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关于”交通安全“的英语句子21个,句子主体:Traffic safety。以下是关于交通安全的初二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Traffic safety


1、From my point of viewsafe can be devided into

3 different aspectsthat isthe safe in schoolthe safe in traffic and the safe in diet.


2、The National Transportation Safety Board has sent a team to investigate the crash.


3、The violations of regulations of passers-by have become a traffic disease of Guangzhou Traffic Management.

如果安全带伸缩装置正常,又没有发生交通事故, 那么在汽车的使用寿命内安全带能一直使用。

4、If the retractors are sound, and you're accident-free, the belts should last the life of the car.


5、Driver, vehical and environment are the three Principal elements of traffic safety.

空中交通管制(ATC), 由有关当局管理,旨在促进安全,秩序,和效率的空中交通服务。

6、AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL (ATC), A service operated by appropriate authority to promote the safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic.


7、Traffic accidents can be reduced and driving safety can be ensured by setting up anti-dazzle facilities.

IPIC 通过 SSL 客户端证书的交换来支持绑定安全性。

8、IPIC supports bind security by the exchange of SSL client certificates.


9、Today day , the City is not only to the development rapid transit, but also the Non-motorized Traffic which is convenient, comfortable and safe.


10、obey the traffic regulation as we have only one life.

最后, 引入MORT 方法以提高空中交通安全管理的安全性。

11、Finally, using MORT to improve the air - traffic management safety.


12、The database also serves as an important reference and basis in the formulation of road safety strategies, publicity education programmes and in the review of road safety legislation and policies.


13、Safety Plan, Risk Assessment, Permit to Work, TTA, etc.


14、Proposed suggestions for the improvement of the emergence treatment facilities according to the current condition of facilities and future traffic volume.

在交通指挥灯处过马路, % 那儿安全。

15、Cross over at the traffic lights, where the road is safe.


16、Take drastic measures to fully carry out road safety hundred days of concentration and control actions.


17、To administer road and traffic safety, as well as traffic order of city and countryside of the whole province.


18、To participate in the specific rectifications of traffic safety on roads and waters and fire protection safety of civil explosion equipment and materials and condensedly populated places.


19、The evacuation route construction algorithm and traffic flow assignment algorithm in each junction are employed to deliver the traffic flow in the evacuation area to a safe region rapidly and safely.


20、The boundaries among national security, international security and global security are therefore intersected and blurred.

21、It's so much safer to get across the road at the traffic lights.在有交通红绿灯的地方横穿马路要安全得多。

22、Construction Disclosures: Technical disclosure, safety disclosure, environmental disclosure.施工交底:施工技术交底,安全交底,环境交底。

23、Ready provision of reliable, up-to-date and accurate transport information contributes towards efficient road use, better traffic flow, greater road safety and improved accessibility in the city.可靠、及时和准确的交通消息,可令交通更加畅顺及安全,以达到路路畅通的目标。

24、Responsible for the work on industry, transportation, communications, circulation and distribution, State-owned assets management and work safety.分管工业、交通、通信、流通领域、国有资产管理、安全生产方面工作。

25、Traffic signs are convenient; timely attention is the safest.交通号志真方便,时时注意才安全。

英文句子26:,26、The third-graders are having a traffic education lesson.原来是xx年级的学生正在上交通安全教育课。

27、To administer road and traffic safety, as well as traffic order of district and countryside of the whole district.管理全区城乡道路交通安全,维护交通秩序。

28、Present safety management laws and regulations on communications and transportation in our country don't include laws on offroad autos.在我国现行的道路交通安全管理法律、法规中,还没有包括矿用汽车安全这一部分。

29、The project will also address highway maintenance and safety issues.此外该项目还注重公路养护和交通安全问题。

30、The edge-lines enable more precise stable steering and enhance traffic safety.边缘线能促使驾驶员准确、稳定驾驶,提高交通安全度。

31、Finally, using MORT to improve the air-traffic management safety.最后,引入了MORT方法以提高空中交通安全管理的安全性。

32、Currrent trends indicate that transportation is becoming cleaner, faster and safer.当前的趋势表明,交通正在变得更加干净、快捷和安全。

33、At present the security of internet stock dealing can be implemented through CFCA identification.目前,网上证券交易的安全可以通过CFCA认证来实现。

34、The theme of the contest is "Safety Starts with Me".主题是“交通安全从我做起”。

35、Common-sense steps and new technologies can make mass-transit safer. Here are five ways常识和新技术都能使公共交通更为安全。

36、The posting would affect the use of municipal public utilities, traffic safety facilities and marks;影响市政公共设施、交通安全设施、交通标志使用的;

37、Investigating the mechanism of tracing trail of motorcars becomes a focus of studying traffic flow currently.汽车追尾是一种严重的交通安全事故,研究追尾发生机理,是当前交通流研究的一个热点。

38、The importance of road factor in traffic safety is clarified and the methods that can evaluate and improve traffic safety are affirmed-Road Safety Audit;阐明了道路因素在交通安全中的重要作用,详细论证了评价和提高道路交通安全的方法——道路安全审计技术;

39、To ensure traffic safety and prevent traffic jam, traffic signal lights have been applied diffusely in most of the cities.为保证交通安全,防止交通堵塞,交通信号灯在大多数城市得到了广泛的应用。

