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关于”赞美女生“的英语句子49个,句子主体:Praise the girls.。以下是关于赞美女生的初二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Praise the girls.


1、All the girls raved about the new singer.


2、happy birthday to an attractive, intellectual, sophisticated and all round splendid person.


3、He objects to rules of etiquettes and ethics in the male chauvinist society, but appreciates, eulogizes and cares for the female and volunteers to protect them.


4、Dorothea herself had no dreams of being praised above other women.


5、And he acknowledges here finally that the ideal of virginity is an ideal for which women are typically praised - and of course this goes without saying.


6、Happy birthday to an attractive, intellectual, sophisticated and all round splendid person.


7、Men spend a lot of time trying to make women laugh, so frequent and hearty chortles are taken as great compliments.

How can we celebrate Chinese women if we demean Chinese women?从一开始,我们就没有想过要贬低中国女性。 我们怎么能一边赞美中国女性,一边贬低中国女性呢?

8、From the get-go, that is the last thing we had in mind…


9、She was immediately praised by the Vatican, her work and achievement likened to those of Mother Teresa.


10、Do you agree that indigenous women have the right to inherit lands in the New Territories?


11、I know that there are many young girls who don't hear it. But I was fortunate," she added.


12、happy birthday to an attractive, intellectual, sophisticated and all round splendid person.


13、Oh, how I shall praise life and how I shall marvel at the wonders of the universe!


14、It's been months and I'm still getting praise from those following my blog.


15、Fine with their children of wonderful life.


16、The writer's praise to women's foot-binding and his hatred towards prostitute imply his resistance against the Yuan Dynasty.


17、Then, many angels started singing songs of praise to God about the birth of Jesus.


18、After telling the maintenance man he was doing a great job, I walked over to the lady who served me my slice of pizza and told her how incredible it was.


19、Lord! Thank and praise you! Because you save me out of death into life gives me great eternal life!


20、Most days you can find him walking the halls, visiting with students and extolling the virtues of living well.

21、Noah’s life brought pleasure to God because he lived with a heart of praise and thanksgiving.因为挪亚满含赞美和感恩,所以,他的生活给上帝带来了喜悦。

22、Celine praised her that she was so incredible, and wished her good luck.席琳迪翁夸赞女孩装扮后美极了并祝福她好运。

23、Eat three Jujubes per day and you will keep young for lifetime. It is to praise the benefit of eating Jujubes.xx日吃三枣,终生不显老,这是赞美吃枣的好处。

24、Happy birthday to an attractive, intellectual, sophisticated and all round splendid person.祝福一位美丽迷人,聪明大方,成熟端庄,又倍受赞叹的妙人儿,生日快乐。

25、Lin Haiyin narrates a woman's constraint in the marriage, which exalts a human being's kindness.林海音诉说了婚姻中女性的压抑,赞美了人性之善良。

英文句子26:,26、And again, Praise the Lord, all ye Gentiles; and laud him, all ye people.又说:“外邦啊,你们当赞美主;万民哪,你们都当颂赞他。”

27、And from time to time I think to myself that there is too few of them.我时常暗自思忖,生活中的赞美与恭维话实在是太少了。

28、The Countess dutifully admired the pictures, but offered no opinion as to which the Queen should choose.伯爵夫人衷心赞美了这些图案,但是对于女王应该选择哪一个却不置可否。

29、PRAYER Because we can joyfully look ahead to a new life in another world, we praise our God: Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, My lips shall praise You.“祈祷”,因为我们可以愉快地向前看,看到在另外一个世界的新生命,我们赞美我们的上帝:因为你的慈爱比生命更美好,我的嘴唇咬赞美你。

30、His voice and his twinkly smile were an affectionate compliment to his daughter-in-law.他的声音和他是一个微笑着深情赞美他的女儿女婿。

31、I would like to commend my Egyptian brothers and sisters for their breathtaking courage and ask them to never give up.我要赞美我的埃及兄弟姐妹们,赞美他们大无畏的勇气,我要跟他们说不要放弃。

32、You can't praise him too much.怎么公开赞美他也不不为己甚。

33、When Job's life fell apart, and God was silent, Job still found reasons to praise God约伯的生活崩溃时,神保持沉默,但约伯仍然可以赞美神

34、In his youth the world was suffused with the after-glow of the long Victorian age, and a graceful feminine style had softened the manners, if not the natures, of men.他年轻的时候,漫长的维多利亚时代的余晖仍未散去;


2、 在这个有趣的年代行将结束的时候,人们对女性的赞美已不再停留在对女人的自然属性的赞美上,而是近乎把女人作为神明来膜拜。

35、Brits preferred praise for their legs, Spaniards responded to compliments about their hair, while Germans and Canadians preferred skin praise.英国女人则更喜欢别人夸赞她们的腿。 西班牙女人欣赏对她们头发的赞扬,而德国和加拿大女人则更偏爱对她们皮肤的夸奖。

36、Coming from a suffragette, I'll take that as quite a compliment.这话来自参政妇女。我会当它是真诚地赞美。

37、Even Chinese women's groups -- once quick to decry events as objectifying women -- give somewhat grudging approval to the new wave of pageants.就算是中国妇女组织——曾经谴责选美大赛是在物化女性——也不太情愿地赞同选美新浪潮”。

38、赞美发型 I like the way you make your hair. 我喜欢你的发型。

39、Women think men don't want or value praise and acknowledgement, and so tend to only verbalize criticism.并且,男人不需要或不珍惜得到任何赞美,所以女人倾向于喋喋不休与批评。

40、In the life style: Meng Hao-ran admired the celebrities' casual and elegant demeanor;在生活方式上,倾慕名士风度,赞美隐逸,并且喜爱游赏自然山水;

