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10 descriptions of winter。

英文句子模板1:10 descriptions of winter


1、I average about 5-10 journal entries a month, and I usually begin a new entry by typing a question or a problem I want to solve.


2、When monthly mean temperature is 5~10℃, buds and rhizoma stop growing and overwinter.


3、A scan later confirmed their diagnosis that he suffered a hamstring tear in his right leg. Fernando is expected to be out for approximately

10 days.


4、For example, with this article I brainstormed a good headline, and I then wrote down the

10 different ways that you can double the speed of your writing.


5、Another 10% to 20% may experience a mild form of the condition in late fall or early winter.


6、In addition, each student will write a longer 10-12 pp. essay (30%) on a topic of your choosing.


7、A programmer spends about 10-20% of his time writing code, and most programmers write about 10-12 lines of code per day that goes into the final product, regardless of their skill level.


8、The vulnerability of the new forest stock was evident last year when winter storms destroyed 10% of these thin barriers.


9、It's just because he's been cooped up all winter.


10、For this project, Im looking for a 5-10 day turnaround.

他领导的长城站内有巨大的空间,像一个放假期间被雪封住了的大学校园。 在南极的这个冬天会有13个人留在这里。 但该站的空间足以容纳10倍以上的人过夜。

11、The cavernous base he leads resembles a snowed-in college campus on holiday break, with the capacity to sleep more than

10 times the

13 people who were staying on through the Antarctic winter.


12、You may return it within

10 working days for exchange.


13、He publicizes

10 ads everyday, and get paid over 100 thousand yuan a month.


14、Suppose, for instance, that I want the non-incremental, ordered movie queue illustrated above to expire

10 days (864,000,000 milliseconds) after it was published.

10 天(864,000,000 毫秒)后过期。



10 chapters are written very thoroughly.


16、For instance, an ear of corn will cost about

10 cents in the summer and nearly a dollar in the wintertime.



10, 000, 000 people have the same birthday as you.

10 000 000个人和你是同一天生日。


18、The Task: Write, direct and produce a 10-minute live segment.


19、A girl from summer and another girl from winter, on a night of 7-eleven.


20、With these

10 tools, you might just be able to rock that test tomorrow.

21、Follow-up CT scans, done at 分别于10天和2个半月追踪检查之头部电脑断层扫描显示正常。

10 days and

2.5 months later respectively, revealed normal appearance.

22、Write down 写下你最狂野的10个梦想,然后在每一个后面,写下你下一步将怎样为目标努力。

10 of your wildest dreams and next to each, write down one step that you will take to achieve that goal.

23、He squeezed 他就一个小论题硬写出10页文章来。

10 pages out of a small subject.

24、It most commonly occurs between the ages of 大多发生在10到xx岁,在冬季更容易发生。

10 and 35. It is more common in winter.

25、I finished the book in half the number of hours than I had any previous book, when I worked ten to 与我以前写的任何书相比,我写这本书只用了它们一半的钟点,而我以前写书时每天工作10到12个小时。

12 hour days.

英文句子26:,26、For instance, a top-10 list of entries might only be valid for 例如,一个前

10 days after it is published.

10 项列表可能只在它发布后的

10 天之内有效。

27、It's urgent, it must be there by 这个很紧急,明天早上10点之前必须要到!

10:00a. m. tomorrow!

28、If you are hard-pushed thinking of 如果你很难想出十个,那就写五个也行。

10, go for five instead.

29、At age xx岁的孩子每天需要10至11个小时的睡眠。


10 to

11 hours are needed.

30、The ScanEagle has a 10-foot wingspan and weighs about 40 pounds.“扫描鹰”无人机翼展为10英尺,重40磅。

31、First write down 先写下十个blog的话题看看如何。

10 blog posts off-line and see how you are doing.

32、In the winter of 1966 the weather of this area was inclemancy, the atmospheric temperature under-10℃ continued as long as one month.该地区xx年冬季的气温偏低,平均气温在-10℃以下的时间持续达1个月之久。

33、The computers merge the data to produce a high-resolution picture of a 10-degree patch of sky centered near the North Star.电脑在集结这些数据之后,会描绘出以北极星附近为中心、涵盖10度天区的高解析照片。

34、Autumn/Winter 秋冬男装10大流行趋势:驼色

10 Men’s Fashion Trend : Camel

35、Coli EP810 can produce transaminase with high activity and aspartase with low activity after culture.大肠杆菌EP8-10经培养后产生高活力转氨酶和低活力的天冬氨酸酶,而E。

36、The first 10-day detention period ended Sunday.第一个10天拘留期在周日已结束。

37、The traditional calendar says November 农历xx月一号送寒衣,人们要在那天把暖和的衣服寄给在另一个世界的祖先,让他们温暖过冬。

10 was the day for sending your great-grandparents warm woolies to wear during winter in the spirit world.

