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它以风速飞行,发出了音调优美的声音( 交流声?)

1、It flew with the speed of the wind and gave forth a melodious sound (a humming noise?


2、And his diary became a new type of literature for the later ages.


3、Wuhan East Lake Hi-tech Development Zone features outstanding advantage of science and humanism, a solid industrial foundation, convenient traffic and transportation as well as beautiful environment.


4、Switzerland is famed for its physical beauty, its mountains and lakes, its crisp, clean air.


5、Ifeveryone makes a contribution to environment's protection:the world williphone appear much more lovely.


6、Stream of consciousness calligraphy is make their source of design imprint, beautiful, free and easy, nature.


7、Graceful dancing carriage has also got student's dead cert. Our how energy is not happy!


8、Age is gradually stripped of the beauty of a woman, if have the beautiful figure, goblins shows a woman's dignified, noble and elegant.


9、The lens is made of cell-shaped plastic which has the beautiful retractile effect.


10、Captivating views are not to be missed as your ship has Santorini in its sight.


11、Hung with burgundy and black-diamond crystals, mounted in the articulated set of a graceful dragon.


12、You can experience the sublime beauty of country parks, indulge yourself in the excellence of seafood and sunbathe on beaches.


13、In the western Lake, a Sai Tai, the team has six standing beautiful bridge repair.


14、The soiree acrobatics will be permeated with graceful and gentle, lovely and implicative.


15、Its graceful shape is driven by integrated considerations of various factors as aesthetic sculpture shape, structural mechanics and planning requirements.


16、Full-bodied, generous, with all thecharacteristics of the best wines from the Saint-Emilion appellation.


17、You’re in search of the perfect dress, invitation, photographer, music, flowers and more.


18、A clumsy person could never achieve the graceful evolution of that ballet dancer.


19、Lengths of graceful 18k white gold cable chain link six brilliant bezel-set diamonds.


20、Please insure for me against all risks 200 pieces of high-quality furniture valued $20,000.

21、Equally emphasis on the pursuit of quality and taste, excellent quality roots from the first-rank materials.追求质量与美味并重,深谙优质源于上佳材料。

22、Ranger (月球探测卫星)徘徊者6号沿着一条优美的曲线循弧线飞向月球。

6 arced on a graceful,curving course towards the moon.

23、You can take advantage of the low monthly rate of US$599 including tax.你们可以享受含税月租费五百九十九美元的低价优惠。

24、Valmet's services cover everything frommaintenance outsourcing to mill and plant improvements and spare parts.维美德的服务涵盖从维护外包到工厂优化以及备品备件。

25、Campus beautiful, tree-lined , green area of 6532 square meters, coverage up to 85%.校园环境优美,绿树成荫,绿化面积6532平方米,覆盖率达85%。

英文句子26:,26、Almost without exception, any harpsichord sounds better in an historic temperament.几乎无例外,羽管键琴受历史传统的音律调音,音色、和音更加优美。

27、Such beautiful shapes and forms, with colourful feathers and extravagant plumes.这麽优美的外形和种类,带有色彩缤纷的羽毛和夸张的长羽。

28、Viewfinder: Pro Minjiang River side of the building, in front of the cedar forest, and beautiful environment.取景: 建筑临岷江一侧,前方为杉树林,环境优美。

29、In the same year, took part in Second National Outstanding Teachers Art Exhibition in Museum of China in Beijing, and received the highest award;同年在北京中国美术馆参加“第二届全国教师优秀美术作品汇展”并获最高奖;

30、The Chinese name means that we are an excellent team who actively renovates and conquers difficulty to achieve the perfect result.优派克思中文名则包含:我们是优秀的一群,会积极思考力求创新,克服困难而达至完美的结果。

31、And the Fisherman's Wharf in Taipei is a large beautiful park.而台北淡水的渔人码头则是一个环境优美的大型户外公园。

32、With great sense of social responsibility , 6nest in Sanshui thoroughly exerts it's advantages and provides quality service.三水乐巢美家坚持以强烈的社会责任感,充分发挥公司优势,提供优质的服务,取得客户的认同,满足客户的需求。

33、County a beautiful environment, tree-Yam, fresh air, the forest coverage rate reached 37%.全县环境优美,绿树成阴,空气清新,森林覆盖率达到37%。

34、During the Food Festival, each booth will promote special dishes or meals. Welcome to taste.美食节期间,档口推出特价菜或优惠套餐,欢迎品尝。

35、She could scarcely toss her head gracefully. Her hands were almost ineffectual.她难得优美地做偏头动作,她的双手也几乎没受过劳动摧残。

36、They're only $19.99 (there's another style available for $29.99), they're good quality, and THEY'RE LONG!(另一款售价29.99美元)他们品质优良,关键是,他们够长!

