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关于”了不起的盖茨比经典中“的英语句子23个,句子主体:The Great Gatsby Classic。以下是关于了不起的盖茨比经典中的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The Great Gatsby Classic


1、God responded, " I like the way you think, come and sit at my right hand". God then turned to Bill Gates, who was staring at him indignantly.


2、It's a comeback to first-team action for Brazilian midfielder Possebon, who suffered a nasty injury in the last round after a crunching tackle from Emanuel Pogatetz.


3、Bin Covering has been studied in combinatorial optimization and was shown to belong to the class of NP-hard problems.


4、K&L Gates, 10th August 2007. Letter to George Davies Solicitors.

佛大学xx岁的辍学学生马克· 朱克伯格现在被贴上了“下一个比尔·盖茨”的标签。

5、At 22, Mark Zuckerberg, a Harvard dropout, is being labelled as the next Bill Gates.


6、"The personality of Bill Gates determines the culture of Microsoft, " says his intellectual sidekick Nathan Myhrvold.


7、IN SEPTEMBER last year Bill Gates and Warren Buffett sat down with 50 of China's richest tycoons to a sumptuous dinner of nothing at all.


8、In 2009, Gates established its Engineering & Services operation in Dalian, one of China's shipbuilding hubs.


9、It is quite unimaginable to many Chinese that Bill Gates abandoned Harvard in the third or fourth term.


10、Mr. Gates Sr. played the role of peacemaker. 'He'd sort of break them apart and calm things down, ' says Ms. Blake , the eldest sibling.


11、The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Time Magzine and other organizations provided support for the meeting.


12、It is providing $388, 000 for the research, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is providing a similar amount. The Gates Foundation gave Okumu $100, 000 for preliminary studies, as well.


13、I read a book by Bill Gates in the 90s where he talked about his “Spiral of Success”.


14、Some people say that Gates will not bent down to pick up a hundred-note on the floor, because it may lead to lost of millions of dollars for this movement.


15、After Little’s expulsion, my interest in Gates had waned almost completely.


16、Life Scout Gates became fascinated with computers during high school.

比尔•盖茨 把他自己的钱投到自己第一笔生意中,那是一项叫做“Traf-O-Data”的计划。

17、Bill Gates invested his own money into his first business, a project called Traf-O-Data.


18、At the commencement, Gates said, “I’m a bad influence.


19、Apparently, Allen has some rather unflattering things to say about his old high school buddy Bill Gates. [Wall Street Journal]

苹果荣登榜首巩固了乔布斯的威望。 人们曾经认为,他和微软创始人比尔·盖茨诠释了“既生瑜,何生亮”的意义。

20、Apple’s climb to the top of the heap cements the reputation of Mr. Jobs, who once operated in the shadow of Microsoft’s co-founder, Bill Gates.

21、Bill Gates has repeatedly said that in high-tech field, use of personnel and do not care about age, experience.比尔·盖茨曾多次说过,在高科技领域,用人之道并不在乎年龄、阅历。

22、The Bill &Melinda Gates Foundation has thrown its weight behind microsavings.比尔和梅琳达•盖茨基金会掷下重金支持小额储蓄。

23、Gates constantly reminds allies that US air and naval assets outnumber those of China.盖茨不断提醒盟国,美军空军海军的装备数量远胜中国。

24、That's when Mr. Gates Sr., in a rare blast of temper, threw the glass of water in his son's face.向来脾气好的老盖茨再也压抑不住心中怒火,将一杯水泼到了儿子的脸上。

25、But although the companies have worked together in the past, Bill Gates is clearly relishing that particular challenge.虽然两家公司以前曾经多次合作,比尔盖茨还是谈到了竞争问题。

英文句子26:,26、As it waned into dusk, I began to feel that we were getting very far indeed from Gateshead: we ceased to pass through towns; the country changed; great gray hills heaved up round the horizon.天空变得昏暗,我开始感觉我们确实真的离盖茨黑德越来越远了:盖茨黑德是我们最后经过的一个小镇,小镇变了,在远处的地平线看到深灰色的山峦升起。

27、Gates has rewriten management principles in technological companies.盖茨重新定义了技术公司的管理规则。

28、Know what Bill Gates and Siegel have a preference among Griffith on the line, no need to have to separate the high and low.知道自己在比尔盖茨和格尔菲斯之中更喜欢哪个就行了,没必要非得分出高低贵贱。

29、But now, according to one leading voice, the arguments are settled – and the opposition posed by Bill Gates, Ballmer and their followers is untenable.但是现在,根据一位领袖人物的说法,争论已经平息——而且比尔盖茨、鲍尔默和他们的追随者们的抵抗不堪一击。

30、But the tactic has some heavy hitters on its side, including Bill Gates.但这种策略已经得到一些重量级大人物的支持,包括比尔盖茨。

31、Dr. Ray Yip, who runs the foundation's China effort, acknowledges problems with the program but likens them to growing pains.叶雷(音译)博士是盖茨基金会在中国的负责人,他承认这个项目存在问题,但他将其比作成长中必须经历的烦恼。

32、Billionaire Bill Gates is bringing an unexpected gift to his Chinese fans right before Valentine's Day.亿万富翁比尔盖茨将在情人节前一天为他的中国粉丝带来惊喜大礼包。

33、The world has a new richest man after Bill Gates had safely secured that seat for three consecutive years.去年比尔盖茨历经xx年将世界手富宝座重新攥在了手心勒醅今年一位新的世界手富就诞生了。

34、Q: Will you follow Warren Buffet and Bill Gates in philanthropic pursuits?问:你会追随沃伦巴菲特和比尔盖茨的慈善行动吗?

