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关于”搜的软件“的英语句子20个,句子主体:Search the software。以下是关于搜的软件的高一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Search the software


1、Google tried to eliminate two of these steps by providing small applications that add Google's search box on the phone's home screen.


2、If you have problems finding a suitable package with the Add/Remove tool, try using the search in Synaptic.

DataParkSearch Engine:利用这个开源搜索引擎可以找到多种语言站点,实现“基于缩写词和简写词的模糊搜索”和搜索文本文件,mp3文件和gif文件。

3、Use this open source search engine to find multilingual sites, pull up "fuzzy searching based on acronyms and abbreviations" and find text files, mp3s and .gif files.

有很 多 预定义的速搜使搜索软件或在百科全书中查找某些词变得轻而易举。 您甚至可以 创建您自己的 速搜 。

4、There are a lot of Web-Shortcuts predefined to make searching for software or looking up certain words in an encyclopedia a breeze.

答:运行”系统管理“》“新利得软件包管理器”(Administration/Synaptic Package Manager),搜索“acroread”。

5、A Run Administration/Synaptic Package Manager, search for acroread.


6、The report also notes Priceline's launch of its iPhone application that lets customers research and book hotels from the road.

Wicket 搜索所有资源文件中名称与组件层次结构内的组件相同的文件,最后搜索的是应用程序。

7、Wicket searches all resource files with the names equal to the components in your component hierarchy, with your application last.

对于黑莓手机,这个搜索软件已经包括在谷歌手机升级器里,这个升级器能从 mobile.google.com 下载。

8、For Blackberry, the search application is included in the Google Mobile Updater, which is available at mobile.google.com .

而使用微软Word和 Outlook Connectors将电子邮件发布后,任何相关人员都可以通过多个渠道搜索到邮件内容。

9、And with Microsoft Word and Outlook Connectors, email threads are publishable and searchable by any involved users and from multiple sources.


10、One program, called ReelTime, lets people search for files by when they last opened them using visual preview windows.


11、The software mines the Internet to find instances in which writers have claimed something is untrue.


12、This makes it much easier for filtering software to block unwanted content if SafeSearch has been turned off.


13、Mr. Spitznagel doesn't read financial news; rather, he developed software programs that troll options markets for deals.

通过使用 “,” 分隔每个搜索条件,搜索将返回与搜索词匹配的一组结果。

14、By separating search criteria with a ",", the search will return a union of all matches of the search terms.

GNU Edu 是一个教育软件的可搜索编录。

15、GNU Edu is a searchable catalog for educational software.


16、Traditionally, after receiving the datum, the datum are searched for by software, and peak detecting waveform is displayed.


17、Thousands of hacking guides are specifically designed to enter Facebook via Google.


18、Hunt and gather software, install it, and configure it.


19、The software giant went back to Yahoo yesterday to suggest a joint venture that would give Microsoft a position in Yahoo's search business.

xx年前,微软微软就开始对Live Search Club成员进行搜索返利服务的测试运行,为了吸引用户,微软还对使用Live进行搜索的用户提供奖励。

20、A year ago Microsoft basically did a trial run of Live Search CashBack with Live Search Club, which lured searchers to Microsoft with offers of prizes to users for using Live Search.

21、The software can search all of the contacter info as your word.软件可能搜寻所有联系人名单信息。

22、There are always going to be different mechanisms or vehicles for exchanging files, but ultimately, people go to a search-driven environment that you find in file-sharing applications.总有各种不同的机制和渠道用来交换文件,但是最终,人们趋向文件共享软件中的搜索主导的环境。

23、The problem is that presentation is flat-out ignored by anything software-driven or mechanical, like all those search engines and helpers for the disabled.问题是所有软件驱动的东西都会完全忽略显示,比如搜索引擎或残疾人帮助程序。

24、By creating several profiles the user eliminates time-consuming searches for the software needed and unloads the desktop.通过创建几个概况用户消除了时间消耗搜索软件需要和卸载桌面上。

25、Applying the uninterpreted CID spectra of the protein digest to searching in sequence database by the SEQUEST program could identify proteins conveniently and rapidly.通过SEQUEST 软件进行蛋白质序列数据库搜索得到了准确的鉴定结果。

英文句子26:,26、Integrated add-ons. No need to visit Mozilla Add-ons because Firefox 整合附加软件.不需要对Mozilla附加软件进行访问 因为Firefox 3直接能够在 附加组件管理 扩展附加组件 页面访问:搜索 发现和安装都仅仅需简单的点击几下.

3 brings it to you directly from the Add-ons Manager new Get Add-ons page: search, find and install with a single click.