37、Adopt double rods feeding with light sound, small vibration, sewing more beautiful and stitch length stability.采用双连杆送料,声音轻、振动小、线迹更优美、针距稳定;

38、Let's ditch the whole idea that being feminine means being perfect and ethereal.让我们梳理一下完整的思路,有女人味意味着优美和轻盈。

39、Everyone knows the virtues of the internet and, at this point, can even harmonize its praises.每个人都知道互联网的优点,甚至可以纠正溢美之词。

40、We cannot deny, the appearance of the beautiful people, they are more competitive when they are looking for work, beauty makes them duck to water.我们不可否认,外表美丽的人,就业的时候占优势,美丽使他们如鱼得水。

41、The creation of all the civilization is not only the materialized state of human beauty, but also promotes the betterment and development of human beauty itself.一切文明的创造,既是人的美质的物化形态,又推动着人自身美质的优化和发展。

42、Good posture creates a dynamic commanding presence and an attitude of leadership.优美的姿态创造一种威风凛凛的气场,以及一种领导者的气势。

43、Shanghai Majestic Theatre is a well-known historical building, grace and unique, which also combined modern and ancient style together.美琪大戏院是上海市近代优秀保护建筑,其典雅、独特的风格,融合现代与古典建筑美之精华。

44、Instead, just remember what I said about detours and scenery, and keep going.相反,请记住我说过的:弯路会看到优美的风景,请继续前行。

45、Plantronics Encore H91N is a top-of-the-line model that offers all-day comfort and superior sound quality.提供全天舒适感和优美音质的第一流型号。

46、Without question, the secret to Melaleuca's success has been our superior products!无庸置疑,我们美乐家公司成功的秘诀是我们优质的产品!

47、We use the best quality beans which are matured and hand-picked, perfectly processed and then mixed with the finest quality cane sugar and creamer.我们采用最优质成熟的咖啡豆,经手工摘取和完美加工,同时融合了最优质的蔗糖和奶油。

48、Northern Meizhou Island is blessed with beautiful seaside scene. The pleasant beach contains sunshine, blue sky, sea, beach, peculiar stone and forest.湄洲岛南部拥有美丽的滨海风光,沙滩优美,融阳光、蓝天、碧海、沙滩、怪石、林带于一体。

49、To have a good life, learn that your "signature strengths" are and use those strengths.为要生活美满,就要知道自己最大的优点,并加以运用。

50、The book not only has practical value, but the educated value too. The style of writing is graceful.本书既有实用价值,也有文化价值,文笔优美。

经典英文句子51:优美,51、Garden beautiful environment and community 300, the geographical position is superior, the airport expressway, whatever investment or self living is the best choice.花园300平,社区环境优美,地理位置优越,紧临机场高速,无论投资还是自住都是最佳的选择。

52、In view of this kind of situation, the wind transports transportation's merit on perfectly to manifest.针对这种情况,风运输送的优点就完美的体现出来。

53、Jinan Botany Garden, lying at the south side of the Jingshi Road with the Thousand-Buddha Mountain to the west, is a newly built one of its kind.植物园位于千佛山西侧,经十路以南,是一座风景植物园,地理位置优越,自然环境优美。

54、Offering great harmony and balance, with rich tannins, this wine ends beautifully; full and complex. Wine Spectator – 99 points.酒体和谐,完美平衡,丰饶的单宁令此酒优美饱满且层次丰富,余味绵长。《葡萄酒鉴赏家》99分。

55、Walk on a mile-long pedestrian promenade lined with outdoor cafes and flower baskets in this marvelous city!户外咖啡厅鳞次栉比,人行道上花坛锦簇,快来漫步于这一美丽城市一英里长的优美大道上吧!

56、Calmly, almost melodically, Anderson announces that it’s time to leave for extra help with reading.安德森用平静优美的语调宣布,到课外阅读时间了。

57、Front-tipping arc door is closer to your life while elegant radian reflect its fair shape.前倾式圆弧门体倍感亲切,优雅弧度尽显流畅之美。

58、If we probe into the depth, we'll be surprised to find the style of Jiuge is grandness instead of gracefulness.如果深入到《九歌》的底蕴 ,那么 ,我们将会惊奇地发现 ,和优美相反 ,《九歌》内在的风格却恰恰是壮美 !

