的感情用“the affection between sisters”比较好 希望能帮到您 祝开心 。


15、Good mental or emotional health helps us find our balance and stay in control.


16、So apt put an interviewer in a meliorate mood, attempt a praise.


17、JDB: Quarreled with boyfriend, in bad mood so come here to relax.


18、I have a permanent smile on my face, and I'm light-hearted and easygoing about everything at work. It seems nothing can get me down.


19、Today is shuttlecock festival. I'm in a good mood.

20、Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Best Regards, your name 真心的祝福就好,不要过多涉及工作上的事情。

21、Dark star much less, free resources online degrees east smile much trouble is little, little time mood of loneliness, when a good mood all natural good!星多的处所黑暗就少,东度免费资源网笑容多的处所烦恼就少,寂寞少的时候心情就好,心情好的时候一切自然好!

22、After a good sleep and a tasty breakfast, I feel in the pink this morning.觉睡好了饭吃好了,我觉得整个早上心情愉悦。

23、So I finally had to take her to Hyde Park to get the job done right.当时我就担心搞不好,结果只好把她带到海德公园,好不容易才把事情干完。

24、John would tell her how delightful she looked this evening.约翰想要告诉她今晚她看上去心情很好。

25、So to put an interviewer in a better mood, offer a compliment.所以,给面试官一个好心情,说点称赞的话。

英文句子26:,26、They are too law-abiding and to acquiescent .爱好音乐的人是心情平和又守法的国民。

27、What is a best method that the mood adjusts after be lovelorn ?一个失恋后调整心情的最好方法是什么?。

28、A bad mood is bad enough to cause you to lose self-confidence and leaves you helpless with all your worries and troubles in mind.由于有好心情,我觉得很有趣,否则我就惨了。 坏心情是以使你丧失自信心、烦恼、忧虑和无能为力。

29、Rainy day. Am even more depressed … what are Hao Fan Hao Fan. How do I live?下雨天。心情更加低落…什么都好烦好烦。我要怎么生活?。

30、Just the act of smiling will put you in a better mood.单是微笑这个行为会给你一个好心情。

31、Good mood is the same, anyway just don't do business.好坏心情都一样,反正就是不做正事。

32、The goodness of the wooden goods gives me good mood.木制商品的精华给我一个好心情。

33、As long as Guolanjun a bad mood, they will maltreatment and Wang Jing.只要郭兰军心情不好,就会打骂王静。

34、Is it getting better, or do you feel the same?你的心情好些了吗还是你觉得一切如昔?。

35、The good news has put me in a happy mood.听到这个好消息我心情舒畅。

36、She was a good, compassionate lady, and not happy in her marriage.她是个富于同情心的好太太,婚姻很不幸福。

37、The best doctors are: Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet and Dr. Merryman.最好的大夫是:合理饮食、心情平静和天天快乐。

38、The best "partner" for cool beer in this summer is our assorted skewer!清凉啤酒搭配美味串烧,释放夏季好心情!

39、It was no wonder the men were in a good humour now.无疑他们现在情绪好得很,而我却再也没心情了。

40、Yet with the right mood, once in a while, it will give you an ultra beautiful picture.但偶尔心情好的时候,照出来的照片还真是无敌好看。

41、Scientists researching the relationship between mood and the memory have found being in a good mood decreases your ability to retain information.科学家研究心情跟记忆力的关系时发现好心情会使你记住信息的能力降低。

42、You do yourself a favor by accepting your feelings, saying instead, "I've just had a breakup. Feelings of loss are normal and natural.为自己好,接受你的心情,改说:“我刚分手,失去的心情是正常而自然的。

43、Even now I can feel my lover have always been here with me!秀妹,这就是你那几天心情不好的原因么?

44、Some peole are always in good mood, while some never smile.有些人永远都有好心情,而有些人从来不笑。

45、When you're in a bad mood, your friend agrees with whatever you say.当你心情不好时,朋友对你有求必应。

46、Barbara: A romance movie will make me feel blue. How about a horror movie?芭芭拉:爱情片会让我心情不好,看恐怖片如何?

