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关于”好的句子“的英语句子3个,句子主体:Good sentence。以下是关于好的句子的考研英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Good sentence

1、Sentences can be broken up into clauses. 句子可分成分句。

2、DEREK JONES: Okay now say a sentence with the word "problems" in it. 德俚克.琼斯:好的, 现在说个带“问题”这个字的句子。

3、In normal conversation, if I'm to say "S-- entence" you won't hear that as "S-- entence." 在正常对话中,如果我说"句-句子",你不会听成"句--子"

4、I'm the appreciator of all good words and deeds. 我是美好句子和高尚行为的追求者。

5、B: Well, yesterday the teacher wro-te some sentences on the board. B:好吧,昨天老师在黑板上写了一些句子。

6、Joining sentences together to make complex statements. 连接句子;组成复合句。

7、Usually what is wrong is that the construction has become too involved at some point; the sentence needs to be broken apart and replaced by two or more shorter sentences. 当你在一个句子中陷入苦境时,最好重新开始;不要迎难而上,在可能性极低的句法上费神。 通常情况下,错误之处在于从某种程度上来说,句子结构已经变得甚是复杂;要把这样的句子拆开,用两三个短句。

8、There are some language missing in the text. Let's read the sentences. 明确句子意思,为理解课文细节做好铺垫。

9、Fish is something of a sentence connoisseur and he says writing a fine sentence is a delicate process — but it's a process that can be learned. 菲什有点像一个鉴赏句子的行家,他说写出一个好句子是一个精细的活-----但它是可以通过学习习得的。

10、Prepa few new words expressions and good sentences to generally be taken just generally before you decide writing something. 其实学习英语的方法在写作前企图一些要用的好词汇好句子。

11、Monosyllabic words are best. 句子要短,短小的词比长词好,单音节的词是最佳选择。

12、Afterwards, half the students were unexpectedly told to forget the Tom sentences, so as to better remember the Alex sentences. 之后,一半的学生被突然要求忘掉关于汤姆的句子,以便能更好得记住和埃里克斯有关的句子。

13、He used elaborate sentences, carefully balanced, and obsolete, resplendent words. 他的句子精心雕琢,用词讲究对仗,好用废字,华丽的字。

14、Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? 下列哪个句子最好地表达了文中用阴影标识的句子的基本信息?

15、Memorize sentence patterns, especially good quotes and speeches. 记忆一些句子类型,特别是好的名句和演讲。

16、Nobody is born a good mountain climber, and one can only become a skilled one after countless injuries. 第一句话引出了登山。 第二句话是一个经典句子,没有人生来就是一个好的登山者,一个人只有在无数伤痛后才能成长起来——该句的内在逻辑联系非常强。

17、The other students should read the sentence they have and say if they think their sentence is a good description of the person in the picture. 其它同学读一下自己手里的句子,看看自己手里的句子能否很好地描述图片里的人物。

18、A good sentence may be easy to pick out, but learning to understand what makes it great, says Fish, will help a student become a stronger writer and a "better reader of sentences. 菲什说,一个好的句子不仅仅是容易辨别的,通过学习理解它之所以伟大的原因,还可以帮助学生们成为更好的写作者和“更好的句子读者”。

19、All the sentences were well written except the last one. 所有的句子写得都好,除了矗后一句话。

20、Step 6 Read the passage again and complete the sentences. 通过完成句子练习,能让学生更好地理解课文。

21、菲什有点像一个鉴赏句子的行家,他说写出一个好句子是一个精细的活-----但它是可以通过学习习得的。 Fish is something of a sentence connoisseur and he says writing a fine sentence is a delicate process — but it's a process that can be learned.

22、This article has a further discussion on the framework of verb core sentences. “动句”、“形句”、“名句”的句子框架问题,应当作进一步的探讨。

23、You'd better sew that loose button before it comes off. 一句译成 “你最好在那个松了的扣子掉下来之前把它缝好。”

24、The Cruxes of English Writing in NMET. --subjects points and sentences; 书面表达的关键——注重审题,抓住要点,写好句子。

25、Some adverbs can take a front position to modify the whole sentence. 一些副词置于句前,修饰整句句子。


26、When an independent clause comprises one or more dependent clauses as its element(s), this makes a complex sentence . 若某个句子成分直接由从属分句表示,那么这种句子就是复杂句。

27、“Where you tend a rose my lad, a thistle cannot grow.”  (句子是说做好事必有好的报应,或者说,种瓜得瓜)

28、Who can translate this sentence better? 谁能把这个句子译得更好些?

29、I wish you forever happiness, wellbeing! 如果不行,你造个句子给我来翻译好了。

30、May every good luck and happiness accompany you throughout the journey of life. 这个是那句话的意译,如果直译的话,句子会显得很生涩,这样效果好一点,希望我的回答对你有帮助!

31、No, his english is fine. Get real and get a life, although life sux. 我说他英语不好是实话,因为有好多句子会引起人的歧义!

32、Better talk too little than too much. 少说几句总比多说几句好!

33、Would you please send my words to the girl sitting besides you? 请把这两句话转告给你旁边的那个女孩子好吗?

34、He started finishing Madeleine’s sentences. As if her mind were too slow. 他开始接过玛德琳的话头把句子说完,就好像她的脑子太慢,好像他等不及她理清思路。

35、Ok, that's argument from sets of sentences and arguments themselves. 好,这就是论点中几组句子,和论点本身。

36、If you switch the words round, the sentence sounds better. 你把这几个词换换位置,这句子听起来就好多了。

37、In other words, it helps you learn better. 换句话说,情商高可以帮助孩子学得更好。

38、Using these tools for any Chinese sentence is real fun, by the way. 说句题外话,用这样的工具来翻译中文句子,还挺好玩的。

39、In other words, this is an example of good and bad prejudice, right? 换句话说,这个例子里有好先见和坏先见,是吧?

40、Please tell me when you have confirmed the meeting time. 这句话里面,使用IF不是很恰当,因为整个句子的意思其实是:当你确定好见面的时间以后,请告诉我。

41、So it's best to use "please" at the end of the sentence. 所以,最好在句子结尾加上“please”。

42、I have no faith in misanthropes. (Fine word! 我不相信厌世者(好句子!

43、Before supper, she can pass my test and translate these sentences very well. 她可以很好的将这些句子进行中英文互译了。

44、The first produces output; the second consumes it, and a conjunction -- the pipe -- connects the two. 第一个句子输出的结果作为第二个句子的输入,并由连接词(管道)连接这两个句子。

45、His new book, How To Write A Sentence: And How To Read One,is part ode, part how-to guide to the art of the well-constructed sentence. 他的新书《如何写好一个句子:还有,如何阅读一个好的句子》,就是对精心构筑的美好句子的颂歌以及对如何写出它们的指导。

46、Take a vocabulary notebook with you all the time. Collect any good words, sentences or articles, particularly wisdoms and epigrams . 随时随地携带单词本,收集好单词、好句子、好文章!尤其是名言警句!

47、While decompiler usually chop the chain of byte codes into meaningful pieces. In real world, it is like reading a book, one sentence and then the next sentence. 剽窃者则要把一段一段的代码分解成有意义的内容,好比在真实世界中一个句子接一个句子地阅读一本书(逐句)。

48、Sentences can be broken up into clauses, and clauses into phrases. 句子可以分成分句, 分句能分成短语。

49、What’s the Chinese for the sentence? 这句句子的中文意思是什么?

50、The professor told us how to turn a good sentence. 教授给我们讲如何写出一个好句子。


标签: 高中 考研

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