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1、To cultivate wisdom, you must frequently investigate the Sutras.


2、During hospitalization,

20 patients died in the CT group and

13 patients died in CIT group (P<0.05).


3、The purdah of the Athens Olympic Games has fallen.


4、Veith and Kern put to rest many of the common misunderstandings about classical education and explain its importance to this generation.


5、If Apocalypto is meant to to show the terminal Classic—the Classic Maya collapse—then it may have looked in a state of disrepair.


6、It was thought up by Pavlov.


7、Classic toe box and sidewall trimming.


8、China has begun to make the civil code.


9、Includes classic quotes from Brennan and Dale!


10、Fanshen is also an unchallengeable classic.


11、The creation history of contemporary novels is a development history that succeeds and deviates the sutra, because it is restricted and effected by the developing way of classic novels.


12、The Swede replied, "That was yesterday.


13、Classic Characters – Cameos from classic heroes and villains from the Watchmen universe, including Rorschach, Dr. Manhattan and more!


14、The cover of the dictionary has been torn off.


15、The Conclusion, by citing Jean-Christophe as an example, summarizes the construction of literary classics and translated literature classics.


16、The "Ploughing Classics Reading Group", another brainchild of Prof. Chow, allows students to study classic works at his home, regularly and year round.


17、Yugong Yishan is a Beijing classic.


18、Writing on this Mahayana understanding of Nirvana.

眼睛颜色: 至于经典平纹。

19、Eye color: as for classic tabby.

她还要泡菜 克劳森经典莳萝泡…

20、She wants pickles. Clausen classic dill pickles.

21、In muscular early Victorian classical style, it was a monument to severe learning and a demonstration of the university's vast, unsmiling pride.这座宏伟的早期维多利亚式的经典建筑,曾经是严谨治学的典范,也是牛津大学那一本正经、不拘言笑的骄傲的明证。

22、He has bought an English-Chinese dictionary.他已经买了一本英汉字典。

23、Slogan: Experience the classic Ocean Star New!口号:经典 海洋之星新体验!

24、Locke's famous answer comes in Section 27.洛克的经典回答在第27节。

25、So, what do we think about classical conditioning?我们该如何看待经典条件作用?

英文句子26:,26、Work produced was a regarded as a classic, or a beginning to creation as a classic, such as the model operas.作品一生产出来就被奉为经典,或一开始就是当成 经典来创作的,如样板戏。

27、Classical conditioning shows up all over the place.经典条件作用随处可见。

28、DJ is putting on his usual disc.唱片师又放上一碟经典。

29、Face Detection classic Haar face detection.人脸检测领域经典的Haar人脸检测。

30、A classic that is still "current" IMHO.经典,在我看来现在仍然“没有过时”。

31、We flew to Athens via Paris.我们乘飞机经巴黎去雅典。

32、This book can also be regarded as a classic.这本书也可算作经典了。-Mr。

33、The Canon of Ethnomusicology:is there one?民族音乐学的经典:有没有呢?

34、I am well versed in classic music.我一向对经典音乐很有研究。

35、Objective To compare the classical method with modified method in the preparation of enzyme conjugates.目的对过碘酸盐经典法(经典法)和过碘酸盐改良法(改良法)制备的酶标记结合物进行比较。

36、That is, I know the classical vibrational energy.就是说,我知道经典的振动能。

37、The film is now recognized as a classic.这是一部公认的经典影片。

38、Semiclassical wave functions. Tunneling. Bound states.半经典波函数,遂穿,束缚态。

39、It has been a great phenomenon to reproduce classical fairy tales through parody in the late 20~(th) century, along with the pace of the culturally classic-consuming trend.使用戏仿手法对经典童话进行再生产,是伴随着二十世纪后期经典消费化浪潮而出现的一个典型的文化现象。

40、Fold-over lapel. Sleeveless. Classic fit.折叠式翻领。无袖。经典的健康。

41、you know, that's got to be on the top.那是部经典之作。

42、So is listening to some soothing classical music.还可以听一些舒缓的经典音乐。

43、The program also has Advanced Dictionary Manager for a dictionary-based attack.该项目还得到了一个基于字典词典攻击高级经理。

44、Classic oxford in hand-finished leather upper.经典牛津手工完成的皮革鞋面。

45、Nowadays, however, typical story especially typical character story is in a difficult position.可是现在,典型报道特别是典型人物报道已经走入了一个困境。

46、Rome is such a cherished city.罗马真是个懂得收藏经典的城市。

47、AT WORK: They are called managers.在工作:这个典狱官改名为经理。

48、Galileo's De motu launched classical physics;伽利略的《论运动》开启了经典物理学;

49、In has experienced after in particular the non- standard.尤其是在经历了非典以后。

50、It is a classic and elegant Cabernet .是一款经典优雅的卡贝纳红酒。

经典英文句子51:经典,51、Gooden was the classic young power pitcher.古登是经典的年强力投手。

52、"It\'s a classic case," Hanlon adds.Tim Hanlon补充道,“雅虎是个经典案例。

53、From the point of modern logic, the logic developed from traditional logic to classical symbolic logic then to non-classical logic.从现代逻辑学的视野来看,逻辑学从古至今经历着从传统逻辑到经典逻辑再到非经典逻辑的发展过程。

54、ShangShu is an important ancient scripture in China.《尚书》是我国古代重要经典。

55、Glorious Tales: themes of historic relevance and epic stories, including Great China and National Palace Museum collections.神话经典:浩博中国文化与传世故宫名作的珍贵典藏;包括中国风系列、典藏故宫系列。

56、Classic cabinet design, special net enclosures, rich.经典箱体设计,特制网罩。

57、Scrupulous and accurate design makes Mendale sofa a great success. Each model is a classic one that transcends fashion and is tested by time but always in mode.设计的斟酌和推敲成就梦洁沙发经典超越时尚, 款款经典,经年时考验而不落后。

58、Focusing on Zhu Xi s interpretation of the Four Books, in this article we discuss the relation between interpretation of classics and construction of philosophy.在中国经典解释传统中,经典文本与解经者的哲学建构之间,存在着既不能分割,而又互为紧张的关系。

59、I like classical music in all of its genres.我喜欢不同流派的经典音乐。

60、Evita:I think I'd have to say the "Classics"!我想应该是「经典重现」吧!


标签: 英文 经典

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