47、Orotund blue sky, white cloud , gives you good mood.晴朗朗的天,白森森的云,给你一份好心情。

48、My good mood disorder, maybe I am too stupid.我的心情好乱,也许我真的太傻了。

49、A normal FHR pattern represented a good condition of the fetus.正常的胎心率(FHR)意味着胎儿情况良好。

50、Whenever he is in a bad mood, he drinks to drown his sorrows.他心情不好时, 就一个人喝闷酒。

经典英文句子51:心情好,51、When appropriate, he exhibits compassion and empathy for his players.合适的时候,他会向他的队员展示同情心和好感。

52、Of course, that's not to say that good moods aren't useful too.当然,这并不意味着好心情没有用处。

53、You’d better be patient, or you might bring things to a deadlock.你最好耐心一些,否则会把事情搞僵了。

54、Human there is a wide range, including likes and dislikes of the conditions, but Jen is at its core.人情有多种多样,其中有好恶之情,但仁是其核心。

55、I am grouchy due to lack of recent physical intimacy.我因为最近缺少肌肤之亲,所以心情不好。

56、Feelings of a few lines to know if the number of warm, lonely soul; one little hearts, how many wonderful achievements of marriage.几行知心情话,温暖了多少孤寂心灵;一方小小情书,成就了多少美好姻缘。

57、Sakuya: Haha… You are not really in good mood.咲夜:哈哈…你还真是没好心情啊。

58、This symbolizes that the fragrance of the rose can relieve the tiredness and bring great mood.就好像绽放中的蔷薇香气沁人心脾,将颓败的心情一扫而空。

59、After the people no longer feel oppressed, it will naturally feel better.过后,人不再憋闷,心情自然就会好起来。

60、'Let me enjoy my bad mood for a minute,' she felt like saying. 'Let me wallow in it.'她真想说,“让我好好享受我的坏心情,就一分钟也好,让我沉浸其中吧。”

61、A person who's in a bad mood has low energy and high tension.一个人在心情不好的低能量和高张力。

62、It's fine maybe because of the shinning sun, it's worse maybe because of the suddenly umbrageous sky.心情好,也许只因为一束灿烂的阳光;心情差,也许只因为突然阴翳的天空。

63、Have you ever had a random encounter that was so refreshing that it made your day?你自己是否也偶遇过类似的情况令你的一天有个更好的心情呢?

64、She released two albums in Mandarin, "DiDaDi" and "Feeling Good".她发行了《DIDADI暗示》和《SUNNY DAY好心情》两张国语专辑。

65、To start with, it was raining, and rainy days make me sad. (P107)起初,天在下雨,雨天使我心情很不好。

66、I hope you unlimited; occasionally a bad mood, bathed in sunshine after the rain, the mood will be from Warrington.对你的无限希望;偶尔心情不好,雨后沐浴在阳光下,心情也会由阴转晴。

67、At last he felt as if his good-humour must find some outlet.终于他感到该让他的好心情宣泄一下了。

68、Do you cooperate with coworkers to get things done?你是否能和同事齐心协力将事情办好?

69、Based on mood-repair hypothesis, this research was aimed to examine the contrasting effect of guilt and shame on travel preferences.本研究根据心情修补假说,检验罪恶、羞惭两种负向心情对于旅游偏好的对比效应。

70、“Everything works better being in good mood” — the main aspect of the fashion trends this summer.“心情好,一切都好。” ——这是今夏流行时尚的主题。

71、A good bargain or expensive presents keep the natives people in a good mood.做左单好生意又或者一份昂贵的礼物都可以令这些朴实的人民心情好好的啵!

72、You keep that love, to make it complete, or tear you stick close by heart.好好保存那爱情吧,使它完整,不然就撕裂你所贴紧的心。——拜伦。

73、Concise, after receipt of the g frequently reply in turn good mood.简洁收到克勤的回复后,心情转好。

74、What makes you feel better when you feel terrible?你沮丧时 怎样才能让心情变好?


标签: 心情

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