1、It came on to boom which Frescos Tomb chamber during the last phase of later Western Han Dynasty. Moreover folow the ones in Beiqi which were just being between Han and Tang Dynasty.
2、“It’s something that connects past and present, which can inspire students who use the book to work harder to leave something to be remembered, ” reasons Xie.
3、"Jian Deng Xin Hua" which was written by Qu You occupied an important position and set a new trend in the novel history of Ming Dynasty.
4、The thesis explained Friedrich Schlegel's significance in the development is he connects classic and modern and restored his position as an art historian by explaining art history fragment.
5、As a bold innovation of the sculpture field, Rodin is the person who forms a connecting link on the classical and the modern style to the sculpture.
我祝贺在座各位学业有成。 我赞赏诸位老师承上启下,发扬复旦长达xx年的优良传统。
6、I congratulate each one of you on your achievement, and I commend your teachers for upholding the tradition of excellence that marks the 99-year history of Fudan University.
7、He inherited partly Chinese historiography tradition, but more importantly, developed a new historiography, which played somewhat the role of transition.
8、Pride and Prejudice is a well-known fiction written in superb techniques. It forms a connecting link between the preceding and the following in the British fiction history.
9、The last part "Conclusion" explores the relation of this novel with Bellow's other works and its realistic significance.
10、The linear speed-up phase in the starting process basically determines the starting time, and it can be accelerated by increase its starting torque to the maximum value.
11、Careful consideration demonstrates that Senior's value theory links the preceding with the following in the evolvement of western value theory.
12、Data-processing module is a part of the software of BD2 receiver, the main function of this module is receiving, processing the data frames and also putting them into memory.
13、Contextual approaches such as structuration theory offer a way in which to underpin a research framework that could support the reform movement in setting such an agenda.
14、Augustan Age as the key turning point of Republican Rome to imperial Rome, played a important role in the nexus.
15、The specialty course teaching is the important part in the science and technology colleges.
16、Are you thinking of a morning or evening departure?
17、The conclusion is no more development on k'o-ssu on yuan dynasty, but there takes new looking on contents. This provides the development of ming and qing dynasty.
18、The function of inversion includes emphasis, structural balance, connecting link between the preceding and the following.
19、The modern Ci criticism plays a very important role to continue the past and open up the future in the whole Ci criticism's history.
20、In the course that the morality books was widely spreaded, Yuan Huang played an important role as a connecting link between the preceding and the following.
21、Cherubini, the musical czar of Paris and the link between classic idealism and modern romanticism.凯氏被称为巴黎乐坛沙皇,他上承古典的现实主义风格,后启现代的浪漫主义风格。
22、Septimius Severus was an emperor at turning point in the Roman imperial history.塞维鲁为罗马帝国历史上承上启下的皇帝。
23、As the corporate leadership, Group leaders , at the grassroots level, plays an important role between the staff and the corporate management.班组长作为企业的在基层领导,在员工与企业管理层起着承上启下的重要作用。
24、The Sui Dynasty Dunhuang rock cave art has the deck Northern Dynasty, gets down opens the glorious age of Tang poetry, after before the package, is pregnant the transition nature.本文由中国论文联盟艺术具有上承北朝,下启盛唐,包前孕后的过渡性质。
25、As a dynasty between the third intermediate period and the post-dynastic period, Nubian Dynasty has a special historical position, it forms a link between the foregoing and the following.作为一个处于第三中间期与后王朝时期之间的王朝,努比亚王朝有着很特殊的历史地位,它是一个承上启下的王朝。
