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关于”鼓励学“的英语句子32个,句子主体:Encourage learning。以下是关于鼓励学的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Encourage learning


1、The question is that both tendencies are at work within philosophy and how do we encourage one side but not the other.


2、The State encourages those having studied abroad to accept the scientific research projects entrusted by domestic research entities or organizations to carry out research and development abroad;


3、What is perhaps a more certain result of Hawking's time in Canada is that scientists there – particularly young ones – will be inspired by his presence.


4、We will take still more effective measures to attract and employ well-trained personnel from abroad and encourage Chinese students studying overseas to return home and work in China.


5、Now, not only am I the PE leader in my class, but also I frequently encourage my classmates to exercise more in their own time.


6、If work dries up the outsourcing companies encourage their H1B workers to take classes in local colleges to avoid being deported.


7、He credits his grandmother for both encouraging him and for providing him with artists’ materiel during tough times when such things were considered luxuries.


8、It encourages chemists to choose easy research topics that can be written up quickly, or to split a project into smaller parts for publications.


9、APDIM encourages multi-site, collaborative workshop proposals that provide community-based and university-based program perspectives.


10、Need-based aid is generally limited late in the school budget season, thus, applicants are encouraged to defray the costs by applying for a Yeogang bursary months before the spring and fall deadlines.


11、Research institutions should host online discussion fora and blogs to encourage debate and share experience between scientists, policymakers and journalists.


12、Classmate specially have played at home with Chinese characteristics, ethnic instruments and recording into a DVD console them, give them encouraged.


13、As economist Douglas Holtz-Eakin points out, the tax code is rife with provisions that encourage leverage and discourage investment.


14、The dissertation encourages teachers read theory-text, when it suggests action research accept the paradigm of hermeneutics.


15、It will be supported by the rational allocation of public resources, restructured scientific research and institutional reforms that advocate free academic debate.


16、Second, learningbydoing makes resources allocation beneficial to imitate technology, which, in the long run is not beneficial to encourage technological innovation and knowledge accumulation.


17、In Ruth Sweeney's senior English class, we read Macbeth and were encouraged to memorize and recite portions of it.


18、They hope the move will encourage scientific risk taking — essential to innovation — and curb the misconduct that has plagued the country in recent years.

必须鼓励家长们敢于要求学校采取行动。 儿科医师可能需要准备与校长交谈。

19、Parents of these children need to be encouraged to demand that schools take action, and pediatricians probably need to be ready to talk to the principal.


20、Besides the above said ways, the State encourages those having studied abroad to create more ways through the practice of services to render their services to the motherland.

21、If I were the president, I will treat each students, found their advantages and disadvantages, and to encourage to correct. I still have many good …我就会 认真对待每一个同学,发现他们身上的优缺点,鼓励并以予纠正 …

22、He had stressed then on our need to promote creative and critical thinking, encourage innovativeness and very importantly, foster the mindset of continuous learning.倡创意思考和鼓励创新精神,更需要培养人民勤学不断的态度。

23、Yadin Dudai, of Israel's institute of Science says, " We contribute a little, we incite debates, we experiment to refute or resolve the issues, We go on."以色列科学学会的Yadin Dudai说:“我们贡献地很小,我们鼓励争论,我们经历过驳斥和重新解决问题。 我们还在继续。

24、Promote the use of multiple screen method in printing on-line enquiries.鼓励员工在联机查询时,使用多重画面功能列印。

25、The Griffith University project will develop and pilot a model of clinical education for health students that improves their learning experience and better reflects the realities of clinical practice.格里菲斯大学为培养临床护理和医学类学生的创新项目,目的是更进一步鼓励健康职业者相互沟通和团队协作。

英文句子26:,26、He had stressed then on our need to promote creative and critical thinking, encourage innovativeness and very importantly, foster the attitude of continuous learning.倡创意思考和鼓励创新精神,更需要培养人民勤学不断的态度。

27、The main fostering methods are elicitation, guiding observation, encouraging innovation, etc.其培养方法主要有:善于启发,引导观察、鼓励创新等。

28、This innovation has not come about yet, we encourage the R&D sector and academics to work on it.这方面的创新尚未出现,我们鼓励研究和开发部门以及学术界开展这方面的工作。

29、Efforts to encourage poor youngsters to go to university will cost ?600m overall, thanks to further targets set by OFFA.多亏了OFFA制定的长远目标,鼓励贫困青年入读大学的努力将花费总共6亿英镑之巨。

30、Only methodologies that encourage and embrace such adaptability will be effective.只有鼓励和信奉这种适应性的方法才是有效的方法。

31、China has encouraged a massive increase in college enrollment -- an average 30% annual increase in each of the last 中国鼓励大学入学率增长——过去xx年年增长率平均每年为30%——却没有足够的职位提供给新的毕业生。

10 years -- without producing enough jobs for the new graduates.

