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关于”创作诗歌“的英语句子60个,句子主体:Create Poetry。以下是关于创作诗歌的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Create Poetry


1、The cry that the innovation was stood on one's own feet penetrates Song poetry. In Northern Song Dynasty, Song Qi is the one who pursued"innovation"earlier.

离开医院后,他开始创作诗歌,xx年他娶了没见过面的德克萨斯州的乡村诗人芭芭拉 弗莱为妻,但是xx年就离婚了。

2、When he left the hospital, he began to write poetry.[4] In 1957, he agreed to marry small-town Texas poet Barbara Frye, sight unseen, but they divorced in 1959.


3、With the creation of the Northern Song Dynasty landscape painting has become more sophisticated, landscape painting title to become the Northern Song Dynasty poetry title Poetry draw the mainstream.


4、As a Hakka, Huang Zunxian s Hakka complex exerted a strong influence on his poetic theory and practice.


5、The reason of Yuan Zhen's demoting to Jiangling, directly affected his mentality change and his composition of poems.


6、Cong Xinzhu's aim was to compose a song that was easy to sing for the general public.


7、The song was composed extempore.


8、His creations involve vocal music, opera, instrumental music, madrigal and many other fields.


9、The song was written in C-major.


10、Li Dong is a poet in the late Tang dynasty. The writing attempts to study his composition activities in Sichuan, the time and reason and the way to Sichuan.


11、The Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) playwright from Fuzhou composed more than

2,000 poems and essays, most of which were written during his later years.


12、Theme-song Lyrics: Linda Yeh, winner of a Golden Melody Award for best pop lyric, wrote all of the lyrics.


13、I reached for the language of a larger-than-merely-human world, and through this reach, my work as a writer has been in constant movement and change, between poetry, essay, and story.

【摘 要】 对立性是布莱克美学思想的重要组成部分,也是他诗歌创作风格的中心要素。

14、Abstract】 Contrariety is a very important aspect of Blake's aesthetic thoughts, which is the central element underlying his poetry.


15、Made and completed a playlist of

9 songs or more.


16、Judith Wright, a famous Australian woman poet, contributed a lot to the growth and prosperity of Australian literature with her critical theory and poetic creation.


17、Poetry translation is a cross-linguistic literary recreation and the translator's empathy plays an important role in the process.


18、Then artists and intellectuals created numerous paintings and poems expressing the happiness brought by "good harvest" and the life "abundant in food".


19、I see this as a course that's an introduction to the literature of a period, to modern poetry.


20、The spread and flourish of Hujia tune produced certain influence on the literature creation and the symbolic meaning of Hujia.

21、In writing the novel, the author applied the poetic imagery writing strategy to embody the theme as well as the poetic imagery tension to enrich the arrangement of the narration.在作品的创作中作者运用了诗歌的意象创作手法来体现主题思想,同时也运用了诗化意象张力使作品叙述层次丰富。

22、Secondly, from the writing style of"Wuge Xiqu".其次,从吴歌西曲的创作风格入手。

23、She's very creative—she writes poetry and paints.她极富创造力,既赋诗又作画。

24、Anna·Akhmatova and her poetry creations is a resplendent page of literary history in Russia.安娜·安德烈耶夫娜·阿赫玛托娃及其诗歌创作是俄罗斯文学史上辉煌的一页。

25、The professor improvised a poem in the class.教授在课堂上即兴创作了一首诗。

英文句子26:,26、With prose poetry, prose and poems respectively, they enjoy high creative position and widespread influence in Chinese contemporary literature, and form artistic styles with clear individuality.他们分别以散文诗、散文与诗歌的创作,在中国当代文学享有较高的创作地位和广泛影响,并且形成了个性鲜明的艺术风格。

27、Which Chinese literary classics is Leehom Wang's song "Beside the Plum Blossom" based on?歌手王力宏的歌曲《在梅边》是根据哪一个古典文学作品而创作的?

28、The crows of partridges record the features of times, enlarge the creative themes of poems, also show people's various feeling worlds.鹧鸪的声声啼叫记录了时代风情,丰富了诗歌的创作题材,也展示了人们多样的情感世界。

29、This song is based on an old folk tune.这支歌是根据一首古老的民歌曲调创作的。

30、The poem Melancholy as a different case in Nan Xing s poems indicates the breakout from the world inside the Yard.而作为这一时期诗歌创作特例的《沉忧》则象征着对“庭院内的世界”的突围。

31、Writes new and rearranges existing musical compositions such as songs, operas, symphonies, musical scores and advertising jingles.创作新作品并重新编排老的音乐形式,例如歌曲、歌剧、交响曲、音乐乐谱和广告歌曲等。

32、"Narrating in an overall and detailed manner", one of the distinctive creation method of fu-style literature, exerted a deep influence upon the Yuanjia poetry creation.赋体文学一个鲜明的创作手法就是“前后左右广言之”。这种创作手法深刻地影响了元嘉时期的诗歌创作。

33、I have a dream that in 2010 Hawick's fans will create more Op. for him, no matter the articles, poems, photos or videos.我有一个梦想——xx年我们所有粉丝能为恺威创作出更多的原创作品,无论是文章、诗歌、图片还是视频。

34、On the base of learning from the pioneers, Mei Yaochen broke the rules of Tang's verse both theoretically and practically, and provided new methods and developing directions for the poetry creation.在师承前人的基础上,梅尧臣在理论和实践两方面都创造性地打破了唐诗的审美规范,为诗歌创作提供了新的思路、新的发展方向。

