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1、In September 1969, Nelson formally announced that there would be a “national environmental teach-in” sometime in spring 1970.


2、The full cast will be announced next year and filming will begin in the spring.


3、When autumn comes, with fruits full of the trees, our village will become a fruit garden.


4、The sun rises in the East, and the blue color of dawn opens to our eyes and we experience the new day. Spring is like this.


5、The third day of the New Year is allocated to grave-visiting instead.


6、We turned on at school, forgot to say what, just remember later wind, the spring wind is always with dust.


7、Japan’s fear is that gas extraction in Chunxiao could siphon off gas from Japan’s side of the field.


8、Where is your destination, to the days to spring geotropism , but also to the sunset!


9、Xuanzong loved her more than anything in the world; he even built her a natural warm spring pool which she could take a bath at spring time.


10、Bloom in spring. View them at New Farm Park or Paddington.


11、A nightingale comes to the clump of acacias opposite your windows, every spring.


12、Look, there are some Kites flying in the sky. The spring wind is blowing.


13、The spring of 1956 Buffett returned home business founded his own investment company.


14、Attics get too hot in the spring and summer, basements are too damp, and garages are dusty and prone to insects (your clothes’ worst enemy).


15、And right now as before the northward photograph that Tian Han ground freezes is compared, spring already came early to laterite highland.


16、The lane that winds to their house is fragrant in the spring with mango flowers.


17、Spring Xianggang landing dolls from head to toe are new, and it grows.


18、Our beloved teacher, you are the spring shower that moistens our hearts.


19、A warm delight

15) seeped through my chilled bones, and I smiled at the thought that spring had arrived!

到她家去的那条曲巷,春天充满了芒果的花香。 。

20、Thee lane that winds to their house is fragrant in the spring with mango flowers.

21、Dong Zhongshu's theory of heaven-human induction benefited from the interpretative method used in annotating Spring and Autumn Annals.在董仲舒思想中,由春秋公羊学发展至“天人感应”学说得益于“微言大义”诠释方法对《春秋公羊传》的诠释解读。

22、That spring the mohwa tree, that Baloo was so fond of, never flowered.那个春天,巴罗如此喜爱的摩瓦树根本就没有开花。

23、I am looking for a skirt to go with this sweater.你今天看上去满面春风,什么事让你高兴起来了。

24、Mr Sarkozy hopes to be returned to the Elysee Palace for a second term next spring.萨科奇希望明年春天在大选中成功连任。

25、< /p> < p> Chunlan bittersweet, is to recognize Jean Tianfang but do not want to, in order to avoid tracking Jean Tianfang, had to pretend not to know her, turning away.春兰悲喜交加,正待与冉天放相认,却不想冉天放为了躲避跟踪,只得装作不认识她,扭头离去。 春兰震惊不已,逃一般的回到山上。

英文句子26:,26、In spring flowers bloom and trees turn green and everything are full of vigor.春天,百花盛开,树木变绿,一切都充满了生机活力。

27、Spring facial ministry skin is allergic, appear serious desquamate , dry, how to do?春天脸部皮肤过敏,出现严重脱皮,干燥,怎么办?

28、" the old man said with a smile: "probably next year March spring it, it will result to fall too!那个老伯伯笑着说:“大概是明年春天的xx月吧,到了秋天它还会结果呢!”

29、Willow green spring breeze, leaves fall down without sound.帖子签名柳绿春风降,叶落无需声。摄者漫长路,影留天地中。

30、Each year we eagerly awaited that first miracle of the season.我们每年都急切地盼着着春天带给我们的第一个奇迹。

31、In the spring, I hide in a corner, quietly waiting for that moment … flowers!春天到暸,我躲在角落里,静静等待那花开的刹时…!

32、Spring will bring good luck mainly to those who went on well with love lately.春天会给那些刚恋爱不久的大猫带来好运气.

33、Let me how to thank you, when I go to you, I would like to harvest a ray of spring, but you gave me the whole spring.让我怎样感谢你,当我走向你的时候,我原想收获一缕春风,你却给了我整个春天。

34、And then, suddenly, the sun came out, the snow melted and it was spring again.随后呢,太阳又突然冒出来了,雪化了,还是春天。

35、Last spring, 322 principals, a fifth of the total, joined this "empowerment" programme.去年春天,322名校长(占总数1/5)被纳入了“放权”计划。

36、These trends will continue in spring. Hard work will be fruitful.这些趋势会持续整个春天,努力的工作会有丰硕的回报。

37、The following year, spring, beetles leave the matter of imperial Chuan leakage, the Jade Emperor banished to Motsch. management granary, send Tianbing days will go away all human food and seeds.次年春天,天牛假传圣旨之事泄漏,玉皇以欺君之罪贬天牛管理南天门粮仓,派天兵天将到人间抢走所有口粮和种子。

38、Spring is coming, and I desire to go to the country to seek the smiling year.春天来了,我要到乡间田头去寻找她。

39、It was already the beginning of Spring, and Xingyi's weather was still damp and gloomily cold.时已立春,兴义早晚的天气仍然阴冷潮湿。