27、Search for a specific file type.搜索特定的文件类型。

28、In recent days, Microsoft floated a proposal to acquire Yahoo's search-advertising business, said people familiar with the matter.在最近几天,微软发行的建议,获得雅虎的搜索广告业务,熟悉内情人士说,与这件事。

29、The ability of searching and tracking of an radar is simulated by STK software with computer, the function of STK can be extended when in collaboration with other software.介绍了应用STK 软件对相控阵雷达的搜索、跟踪空间目标能力的仿真过程和方法,介绍了STK 与其他应用软件相链接扩充功能的方法。

30、If you're looking for a piece of software Baidu Hai -it's an instant messenger software we delivered-- we will show that to you.如果你要找百度Hi这个软件,这是一种,即时通讯软件,搜索页面会显示出来。

31、Utilizing content manager software and search engine with selection filters, they are able to match the requirements of the job search assignment they received from employers.通过运用内容管理软件和带过滤器的搜索引擎,他们可以为雇主找寻到符合条件的员工。

32、This neat tool creates a desktop search engine that indexes all of your files and emails, meaning that you can search for them quickly and easily.这个简洁的小软件建立一个桌面搜索引擎把你所有的文件和电子邮件都编进引索,这样你就能方便快速的找到它们了。

33、This is a single search bar that allows keyword hunts in "web and user’s applications, contacts, and dialing information, " as well as web pages.在单个搜索栏通过关键字搜索 “网络/用户应用软件、联系人和拨号信息”以及网页。

34、It can also search TGP galleries or image search engines using keywords so that your result images match what you are looking for.该软件还可以搜索TGP 图库或者使用关键字的搜索引擎,因此你的搜索结果图像将匹配你所寻找的图像。

35、Add ‘ppa:jfi/ppa’ to your Software Sources, update and then search for and install ‘psensor’ from the Ubuntu Software Centre.你可以自己添加源:‘ppa:jfi/ppa’然后再去Ubuntu软件中心搜寻、更新、安装‘psensor’。

36、Meanwhile, according to the measured value, RF can be searched and tracked by DDS controlled by software.同时,根据测频的量值,由软件控制DDS完成对射频脉冲的搜索、跟踪。

37、He clearly regrets the failure of his attempt to create an open-source Google rival: Wikia Search.他明确表示他曾试图创造一个开放源搜素软件—维基亚搜索(Wikia Search),和谷歌同台竞争,但是失败了,他觉得非常遗憾。

38、A team at Microsoft studied health-related Web searches on popular search engines and surveyed 515 employees about their health-related searching.微软的一个小组研究了流行的搜索引擎上有关健康的网页搜索,并调查了515位雇员的健康相关的搜索状况。

39、At the end of July, Microsoft and Yahoo signed a 10-year deal under which search on Yahoo's websites will be generated by Microsoft's new Bing search engine.微软与雅虎xx月底达成一项xx年期协议,根据协议,雅虎搜索将改用微软新的搜索引擎--必应。

40、This software upgrade also provides statistical functions, fast picture searching, selective backup, and fading long-term memory.这个软件升级还提供统计功能,快速图片搜寻,选择性备份和消除长期存储。

41、No version- integrated search engine, search categories, including more video, web pages, BT, software, pictures, news, forums!详细说明: 无数据库版-集成搜索引擎,搜索分类特别多包括视频、网页、BT、软件、图片、新闻、论坛等!

42、Building a more comprehensive, faster and more accurate search engine than Google is a daunting challenge, and a long list of big companies and start-ups have failed in their attempts.推出比Google内容更综合,速度更快,搜索结果更精确的搜索引擎是件令人望而生畏的挑战,微软之前,无数大公司和创新公司已败下阵来。

43、If you have problems finding a suitable package with the Add/Remove tool, try using the search in Adept.如果您用添加/删除程序工具查找匹配软件包有问题,请尝试使用Adept的搜索功能。

44、Do a search on the web for online marketing, and you'll find (between the software plugs) hundreds if not thousands of articles with more theories than reason.如果你在网上搜索在线市场营销,你将会发现成百上千的文章(关于软件插件的)讲的多是理论而非理由。

45、Google gives away its software in hopes of reaping profits from search advertising.谷歌希望通过免费软件从搜索广告方面获利。

46、The Microsoft search deal was a non-event.与微软达成的搜索交易没有奏效。

47、Google has also launched Google TV, software that can be installed in TVs or on cable TV set-top boxes and helps people search and find content to watch from the Web and broadcast channels.谷歌此外还推出了一种名为Google TV的软件,这种软件可以安装在电视或有线电视机顶盒内,帮助人们搜索并收看来自互联网和电视频道的内容。

48、Spybot – Search & Destroy can detect and remove spyware of different kinds from your computer.Spybot蠕虫-搜索和消灭可以检测和删除计算机中不同种类的软件。

49、Spybot Search & Destroy application design, test and remove spyware, A.Spybot - 搜寻和摧毁应用程序设计,检测和删除间谍软件,甲。

50、Just search for knockd with your distribution's software-installation tool, and you'll be set.用发行版的软件安装工具搜索 knockd 往往能够找到它。

经典英文句子51:搜的软件,51、The check form method in the software can directly read the value of the temperature corresponding potential of 软件中的对分搜索查表法,使5种热电偶分度值所对应的温度值得以快速直读;

5 thermocouples.

