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关于”简单的诗“的英语句子2个,句子主体:Simple Poetry。以下是关于简单的诗的专八英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Simple Poetry

1、He has won the Liu Li'an Poetry Award, Rougang Poetry Award, Tomorrow- Erguna Poetry Award and an award for the top ten new poets. 他历获“刘丽安诗歌奖”,“柔刚诗歌奖”,“明天—额尔古纳诗歌双年奖”和十大新诗人奖。

2、A short liturgical text chanted or sung responsively preceding or following a psalm, psalm verse, or canticle. 短诗,歌曲在颂歌、赞美诗或圣歌前后轮流吟诵或吟唱的礼拜仪式短诗或歌曲。

3、Alliteration: The repetition of the initial consonant sounds in poetry. 头韵:诗歌中单词开头读音的重复。

4、But, in fact, it tells us the developing fact of XingPoem before ShiJing. It is important material for researching the national characteristics of China ancient poems. 与《诗经》兴诗相比,《周易》兴诗更为古朴,它客观上展示了《诗经》前兴诗的发展轨迹,是研究我国远古歌谣民族特色的重要文献材料。

5、As a productive poet in his times, his poetry covers a wide rang of content and is vigorous and pristine. 作为清初创作颇丰的遗民诗人,孙枝蔚的诗歌具有丰富的内容和刚健质朴的风格。

6、Poetic imago is the esthetic concept of appreciating poems , and is the support of poetic conception , affection and style . 诗歌意象是鉴赏诗歌的审美概念,也是诗歌意境、情思、风格的依托。

7、German poet Hile divides the emotion modes of poetry into two groups: natural poetry and sentimental poetry. 德国诗人席勒将诗歌分为两种模式:素朴诗和感伤诗。

8、The gardens' unvarnished characteristic has consanguineous relation to the poems' natural style. The writing environments enrich the poems' artistic conceptions. 园林的自然之趣与诗歌质朴无华的风貌、园林建筑与诗歌意境的开掘之间都有密切的联系。

9、The second chapter is on the musical elements of Thai poetry, including the history of Thai poetry, conversational habits, and the versification of Thai poetry in details. 第二章是泰语诗歌的音乐性,包括泰语诗歌的简史,口语的习惯,泰语诗歌详细节律与关于押韵的解释。

10、It boasts of a large number of works in poetry and prose. 吉金文学作品中有许多优美的诗歌和朴实的散文。

11、Third, it briefly explicates the author's basic view: the core of his theory is Schiller's humanist poetic ideal, and its thought resource is On Naïve arid Sentimental Poetry. 第三,简要论述作者的基本观点:“境界”说的核心是以席勒提出的以人本主义理想为核心的诗歌理想,而《论素朴的诗和感伤的诗》是“境界”说的基本思想资源。

12、Artistry of poem; 诗歌艺术; 宫廷诗;

13、Kubin will read his poems and talk about poetry with us. The readings will be in German, Chinese and English. 是次诗会以德语、中文和英语朗诵,顾彬与我们简单地读诗谈诗。

14、Imagist poetry exists in both American and Chinese history of literature. 意象诗是美中两国诗歌史上一个十分相近的诗歌现象。

15、Different themes of the three poems share one common feature-simplicity on the one hand. 诗歌的主题有一个共同的特色—朴素美。

16、The poetry should express a poets real feelings, and his contribution to new poetry theory in his early phase is his poetic "aristocratic" theory and Sino-western integration theory. 诗歌要表达诗人的真实的情思,诗歌的“贵族化”理论和中西融合的诗歌发展之路,都是早期他对新诗理论的重要贡献。

17、Translation of and Comments on J. H. Prynne's Poetry, Xinxin: Theory of Poetry (The 2nd Issue of the Month), 2008(7). 《蒲龄恩诗歌翻译以及简评》,《诗歌理论下半月刊》,xx年xx月,第7期。

18、It inspired me to use Haiku as the focus of poetry unit. ,现在我们正在学习诗歌,它提到了日本的艺术和音乐,这启发我把俳句作为诗歌单元的重点。

19、There are lots of sad and gentle poems in Chinas classical poems. 中国古典诗歌中哀婉的诗颇多,情思哀婉的诗尤具诗性的美。

