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关于”很短“的英语句子35个,句子主体:very short。以下是关于很短的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:very short


1、Most conjoined twins have a very short life-span.


2、The mandate is there because people are myopic.


3、Short-lived Sui Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, will soon be replaced.


4、The storage period of the persimmon is short in natural condition, and the eating is not convenient or elegant.


5、I think this is because the Chinese folk dance is very long and difficult, but very short ballet bar!


6、The reign of "House Of Cards" may be short-lived.


7、Slightly shorter in length and armholes are cut low.

我打开它——信很短。 “现在,”我接着说,“看吧。”

8、I opened it--it was very short. 'Now', I continued, 'read it.


9、But he quickly got an idea for a lampoon.


10、So, let's just begin with that first chapter, the tiny chapter Chapter



11、Pressure ulcers are common in acute and long-term care.


12、A Microblog is a blog with very short entries.


13、Goyle has short, bristly hair and long, gorilla-ish arms.


14、But this stage lasts only a short time.


15、Harari i takes on a daunting challenge: to tell the entire history of the human race in just 400 pages.


16、The life is very short, The world is very long, I in among, Needs to rest.


17、This was great, but I want to go shorter.


18、Life is very short, I am willing to go along with you.


19、Fish can survive for only a short time out of water.


20、Oh yes, I learned a lot about judgment in a very short period of time.

21、Fish the fish with very short introduced-in-length.用途打捞引入长度很短的落鱼。

22、Memories are short, time to stretch; miss very strong, the time to fade.回忆很短、时间将其拉长;想念很浓、时间使其褪色。

23、You can describe a short distance by saying: It’s just a short walk / It’s just a short walk.你可以这样描述一个短距离:It’s just a short walk. /只需走很短的一段路。

24、But a brief period of openness was quickly quashed.但短暂的公开很快就被扫平。

25、They're seen in the sky for only a very brief moment. When they appear, they're so brilliant, so bright.它们虽然出现在空中的时间很短暂,但每出现时都很精采、很光芒。

英文句子26:,26、The Great Mercy Mantra is pretty long, but the Pure Land Mantra is shorter.大悲咒很长,不过净土咒就短些。

27、Usually , the period of preliminary stage is very short .通常,这个时期的初步阶段是很短暂的。

28、The results showed that the evolution of HA1 represented a long trunk with short side branches.HA1基因进化树显示出以很长的主干和很短的侧枝为特征。

29、Sometimes, stakeholder identification can be difficult.识别项目短长关厦魅者有时分很坚苦。

30、Extremely short descenders will give a strange look to a text typeface.如果下伸部很短, 字体看上去会很怪。

31、"I have learned a lot already in a short time, " Wolfowitz said.沃尔福威茨说:“在很短的时间里我已经了解到很多情况。

32、And heeled espadrilles even look great with shorts.坡跟凉鞋搭配短裤看起来效果也很棒。

33、Their turf war is short, the trespasser has been driven off.它们的领土战争很短,入侵者被赶走了。

34、Short sleepers also tend to be thin and have faster metabolisms.短睡眠者通常会很瘦并且新陈代谢很快。

35、On the one hand it's a really long time, on the other - disgustingly short.这是很长的一段时间,另一方面讲也很短。

36、Our history is relatively short, and we still have a long way to go.学苑出版社历史很短,但前面的路还很长。

37、The time of life is short, to spend that shortness basely, it would be too long.—— William Shakespeare 人生的时间很短促,如果把那短促的人生浪掷虚度,那就太长了。

38、Remember, this site will probably have a short shelf life.请记住,此站点可能只有很短的存续期。

39、Her dark hair waved untidy across her broad forehead, her face was short, her upper lip short, showing a glint to teeth, her brows were straight and dark, her lashes long and dark, her nose straight.她乌黑的头发,乱蓬蓬地撒落在宽宽的额头上,脸很短,上唇也很短露出光亮的牙齿。 直直的眉毛很黑,长长的睫行很黑,鼻子直直的。

40、There are cornets bugles, flugelhorns, and a number of others that are all similar to the trumpet in the way they are made and played.长号,短号,粗管短号以及很多喇叭状的其他乐器被制造和演奏。

41、It's only a short walk from here.从这里到那里只是很短的一段路。

42、He had 'a small head, round eyes, a fleshy nose, and thick, short eyebrows. His scalp was always shaved clean.头不很大,圆眼,肉鼻子,两条眉很短很粗,头上永远剃得发亮。

43、"Phil became a very wealthy man in a very short period of time, " Burg says.“Phil在很短的时间内就成了一个很有钱的人。” Burg说。

44、The undercoat is thick and must not show through.的短毛很厚并不能表明通过。

45、Travel or short trips will probably be your best outlet.长短途旅行很可能是你的最佳出路。

46、Because other components work for only a short time with a connection, this delay is usually short.因为其他组件只对连接占用很短的时间,因此这种延迟通常较短。

47、Use very short stitches to lock it in place.使用很短针锁定到位。

48、In my memory, grandmother was old , wrinkled, and bent, she had short hair, and her nose was big.记忆中,祖母很老,满脸皱纹,驼着背,她留着短发,鼻子很大。

49、The decline to the main tunnels is short and we soon come to the bottom.进入隧道正线的斜坡很短,我们很快来到底部。

50、They like extremes: they can be joyful and melancholic in a short period of time.他们总是很很极端化的,他们会在很短的时间内一时忧愁一时又是欢喜。

经典英文句子51:很短,51、The jacket is comfortable because the fabric breathes.这件短上衣穿着很舒适,因为这种织物透气。

52、The most common mistake is trimming the nails too short.人们最常犯的错误就是把指甲剪得很短。

53、Sleep usually lasts a moment, rarely over an hour, and the narcoleptic is easily awakened.这种睡眠通常只持续很短时间,很少超过一小时,病人很容易苏醒。

54、"The Plot" could be shorter: much of the social commentary gets humdrum after a while.“普劳特”的确很短暂,正如很多社会评论一样昙花一现。

55、I have been in a lot of plays and skits.我已经在很多剧本和短剧。

56、It has a big head and small eyes. It has short hands and fat legs.它的头大大的,有一双小小的眼睛,它的手很短,但它的脚很胖。

57、Even thinking quickly, most of you got it correct.虽然时间很短,但大部分人都做对了。

58、Time flies ! Happyness is always smile to you on road!生命很短暂,幸福总在前方对你微笑!

59、"The high frequencies make the bats' sonar beam very focused and short-ranged, " he said.“高频率声波使得声音束很集中,周期很短。” 他说。

60、Generally Agile projects are of very short durations.敏捷项目通常持续的周期都很短。

61、The flip pass is necessary during a close exchange of the ball.在近距离换球时,短传是很必要的。



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