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关于”问路的句型“的英语句子33个,句子主体:sentence patterns of asking for directions。以下是关于问路的句型的高考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:sentence patterns of asking for directions


1、By using Hamilton graph, the problem of wagons placing-in and taking-out on branch-shaped sidings can be turned into searching Hamilton loop of minimum power.


2、For larger models with many paths, having an abundance of extra inputs and outputs takes up room, and can cause problems with simulation and exporting the model.


3、The DNA molecules of the solution space are fixed on the solid carrier, and then we get the all solutions of the perfect matching problem by the biochemical actions.


4、Based on the wavelength routed ring network model, new integer linear programming (ILP) formulations were proposed to tackle the optimal design of wavelength routed multi fiber ring (MFR) networks.

提出了一种建立数字门电路宏模型的方法 ,采用该方法建立的门电路宏模型可以对门电路以及由门电路构成的数字电路进行逻辑仿真 。

5、The said digital gate circuit macro model can be used to perform a logical simulation for gate circurit and the digital circuit formed by the gate circuit.

刚才我们路过的不就是这座炮塔么?你真的不想问问路么?确定一定以及肯定么? ?

6、Didn 't we just run by this same tower? Are you sure you don't want to want to ask for directions?


7、The results indicated that ability to focus fully mediated the relation between cognition-based trust in supervisors and employee's task performance and OCB.


8、Complete road and highway sets: one lane, two lanes, intersections, long and short turns.


9、Centrifuge model test is carried out aimed at two different wall types respectively: gravity shoulder wall and balance weight shoulder wall.


10、Certainly, the old woman ask the way excepted.


11、In other words, he can't go around whacking his brother and sisters.


12、Depending on the type of issue for a transaction, the issue is allocated to a resolution subprocess specific to the issue type.


13、Researches facility site selection and scale problem to study parking area outside the road, have set up the scale of delaying time parking in the minimum roadside on the basis of the motor vehicle.


14、Sub-miniature 3-way and 4-way solenoid air pilot actuated valves.

vpath: 访问文档的虚拟路径。

15、vpath: The virtual path to access the document.


16、The time-dependent network model and the Chinese Postman Problem provide a wholly new method to effectively implement the Chinese Postman Problem for dynamic network.


17、The settlement at Yishanlu Metro Station of Line

9 in Shanghai caused by dewatering is studied, based on the laboratory model tests, field monitoring and numerical simulation.


18、Many of them are functional and clearly show the work of railway machinery.


19、The simulation results show that the vehicle-load model and its heuristic algorithm are adaptive for the VRP, and the improved coordination strategy based on the SWEEP can solve the VRP efficiently.


20、The road, as wide as

16 lanes, is the biggest of its kind in East Africa.

21、The mathematics model of empty car adjustment on large scale railway network was established which aimed at the minimization of consuming wagon-kilometers.以消耗的车公里数最小为目标,建立大规模路网上空车调整问题的数学模型。

22、Based on three-point-bending model, the crack of concrete road is simulated and the model of road sinking is established for the first time.首次提出用三点弯曲模型模拟混凝土路面的断裂型式,并建立了路面沉降模型。

23、Just on the basis of all above opinions, the research on the forming precision, forming time, scanning path, post-treatment and RT of SLS on the high molecular powder materials is preceded.作者正是基于以上观点,就高分子粉末材料的激光选区烧结(SLS)快速成型技术中的成型精度、成型时间、扫描路径、成型件的后处理及成型件在制模中的应用等问题开展了深入的研究。

24、The forward problem includes the activity source model, the head model and the mathematical model.脑电正问题包括大脑源活动模型,大脑结构模型以及正问题求解的数学模型。

25、Megan asked, trying to lead the way.梅根问道,想去领路。

英文句子26:,26、Step2: Routing definition type.步骤


27、To find a suitable parsing model, the hardware circuit XML parser is a feasible direction to solve the problem.找到一种合适的解析处理模型,使用硬件电路实现XML解析器是一种解决该问题的可行方向。

28、so if you need to ask for directions,所以,如果你要问路,

29、But assuming the types are okay, the code path is chosen first by a polymorphic dispatch, and second by procedural switch.但是假定类型没问题,那么代码路径 首先由多态分派选中, 其次由过程切换选中。

30、Furthermore, the model is extended to formulate a combined problem of signal control and channelization at road exits.进一步研究了信号控制与道路出口渠化的组合问题及其模型和求解算法。

31、Lk. 路一37 因为在神,没有一句话是不可能的。

1:37 Because no word will be impossible with God.

32、Once be trained, the neural network model can be used during microwave design to provide instant answers to any pre-assigned task.经过训练后的神经网络模型可广泛用于解决射频微波电路的各种问题。

33、In some cases, the access path does not perform well at runtime if the statement contains host variables, parameter markers, or special registers.某些情况下,如果语句包含主机变量、参数标记或特殊寄存器那么访问路径在运行时的性能不会很好。

34、In what? Normally.关于什么,典型的问题

35、This article abstract LRP that is, the introduction of one of optimization problems, and construct a two-stage method of regional logistics and distribution business model for path planning.文中将抽象的LRP即优化问题引入其中,并采用两阶段法构造了区域商贸物流配送路径规划的模型。最后,通过桂林市某连锁超市配送路径规划的案例来验证该模型。

36、Effective February 有效的xx年xx月xx日,思科公司将推出一种新型的问题格式CCIE路由和交换实验室考试。

1, 2009, Cisco will introduce a new type of question format to CCIE Routing and Switching lab exams.

37、The function and technical parameters of the electronic control parts of power window are introduced here.详细介绍汽车电动车窗控制部件的功能和技术参数,解决了新车型电动车窗控制电路设计问题。

38、Could you tell me what the expressway is like between Canton and Dalhart?请问康顿到哈德特之间的高速公路路况如何?