41、The queens and the concubines, They also praised her.王后妃嫔见了也赞美她。

42、Sun Erniangs is strongly commended by Shi Nai'an, revealing his advanced concepts of equality between men and women at that time .对孙二娘等女子却是死力赞扬,透露出那时男女同等的前进前辈不美观念。

43、I am in favor of Mrs.我很赞同龙应台女士的观点。

44、My daughter was spitting up constantly using Enfamil, so the Dr. switched her to Similac. My son, on the other hand, did really well on Enfamil Lipil(it's supposed to be more like breast milk)·我的女儿在使用美赞臣的时候吐奶很厉害,于是医生建议我们换雅培。

45、“Glorify your name, ” the island women sang, as they swayed in a cut sandstone church.“赞美你的名字吧,”爱尔兰女歌手曾唱到,当他们在砂岩教堂摇摆的时候。

46、Just as a woman needs to feel a man's devotion, a man has a primary need to feel a woman's admiration.正如女人需要男人的专宠一般,男人也需要女人的赞美。

47、Men approved of the attacks 72 to 男人赞成这次攻击的比例是72%,不赞成的是17%,而女人则是51%对27%。

17 percent versus 51 to 27 percent for women.

48、Mr. Sheraton did not approve of his daughter's plan.雪里顿先生并不赞成他女儿的计划。

49、No creature has received morepraise and abuse than the common garden snail.没有一种生物所受到的赞美和厌恶会超过花园里常见的蜗牛了。

50、Noah's life brought pleasure to God because he lived with a heart of praise and thanksgiving.挪亚的一生令神喜悦,因为他活在赞美和感恩中。

经典英文句子51:赞美女生,51、I've been married for twenty-five years to the same wonderful, infuriating woman.女士们先生们,听着,我跟一个超赞又欠揍的女人结婚xx年了。

52、The daughters saw her, and blessed her; yea, the queens and the concubines, and they praised her.众女子见了,就称她有福。 王后妃嫔见了,也赞美她。

53、No creature has received more praise and abuse than the common garden snail .没有一种生物所受到的赞美和厌恶会超过花园里常见的蜗牛了。

54、Ithas been running a minute- eulogy to Miss Bhutto on many television channels, whichmakesno referencetoher party.在许多电视频道上都一直在播放一个时长一分钟的对布托女士的赞美辞,而没有涉及她的政党。

55、In his youth the world was suffused with the after-glow of the long Victorian age, and a graceful feminine style had softened the manners, if not the natures, of men.他年轻的时候,漫长的维多利亚时代的余晖仍未散去;如果说优雅的女性化风尚没有软化男人们的本性,那它也软化了他们的举止。 在这个有趣的年代行将结束的时候,人们对女性的赞美已不再停留在对女人的自然属性的赞美上,而是近乎把女人作为神明来膜拜。

56、Do you celebrate life or do you hide in the shadows?你赞美生活吗? 或者你将自己隐藏在阴影里?

57、Families with many children in school can get up to $153 a month, a ceiling imposed to remove the incentive to have more children.多子女家庭每月获得的赞助额不会超过153美元,设定这为上限,是为了防止有人把赞助当作财路而拼命多生。

58、Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, for thou hast borne the Saviour of our souls.你在众女子中受赞颂,你胎之果并受赞颂,因你诞生了我们灵魂的救主。

59、Flattery in a teacher evaluation leads to Ross dating one of his students.一次教师评价活动中,一个叫依丽莎白的女生对罗斯大加赞赏,两人开始约会。

60、That world is filled with the glorification of love, beauty and life.在这个世界里充满了对爱、美和生命的赞颂。

61、赞美发型 i like the way you make your hair. 我喜欢你的发型。

62、On the contrary, I am inclined to emancipate women out from these trifles.妇女解放、男女平权,我都赞成。

63、The women pay for a man to lavish them with undivided attention.女性会出钱让一位男性来心无旁骛地对她们大大赞美一番。

64、Consider this scenario – a girl meets a guy while out shopping.考虑这样一个场景--一男一女购物时相遇,眉目传情,男的声称自己是大老板,正在谈一笔大买卖,随后盛赞女孩的美貌举世无双正是自己的梦中情人...

65、To sum up, I approve of coeducation and I am convinced that most high school students like to study in a coed school.总之,我赞成男女合校。我深信大多数的中学生也喜欢就读于男女合校的学校。

66、Female tragedy is exaggerate as the myth of male dreams, manifests aesthetic ideal for females by male-dominated culture and expresses the males mentality of self-care.但是,他对女性的同情和赞美,是站在男性立场上进行的,女性悲剧被渲染成了男性梦想的神话,展示的是男权文化对女性的审美理想,坦露的是男性自我关照的心路历程。

67、Whenever my girlfriend comes back from the salon, I always compliment her hair.我女友每次从美容院回来,我都会称赞她的头发。

68、How can -we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?但我们怎能在一块陌生的土地上唱起主的赞美歌呢?

69、As he signed the presidential oath, the crowd erupted with cheers praising his deceased wife.当扎尔达里签署总统誓词时,人群中暴发出一阵欢呼声,人们高声赞美已故的布托女士。

70、She has toured in many places to make speeches that were widely welcomed and warmly hailed.贺女士也曾在多处进行欧美流行音乐演唱巡讲活动,受到广泛的赞誉和好评。

71、How wonderful it is to be the children of God! Thank Lord!上帝的儿女何等有福!赞美主!

72、Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit. We can not flower and grow without it.赞美就像是阳光,人的精神,没有它我们的生命就失去阳光。


标签: 女生

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