
作者:用户投稿 阅读:375 点赞:0





1、Her classes are lively and interesting .


2、This is an interesting point.


3、Building a snow cave is also fun.


4、Find something fun to do .


5、Use fun status & emoticons.


6、Yes, that will be fun.


7、It's an interesting gimmick.


8、I find the book entertaining.


9、It's an interesting term.


10、I personally believe that if potty training can seem like a fun activity, anything can;


11、B: I'm interested in Art History.


12、And the transparency effect is quite interesting.


13、What an interesting story it is !


14、JTS, it's fun to dream!


15、They have fun together.


16、so far it's pretty interesting.


17、So, some jargon first.


18、Finally, have a lot of fun.


19、What brings you here?533.

vec() 函数尤为有趣。

20、The vec() function is especially interesting.

21、Some of the local programs are very interesting.有些地方台的节目很有趣。

22、It's interesting walking in the snow.在雪地中很有趣。

23、唱歌比跳舞有趣 Singing is more funny than dancing.

24、The SSA's pipeline graphic is interesting.SSA的管道论很有趣。

25、Sleepwalking is an intriguing phenomenon.梦游是个有趣的现象。

英文句子26:,26、Reading books on belly seems interesting!趴着看书挺有趣哈。

27、but it's like fun sometimes.但有时那也是种乐趣。

28、Learing can be interesting.学习能够变得更有趣。

29、I have no interest in him.我对他额米有兴趣。

30、Pedro is funnier than Paul.彼德罗比保罗有趣。

31、This is a restaurant.布鲁尔是一个有趣的人。

32、Kill Two Birds with One Stone It was funny.一石双鸟 有件有趣的事。

33、The food market is very interesting.食品市场非常有趣。

34、They"re lovely and interesting."他们是可爱和有趣儿。

35、Without health no pleasure can be tasted by man.没有健康就没有乐趣。

36、If you want to meet fun, exciting people, then you need to be more fun and exciting.如果你想要结交有趣,兴奋的人,然后你就需要有趣并且兴奋。

37、To solve an interesting problem, start by finding aproblem that is interesting to you.要解决有趣的问题?那就先找到你感兴趣的吧!

38、I say it's interesting because data binding is -- at its most fundamental -- not very interesting at all.之所以说它有趣,是因为从根本上而言,数据绑定并不很有趣。

39、I thought he was very amusing.我认为他很有趣。

40、The life of Glenn Wilkinson is fun, of this sort or that.在他的生活里,总有这样那样的乐趣点缀着,相映成趣。

41、How interesting the book is!这本书多有趣儿呀!

42、I get an amusing experience continue age.去年我有过一次有趣的历练。

43、That's interesting. What is it about?真有趣。画的是什么?

44、Christina's doing very interesting work.她的工作确实很有趣

45、What are its interesting and distinguishing features?它有什么有趣和显著的特征?

46、Yes, absolutely. -Interesting.绝对是这样的,-这真有趣。

47、Very definitely a treat, you know, it's fun.真的很有趣。

48、What interesting relatives you have.你的亲戚都真有趣。

49、Now here’s where things get interesting, at least for this interpretation of Inception.现在这里所说的就开始有趣了,至少对于《盗梦空间》的解读而言很有趣。

50、Tell us something interesting.给我们讲点有趣的事吧。

经典英文句子51:有趣,51、"It was fun, " she says.魏晓认为“这很有趣。”

52、Do blondes have more fun?金发的人更有趣嘛?

53、Dashan: Yeah. They're quite interesting.大山:对,个个饶有兴趣。

54、JAMES SUROWIECKI: Really interesting question.答:这个问题非常有趣。

55、It should be an interesting week.这将是有趣的一周。

56、Presumably, he had some sociable interests.假定,他有社交兴趣。

57、This is an interesting match.这是对有趣的搭配。

58、Speaking of fun, what have you done for fun while you've been here in Orlando?谈到乐趣,你有什么做的乐趣,您在奥兰多期间有什么事情值得一乐呢?

59、What great fun it is to fly kites! 放风筝真有趣!

60、English is both interesting and difficult.英语既有趣又难学。

61、For his sense of humour, There are many anecdotes of Qianzhongshu.由于钱锺书的幽默风趣,有不少关于他的逸闻趣事。

62、If you are interest-ed only in your regular occupation, you are alive only to that extent.如果你只是对你的日常工作才有兴趣,那你的生趣也就很有限了。

63、Steve Ballmer: Yeah, it was funny.鲍尔默:那很有趣。

64、And he'll only be interested if he thinks I'm not.他只有觉得我对他不感兴趣的时候他才会对我感兴趣。

65、"It's been a fun ride and a great end to our college friendship together, " he said.“这是我们大学友谊中有趣的一次经历,也是个有趣的结束。” 他说。

66、First you have to have fun.首先,你必须有乐趣。


标签: 英文

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