20、Poets of the Southern Society were a lively force in the modern Chinese poetry, whose writings were run through by new styles, songs, and colloquialism, especially in the form of songs. 南社诗人是中国诗歌近代化历程中的一支生力军,其创作贯穿于“新学诗” 、“新派诗”、“歌体诗”、“白话诗”等诗歌近代化阶段,尤以“歌体诗”的探索成绩突出。

21、Vernacular poem deviates from Chinese traditional poems in the form, and the third generation of poem deviates in the content. “白话诗”是对中国诗歌传统形式的背离,“第三代诗”是对中国诗歌传统内容的背离。

22、The poetry of Shuting has both the trace of modern poetry style, and the Chinese traditional poetry style. 舒婷诗歌既有现代派诗风的痕迹,又具中国传统诗歌的韵味。

23、He published Each One: Selected Poems of Liang Xiaoming and Archives of Avant-Garde Chinese Poetry (co-editor) and initiated the first Chinese documentary series: The Avant-Garde Chinese Poetry. 出版的诗集有《各人——梁晓明诗歌精选》。参与主编《中国先锋诗歌档案》。主持拍摄中国第一部大型先锋诗歌系列电视片《中国先锋诗歌》。

24、I write about simplicity. 我只写简单朴素。

25、The character of the poetry discussion in the form of a poem is brief and to the point, vivid and lively, pregnant with significance and implication, and easy to memorize and recite. 以诗论诗,言简意赅,形象生动,意味隽永,易记易诵,在我国诗歌理论发展史乃至世界诗歌理论发展史上独树一帜,具有鲜明的民族风格和民族特色。


26、On the other hand, ecopoetry's vigour including ecological ideal realm, ecological sense and ecological spiritualism, it integrates ecology and poetry ideally. 另一方面,生态诗歌有着把生态与诗歌完美地结合在一起的生态诗境、生态诗味、生态诗气等“生态诗风”。

27、They highlighted the ontological features of poem by way of distinguishing poems from articles, poems from non-poems and poems in different times. 通过辨诗文之别、诗与非诗之别,以及诗歌的时代之别,突现了诗歌的本体特征;

28、Put simply, Kunqu Opera is a performing art incorporating poetry, singing, dancing and drama. 简单说来,它是一种将诗、 歌、舞、 戏融合于一身的舞台艺术。

29、With the influence of media, new-poem has been broken up to many patterns such as song-words-poem, internet-poem, mobile-phone-message-poem and so on. 在媒介的作用下,新诗的传播体式由纸媒诗歌的一统天下裂变为歌词诗、网络诗歌和手机短信诗歌等多种体式。

30、It is the very fountainhead of Chinese poetry and also the earliest anthology of Chinese poems. 《诗经》是中国诗歌的源头,是中国的第一部诗歌总集。

31、About poetry, he likes heart-to-heart short Poems, loves pure and beautiful tone of poetry, advocates that philosophy , integrating thinking and feeling, should be melt into poetry habitat . 诗歌创作上,他倾心于小诗、短诗,热爱清丽淡远的诗风,主张诗歌哲理化入诗境,思致和情感相融合。

32、Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon. 伯(约伯记)、诗(诗篇)、箴(箴言)、传(传道书)、歌(雅歌)。

33、Doggerel comes from popularized scholar poetry and folk poetry. 打油诗文体源于文人诗歌的俗化和大众诗歌。

34、These poetries reflected the social reality and the inner feelings then and there, whose touch was general and dreary, manner was concise and modest. 这些诗歌反映了当时的社会现实和其内心的感受,格调慷慨悲凉,风格简约质朴。

35、The poem prophecy is a poetry criticism form which intends to integrate poets with the related characters, and to verify the poetry, historical evidence and the original story. 诗谶是鉴诗者将诗歌作品与诗人或相关人物命运相结合,以求诗歌与史实或本事互相印证的一种诗歌批评形式。

36、In art, it features a solid rustic poetry by precise and concise to overcome early shortcomings of the civilian poems. 在艺术上,它以谨严和凝练的艺术特质,克服早期平民化诗歌的弊病,形成了一种坚实质朴的诗风。

