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1、I am tired of being so alone and bule.

She will want nothing but solitude and you.



3、The first loneliness we must try to outgrow with faith and hope. The second we must be willing to embrace in love.


4、Would rather die alone, don't compromise.


5、You still at standing alone of ex- is all right?


6、lonely friday when the sky is gray

no one can think is lonely. 什么是孤独?

7、think a person is alone. what is loneliness?

No one can think is lonely.什么是孤独?

8、Think a person is alone. What is loneliness?


9、Myth #3: Autistic people lack empathy.


10、Single fears lonely, double fears unworthy.一个人怕孤独,两个人怕辜负.


11、Thinkin I don't wanna die all alone.


12、No more masquerade, you're one lonely star.


13、I still stand alley, lonely wait.


14、I like loneliness patients . Why not?


15、What happened to your lonely soul?Screamin out.


16、Literature has close relation with solitude.


17、When I am lonely, He gives me peace;


18、I am lonely in my life…


19、With Tom away , I always feel lonely .


20、I flunked out because I am autistic.

21、With Tom away, I always feel lonely. (adv.汤姆不在,我一直感觉孤独。

22、Single fears lonely, double fears unworthy.一个人怕孤独,两个人怕辜负.

23、one day, lonely defeated the happiness. 终有一天,孤独打败了快乐。

24、I've been stressing Frost's solitude.我一直在强调弗罗斯特的孤独。

25、 One day, lonely defeated the happiness. 终有一天,孤独打败了快乐。

英文句子26:,26、through a storm and through a lonely night经历了风暴忍受了孤独

27、Who will you alone in the lonely lamp?谁还为你独守那盏孤灯?

28、The road builders suffer high stress and loneliness.修路士兵忍受着高压和孤独。

29、Reimu: I see… You were all alone…灵梦:我知道了…你始终孤独…

30、But soundly sleeps, while now it sleeps alone.但求酣睡,只要孤寝独宿。

31、Pardon him, because he is dugu kuaile.原谅他,因为他是独孤快乐。

32、我喜欢孤独,我喜欢寂寞 I love to be alone and I love loneliness.

33、He gets lonely and sore, and pikes out.他感到孤独恼火而突然离去。

34、And no one likes to be alone .没有人喜欢孤独;尤其天枰座。

35、They are never alone accompanied by noble thoughts.思惟高贵者决不会孤独。

36、Alonenss enfolds the world cruelly.孤独便残酷地统治整个世界。

37、I'm Miss. Longly. I have nobody.我是单身女士,孤独地,一无所有。

38、And from aloneness, that is the beginning of true Romance.孤独是真正爱情的开始。

39、XiaoFei smoke a empty visit queen dugu.萧妃抽了个空探望独孤皇后。

40、"I'm not lonely, Alex. " Sandra said.“我不孤独,爱丽克丝”森达说。

41、I started off working with children with autism.我最初是研究儿童孤独症的

42、Everybody would feel lonely sometimes, it is suppose to learn how to bear the solitariness, never do something stupid due to solitariness.每个人都有孤独的时候,要学会忍受孤独,不要因为寂寞而去做无聊的事情。

43、 One day, lonely defeated the happiness. 终有一天,孤独打败了快乐。

44、So I picked the lonely, outcast-banana over the gang of handsome bananas.于是我在这群英俊的香蕉中,独独拿起了这根孤独的被抛弃的香蕉。

45、Is it true that we all die alone?我们都是孤独地死亡的吗?

46、A lonely heart that beats in vain.被一颗孤独的心徒劳地敲击。

47、lonely friday when the sky is gray 灰色天空下的孤独星期五

48、Don't give me this "Better be half hanged than ill wed" speech! I don't want to grow old and die alone!不要跟我讲什么“与其成怨偶,不如守单身”!我不想孤独地变老,孤独地死掉!

49、A light was still burning in his study .他的书房里仍有孤灯独燃。

50、Too late its beauty, lonely thing它的美色来得太晚,孤独的东西

经典英文句子51:孤独,51、Is lonely, always thought oneself is loneliest .是孤独的,总认为自己最偏僻。

52、She will want nothing but solitude and you.除了孤独和你,她将别无所求。

53、How lonely and friendless Bartleby must be.多么孤独寂寞的巴特必须。

54、Narrator: Amélie still seeks solitude.画外音:艾米莉一直在寻求孤独。

55、Sometimes I would feel lonely and helpless. I have no sense of loneliness because of friendship. Friends help with each other forever… wherever, the love between relatives is the truest.…天涯咫尺,惟独亲情最真实!


56、Individualization: It's often said that "if you've met one person with autism, you've met one person with autism."个性化问题 :人们常说:‘如果你见到过一个孤独症患者,你只是见到了一个孤独症患者。’

57、But now I feel lonelier than ever before.但我现在比什么时候都孤独。

58、In the snowed river he alone fishes, fishes and fishes.孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪。

59、) I'm all alone in this world. (在这个世界上我总是孤独的。

60、Like 《One Time》, 《One Less Lonly Girl》and 《Baby》.“一个孤独的女孩”和“宝贝”。

61、"I believe the world needs autism, " Stillman said.“我认为世界需要孤独症。” Stillman说。

62、Who, holding my hand, eliminate my dark alone.谁,执我之手,消我半世孤独;

63、She felt a warmth in her lonely heart.她孤独的心感到了一阵暖意。

64、Loneliness, sometimes, is also a kind of enjoyments.孤独,有时候也是种享受。

65、While alone and insane incased in his tomb.孤独和发狂包围着他的坟墓。

66、Then, I am still and wait here in the silence.孤独中,峩只有静静等待。


标签: 英文

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