我的寒假计划翻译为英语的写法为: Plan for Winter Holiday,其次还可以说成" My Winter Holiday Plan",在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到57个与我的寒假计划相关的短语翻译和用法。
1. Plan for Winter Holiday
我的寒假计划翻译为 Plan for Winter Holiday 。
示例:我的寒假计划好了,寒假就要到了。 My Winter holiday plans well. Winter holiday is coming.
2. My Winter Holiday Plan
我的寒假计划翻译为 My Winter Holiday Plan 。
示例:这就是我的寒假计划! This it is my winter holidays to plan!
3. My Plan for Winter Holiday
我的寒假计划翻译为 My Plan for Winter Holiday 。
示例:这就是我的寒假计划。 This is my plan for winter holiday.
1. winter vacation(寒假)
2. winterholiday(寒假)
3. saberman( 寒假)
4. winter break( 寒假;
5. rhamnopyranoses( 鼠伤寒假)
1. Yeah, we saw you during the Christmas holidays Working with your apron on at the restaurant in Obiyamachi.
译文:嗯,寒假的时候我在带屋町的餐厅 看到你围着围裙卖力工作。
2. Moreover, i secretly carried out the work during the dry season in winter vacation
译文:再利用每年寒假的干水期 偷偷施工。
3. it's true winter vacation is an event worth waiting for.
4. i called him, lest he did not know winter vacation this year's program!
5. That was an entire winter of my life.
译文:失败的友谊: 第149 -159天 这就是我的整个寒假 That was an entire winter of my life.。
6. First half of school holidays on odd years, second half on even years.
7. We haudio-videoen't yet settled the question where we are going to spend our summer vacine.
译文:到哪儿去度寒假,这个题目我们还没有决定。 。
8. School districts across the United States are taking Christmas break off the calendar completely and replacing it with winter break.
译文:学区 横跨美国 圣诞假期 彻底关闭日历 和替换它 寒假。。
9. i worked part-time during my winter break as well...
10. in winter holidays, i want to have full sleep and eat goodfood in order to replenish myself.
译文:在寒假期间,我想拥有充足的睡眠,享用丰富的食物来补充自己。 。
11. i remember once i had some caligraphy homework.
译文:小学的时候 寒假作业是过年的时候写篇文章。
12. Later on, we went on school break.
13. nter vacation i the results be greatly true!
14. it was winter break, freshman year of college...
译文:那是一个寒假 我刚进大学...。
15. Most of the passengers are college students on their winter vacation and migrant workers retuning home for Spring Festival.
标签: 计划
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