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关于”表示疑问“的英语句子34个,句子主体:express doubt。以下是关于表示疑问的雅思英语句子。

英文句子模板1:express doubt

奥尔德里奇表示说: 缹“毫无疑问他拯救了很多人的生命。他牺牲了自己,拯救了他人。”

1、Mr Aldridge said: "Without a doubt [he saved lives]. Here's a man who sacrificed his life to save others. ""


2、"I doubt it will take a few days," Guillaud said.


3、But with the financial crisis, a lot of those certainties are gone.


4、We would be sceptical to any broad-brush solution.


5、Ruslan Tsarni said he is the suspects' uncle.

6、Finally believe that men are unreliable 如有疑问,请追问。


7、The results show that subject wh-questions are much easier for Chinese-speaking children than object wh-questions and younger and older children do not behave differently.


8、I doubt it—no woman would use skin as a wall motif.


9、However, Bloomberg News reported on Thursday that 22 of the 27 companies who supposedly signed the letter had no knowledge of it.


10、Mr Van Hollen does not question the good faith of his Republican counterparts.


11、Chinese officials also have questioned the company's extraction methods.


12、In that regard, Liu said USD depreciation is also a concern.


13、Director Piao: I'm worrying whether you are adequate to the task of compering a program.


14、When the process began there was some scepticism over its success.


15、A doubt has arisen when trying to represent centroids.


16、I suspect his motives.


17、Hitzfeld described Franck Ribéry (knee) and Miroslav Klose (shoulder) as "still doubtful" for next Monday's Cup encounter.


18、Mexican officials said the suspect had confessed to being a lookout for the gang.


19、“No doubt they will be asking for clarification on things such as the broadcasting of the torch ceremony and about delays in transmission,” the IOC said.


20、It's no wonder, then that men have given up some of the automatic gestures of politeness and consideration which they used to show towards women.

21、I highly doubt that. -Have you ever met a shark?我对这点表示非常的怀疑。-你曾经见到过鲨鱼吗?

22、"No doubt there will be frictions at times," said Stephen Flanagan of the Center for Strategic and International Studies think tank.“毫无疑问不时会出现摩擦,”智库国际战略研究中心的Stephen Flanagan表示。

23、The conviction doubtless showed in the cloud on her brow .毫无疑问,这信念表现在她紧锁的眉尖上。

24、There is little room for doubt in a definitive statement.表示了决心,就没有犹疑的余地了。

25、But he was doubtful about the usefulness of the research.但是他对该研究的用处表示怀疑。

英文句子26:,26、The police are suspicious of his alibi because he already has a record.警方对他不在场的辩解表示怀疑,因为他已有前科。

27、The leak suspects are grouped in tables, one for each leak root.泄漏疑点组织为表,每个表表示一个泄漏根。

28、But I doubt that.但我对此表示怀疑。

29、Asked if the project would be completed, Lutsenko said: "We have no doubts whatsoever."被问到该工程能否完成,Lutsenko表示:“这一点毫无疑问。”

30、Tyson and Altman were skeptical about avoiding short-term economic contractions.泰森和奥尔特曼对于短期内经济是否会萎缩表示怀疑。

31、"While there is no doubt that the UK economy is on its way to recovery, we shouldn't underestimate the challenges ahead for businesses," ICAEW's Izza said.Izza表示:"尽管英国经济毫无疑问在走向复苏,但我们也不应低估企业面临的前方挑战."

32、But I doubt whether forestation alone will solve the problem.但我对仅仅植树造林就能解决问题表示怀疑。

33、"I doubt it, " Leiweke said.莱维克说:“我对此表示怀疑。

34、Even so, Urquhart said: "There's no doubt it's a high-risk strategy."但Urquhart也表示,"这无疑也是一个高风险策略."

35、I expressed doubt.我表示怀疑。

36、They clashed over Walcott and Wenger professed himself "surprised" last month that Pearce should question Wilshere's focus.他们就沃尔科特的问题发生了冲突,并且温格就上个月皮尔斯在威尔希尔的问题上没有任何的质疑表示“十分惊讶”。

37、i cherish everyone around me. 如有疑问欢迎追问!

38、Already I’m suspicious.对此,我表示怀疑。

39、Interior Minister de Maiziere also said there was "no doubt" the driver intentionally hit the popular market.内政部长德梅齐埃也表示,“毫无疑问”,凶手故意袭击热闹的集市。

40、He questioned Adam Smith's emphasis on the invisible hand.他对亚当·史密斯对“无形的手”的强调表示怀疑。

41、"There's no question we need better markers, " Isaacs says.艾萨克说:“毫无疑问我们需要更好的示踪剂。”

42、Hitchcock often said that his personal favourite was Shadow of a Doubt.希区柯克常表示:他个人最欣赏的电影是“疑雾重重”。

43、Doubt and even get jealous of the achievements and honors others get.对别人取得的成绩和荣誉常常表示怀疑,甚至嫉妒。

44、Blade privately to the king put forward my question north division, suggesting that bo Lin identity suspicious.刀锋私自向王师北提出本人的疑问,并暗示楚河身份可疑。

45、The accused question the result of the breathalyser test.被告对呼气测醉试验结果表示怀疑。

46、Won't be a problem, Kreiter said.不过,凯斯表示这不成问题。

47、Monkeys like to eat bananas. 如有疑问欢迎追问!

