爬上山翻译为英语通常说作: climb up the hill,还经常被译作 climbed mountains,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到83个与爬上山相关的译文和例句。
1. climb up the hill
爬上山翻译为 climb up the hill 。
示例:他们冒着炎炎烈日艰难地一步一步爬上山冈。 They toiled up the hill in the blazing sun.
2. climbed mountains
爬上山翻译为 climbed mountains 。
示例:我背着几个沉重的包吃力地爬上山去。 I struggled up the hill with the heavy bags.
1. shining up(爬上)
2. shins up(爬上)
3. swarm up(爬上)
4. seering( 爬上)
5. district rise(采区上山)
英语短语&俚语, successful climb the peak Successfully climbed the peak Successful summit climb Successfully climbe( 成功的爬上山顶 )
climb to the mountains ( 爬上山顶 )
Upon the quiet mountain top ( 爬上寂静山峰的顶端 )
And high upon the hills ( 并且爬上高山 )
successful climb up the hill ( 成功的爬上了山 )
climb the mountain ( 爬上了山 )
climb up the hill ( 向山上爬 )
MountBaring ( 爬上巴林山 )
1. We've just come up to this ridge to go and check what it looks like down in the colony.
译文:我们刚爬上山脊 来看看整个繁殖地的情况。
2. The next day, he climbed Mount Panshan, which was twelve kilometers northwest in Jixian County.
5 Marines raising the flag, Mount Surabachi.
4. i can only imagine, it must've been like Moses going up the mount and God coming forth.
译文:我只能想像这就像是莫西斯爬上山后 上帝出现在眼前。
5. He has to go up in the mountains above the snow line, bring back the claws of an eagle.
译文:然后他要爬上山 爬过雪线 带回来一只老鹰的爪子。
6. And i went up to the summit to hang myself.
7. You're going to the top of this mountain, broken legs and all.
译文:你即使一拐一拐 也得爬上山顶。
8. He, she, they climb through the night, ski down at dawn. Pretty amazing.
译文:他,她,他们夜里爬上山,黎明滑下来, 太奇妙了。
9. So you guys hiked all the way up that mountain for nothing, huh?
译文:你们翻山越岭爬上山 结果只是白忙一场。
10. it would take several hours to have her carried up from Ragatz.
译文:把她从拉加兹温泉爬上山抬上来要几个小时。 。
11. We leave the stuff with you, we go to the top and see.
12. He walked slowly up the hill pushing his bike.
译文:他推着自行车缓缓爬上山。 。
13. He began to perspire as he climbed the hill into Highgate.
14. Straight shot up the hill.
15. Climb this mountain with me
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