32、Congratulations again to those that did well and let's do what we can to get everybody over to the right of that blue line.再次鼓励那些取得好成绩的同学,让我们做我们能做的来让每个人,过及格线。

33、It should be encouraged to publish scientific and technological reviews with distinct viewpoint so as to create strong academic atmosphere and relax circumstances.要鼓励发表观点鲜明的科技评论,创造浓郁的学术氛围和宽松的评论环境。

34、He also urges leaders to encourage the open sharing of information. The study appeared in the Academy of Management Journal.他还鼓励领导们分享信息。这项研究发表在该校的企业管理学院期刊上。

35、The Planet Jupiter encourages you to achieve your goals. Go back to school if you've been wanting to, or self-educate.木星鼓励人们实现目标,如果木星落在宫尾的不幸度数,你需要进行自学或者重返学校进修向往已久的课程。

36、His aptitude caught the attention of the director of the experimental garden Hugo de Vries who became his mentor and encouraged him to take some university courses on botany.他的性向瞩目主任实验园雨果德弗里斯谁成了他的导师,并鼓励他采取一些大学课程,植物学。

37、Discussion and full participation are encouraged; teaching sessions will be a mixture of formal lectures, seminars and a range of other activities deemed appropriate to the subject concerned.我们鼓励讨论与全面参与。 教学内容包括正式的授课,研讨和大量其它与课程相关的学术活动。

38、It uses aid to encourage university reforms, specifically helping universities in Francophone Africa restructure their qualifications to meet international standards.它使用援助去鼓励大学改革,特别是帮助非洲法语区重建它们的资格从而达到国际标准。

39、Guangzhou fully complies with the electrical reasoning and technological use of "peak load shaving, " and is encouraging and promoting it.广州至做法完全符合”削峰填谷“之电力合理、科学利用,当鼓励并推广之。特此。

40、Encouraged by my classmates, I picked up the microphone and sang an English song entitled "I believe I can fly".藉着我的同学鼓励了,我拾起喇叭筒并且唱了被给“ 我相信我能飞” 权力的一首英文歌。

41、Sensitive, devoted, poetic, elegant and bright… Sherman Lin's ink paintings have won affirmation and approval from the experts.感觉敏锐、真诚投入、诗性境界、秀逸明朗……


42、There's a special student membership so I encourage you to check out the international positive psychology association and join to stay abreast of the latest development in the field of positive psychology.协会设立特别的学生会员,我鼓励你们了解一下,国际积极心理学协会,加入并把握积极心理学领域,最新发展动态。

43、The Arya Samaj did much to encourage Hindu nationalism, but it did not disparage the knowledge of the West, and it established many schools and colleges.雅利安社大力地鼓励了印度的民族主义,但它并没有蔑视西方的知识,也建立了很多学校和大学。

44、Schools and teachers are encouraged to adapt the central curriculum to develop their school-based curriculum to help their students achieve the subject targets and overall aims of education.教育局鼓励学校和教师采用中央课程,以发展本身的校本课程,从而帮助学生达到教育的目标和宗旨。

45、Kensuke Harada, a junior at the University of Tokyo, formed a nonpartisan group called ivote last year to encourage young Japanese to vote.东京大学(University of Tokyo)大三学生原田研介(Kensuke Harada)去年组建了一个名为“我投票(ivote)”的无党派组织,鼓励日本年轻人投票。

46、We will focus on strengthening training for teachers and principals of rural compulsory education schools, and encourage excellent teachers to teach in impoverished rural areas.重点加强农村义务教育学校教师和校长培训,鼓励优秀教师到农村贫困地区从教。

47、After encouragement from his sister, he mustered up the courage to go to the town employment services to apply for a temporary position.最近他在姊姊的鼓励下,才又鼓起勇气到乡镇就业服务台应徵临时工。

48、Far from encouraging other ambitious women, psychologists at the University of Cincinnati found female bosses are more inclined to obstruct them.而辛辛那提大学的心理学家们发现,女老板们才不会鼓励那些野心勃勃的女下属,反而更倾向于打压她们。

49、We advocate free academic debate under a lively academic atmosphere, where curiosity-driven exploration is encouraged and failure tolerated.我们提倡在活跃的学术氛围下进行自由的讨论,鼓励在好奇心的驱动下不断探索,并且宽容失败。

50、In a speech outlining the theory of science communication, Liu Bing of Tsinghua University argued that the dominant model encourages public participation in science development.清华大学刘兵在他概括的科学传播理论的演讲中指出,主流的传播模式鼓励公众参与到科学发展之中。



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