40、Recovery of all things spring, blue sky floating Jiduo scattered clouds.万物复苏的春日,湛蓝的天空上漂浮着几朵零散的云彩。

41、Many discouraged Rappahannockers had begun to think the lady had moved away, that winter would go on and on.许多拉帕汉诺克县人开始认为春天搬走了,那个冬天将一直持续下去。

42、The Bears' program has made tremendous strides since the spring of 1980.金熊高尔夫队自xx年春天以来取得了长足的进步。

43、I`m Chris Bloom, hoping you have more of everything you want this spring.我是克丽丝? 布鲁姆,希望你在这个春天心想事成。

44、Mar.9. The smell of the grass is flowing in the air, spring comes.xx月xx日 空气中弥漫着青草的香味,春天来了。

45、One afternoon someone noticed a slight yellowish-brown tint in the spring .一个下午某人在春天注意了轻微的淡黄棕色的色彩。

46、Then Bartimaeus realized it was Springtime because it was warmer weather, and because the number of people traveling by him was increasing.春天到了, 巴底买感觉到天气变暖和了, 经过的人也渐渐多了起来。

47、During the week of the missed draw last spring some 26m Europeans bought tickets.在过去的这个春天,欧洲每周有2600万人买彩票。

48、The cactus… well, that will have to languish in the bathroom until next Spring.仙人掌……,在春天到来前都应该把它放在浴室里。

49、The spring snow melt, all things recovery, 10000 Purple Yan-hong, to give hope.春天冰雪融化,万物复苏,万紫嫣红,给人们希望。

50、Then, in the spring, came some good news: Jennifer was pregnant again.但是,春天的时候,有了一个好消息:詹妮佛再次怀孕了。

经典英文句子51:春天,51、Every spring my wife and I would come here just to see the flowers.每年春天我和我的妻子都会特意到这儿来赏花。

52、And every spring from that time, the hills and meadows burst into bloom.从那以后,山坡上的草地,每年春天都开成一张花毯。

53、Lingxian County, in the eastern part of Shandong Province, suffered from heavy drought this spring.山东东部的陵县今年春天遭受了严重的旱灾。

54、May Roman mythology, the goddess Maius (Maya) Specialized Division tube spring and life.May罗马神话中的女神Maius(玛雅)专门司管春天和生命。

55、It is those lines of foot-prints that are weaved into fairy tales of my childhood.那一行行的脚印编织了我儿时春天的童话。

56、Set to graduate this spring, she was learning golf because she figured it would help her in the business world.她今天春天开始毕业,学打高尔夫是因为她认为这对她从商有帮助。

57、Is it? Then I agreed, and magnolia good to be together each spring.是吗?那我就和玉兰花约定好每年春天都要相聚。

58、Seasons may change winter to spring, but I love you till the end of time.四季轮回,冬去春来,但是我将爱你到天荒地老。

59、Rain stopped, I go back the country, found that spring had waken up widely.雨停了,回乡下一趟,发觉春天已勃然觉醒。

60、Wild winter, wild spring, and cultivated Gastrodia elata Blume can be discriminated by FTIR, according to the differences of their spectral peaks and absorbance ratios.根据谱峰位置和吸光度比可以区分野生冬天麻和野生春麻、野生天麻和家种天麻;

61、Flowers in full bloom perfuming the spring air of the campus.例


62、On early spring day, I went to my grandmother's home to visit them by myself.在早春的一天,我独自一人去姥姥家看望他们。

63、Drinking a cup of scented tea each day is healthy for your life.春暖花开,每天一杯花草茶,一次健康的生活之旅。

64、When is spring here?---It lasts for three months from February to April.这里的春天是什么时候?---从xx月到xx月持续三个月。

65、In spring, the trees are always green. And the flowers are usually colourful everywhere.春天里,树都绿了,到处都开满了颜色鲜艳的花朵。

66、China Southern Airlines decided last August to avoid night flights in and out of Yichun, switching its daily flight from Harbin to the daytime.中国南航决定在xx月晚些时候避免航班夜间进出伊春,调整哈尔滨至伊春的航班时间至白天。

67、Groundhog Day comes around every year on Feb. 土拨鼠日大约是每年xx月xx日,它是从冬天向春天过度的关键标志。

2 and marks a pivotal day in the transition from winter to spring.

68、During Chunqiu period, Fatality Order declined and Zhou Rite was faced with legitimacy crises.春秋以降,天命陨落,周礼出现严重的合法性危机。

69、Each spring a female oriole constructs a hanging nest at the end of a tree branch.每年春天雌莺建构一个鸟巢挂在树枝末梢。

70、Swayze went public with his illness last spring, and worked as he had treatment.去年春天斯韦兹公开了他的病情,边工作边治疗。

71、Yesterday, Dad took me and uncle, aunt also Kenichiro brother, and go and the West Lake in spring for lunch.昨天,爸爸带我和叔叔、阿姨还有佐佐弟弟,一起去西湖春天吃中饭。

72、She wore no hose, even though the spring air still had a bite to it.她没有穿长统袜,尽管春天的空气仍然有点冷。


标签: 英文

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