40、The posting is on traffic safety facilities or traffic marks;影响市政公共设施、交通安全设施、交通标志使用的;

41、SCOOT'sprimary aim is keep traffic flowing smoothly and pedestrians safe.SCOOT的首要目标是保持交通顺畅和步行者安全。

42、Because the road traffic safety management plan is an overall file for scientifically directing road traffic safety management, its content and constitution are very important.道路交通安全管理规划是科学指导道路交通安全管理工作的纲领性文件,其内容和编制方法十分重要。

43、He noted that last year Mercedes-Benz joined efforts with the Road Traffic Safety Association of China to launch the "Road Safety Starts With Me" public education campaign.他指出,梅赛德斯-奔驰去年和中国道路交通安全协会共同发起了“交通安全,从我做起”宣传教育活动。

44、SSL for online transactions safe passage and certification CA to support the on-line application for a certificate, before you install the security closure of the agent.为网上交易提供SSL安全通道和CA认证,支持在线申请证书,安装前请先关闭安全代理程序。

45、Only when everybody thinks traffic safety is everybody's business can we be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks.唯有当每个人皆认为交通安全是众人的事时,我们在路上开车、在行人道上走路才安全。

46、Part 第二章为“道路交通安全注意义务的内容”。

2, the content of road traffic security attention obligation.

47、Withseat belts in all cars, more people wear seat belts, and the probability of surviving a major auto accident rises.随着座位安全带进入汽车,越来越多的人戴上安全带,使得交通事故下的存活几率增加。

48、SCOOT's primary aim is keep traffic flowing smoothly and pedestrians safe.SCOOT的首要目标是保持交通顺畅和步行者安全。

49、Consequently, management methods are to be added to solve the problems. Focus has been fixed on the study of security functions of local devices.基于交换式以太网的智能安全交换机技术,能在现有的交换设备的基础上,加入一些安全相关的功能,使之满足网络安全和安全管理上的需求。

50、To maintain traffic safety and order; to deal with traffic accidents; to organize and implement works regarding fire fighting and related supervision.维护交通安全和交通秩序,处理交通事故;组织、实施消防工作,实行消防监督;

经典英文句子51:交通安全,51、We must strengthen traffic control, reinforce accident, restrain, and re-search an effective accident control measure.我国道路交通安全的出路在于加强交通管理,做好事故预防,同时积极探索有效的事故抑制措施。

52、There exists conflict between safety interest of pedestrians and non-motor vehicles and interest of fast and smooth traffic of motor vehicles in traffic safety.在道路交通安全问题上,存在著行人、非机动车一方的通行安全利益与机动车方的快速、畅通利益之间的冲突。

53、So more people are much concerned about traffic security problems.因此人们更加关心交通安全问题。

54、To begin with, we must increase our traffic safe consciousness and abide by traffic rules, preventing hurting others or getting hurt.首先,我们首先要提高交通安全意识,遵守交通交规,保护我们自己伤害也不被他人伤害。

55、There are many conflict points in the non-signal intersection, and if you can effectively reduce or avoid these conflict points, the improvement will be available.在无信号交叉口处交通冲突点很多,如果有效的减少或避免这些冲突点,就能有效的改善交通安全。

56、To administer road and traffic safety, as well as traffic order of city and countryside of the whole city.管理全市城乡道路交通安全,维护交通秩序。

57、Safety guardrail is an important appurtenance to ensure traffic safety.防撞护栏是确保交通安全的重要设施。

58、An emergency hammer is a safety device used in vehicles to break through window glass in an emergency .逃生安全锤是交通工具中使用的安全装置,在紧急情况下可用来打破窗玻璃。

59、Reliability and security of the traffic signal controller are necessary.可靠性和安全性是交通信号机的基本要求。

60、Instruct your child to be attentive to the traffic and standing safely on the sidewalk.告诉你的孩子注意交通安全,要走横道线。

61、The policeman is commanding traffic on the traffic island.安全岛上的员警正在指挥交通。

62、Driver, vehical and environment (road) are the three Principal elements of traffic safety.人、车、路是影响交通安全的三大要素。

63、The safety of air traffic control has its unique position and role to ensure aviation safety.安全的空中交通管制,对于确保航空安全有其独特的地位和作用。

64、Zoellick urged countries to invest in road safety, and called on donors to provide funds through the Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), a global program housed in the World Bank.佐利克呼吁各国投资于提高道路交通安全水平,同时呼吁各捐赠方通过总部设于世行的 全球道路交通安全基金(en)提供资金。

65、Broadwood Road and Link Road lack transport facilities to ensure road safety.本人一直都认为乐活道及连道一带要加添交通设施,以保障交通安全。

66、I think it should be traffic safety volunteer.有关交通安全的!

67、Only when everybody thinks traffic safety is everybodys business can we be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks.唯有当每个人皆认为交通安全是众人的事时,我们在路上开车、在行人道上走路才安全。

68、Responsibilities: Responsible for the work on industry, transportation, communications, circulation and distribution, State-owned assets management and work safety.分管工作:分管工业、交通、通信、流通领域、国有资产管理、安全生产方面工作。


标签: 交通

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