35、In this poem, I have tried to make the language clear and pure as well as ambiguous and veiled.在这首诗歌的创作中,我试图让语言做到澄澈、明净,但同时也是隐晦的、朦胧的、多义的。

36、The study of Yueman in the past was concentrate on his Diary, poetry creation and the achievement of historiographic research.学界对越缦之关注较多集中在《越缦堂日记》、诗歌创作与主张、史学研究成就。

37、The twentieth poem Variations in Unity concentrates on mimesis of poetic creation, thus distinguishes itself from the other twenty-three poems in The Realm of Poetry.其中的第二十品《形容》主要涉及诗歌创作中的模仿问题,有别于其他诸品。

38、Question: And Junho, you also composed a song.问:俊昊,你也创作了一首歌。

39、Milton needs to imagine the narrative of the Creation as if the narration itself were taking place in the beginning, as if poetic creation could be a first in the same radical way that the creation of entire universe is obviously a first.弥尔顿想象的对上帝创造万物的讲述,与上帝创造万物一样发生在太初之时,诗歌创作与整个宇宙的创造,都发生在太初之时。

40、Cézanne summed up the source of artistic creation into: "We live in the center of the poems."也因此,塞尚将艺术创作的出发点概括为:“我们生活在一种有形诗歌的核心。”

41、The fashion also influenced the four's creation and broke a new ground for the poets in Tang Dynasty.反之,以文为友的风尚也影响了四人的文学创作,打开了唐人诗歌表现内容的一个新视界。

42、Soyinka's poetry is, in essence, a matter of "Slave Narration, " which is full of colonial writers' spirit of revolt, bearing striking features of post-colonialism.沃勒·索因卡的诗歌创作本质上是一部“奴隶叙事”,充满了殖民地作家的反抗精神,具有显著的后殖民性。

43、Firstly this thesis evaluates the achievement of literati's poetry creation from the comment of later generations;主要从时代特色、地域特色、思想艺术特色三方面对这一时期婺州地区的诗歌创作进行分析。

44、And the two degree creation art song mainly refers to the two degrees singers creation and piano accompaniment personnel's 而艺术歌曲的二度创作首要指讴歌者的二度创作和钢琴伴奏人员的二度创作,以及他们杰出共同所创作的新的艺术结果。

2 degrees, and they created good cooperation created new artistic effect.

45、Bazet composed an opera called "Carmen".比塞特创作了一部名叫“卡门”的歌剧。

46、Piotr thought of Agnieszka performing her poems, with her head bent over her guitar like a nursing mother.彼得亚雷想到阿格涅斯卡像位乳母似的,头俯向她手中的吉他在演奏她自己创作的诗歌。

47、When it comes to dealing with infertility or miscarriage in particular, the creation of a poem may also offer the author a different kind of birthing experience.当特定的情况是不孕或者流产时,诗歌创作同样给予作者另一种生育体验。

48、The third chapter compares the similarities and differences of his poetry and drama in the matter of stimulant between scenes and emotion.第三章从情景相生方面比较其诗歌戏剧创作中的相同之处和异同之点。

49、Bai's "southern complex" is fully reflected in a large number of his creative works of poetry concentrating on the south of the Yangtze.白居易的江南情结,充分反映在他以江南为对象创作的大量诗歌作品中。

50、The first chapter of the thesis introduces his life and thought, which is helpful to the understanding of his theory and writing of poems.本文第一章对其生平与思想的研究,有助于更好地理解其诗歌理论和创作。

经典英文句子51:创作诗歌,51、If you have never imagined a container as an object of poetry, this is a project that could well change your mind.如果你从未把集装箱看作进行诗歌创作的对象,这项工程绝对能叫你心回意转。

52、As a pre-creation of new poems, the translation practice experienced the transition and witnessed the bud of Chinese New Poetry.其译诗本身也成为一种准创作,在不少方面成为新诗创作的萌芽和先声。

53、Hesiod, whom I have not mentioned to you before, a poet who we think to have lived around 700 B.C., very early in the history of the polis, wrote one of his poems called, Works and Days.赫西奥德,我之前跟你们提到过的,是一个生活在公元七百年左右的诗人,那还是在城邦历史的初期,创作了一首名为《工作与时日》的诗歌

54、Wang Bao, as a prominent poet in this times, his poems present the distinct trends.作为这个时代的重要作家,王褒的诗歌创作却表现出与时代风潮不同步的趋势。

55、An the studies on the development of in You's poetic creation have made his life in the province of Sichuan a crucial point.自来评价陆游诗歌创作的发展,都把他在蜀中的生活作为一大关键。

56、Gong Ti poem is the literature working at creating beauty because of its creative objective, creative performance and creative attitude.宫体诗从其创作目的、创作态度及创作实绩上来讲是一种致力于创造美的文学。

57、Therefore, Chuan-Shan emphasized that poetry writing should be a harmonious unity of both people's inner self and the outer world.因此,船山强调诗歌创作因而必须分别从内、外两个方面著力;

58、However, it also brings negative effect of show-off quality. In addition, textual researches are carried out and statistics of existent poems are calculated.深厚的学养为“四洪”诗歌的创作提供了丰富的资源,但也带来“掉书袋”的不良影响。

59、Tage is an ancient artistic form of dancing and singing.踏歌是人类创作的一种古老的歌舞艺术形式。

60、This article closely examines the literati or the early Qing Dynasty is understanding and criticism of Wang Yang-ming.本文则以致力于诗歌创作的清初文人为视角,详细探讨了他们对王学的理解和评说。


标签: 英文 诗歌

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