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关于”中的好“的英语句子22个,句子主体:in the good。以下是关于中的好的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:in the good


1、We must adjust our mood to keep and prolong our happy marriage.


2、"do justly, love mercy, meet good friends, do good works" together as Eden's volunteers!

建伍的L-01T 好声机,中频稍稍前倾,低音体现好。

3、Kenwood L-01T - Good sound, midrange slightly forward, good bass.


4、At least they are trying hard to be world No.

1 in anyway. Good efforts china…

B 好的,中号还是大号?

5、B OK. Medium size or large.?


6、Of dogs eating garlic (84), 70 (83%) were in good to excellent health, compared to 80% of those not eating garlic.


7、In fact, week record is a weekly, four grade junior high school or high school, or, or, requirements are the same.


8、It is one of the best movies ever made in Hollywood.


9、Of the 125 dogs eating nutritional yeast, 102 (82%) were in good to excellent health, compared to 72.6% of dogs who did not eat nutritional yeast.


10、They need a good kick up the arse.


11、I like Chinese food very much and Ithink Chinese cooking is the best in the world.


12、After consulting quite a few agencies for expectant mothers, Liu Li chose a reputable one.


13、Since I have been in China under the care of People hospital, I live a good life.


14、The report points corresponds to his heart by heart good brand position, so he can get the advance, build good brand.


15、I really kick myself. I didn't work hard past two years.


16、The best of the best, undefeated ninja champs?

17、She disciplined me real good, 她管教的我真好. 当中强调了好的效果显著,所以用 real good.


18、I think China could very good barbecue is good some West dishes.


19、In unborn luminosity, take a nice rest.


20、China a has some good frits.

21、(When the gods wish to punish us ,they answer our prayers.) 一个好的名声,就像好的意向一样,在很多个行为中形成,在一个行为中失去。

22、To be Chinese parents are so tired, Chinese women are so painful, Chinese men are so awful.中国的父母真得好累,中国的女人真的好可怜,中国的男人真得好过份。

23、Several new railways are under construction in China?中国的好几段铁路正处于建设中。

24、I sincerely hope the people of the two countries can maintain friendship generation after generation and create a brighter future for the Sino-Japan friendship.我衷心希望中日两国人民世代友好,共同开创中日友好事业更加美好的未来。

25、Hi, good morning, Mr Tanaka. How are you?早上好,田中先生,您好吗?

英文句子26:,26、They have been always endeavoring to be the best issuer among their counterparts.他们一直在争做同行中最好的发行商。他们一直在争做同行中最好的发行商。

27、Good evening, Lieutenant.晚上好,中尉。

28、Ammy: Good afternoon , Helen.中午好,海伦。

29、Good partners in business--and in life--are really hard to find, so treat them like gold.好伙伴在经营中——和生活中——都是可遇而不可求的,一定要好好珍重他们。

30、IF you are Chinese , please speak Chinese , OK?如果都是中国人请说中文,好不好?。

31、Hu said that equal treatment, friendship and trust, mutual support and good-faith cooperation have become the basic characteristics of China-Nepalese friendly relations.中国对中尼睦邻友好合作关系一直是十分重视的,我们永远是尼泊尔的好朋友、好邻居、好伙伴。

32、The day after tomorrow will be the nicest day in the week.后天将是正在本周仄死中最好好的一天。

33、III. Demonstrating China's sound image of loving peace and maintaining stability展示中国爱好和平、维护稳定的良好形象

34、We serve very good Chinese food.我们有非常好的中餐。

35、China's economy is doing vell vell.中国经济发展的很好。

36、Good taste, good nutrition, is China's major non-staple food.口感好,营养好,是中国的主要副食品。

37、dom4j offers better performance than any of the data binding approaches in this area, beating JiBX by a smidgen and Zeus by not much more.在该领域中,dom4j 提供的性能是所有数据绑定方法中最好的,比 JiBX 稍好一点,比 Zeus 更加好一点。

38、Sydney Central YHA - The best of the best!悉尼中央的YHA- 最好的最好!

39、I come from Guangdong of China , where…我来自中国广东,那里有好山好…

40、Several people in the crowd seemed to be fighting.人群中好像有好几个人在打假。

41、Water in China is nice.中国的水好。

42、If regulators learn from this crisis, they could manage finance better in the future.如果监管者能在危机中好好学习,他们将来会更好的管理金融业。

43、Minolta makes the best bodies, Nikon makes the best lenses, Canonmakes the best compromise.美能达制造最好的机身,尼康制造最好的镜头,佳能制造最好的折中。

44、Well, I'm asking you, Condie. Who is leading China?好的,好的,康蒂。我是问你:谁(胡)在领导中国?

45、There are upsides to living without China.生活中没有“中国“也是有好处的。

46、I'm dreaming about becoming the best student in our grade, going to the best high school, and going to the best university in china.我梦想着成为级部里最好的学生,上最好的高中,继续努力的学习,上中国最好的大学。

47、Style is so so, very good quality---great outfitters for outdoors.好象是面向中年人市场的。但是质量真的很好。

48、A good book may be among the best of friends.阿本好书,可能是其中最好的朋友。

49、Karzai said China is a good neighbor, good friend and good partner of Afghanistan.卡尔扎伊表示,中国是阿富汗的好邻居、好朋友、好伙伴。

50、Quality of reserviors in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic was controlled by their sedimentary environments.中新生界储层则为中等- 较好的储层, 储集性能的好与差受沉积环境的影响。

经典英文句子51:中的好,51、The man a high school graduate could no longer speak.好好的一个人,一个曾经的高中生,就再也不能说话了。

52、We do good things in this life then in the next life we bring back good things.我们在这生中做的好( 善)事,那麽在来生中我们带回来好的东西。


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