37、Nowadays, some ordinary poetry critics usually write essays before reading poets' poems. 如今,一些大路货色的诗歌评论者写作文章是不怎么阅读诗人诗歌的。

38、But for long time, high school verse teaching than neglect the verse this kind of most the chemical element of the essence? 但长期以来,中学诗歌教学较忽略诗歌这种最精华的元素——诗歌语言的赏析,尤其对最具诗味的特殊性诗歌句式的关注更少。

39、The expositions on such issues as the idealism and effectiveness of verse, the source of verse writing, etc. are cardinal components of Yu Pingbo's views on new verse. 对诗歌理想、诗歌效用、诗歌创作源泉等问题的阐述是俞平伯新诗观的基本内容。

40、Compared with traditional poetry, Akhmatova's work has breaking innovation at the poetry rhythm and approaches. 阿赫玛托娃的诗歌与传统诗歌相比,在诗歌艺术手法与节奏方面都做出了大胆的创新。

41、When poets lament literature's death, poetry's marginalization, privatization and mediocrity, Internet poetry shows a centurial regeneration. 当诗人们哀叹文学死亡,诗歌的边缘化、私人化与平庸化时,网络诗歌却呈现出诗歌的世纪复兴。

42、Wu Zetian's poems can be classified into three kinds; odes, poems about nature and love. 武则天的诗歌分成三部分:颂诗、山水诗、爱情诗。

43、The modern poetry movement represented by imagist poetry in Europe and America promoted the modernization of Chinese poetry. 以意象派诗歌为代表的欧美现代诗歌运动促进了中国诗歌的现代化进程;

44、Of the Hubei Poetry, from a new era, the realistic verse and the rustic verse have made rapid progress, the pioneer verse has risen suddenly and the network verse creation has been in the ascendant. 新时期以来,湖北诗歌中的现实主义诗歌与乡土诗歌得到了长足的发展,先锋诗歌异军突起,网络诗歌方兴未艾。

45、Ordinary Swiss dress and live simply. 普通人家都衣着朴素、生活简单。

46、The fuzziness of poetry language, which contains the fuzzy beauty, composed the aesthetic poetics of the poetic art. 诗歌语言的模糊性蕴含了诗歌艺术的模糊美,构成了诗歌艺术的审美诗性。

47、Tian Wen definited Song Dynasty's poetry position as well as the rich poetry creation, promoted to settle Song Dynasty's poetry dissemination. 田雯肯定宋诗的诗歌主张以及丰富的诗歌创作,共同促进了清初宋诗在京师的传播。

48、In the historical narration of contemporary poetry, the most important parts would be Menglong poetry, the Third Generation poetry and the poetry of 1990s. 在当代诗歌的历史叙述中,“朦胧诗”、“第三代”与“xx年代诗歌”构成了八、xx年代诗歌的中心环节,关于它们的争论也是诗歌批评的最重要部分。

49、He kept himself solitary and chaste. He devoted himself to poetry. 他过着孤独朴素的生活,致力于诗歌创作。

50、A classical Greek poem modeled on the choric ode and usually having a three-part structure consisting of a strophe, an antistrophe, and an epode. 诗歌:以便唱歌曲为模式的古希腊诗歌,具有三部分结构,包括向左舞动时唱的诗句,向右舞动时唱的诗句以及抒情诗等三部分。


51、He styled his poem doggerel. 他把他的这首诗歌叫做打油诗。

52、He talks about the nobility of the poem, the force from within it being equal to the force that might be applied from without. 他认为诗歌的高贵,是指诗歌内部的力量,也可以运用到诗歌外部。

53、The poems by the poets in Qilu have made great contributions to the development of Chinese poetry and they are an important part of the Chinese poetry. 齐鲁诗人的诗歌创作,为中国诗歌的发展作出重大贡献,并成为中国诗歌的重要组成部分。

54、Utilitarianism is prevailing in the modern Parnassus. His cognition about the internal constitution of poem is the embodiment of aesthetic pursuit of modern poets. 在诗歌功利主义思想盛行的近代诗坛,他对古典诗歌本体思想的认识,体现了近代诗人对古典诗歌的美学追求。


标签: 专八 简单

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