英文句子26:,26、Indeed, in this case, it might make more sense to start lpd before the network.实际上,在这种情况下,在启动 network 之前先启动 lpd 会更好一些。
27、Remove the lower insert from the bearing cap.从轴承盖上拆去下轴瓦。
28、As an important text for curriculum reform, textbook is a bridge connecting the curriculum standard and teaching practice as well as a bond between curriculum designer and teachers and students.作为课程改革的重要文本,现用的教材上承课程标准,下启教学实践,是课程设计者与师生之间的纽带。
29、Ming Grand court re-set it several times in history also has a carrying position.明代大理寺多次复置使其在历史上也有着承前启后的地位。
30、China is a olutely right I'm ashamed to admit.羞于启齿,但我得承认,中国绝对是正确的。
31、Yelang played a connecting role and position between past and future in the Yi society, its history of civilization, its inheritance and development.夜郎在彝族社会中,对彝族古代文明史,在继承和发展上,起到承先启后的地位和作用。
32、Compared with Western Chamber and The Dream of Red Mansion, Peony Pavilion is up to a summit in the Chinese romanticism literature tradition.《牡丹亭》上承“西厢”,下启“红楼”,是中国浪漫主义文学传统中一座巍巍高峰。
33、Internal medicine of TCM, a bridge course between basic theory of TCM and clinical departments, plays a role of connecting the precedence to the following.中医内科学是临床课之首,是中医基础理论课程与临床各学科课程的桥梁,具有承上启下的作用,历来为人们所重视。
34、The transitional period of Chinese forensic medicine is in Tang Dynasty.唐朝对法医学来说,是一个承前启后的时代。
35、Heritage and development of brocade of traditional handicraft, explore the inheritance and development problems with enlightenment.对云锦传承与发展的探索,对传统手工艺的传承与发展问题具有启示意义。
36、In the face of the challengeable , how to act the role forming a connecting link, manage the school and inspiring members, creating higher performance in order to lead the group.校长在面对挑战多变的教育市场,如何扮演承上启下的角色,经营学校并启发成员,以领导团队创造更高的绩效。
37、If the chin part is open you have a completely free field of view. The chin part has a solid locking in the top position.如果将下巴开启, 骑士将会有非常宽广的视野。 开启定位下巴也非常牢固的锁在其定位点上。
38、Bracket: it gets two pivots to contact upper support plate, mid-support plate and lower support plate and fix the distance 25mm.支架:有两根枢轴联结上承板、中承板和下承板之间的距离籍支承套固定为25毫米。
39、China is absolutely right I'm ashamed to admit.羞于启齿,但我得承认,中国绝对是正确的。
40、Sinclair Lewis stands almost alone as the connecting link between muckraking novelists of the progressive era and social novelists of the New Deal period.辛克莱?刘易斯,几乎是进步时代揭发黑幕的小说家和新政时期社会小说家之间唯一承上启下的人物。
41、In short, Carolingian Renaissance bridged the preceding and the following, and laid a solid foundation for the subsequent renaissance.在西欧文化史中,“加洛林文艺复兴”所扮演的承上启下的作用,为欧洲以后的复兴奠定了坚实的基础。
42、Composition Principle of Computer is a core course, which forms a connecting link between the preceding and following courses in computer major.《计算机组成原理》是计算机专业的一门核心课程,在计算机专业课程体系中起承上启下的重要作用。
43、Pathology is a bridge science which oriented and founded from physiology then bridge to pharmacology and other clinic department sciences.病理学是上承生理学,下启药理学和临床各科的桥梁性学科。
44、By the Han Dynasty stone on the Qin Dynasty, under the Wei, Jin Dynasty, more than 400 years of tradition for Chinese characters and calligraphy for the study of great significance.两汉石刻上承秦代,下启魏晋,四百余年的文字传承对于汉字与书法的研究具有重要意义。
45、With the accompanying ChengQianQiHou. The flower of human art.承前启后与时偕行。把人类艺术之花。
46、In the course of economy developing, it stands by a difficult area.在经济发展中,承东启西,处于吃力地位。
47、Human resources management strategy for companies of continuing role in the enterprise is the planners and implementers of change, the position is extremely important.人力资源管理对于公司战略起承上启下的作用,在企业中是规划者和变革的履行者,地位非常重要。
48、The Meso-and Neoproterozoic section of Jixian in Tianjin, China is highly worthy of integrated re-search, in which the Yangzhuang Formation takes the role of linking the old and new strata.天津蓟县中、新元古界剖面具有极高的综合研究价值,而杨庄组在该剖面中居于承上启下的位置。
49、So Guo Zi plays an important role as a connecting link between the preceding and the following.《郭子》在志人小说发展史上具有重要地位,起着承上启下的作用。
50、Thus, 因而,“大历十才子”在中唐诗史上起着承上启下和转折过渡的独特作用,有着无可替代的独特地位。
10 Gifted Scholar poetry in the history of a Tang poem form the unique role of the transition point and having indispensably unique status.