35、Gates is also unforgivingly tough on failure.盖茨对失败的人和事立场强硬,绝不宽容。

36、The Microsoft Online Services beta is underway and Bill Gates is talking about a future where millions of servers will live in their data centers.微软在线服务已经在公测了,比尔•盖茨表示未来几乎所有的服务都将以数据中心的形式实现。

37、What Microsoft doesn't want you to know though is that Gates has almost nothing to do with the company anymore.可是微软不想让你知道的是,比尔盖 茨几乎已与它无关了。 这便是由最新财富榜彰显出来的明显的事实。

38、He said the foundation was excited about the results, but tried to focus on riskier, longer-term research. The foundation has committed more than $250 million to microbicide research.他说盖茨基金会对试验的结果感到非常高兴,但是基金会想把重点放在长期的更有风险的研究上。盖茨基金会已经在抗病毒凝胶的研究中投入了超过


39、Five years later Larson runs about $44 billion, some $17 billion of which is Gates' personal fortune, not including Microsoft stock (Gates owns another $29 billion in MSFT).xx年后,拉森管理着440亿美元,其中170亿是盖茨的私人财富,不包括微软股份(盖茨拥有另外290亿美元的微软股份)。

40、Most people think of Bill Gates as the example of self-made persons.大多数人都把比尔•盖茨看作是自学成才的范例。

41、He can be an ambitious and distinctive film-maker when he puts his mind to it, while his cheerful line in irreverence paid brilliant dividends on Romeo + Juliet.他愉快的台词是对传统的不敬,却为《罗密欧和朱丽叶》带来不错的回报,与此同时, 他为《了不起的盖茨比》投注了全部心血,可以凭这部作品成为一位雄心勃勃而又出类拔萃的导演。

42、Mr. Gates's comments echoed similar remarks made last week by Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer, but Mr. Gates's celebrity status in China appears to have given his words greater weight.盖茨的说法呼应了微软首席执行长鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)在上周的表态,但盖茨在中国的名人身份似乎令他的讲话平添分量感。

43、The reason why Bill Gates is able to make so much money is because we live in an economically and socially stable society.比尔·盖茨之所以能挣那么多钱,是因为我们的社会,经济和治安都很稳定。

44、Jobs merely handed Gates a cold bottle of water he was carrying.这时乔布斯不动声色地将身上带的一瓶冷水分给了盖茨。

45、The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has accused Chinese billionaires of refusing an invitation to a gala event because they are nervous about being buttonholed for donations to charity.比尔和梅琳达-盖茨基金会指责中国富豪由于担心被强制进行慈善捐款,而拒绝接受一次正式庆典活动的邀请。

46、Bill Gates, who once admitted that “Google kicked our butts” on search-engine technology, has announced that Microsoft will launch its own search engine next year.比尔盖茨,曾经说Google在搜索技术上把我们都打败了,宣布微软会在明年发布自己的搜索引擎。

47、If I had a dollar for every time I visited a blog that had been tweaked to the point of looking terrible, I’d be as rich as Bill Gates.如果每浏览一个被其主人扭曲到惨不忍睹的博客,我都有一美元入账,那我现在已经富比盖茨了。

48、Gates found their recalcitrance equally frustrating.盖茨发现他们顽固不化同样感到沮丧。

49、However, it was with even greater delight that I was asked to present my first ever TechFest demo to Bill Gates.然而,还有更令我兴奋不已的是,我被要求为比尔·盖茨演示这项技术。

50、Mr. Gates Sr. played the role of peacemaker.老盖茨这时则扮演了和事佬的角色。

经典英文句子51:了不起的盖茨比经典中,51、The "Ploughing Classics Reading Group", another brainchild of Prof. Chow, allows students to study classic works at his home, regularly and year round.周教授也创办了「犁典读书组」,定期和学生在家中一起研读经典,经年不辍。

52、At the commencement, Gates said, 'I'm a bad influence.盖茨在毕业典礼上说:“我是个坏榜样。

53、Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, has said, ‘I like to hire people who have made mistakes.微软的创始人比尔·盖茨曾经说过:“我喜欢雇佣那些犯过错误的人。

54、“Nah, ” laughed Mr. Gates, “we’ll do something different.”盖茨先生笑着说,“嗯,我们会用不一样的方法。”


标签: 英文 经典

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