38、Oct 22nd 2011, 写于xx年xx月xx日 北京

10:33 by J.M. | BEIJING

39、French students enjoy a 10-to-15-day holiday every two months.法国学生每2个月就有10-15天的假期。

40、YANG was released after 他在进入拘留所时,填写并签署了一张登记表,上面的写着行政拘留十天。

10 days, the allotted time that was stated on his detention center admission form.

41、Everyone should spend 10-50minutes a day working out.每个人每天都需要花10-50分钟锻炼。

42、For that mix, they get a 他们在冬天获得七名选手,让战 力从1成长到

7 this winter on a scale of 1-10.


43、The scanned channels will include 扫描后会出现12个电视频道 和10个电视音乐频道。

12 TV channels and

10 radio channels.

44、She writes that in that meeting, 她写道,通过这次会面,xx年零10个月的痛苦远去了。

16 years and

10 months of misery was just wiped away.

45、I bought my first batch of 我买了我的第一批10个樱花虾及虾,其余10天野是历史。

10 cherry shrimp and

10 amano shrimp and rest is history.

46、He gets up at 4am, writes for four hours, then runs 10km.他每天早上4点起床,写作4个小时,然后跑10公里。

47、Generally in good ventilation, new-coated basic level should be dried for ten days in summer and 通常新抹的基层在通风状况良好的情况下,夏季应干燥10天、冬季20天以上。

20 days in winter.

48、I will never forget that winter morning as I watched our girls, just 我永远都忘不了那是一个冬天的早晨,我看着自己的两个女儿,一个仅xx岁,另一个也才xx岁,挤进黑色的越野车中,随行的是配备荷枪实弹的“大块头”。

7 and

10 years old, pile into those black SUVs with all those big men with guns.

49、Up to yesterday, the capital is successive already 截至昨天,京城已连续4天日平均气温低于10℃,离气候学的入冬标准只差临门一脚。

4 light are average air temperature under

10 ℃ , leave the standard entering a winter of climatology only poor to face an one foot.

50、The best proportion of material was: cucumber juice 20% , waxgourd juice 10% , skim milk powder 5% , konjac flour 0.1%.将黄瓜、冬瓜制汁后调配,经实验得出最佳配比为:黄瓜汁20%、冬瓜汁10%、脱脂奶粉5%、魔芋精粉0.1%。

经典英文句子51:10个描写冬天,51、Ms. Cheung: We have eight to 张婉婷:我们有八到十个已经写好的剧本。

10 scripts fully written.

52、More than half (or is it 90% as it says in the soundbite?) of the 这个冬天,1万平方公里的辽东湾超过一半(或者如声音片段里说的90%)结成冰。

10 thousand square kilometer Liaodong Bay, has frozen over this winter.

53、Generally speaking, every 一般来讲,每隔xx年到xx年,就会出现一个比较寒冷的冬天,今年的特殊之处在于降雪的强度和范围较大。

5 to

10 years, there will be a relatively cold winter, this year's special is the intensity and scope of the larger snow.

54、Write down the numbers 1-10.写下数字1到


55、For this project you need to write 对于这个项目,你需要写在五周原,合格10篇(400至600字)。

10 original and qualified articles (400 to 600 characters) in five weeks.

56、Localization is often abbreviated to l10n ('l' followed by 本地化常常简写为 l10n(“l” 加

10 other letters followed by 'n').

10 个其他字母再加 “n”)。

57、With electronystagmography (ENG), various tests were carried out in 应用眼震电流描记术,对16例先天性和10例后天性眼球震颤患者进行了多项试验检查。

16 patients of congenital and

10 patients of acquired nystagmus.

58、As for mission duration under powered space flight, Deep Space 在动力航天的任务期限内,深空1号保持了几个月的记录,直到xx月10号曙光号改写了记录。

1 gets to keep that record for another few months until Dawn eclipses that record as well on August


59、Wait until after 等到

10:10, I thought, there is no physical education, the whole winter, do not exercise, my weight would be like Hurricane!


60、Also, write up 7-10 emails to go out at 2-3 day intervals, each highlighting a different aspect of the main product you're promoting.同时,写起来7-10电子邮件给出门2-3天的间隔,每个突出的一个不同方面的主要产品,你推广。

61、Pick a number between 从1到10中选出个数字,写在冰箱或电脑上,那就是你每天要收拾干净的东西数量。

1 -

10, write on fridge/computer, and that’s the number of things you must clutter clear each day.

62、Some cold-blooded animals sleep all through the winter.一些冷血动物整个冬天都在睡觉。

63、In this article, I'm going to present 在本文中,我将讲述

10 tips for writing high-performance Web apps.

10 个用于编写高性能 Web 应用程序的技巧。

64、ScanDisk has restarted 已经重新启动

10 times because Windows or another program has been writing to this drive.

10 次,因为 Windows 或另一个程式正写入此磁碟。

65、Sun said little rainfall since last October was the main reason for the prolonged drought in most parts of the northern areas, and frequent cold snaps this winter made the situation worse.孙还说,自去年xx月起的降雨减少是北方大部分地区长期干旱的主要原因,这个冬天频繁的寒冷天气则让这个情况变得更严重。



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