52、Experiments results demonstrate that the application on the new diamond search algorithm optimized by MMX has magnificently improved the efficiency of compression ratio and computing speed.实验结果证明,经算法改进和MMX技术优化的新钻石搜索法远胜于三步搜索法,大大提高了程序运行的效率,使系统达到了软件实时编解码的需要。

53、Meanwhile, Microsoft's Page Hunt aims to increase the relevancy and speed at which information can be found.而微软的Page Hunt旨在增加搜索信息的相关度和搜寻速度。

54、In peer-to-peer sharing, you use a file-sharing software program, eMule, for example, to *locate computers that have the file you want.所谓“点对点分享”指的是,使用一个像电驴这样的文件共享下载软件,然后在他人电脑上搜寻你所需要的文件资料。

55、Other programs, like Google Desktop, perform that same basic index-and-search function.其它软件如谷歌桌面提供了一样的索引和搜索功能。

56、It usually is an individual employee who finds and downloads the enterprise software that boosts his or her company's productivity curve.各个公司负责搜索和下载可提升公司生产率的企业软件的人通常都是公司的某一个员工。

57、Serch Duplicate files on your disk - Using this software u can search any duplicate files and there is utility to delete, move duplicate files.使用这个软件你可以搜索磁盘上的的任何重复文件,可以删除或移动重复的文件。

58、The only caveat is that we go through the Live Cashback search first.但是唯一的附加条件是要使用微软的现今返还系统搜索。

59、Max Payment - $0.75 per link. Dont send me any other general SEO packages.最高支付- 0.75元的联系。不要送我任何其他一般搜索引擎优化软件包。

60、One of the new features RIM touted is the ability to search any application, media content or contact by typing a word on in Torch's "universal search" function.RIM宣扬的新特色之一是搜索任何应用软件、媒体内容或在“火炬”的“全面搜索”功能里输入一个单词就能实现联系的能力。

61、Find and Bind - During design time, a software developer browses or searches the service registry using the UDDI Explorer.查找(Find)和绑定(Bind)-- 在设计期间,软件开发者使用 UDDI Explorer 浏览或搜索服务注册中心。

62、Software Engineer We need world-class engineers to join our engineering team in developing our next-generation search engine and related technologies.软件工程师-中国我们的工程研发团队需要世界级的软件工程师来帮助我们开发下一代的搜索引擎及其相关技术。

63、Toolbar searches that use federated search software like MuseGlobal or Ex Libris's Metalib can search groups of databases or even subject subsets of several databases.使用联邦检索软件工具栏搜索比如MuseGlobal或Ex Libris的Metalib可以搜索多组数据库,甚至一些数据库的子库。

64、Last year, Clearwell software was used by the law firm DLA Piper to search through a half-million documents under a court-imposed deadline of one week.去年欧华律师事务所(DLA Piper)使用Clearwell的软件从50多万份的文件中进行搜索,法院给的时间是一个星期。

65、After fending off Microsoft's advances, Yahoo cut a search deal with the software giant.拒绝了微软的提议之后,雅虎割舍了和软件巨人的搜索合同。

66、It supports real-time updating of the data and metadata about the software packages, searching the meta-data about the packages, and, of course, downloading the packages themselves.它支持有关软件包的数据和元数据的实时更新、支持有关软件包的元数据的搜索,当然,还支持软件包本身的下载。

67、Microsoft Corp. is set to launch a blistering attack on rival Google Inc. on Tuesday for what the software giant argues is the Web search leader's "cavalier" approach to copyright protection.全球软件业巨擘微软周二表示,猛烈抨击对手搜索引擎巨擘谷歌无视版权保护“豪取强夺”的做法。

68、Google what he really said, and even translate it yourself with a Farsi parser if you don't believe it.搜索一下他其实是怎么说的,你要是信不过翻译的,就自己找个波斯语翻译软件。

69、Conclusion:UMLS can promote the search performance of medical, general, and documents search engine.结论:UMLS能提高医学和通用搜索引擎及文献检索软件的检索效率。


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