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关于”主谓一致“的英语句子30个,句子主体:subject-predicate agreement。以下是关于主谓一致的初二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:subject-predicate agreement


1、Make sure you are comfortable with the personal rapport between you and your surgeon.


2、The so-called “interconnects” between all these components are struggling to keep up.


3、Flexible but consistent look-and-feel or theme


4、An active engine mount with electrostrictive actuator was studied.


5、If is one-time investment, buying points of the very important (fixed norm investment is just fine).


6、The lifelessness and paralysis of will can go so far that the whole personality falls apart, so to speak, and consciousness loses its unity;


7、The coat of a parti- colored dog is not an even solid color at the skin but is of two or more colors.

导致这种变化的一个因素是 IBM 在 DB2 中内置了所谓的自治功能。

8、One of these change factors was the drive by IBM to build so-called autonomic capabilities into DB2.

H5N1:所谓的“禽流感”导致泰国和 越南47人得病,其中34人死亡。

9、H5N1: So-called Avian Flu causes illness in 47 people in Thailand and Vietnam, 34 of whom died.


10、Uncertainty mainly includes imprecision and inconsistency, the latter of which can be divided into static inconsistency and dynamic inconsistency.


11、Undershirts must be the same colour as the main colour of the shirt sleeve;

他专攻所谓的弹力紧致(Y Lift),这是把填充物注射到颧骨下方的区域的一种方法。

12、He specialises in what's called the Y Lift, where filler is injected into the area just below the cheekbones.

这种议论,在所谓“一个主义” 的标题之下,已经变成了狂妄的叫嚣。

13、A fearful hullabaloo has recently been raised with this sort of argument in the form of the "one doctrine" theory.


14、The resonance interaction of plasma waves with the toroidal drifts of particles leads to the occurrence of a class of the So-Called "resonance integrals".


15、The summerly it may be said 2007 is an acme season, stylist people all make gladly give brand-new span spatiotemporal time;


16、The principles of socialism are: first, development of production and second, common prosperity.


17、This is called disseminated intravascular coagulation, and can be fatal if not treated quickly.


18、The Chinese language has given "Zhisheng" deep and abundant meanings, implying the remarkable features of the car and the excellence of its users.

The verb agrees with its subject in number and person.



20、Foundationalism falls into straits of solving epistemic regress problem which brings about another main theory directly Coherentism.

21、The appellation of east capital central official in the early stage of Tang dynasty changed three times.唐朝前期东都洛阳中央职官的称谓大致发生过三次变化。

22、Scheduled walls have my so-called scholars, is to make human to hide away and smooth;如期而致,吾所谓学者,乃尽人力使其遁形而圆滑;

23、So-called collective action, mainly for one or both litigants a large number of cases.所谓集体诉讼,主要适用于诉讼当事人一方或双方人数众多的情况。

24、Prion: Disease-causing agent, discovered by Stanley Prusiner, responsible for various fatal neurodegenerative diseases called transmissible spongiform encephalopathies.普利子:一种致病因数,由普鲁西纳发现,能引起各种致命性神经变性疾病,即所谓传递性海绵状脑。

25、Age is one of the key risk factors for falls.年龄是导致跌伤的主要危险因素之

英文句子26:,26、Background: end-stage ankle arthrosis is one of the leading causes of chronic disability in north america.背景:晚期踝关节疾病在北美是导致慢性致残的主要原因之

27、Decision points in the process can become "Governance Gates" and should align to the "strategic governance" bodies and review sessions.过程中的决策点将成为所谓的“治理门”,而且需要跟“战略治理”本体以及复审会话相一致。

28、" Because legislation is indeterminate , on understanding of "fleeing causes one's death", opinions vary.由于立法的不明确,在理解“因逃逸致人死亡”的问题上,众说纷纭,可谓百家争鸣。

29、As a Jew, a liberal, a humanist, an internationalist, he attracted the enmity of rationalist and anti-semites.作为一个犹太人,一个自由主义者,一个人道主义者,一个国际主义者,他招致了民族主义者和反犹太者的敌意。

30、From our results, mitochondrial DNA mutation may be one of major factors in aminoglycoside antibiotic induced deafness.提示线粒体DNA点突变是导致该家系致聋的主要因素之

31、But I feared it would have meant taking on a newscaster-- someone who, as they say, "can talk Wall Street's language."不过我害怕这会导致我们搞来一个播新闻的,那种所谓“有华尔街腔调的人”。

32、Plant landmines: go first in customer presentations so you can set the terms of the debate.打好埋伏: 第一个做客户演示,所谓先入为主,你可以设定讨论的范围。

33、All is man's subjective will the carrier, the so-called good wind with force, send soared through the I.一切的一切都是人的主观意志的载体,所谓好风凭借力,送我上青云。

34、Lack of design-time coherence (SOA governance model) is the leading cause of this antipattern.缺乏设计时一致性(SOA 控制模型)是导致此反模式的主要原因。

35、A high level of so-called "bad" cholesterol causes plaque in the bloodstream, which can slow down the blood flow to the heart.一个所谓的“坏”胆固醇水平高会导致血液中,它可以减缓血液流向心脏的牌匾。

36、Gord . If the damage to the oesophagus leads to inflammation, this is called oesophagitis.如果损害到食道,导致炎症,这就是所谓的。

37、One result is what investors call a barbell pattern, in which both defensive and risky investments benefit.其导致的一个后果是投资者所谓的杠铃形态,在这种局面下抗跌性?

