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1、Travel Agents Association of India(TAAI)will organize nearly 40 travel agents to participate EAITF2009.


2、CWT argues that these mobile-travel assistants help corporations achieve compliance with corporate travel policies.


3、Traveller's checks (are) cashed here.


4、Nevertheless, this is an important source of emissions because of the long distances involved.


5、Travel broadens one's horizons.


6、Backpackers Restaurant As small as it is, the restaurant supplies a lot of convenience to the travelers.


7、With the growing popularity of back-packing and hiking, all kinds of portable camping equipment is being sold.


8、Over-emphasizes trip consumption, not completely make ready the six main factors of travel;


9、I have travelers insurance.


10、Don't forget your suitcase .


11、The trip begins in Magadan.


12、Well, how was the honeymoon?


13、DIY: The majority of holidaymakers are savvy and confident enough to make their own travel arrangements, by matching up different travel and accommodation components.


14、You know Travelin' Blues, right?


15、Travel only with thy equals or thy betters; if there are none, travel alone.


16、I like hitchhiking.


17、He likes travelling very much.


18、The journey is life itselfs.


19、Efficiently pack clothes with tips from a travel agent in this free video on traveling and vacations.


20、Travelers are advised to contact the airlines or CITS American Express travel consultant to recheck the latest flight status before trip.

21、The belongings of a temporary visitor who is leaving the country should not exceed travel needs.短期旅客携带进出境的行李物品应以旅行需用品为限。

22、He packedw too much for this trip.这次旅行他带的行李太多了。

23、I loathe travelling alone.我不喜欢单独旅行。

24、It can be easy to overdo it on the road, which combined with the regular rigors of travel can really wipe you out.在旅行中很容易太卖力,再加上严格执行旅行计划,可能你就累垮了。

25、RLTSP is quite close to the traveling-salesman problem in real life, and it is between the traditional traveling-salesman problem (TSP) and the graphical traveling-salesman problem (GTSP).它更接近于现实生活中的旅行商问题,并且介于传统的旅行商问题(TSP)与图形旅行商问题(GTSP)之间。

英文句子26:,26、Please put me through to the tourist agency.请挂旅行社。

27、I don't like hiking.我不喜欢徒步旅行。

28、To plan a vacine trip.计划休假的旅行。

29、I'm on a pleasure trip.我是观光旅行。

30、He's always on the road.他经常出公差旅行。

31、Durable travel duffle for day and weekends trips.一天,周末旅行的耐用的行李。

32、Find a nude beach in Italy with tips from a travel agent in this free video on traveling.发现这与技巧免费视频裸泳滩在意大利旅行,从旅行社。

33、Hiking is not yet popular in China.徒步旅行在中国还不流行。

34、Go on business trips if at all possible.如果可以的话,进行商务旅行。

35、Do you hike often?你经常徒步旅行吗?

36、Right now, it's just travelling and现在,就是旅行和

37、Space travel:Travelling in space by ordinary citizens will be common. Each city will have its own spaceport .太空旅行:普通人进行太空旅行将变得很寻常。每个城市都会有自己的太空站。

38、Traveled I through the space-time.我穿过时空旅行。

39、Traveler's check need countersigning.旅行支票要复签。

40、“Whether you are traveling domestically or abroad, don’t discuss your itinerary,” Rose said.“不管是在国内还是在国外旅行,都不要透露自己的旅行日程”,罗斯说。

41、They pined to travel abroad .他们渴望出国旅行。

42、Traveling by train is very interesting, the mode of travel do you like? Would you please talk about your most loving way to travel. 乘火车旅行很有趣,你喜欢那种旅行方式?

43、If you're travelling in Asia如果你在亚洲旅行,

44、Is a bicycle tourist just a loner driven by masochism1) to undertake anachronistic2) pilgrimages?难道单车旅行者不过是有受虐倾向的孤僻者,偏偏要进行这样不合时宜的旅行吗?

45、Trxdyeler's check need countersigning.旅行支票要复签。

46、Adequate trip planning and preparation helps backcountry travelers accomplish trip goals safely and enjoyably , while simultaneously minimizing damage to the land.完善的旅行计划和预备有助于野外(也可指户外)旅行者安全和愉快地完成旅行的目标,同时最低程度地对土地造成损害。

47、This is far less important than sorting out local travel in all cities, commuter travel around all cities, and inter-regional travel.但是这种交通方式远不及城市内部的旅行方式,环城汽车旅行或是区域内部的旅行方式更深入民心,地位更重要。

48、I'll travel around the island.我会去环岛旅行。

49、I have a journey to perform.我须作一次旅行。

50、were travelling with the guys, going on trips with the alumni hosting us跟队里的人旅行,旅途中校友招待我们

经典英文句子51:旅行,51、Traveling is my life. I love to travel. I'm not a stick in the mud.旅行是我的最爱。 我爱旅行。 我不喜欢老是待在一个地 方不动。

52、Before travelling, we must encase carefully.旅行前,我们必须仔细打包行李。

53、Adequate trip planning and preparation helps backcountry travelers accomplish trip goals safely and enjoyably, while simultaneously minimizing damage to the land.完善的旅行计划和准备有助于野外(也可指户外)旅行者安全和愉快地完成旅行的目标,同时最低程度地对土地造成损害。

54、then I will go on an excursion,我就会去旅行。

55、if ill, it is prudent to delay international travel -- if ill after travel seek care.如果患病,应谨慎地推迟国际旅行;如果旅行之后患病,应就医。

56、She travels by third-class train.她乘三等车旅行。

57、How did Daisy travel?戴茜是怎样旅行的?

58、I'm sure you'll have fun on the school trip. 我可以跟学校旅行团去纽约吗?

59、Fusil - Travel and labour.明火枪-旅行和劳动。

60、I applaud Rolf for pushing the boundaries of light travel, and look forward to following his journey.我赞成Rolf推崇的跨越界限的轻装旅行,期待他下一次的旅行。

61、Start your journey today.今天开始你的旅行吧。

62、I travel too much on one person alone, two people may travel is more laughter!我一个人的旅行太过于孤单,两个人的旅行也许会是多些欢笑!

63、May I go to New York with the school tour? 我们期盼学校团体旅行时会很好玩。

64、The trip in Singapore this time, it is first journey abroad of my, so, this is travel that I never forget in the life too.这一次的新加坡之旅,是我第一次出国旅行,因此,这也是我终身难忘的旅行。

65、I want a station wagon.我要一辆旅行车。

66、Our travel plan has been cancelled.我们的旅行吹了。

67、Tour guides, the mainstay of the reception work, are the core personnel in a travel agency.导游员是旅行社接待工作的主体,是旅行社的核心员工。

68、The Manual Carrier Robot may touch the Traveller Robot when the Traveller Robot alights from the Kago.当旅行机器人下轿时,手动机器人可接触旅行机器人。

69、I really like traveling.我真系钟意旅行。

70、Kiitos samoin. Thank you too.谢谢,你也旅行愉快。

71、Last weekend, I had an unforgettable coach trip, together with Lily and her youger brother.上个周末,我和莉莉以及她的弟弟相伴去旅行。那是一次难忘的旅行。

72、Low Cost Carrier (LCC) travel is increasingly becoming the first choice for many travellers around the world today.廉价航空(LCC)旅行日益成为全球许多旅行者的首选。


标签: 英文 旅行

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