59、She's so, she's so ethereal and beautiful and such a really, you know, such a good actor.她是那么得美如天仙,又是那么优秀的一位演员。

60、And a computing example of US treasury bonds proved the advantage of MCMC.通过对美元国债的实证分析和计算,验证了MCMC方法的优越性。

61、As to the orientation, they laid stress on the beautiful environment and profound culture;从院址布局上看,注重环境的优美和文化底蕴的深厚;

62、Filene's says the dresses cost $249 to $649-big markdowns from full retail prices of $900 to $9,000.Filene's方面表示,特卖会上的婚纱礼服售价在249至649美元之间──原价则在900至9000美元之间,优惠幅度巨大。

63、I have long been a bigger, better, wiser person for knowing Li Meige.我因为认识了李美格而变得更加宽容、更智慧和更优秀。

64、Optimizer bugfix for single step Gain values on 90 degree Theta using perfect-ground.优化修正错误的西塔使用完美地面单步增益值90度。

65、It has a combination of higher resolution and lower contrast and superb out of focus images.它同时具有高分辨率、低反差和优美的焦外成像。

66、Very beautiful one Qing Dao City city its scenery are graceful the environment is comfortable person we is proud by self city as Qingdao.非常美丽的一个青岛市,它的风景优美,环境舒适,人,我们自豪的自我城市作为青岛。

67、Has the appearance, health durable, plasticity and many other advantages, and therefore have been widely applied in high-grade juicer device.不锈钢榨汁器的优点:具有外表美观、卫生耐用、可塑性强等许多优点,因此被广泛应用于高档榨汁器。

68、As shown above, very clever design of mechanical power, and modeling is also called beautiful.如上图,很巧妙的机械动力设计,而且造型也堪称优美。

69、What wonderful music it is! Ilike Beethoven's symphonies better than anybody's.多么优美的音乐啊!我喜欢贝多芬的交响乐胜过喜欢其他人的。

70、Lacquerware products in different shapes and designs form a beautiful pattern in the window.漆器产品造型不同、设计各异,在橱窗中形成优美的图案。

71、Company is located in scenic Shenzhen Shiyan Lake, convenient transportation and convenient package.公司位于风景优美的深圳石岩湖畔,交通便利配套便捷。

72、For all of 2010, Goldman's profit after preferred stock dividends fell to $7.71 billion, or $13.18 per share, from $12.19 billion, or $22.13. Net revenue fell to $39.16 billion from $45.17 billion.高盛xx年扣除优先股息后的获利降至77.1亿美元,合每股


73、Net income before preferred dividends was $2.14 billion, down from $2.37 billion a year earlier. Revenue increased 45 percent to $25 billion.在优先股股息派发前的净利为21.4亿美元,上年同期为23.7亿.营收增长45%达到250亿美元.

74、You do not have to be a professional dancer to mount an excellent performance.你没有必要成为一个专业的舞者登上优美表演的顶峰。

75、Such a strike could hypothetically allow China to counterbalance technologically superior U.S. forces, which rely heavily on satellites for battlefield data.这样的攻击可能让中国得以平衡美军的技术优势,因为美军非常依赖卫星获取战场数据。

英文句子模板76:graceful,76、She is located in the south Xingning road, the down town of Ninghai, with convenient communication and excellent environment.宾馆地处城区兴宁南路,交通便捷、环境优美。

77、The beautiful and high - quality one has seemed close at hand , extremely easy to obtain like the fairy tale!童话般美丽优质的似乎已近在咫尺、唾手可得!

78、Hammer Head: Made of Gemany-made felt, it has pure, beautiful tone and strong expressive force.弦槌:采用德国制造的呢毡,音色纯正优美,表现力强。

79、Included in the downgrade were the senior issue ratings on debt issued by Fannie and Freddie, the giant mortgage-finance firms.房利美和房地美这两家按揭贷款融资巨头所发行债券的优先发行评级此次也被下调。

80、THE KHARITES (Charites) or Graces, were the three goddesses of grace, beauty, adornment, mirth, festivity, dance and song.美惠三女神是三位代表优雅、美丽、装饰、欢乐的女神,掌管人间的节日,为人类带来舞蹈和歌曲。


标签: 优美 简短

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