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关于”现在完成时“的英语句子47个,句子主体:Now when done。以下是关于现在完成时的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Now when done


1、Instant code completion is code completion that happens automatically without the user having to invoke it with an Ctrl-Space or wait for a delay to elapse.

2、现在完成时 He has lived here for three years.他在此住了两年了。


3、The ARJ21, meanwhile, should now be in thelast of

12 years of development.

4、I have began to school since i was five and half years old. 典型的现在完成时


5、And now we know that they can organize themselves into teams to accomplish tasks.


6、Please fill out these forms while you wait."


7、The new alias now appears in the auto-completion list for commands.


8、Now we got through with the plumbing.


9、The blossom is now fully ripened fruit: pears, apples, the very last plum.


10、Warp-in of Protoss buildings should be one effect for all with the final frames unique showing the specific buildings structure phasing in.


11、Now you are finish.


12、What you're seeing the robot do now, the robot can do in three seconds what would take a group of lawyers days to do.


13、How is it attempting to work?


14、However, recent studies have shown that a certain amount of reading-related tasks prove efficient for retention of vocabulary.


15、The result is what should take a few weeks to complete now takes months and months.


16、The old have been working hard all their lives.


17、The present study focuses on three parameters according to the three Characteristics of the Chinese Temporality (CCTs): time-phrase influence, time-space influence and tense choice.


18、There's no perfect age to start living your dreams. Being too young or too old is no excuse. The perfect time to start is right now.


19、There’s no perfect age to start living your dreams. Being too young or too old is no excuse.

工装费用通常在完成第二阶段(完成PSW )时发放。

20、Tooling funds would normally be released at Phase

2 completion (completion of PSW ).

21、Ten years old: In the olden days, when my dad grew up, things were sure different.当我xx岁的时候:在爸爸成长的旧日里,事情和现在完全不同。

22、When you ask about something that started in the past but continues to the present time, you use the Present Perfect tense, e.g.当你谈论从过去开始一直持续到现在的某件事时,用现在完成法时态。

23、Now, let us finish the work at hand.现在,让我们完成手头的工作。

24、The repair of injured area was accomplished appvoximately in 48 hours, and completely in 72 hours after injury.内膜修复在损伤后48小时基本完成,72小时则完全完成。损伤区通透性增高。

25、This will most likely happen after you have attached some storage volumes from external storage. Or, it can also happen when you have finished copying files and need a reboot to finish installation.这种问题经常会在从外部存储中增加一些存储卷之后出现,也可能会在完成文件复制并需要重新启动来完成安装时出现。

英文句子26:,26、Now go ahead and finish your YAST installation.现在继续完成您的 YAST 安装。

27、Past perfect 现在完成时 (常与 yet, already, for 搭配 ) He has already done it .

28、Understand what finished work looks like and deliver your work only when it is finished.认清工作全部完成时的成果该是什麽样子的,然后只在工作全部完成时才交件。

29、When you identify S. M. A. R. T. goals that are truly important to you, you become motivated to figure out ways to attain them.时限性——制定的目标必须要在一个时间范围内完成,给你的目标一个确定的完成时间,这会有助于你集中精力完成目标。

30、Finish the task, click the Done button, and the next task on your list appears.当你完成当前任务并按下完成按钮时,页面上将会出现任务列表中的下一个任务。

31、The poem reached its present form c. AD 400.该诗约在西元xx年完成现在的形式。

32、Since then we have kept in contact with each other for quite a long time.(现在完成时主动态)从那时以来,我们保持联系已有相当长的时间了。

33、When he finished, I said: 'Can I have her now?当他完成的时候,我说: "现在我能有她的吗?

34、You have now completed the backswing.你现在已经完成背后拉拍。

35、This plug-in is now complete.现在插件已经完成了。

36、I have just got a letter from my pen friend.我刚刚收到了我的笔友的来信。(和现在完成时连用)。

37、You've now finished configuring the assembly diagram.现在已经完成了组装关系图的配置。

38、应该用现在完成进行 This is the very person who I have been looking for.

39、Complete the following steps to implement ALE solution at design time.完成下面的步骤,在设计时实现 ALE 解决方案。

40、Children vaccinated will have to remain in the hospital for at least half an hour as a precaution against allergic reactions.儿童在麻疹疫苗接种完成以后,必须要在现场留观半个小时,防止过敏现象发生。

41、A passe turn in modern dance can be performed in first position or with parallel feet.在现代舞蹈过时反过来又可以在完成第一的位置或平行脚。

42、Now I need the perfect dress – a success!现在我就缺一件礼服啦——完成!

43、I went to the park yesterday.Past perfect 现在完成时 (常与 yet, already, for 搭配 )

44、Or even producing double the amount of work you do now in the same amount of time.或者说,甚至在同样时间内完成你现在所做工作的双倍工作量。

45、Grown in glasshouses, pineberries start offgreen, gradually turning paler as they ripen.它们生长在温室里,未成熟的时候呈现的是绿色,慢慢地就越变越白,直至完全成熟。

46、As has been pointed out, the action or state denoted by the present perfective (progressive), though referring to some indefinite happening in the past, has some connection with the present.上述现在完成体和现在完成进行体的用法,不论其动作或状态在说话时已经完成还是延续到说话时刻并可能继续下去,都与现在时间有联系。

47、He has gone to the park. [过去的动作,没有信号,用现在完成时]

48、Once you have grasped English, you'll be easy to get a well-paid job.一旦你掌握了英语,你就会很容易找到一份报酬很高的工作。(现在完成时代替将来完成时)

49、You've now completed the initial build of the flow you're going to use -- it's time to test!至此,已经完成了流的初始构建,现在是测试的时候了!

50、Now he would have more time for his mission.现在他有更多时间去完成他的任务。



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