38、Cigarette smoking is a major fac tor contributing to cancer.抽烟是导致癌症的一个主要因素。

39、Vision consistency, which has always been the difficulty that augmented reality is facing, includes geometry consistency, motion consistency, and light effect consistency.视觉一致性包含几何一致性、运动一致性和光效一致性,是增强现实技术所面临的主要难点。

40、In English, there must be concord between a verb and its subject.英语中动词与主语必须一致。

41、The so-called “low pathogenic” form commonly causes only mild symptoms (ruffled feathers, a drop in egg production) and may easily go undetected.所谓的“低致病性”通常仅导致轻微症状(羽毛皱乱,产蛋量下降),很容易被忽视。

42、For some time now, conservatives have been railing against the supposed "judicial activism" of liberal judges.保守分子反对那些自由派法官的所谓“司法激进主义”已经有一段时间了。

43、This is mostly because they aren't uniform in structure.这主要是因为它们在结构上不一致。

44、What gave rise in the Western world to what is called "hermeneutics" was in fact the Protestant Reformation.事实上是西方的新教改革“,导致了所谓的“诠释学“的产生。

45、The so-called traumatic adolescent epilepsy, including head injury and body generally fall injury.所谓外伤致青少年癫痫,一般包括颅脑外伤及身体跌倒损伤等。

46、Once disputes only shouted, " swindled ", the so-called owners of the Committee may also be ineffective.一旦纠纷出现只有大呼“上当”,所谓业主委员会恐怕也起不了作用了。

47、The results of research on precision FM synchronous broadcasting by using common source modulation method are introduced.所谓共源调制法,即利用微波或卫星、光缆链路传输共源调制信号,保证了各同步台之间的调制度一致。

48、In addition, the existence of the so-called "PCI sound card sonic boom phenomenon", was mainly due to have a sound card and hard drive for the limited bandwidth due to the PCI bus.此外还存在所谓的“PCI声卡爆音现象”,产生原因主要是由于声卡和硬盘争夺有限的PCI总线带宽所致。

49、This in turn may result in something called marine dysoxia, a phenomenon which kills off oxygen-using animals.这反过来又可能导致所谓的海洋缺氧现象,致使吸氧动物死亡。

50、The "new route" in the play is to emphasize the exquisite costume in it.本戏中所谓「新路」,即是著重于精致服装的展现。

经典英文句子51:主谓一致,51、As a Jew, a liberal, a humanist, an internationalist, he attracted the enmity of rationalist and anti- semites .作为一个犹太人,一个自由主义者,一个人道主义者,一个国际主义者,他招致了民族主义者和反犹太者的敌意。

52、The babies have a condition called microcephaly. Microcephaly causes severe brain damage.这些婴儿患上了所谓的小头畸形症,它会导致严重的脑损伤。

53、At the heart of the New Keynesian doctrine stands the so-called dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model.新凯恩斯主义学说的核心是所谓的动态随机一般均衡模型。

54、Use subject lines that carry a consistent theme that recipients will associate with your brand.主题栏应该使用让收件人联想到你的品牌、一致的主题。

55、The assumption that an employer won't pursue details about all of them often leads to what O'Loughlin calls "job inflation, or overstating what you actually did."应聘者认为雇主不会追究所有工作的细节,这就导致了欧劳林所谓的“拔高工作头衔,或夸大实际工作内容”。

56、The winning goal was from one of his superbly struck corners.致胜一球是来自他主罚的一个漂亮角球。

57、That difference has functional consequences for the daughter cells in that one of the daughter cells becomes what's called here a committed progenitor cell.而这些差异会导致子细胞,产生一些功能上的变化,其中一个子细胞会成为,所谓的定向祖细胞

58、Enter on groundlevel to find quirky homewares and stationery, then head downstairs tothe vintage treasure trove below!在店面一楼你可以看到各种古怪精致的家居用品和文具,下楼则满是令人眼花缭乱的衣服,可谓宝库。

59、However, the other view, which we call the desperate recklessness of "only advance, never retreat", is also wrong.然而另一种思想也是不对的,即所谓有进无退的拚命主义。

60、The verb agrees with its subject in number and person.动词的数和人称与主语一致。

61、Verbs have to agree with their subjects.动词的形格数要与主语保持一致。



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