48、I suspect their taste in higher matters.我对这种人对较高级事物的鉴赏力表示怀疑。

49、He asked, incredulously, as if he had some vision of a face before him.他表示怀疑地问道,仿佛在他面前出现了一张脸孔的幻影。

50、"Asians have different figures than people from the West, so that's what caused their suspicion," Huang said, referring to media inquiries.在谈及媒体的质问,黄玉斌表示说:“亚洲人在体形上与西方人不一样,所以才会引起他们的怀疑。

经典英文句子51:表示疑问,51、Bandar agreed it was possible, but he doubted that was the case.班达尔也同意这是一种可能,但对此表示怀疑。

52、“We doubt our test results are accurate,” one foil worker told the Financial Times.“我们对自己的检测结果是否准确表示怀疑,”一名锡箔厂的工人对英国《金融时报》表示。

53、"Without any doubt it is a big positive for both policy and the economy," said Jahangir Aziz, JP Morgan's chief economist in India."毫无疑问,无论对于政策还是经济,这都具有重大正面影响,"摩根大通驻印度首席分析师Jahangir Aziz表示.

54、At last, we discuss that interrogatives sometimes represent the definite information.最后探讨了疑问代词有时表示一定确定性的信息。

55、Skeptics say these machines do not represent a great improvement over video teleconferencing.怀疑论者表示,这些机器不能代表超越视频会议的重大进步。

56、This example demonstrates the three key problematic issues此示例演示了三个主要疑难问题

57、Spain represents, without any doubt, a very rich and interesting case-study regarding regional problems and regional development policies.西班牙表示,毫无疑问,一个非常丰富而有趣的案例研究关于区域问题和区域发展政策。

58、No4. Doubt and even get jealous of the achievements and honors others get.对别人取得的成绩和荣誉常常表示怀疑,甚至嫉妒。

59、In an interview, Westbrook said he was "no doubt" hope he can stay in Oklahoma City.在接受采访时,威斯布鲁克表示,他 毫无疑问 希望自己能够长期留在。

60、You may be skeptical of this claim, and with good reason.你也许有很好的理由对这种看法表示怀疑。

61、Prof Aaker is sceptical: "This is a really weak brand."艾克教授对此表示怀疑:“这实在是个弱势品牌。

62、"I would rather be freelancing, no question," said Jessica Tolliver, a former editor who now works in public relations.现在公关领域就职的Jessica Tolliver表示:“毫无疑问我想做自由撰稿人,那样我将在较短时间完成工作。

63、We're kind of guessing on these population figures.而我们对于这样得到的人口数据的准确性,仍表示怀疑

64、But councillor Stuart Hughes, chairman of Sidmouth Town Council, doubted the comments.但锡德茅斯市议长斯图尔特-休斯对此表示质疑。

65、Nobody can impugn his ability.没有人对他的能力表示怀疑。

66、Liu dressed, acted and spoke so femininely that the judges questioned his gender several times.刘穿着打扮,言谈举止如此像女人,以至评委几次提问,对他的性别表示怀疑。

67、In a note, Credit Suisse also raised questions on whether the "consumer weakness" will "bleed into enterprise" and whether the overall PC slump will "bleed into other end markets.瑞信集团在声明中表示,对消费疲软是否将影响企业业绩表示怀疑,对个人电脑销量全面下滑是否会影响其他终端市场抱有疑虑。

68、In the past few months our customers have started to be unsure about the safety of Toyota vehicles, and I take full responsibility for that.在过去几个月里,用户对丰田气车安全问题表示怀疑,对这一点我负全责。

69、People are even staring to wonder if he's on the up-and-up .大家甚至开始对他是否诚实表示怀疑。

70、The question is whether such a tactic can help bring rain to drought affected areas.问题在于,这种方法是否能给干旱地区带来降雨。 阿姆本耶对此表示怀疑。

71、Roma face Palermo tonight and De Rossi declared: "The Scudetto is still probable, there are no doubts."昨晚罗马打败了巴勒莫之后,德罗西明确得表示:“意甲冠军仍然是有可能的,这并没有什么疑问。”

72、Some experts have expressed scepticism.一些专家表示怀疑。

73、While Lepinay refrains from taking a position on the regulation issue, his own experience inside a bank has made him skeptical of this argument;利皮奈没有对监管问题表示观点,他自己在银行内的经历使他对这类争论存疑;

74、I am sceptical when it comes to the pacifying power of culture.我对文化的平暴作用表示怀疑。

75、Many users have expressed doubts, but even behind a lot of people who have.不少网友纷纷表示质疑,但力挺者也大有人在。


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