经典英文句子51:承上启下,51、This chapter first explains its rhetorical functions, such as brevity, emphasis, contrast and coherence.平行结构具有使行文简洁、强调、对比鲜明,承上启下等修辞功能。
52、As to the literary thoughts during the period ahead, the early Tang can be viewed as an end of it.在中国中古文学思想发展史上,初唐阶段具有某种承前启后的意义。
53、Chinese opera has deep significance on the Chinese classical dance and the opera dance plays the vital role in the establishment and development of the Chinese classical dance.戏曲舞蹈在中国古典舞形成、发展历程中,起到了承上启下的基础性作用。
54、However, the Ming Dynasty "Mencius" Textual Criticism of China's "Mencius" study is an important integral part of, has some success there lies its impact and value, with a connecting role.然明代《孟子》考据学是中国《孟子》学不可或缺的一个重要环节,既有一定的成就,又有一定的影响,具有承上启下的作用。
55、Temperamentology of this period played an important role of a connecting link between Qin & Han Dynasty and Sui & Tang dynasty.这一时期的乐律学有着上承秦汉、下启隋唐的重要作用。
56、It suggested that the ancient rice in Shixia ruin has played an important role in the origin and evolution of cultivated rice.石峡古稻所呈现的籼、粳模糊性和分化状态特征,表明石峡古稻是我国栽培稻起源与发展史上承上启下的重要一环。
57、Enable DTP on an Oracle service by executing this command通过执行以下命令在 Oracle 服务上启用 DTP
58、The township elite in the power structure of village field is the medium between the preceding and the following.村庄精英在村落场域的权力结构中,居于承上启下的中介地位。
59、Theme plays an important role in the process of text construction, and rheme is very important in transmitting new information.主位是语篇构成的重要手段,在语篇信息流中起着承上启下的作用,述位起着传递新信息的作用。
60、Realigning and Initiating the Next Move of God.重整与启动上帝的下一步行动。
61、In geography, lying in the middle and core as a connecting link, it occupies a prominent strategic position.四新组团在地缘上处于承上启下的中间地位和核心环节,战略地位十分突出。
62、Chaucer served as a historical connecting link between the medieval Britain and Renaissance.乔叟在中世纪的英国与文艺复兴之间,担当了承上启下的历史重任。
63、As a transitional taoist scholar in late tang and early song period , chen tuan has rich and characteristic aesthetic thought.摘要作为唐宋之交承上启下的学者道士,陈抟的美学思想是丰富而有特色的。
64、By default, this launcher starts a local instance of Jetty on port 8080.默认情况下,此启动程序将在端口 8080 上启动一个本地 Jetty 实例。
65、The Age of Erudition is the growth stage of modern western historiography, carrying on the humanism historiography achievement and opening the door to advances in rationalism historiography.“博学时代”处于近代西方史学的发轫成长阶段,上承人文主义史学之遗产,下启理性主义史学之坦途。
66、Grade Seven is the transition between the primary school and junior middle school; and English textbooks play the role of connecting.xx年级是中小学的衔接阶段,英语教材起着承上启下的作用。
67、Position of the competence indicators in Arts and Humanities Learning Areas is important.分段能力指标在艺术与人文学习领域课程内涵层次中,承上启下,定位重要;
68、In a word, Three Gorges Area is a major role in the historical spreading process of Chinese tea culture from Yangtze River Valley to the whole country.可以说,在茶文化由长江流域向全国扩展的历史进程中,三峡地区起着承上启下的重要作用。
69、Bearing bushes of upper and lower bearing to be of low-friction elastomeric bearing material made of thermosetting resins.上端和下端轴承的轴承衬应为低摩擦弹胶轴承,轴承材料为热固性树脂。
70、Neo-Confucianism is inherited from Confucianism and founds the Min School. Good Faith of Neo-Confucianism becomes the core value orientation of Fujian merchant culture.理学上承儒学,下启闽学,理学之诚信成为闽商文化的核心价值取向。
71、There are three stages for studies of southwestern nations: original stage, stage of extensive investigation of national society, history and language, transitional stage.西南民族研究可以分为三个阶段:初创时期、民族社会历史语言大调查时期、承上启下的过渡性时期。
72、They form a link between the preceding and the following under such a background.初中教师在这一背景下起到了承上启下的作用。
73、The medical education of Song in China plays a vital role in the history of medical education.宋代医学教育在中国医学教育史上起着承上启下的作用。
74、Of these, the reform of getting rid of humble nationality carried out by Yong Zheng Emperor is emphasis , because it played a role in connecting link in liberating the dalit class.其中,雍正帝的豁除贱籍改革是重点,因为它对贱民阶层的解放起到了承上启下的作用。
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