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关于”两个词的短句“的英语句子31个,句子主体:a short sentence of two words。以下是关于两个词的短句的高考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:a short sentence of two words


1、That vegetable peddler often gives short measure.


2、I'll read each word twice. Give the spelling, meaning and part of speech of each word.

3、 比如以下两个词汇 as sharp as a razor adv。


4、Speaking with some of the verb infinitive phrase as object complement, when saved to, one tactic is: a sense so that the four two three watch.


5、This is a strategy called double syntax, the notion that "in the Beginning" can modify one verb or the other.


6、This is called mittelschmerz from the German words for "middle" and "pain, " because it occurs mid-cycle.


7、If we break the word diaper in two we get dia and aspros.


8、It's two words, Mitakuye Oyasin.

实际上,这个词并没有如此不堪。 有两个词源上的原因。

9、In actual fact things are a little more hopeful than that for two etymological reasons.


10、You have confused the meanings of the two words.


11、The Oxford English Dictionary refers to two guys— Pliny and Nicander—in its etymology for the word magnet.


12、Two pronouns and a vehicle was Icarus with wings.


13、Teacher: Billy, name two pronouns.


14、An infinitive is a two-word form of a verb.

These two words don't go together.



16、Listen and read twice for each word.


17、Oh, they are two homonyms.


18、The term comes from "discombobulate," which means to confuse or frustrate, and Google.


19、The devil is a word for a seam between two pieces of wood along the water-line of a ship.


20、If you intend it to apply to both, use parallel construction and write the modifier in front of each noun.

21、Please remember, general synonyms will be two words have an intermediate word repetition.请大家记住,一般近义词都会是两个词中间有一个字重复。

22、No dashes, and no more than two words in the domain if appropriate.不要用横杠(—),尽量不要超过两个两个词的组合。

23、Flip even called Rashard a “professional” twice in one answer.奇才主教练桑德斯在球队上周五击败新泽西后这样评价这位新的职业球员,他甚至在一句话中两次用到了“职业”这个词。

24、That's because of the word tomorrow and our understanding of the word before and after, yesterday and today and so on. Okay good.这是因为明天这个词,和我们对之前和之后这两个词的理解,昨天和今天这两个词的理解之类的,很好。

25、These two words don't go together.这两个词搭配不当。

英文句子26:,26、What is the difference between the two words?这两个词的区别是什么?

27、Those words are not interchangeable.这两个词不可以互换。

28、Read the short passage on Page 80 and look up the new words in your dictionaries. Retell the story briefly.读80页上的短文,在词典中查找生词,并简要复述这个故事。

29、Oxymoron: a figure of speech that combines opposite or contradictory ideas or terms. An oxymoron suggests a paradox, but it does so very briefly, usually in two or three words.矛盾修辞法:把两种截然相反或自相矛盾的两种想法或词联系在一起的一种修辞手法,矛盾修辞法都很简短,一般为二到三个词,它往往是人想的反论。

30、这个词用在这里会是什么后果? 那句话呢?What might be the repercussions of this word, or that sentence?

31、In compounds, the two lexical morphemes can be of different word classes.复合词中,两个词汇语素可能是不同的词类。

32、Education has two meanings, both of which are beautiful.“教育”这个词有两个意思,都很美。

33、What might be the repercussions of this word, or that sentence?这个词用在这里会是什么后果? 那句话呢?

34、Google the words "reindeer" and "caribou" together and you'll see that they are often used to refer to the same animal.同时搜索"reindeer" 和 "caribou"这两个词,你会发现,大部分情况下,这两个词指的是同一中动物。

35、A brief tutorial on parsing and lexing is in order.应该给出关于解析和词法分析的一个简短指南。

36、Listen and read twice for each word. 听并把每个词读两遍。

37、Through the comparison of the shared dialectal words between two dialectal regions, the author calculates the number of the shared words, hence, to study the overlapped words between the two regions.本文通过两两方言区之间的共有词比较,得出每两个方言区之间的相同共有词数,依此判断两个方言区在词汇上的交叉关系。

38、你把这两个词的意思弄混了。You have confused the meanings of the two words.

39、Don't mix up this pair of synonyms.别把这两个近义词混淆了。

40、Both thumb and thigh go back to the same Indo-European root.拇指和大腿这两个词语都可以追溯到同一个印欧语系词源。

41、FL: Yeah, they cut my pants.是的,两个鸟人剪了我的短裤。

42、He has got two small eyes, two little ears and four short legs.他有两只小眼睛,两个小耳朵和四个短腿。

43、There are two words that are absolutely necessary for you to understand if you want to become a new person: confession and repentance.你要想成为一个新造的人,有两个词你必须领会,这两个词是:认罪和悔改。

44、The Greek roots of the word can be broken in two hypo and chondria.人们可以把这个词拆分成为两个希腊词根,一个是hypo,另一个是chondria。

45、To make things easier, we have broken the phrasal verbs down into two parts .为了方便记忆,我们把对话中出现的动词短语分成两部分。

46、The name of Romainville recurred incessantly to his mind, with the two verses of a song which he had heard in the past.罗曼维尔那个名字不时回到他的脑海中来,同时又联想到他从前听过的两句歌词上。

47、In two words: weight creep .两个词:重量蠕变。

48、The article points out that the two mood adverbs' subjective degree has the tendency to decrease, for the changes of grammatical positions and when in the control field of hypothetical conjunctions.由于句法位置的变化,当处于假设连词辖域范围内时,这两个语气副词的主观化程度有减弱的趋势。

49、This word is too long and can be cut back in use.这个词太长,在使用时可将其缩短。

50、There are in English two articles: the definite article and the indefinite article.英语中有两个冠词,即定冠词和不定冠词。

经典英文句子51:两个词的短句,51、He curtailed his speech.他缩短了他的演说词。

52、Tsunami is a two-character Japanese word.海啸是两个字符的日本词。

53、Other handy features include a Phrase Trainer for slowing down guitar licks, a built-in chromatic tuner and two XLR Microphone inputs with phantom power.其他方便的功能,包括一个明显放缓,吉他乐句词组训练内置半音调谐器和两个XLR麦克风输入,带幻像电源。

54、This mood adjunct can mark retorting and assessing mood. These mood adjuncts can be classifies into ranks according to modal word at the end.前者可以标记“反诘”和“揣度”两种语气,通过是否与句末语气词同现,这些标记副词可以分出等级;

55、Two words: biodegradable plastics.两个词:可降解塑料。

56、The two words co-refer.这两个词互相指代

57、You never use two modals together.两个情态动词不能同时使用。

58、" In a split infinitive, another word separates the two parts of the verb.分写的话,另外的一个词写在不定式的两个词之间。

59、The etymological meaning of both words is “something added on.”从词源学的角度来看,两个词都有“附加物”的意思。

60、Neil: But it can also be used as a noun. A wind-up.这个短语还可以变成一个名词 a wind-up.


标签: 英文 短句

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