39、The keys to the Path of the Dragon are hidden in ancient documents.原句:找到“龙之路”的“钥匙”就藏在古代文献中。

40、So you can ask if there is something else that is occupying their mind by using an "Is there" question.所以你可以用“Is there”问句来问问他们是否有别的什么事让他们心神不宁。

41、As the development of maximization-industrialization and heavy-industrialization transportation, Hign-performance pavement structure was demanded recently.近年来,由于公路交通的大型化、重型化发展,对路面结构的性能要求越来越高。

42、I can ask him the way.“我可以向他问路,”她想。

43、It is interesting to observe that, whereas all display questions are convergent, referential questions may be either convergent or divergent.我们发现一个有趣的现象,即尽管所有展示型问题都是聚合型问题,但是参考型问题可以使聚合也可以是发散的。

44、With the expressway tunnel tending to be long and wide, its stability is becoming the key problem for the design and construction.随着公路隧道开挖向长大型方向的发展,隧道的稳定性日益成为设计和施工的首要问题。

45、Here the bum spoke to a smiling old lady, and asked her if she would be kind enugh to watch my things for a moment while he and I entered the library.路狼含对一位笑容可掬的老妇人说了几句话,问她是否愿意在我们进图书馆时帮忙找看一下我的行李。

46、A mathematical model for railway profile optimization design is given.文中叙述了铁路线路纵断面优化设计的数学模型;

47、A fault location model, which is based on the Genetic Algorithm and is non-sensitive to the line parameters, is presented.提出了对参数不敏感的基于遗传算法的故障测距模型,解决了线路参数多变及无法准确获得的问题。

48、Current-type control chip UC3846 is used for the control circuit, which is efficient solution for DC bias magnetic problem in push-pull topology.控制电路采用电流型控制芯片UC3846,可以有效地解决推挽拓扑易出现的直流偏磁问题。

49、When you nod and pass saying hello.你频频点头,一路问候。

50、To solve the time-dependent vehicle routing problem with backhauls , a mathematical model was constructed and a reactive tabu search algorithm was put forward.为求解带回程的时变速度车辆路径问题,建立了问题的数学模型并提出适应性禁忌搜索算法求解。

经典英文句子51:问路的句型,51、Application of the ignition circuit in V model for rock blasting in high way can improve the result of rock to be blasted, decrease the ration of the over specific size of block.在高速公路石方爆破施工中,利用“V”型微差接力网路,能有效地改善爆破效果,降低大块率,解决石方路基填料粒径偏大的问题。

52、"I can ask him the way, "she says to herself and asks, "Excuse me, will you please ___2___ me the way to King Street?“我可以向他问路,”她对自己说,问,“对不起,请你___2___我去国王街的路吗?”

53、At that time, the pub I enjoyed most was the Recluse Eaves.那个时候,我最喜欢的是延长路平型关路口的清平檐。

54、The road network model and allocating algorithm are theoretical basis for expressway network toll.高速公路路网模型及清分算法的研究是高速公路联网收费的理论基础。

55、Now scholars have debated about whether it was originally in the text.现在学者争论,这句话最初是否存在于《路加福音》

56、The said digital gate circuit marco model can be used to perform a logical simulation for gate circuit and the digital circuit formed by the gate circuit.本文提出了一种建立数字门电路宏模型的方法 ,采用该方法建立的门电路宏模型可以对门电路 ,以及由门电路构成的数字电路进行逻辑仿真 。

57、The numerical experiment has proved the value of Inventory Routing Problem whose total cost is much less than that of general Vehicle Routing Problem.数值实验证明了库存路径问题得到的解要优于一般的车辆路径问题得到的解。

58、Negotiate huge peaks, steep valleys, loop-the-loops, jumps and more!攀登巨型山峰,陡峭的山谷,穿越环型路,跳跃,等等!

59、In Luther's Large Catechism he wrote…在路德的大教理问答中他写道…

60、To incorporate the interdependency of the two problems, a LRP overall decision model, which is a NP-hard integer programming problem, was proposed.为了考虑两个问题的相关性,提出了将设施定位-车辆运输路线安排问题作为整体考虑的决策模型。

61、Random waypoint mobility model. More…随机路点移动模型。

62、Combining with a mathematical model, the route selection problem in air freight transportation with multi-customers was described.文章结合数学模型,对多客户航空货运路径选择问题进行描述。

63、Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops.主机没有有效路径。这可能是路由器配置的问题,或者是192.168.10。

64、The utility model discloses an intersection arc bridge, relates to construction facility of street intersection.本实用新型名为十字路口圆弧桥,涉及马路十字路口的 建筑设施。

65、In other words, they lost weight because they consumed fewer calories.换句话说,他们变轻是因为他们吃入了更少的卡路里。

66、Although different access paths for the same SQL statement produce the same result set, they most likely do not perform the task with the same level of performance.虽然相同 SQL 语句的不同访问路径会产生相同的结果集,但是它们很有可能不会通过同样的性能级别来执行任务。

67、These appraisal patterns are due to different awarenesses of problems , types of knowledge , theoretical instruments and study paths.这些评价模式是由于每个时代的问题意识、知识型、理论工具和研究路径的不同所决定的。

68、Why won't you ask for my advice?你购房时为什么不能问问的建议呢? (婆婆过的桥比你走的路还多!)

69、But the current differential settlement control criterion of bridge-approach, the existing calculation models and methods of bridge-approach pavements could not describe and explain.而现有的路桥过渡段段差异沉降控制标准与交通荷载下路桥过渡段路面的计算模型和计算方法,不能对桥头跳车问题进行全面描述和合理解释。



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