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BabelFish 能够翻译超过25种语言,为啥不试试它,让您的生活变得更简单一点呢?

1、BabelFish can translate more than 25 languages. Why not let it make your life easier?


2、Finally, a brief introduction to the applications of the very high speed frequency divider is given.


3、Don't blame it on a supersimplified version of Afghanistan's history -- especially if you prefer to overlook the details.


4、Detach and simplify and you minimize worry.


5、Please register your copy of HyperTerminal. Registration is easy, and allows you to receive notifications of product news and updates.


6、Drivers who are ticketed for exceeding the speed limit are more likely to exceed the speed limit regularly than are drivers who are not ticketed.


7、Ascheme for implementing the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm is proposed by using two superconducting quantum interference devices interact with a cavity resonantly.


8、In recent years, the Lanzou-Beijing-Giessen collaboration has studied the heavy ion reactions which are lead to the formation of super-heavy nuclei.


9、It is shown from the simulation results that the new superresolution method is much efficient, and has ad…


10、In all its simplicity, the jellyfish has existed for more than 600 million years with little change.


11、Though those experiments we can see that the method of solid-state reaction under microwave irradiation is a easily synthetic method.


12、It is a row that goes way beyond the usual rivalry between the clubs, and one that has rocked football.


13、Super easy but don't forget to pay attention to pronounciation. See you next time!


14、You can translate this approach into a plain formula for timeout values in a multi-hop environment


15、Conclusion It is simp1e and safe to skeletonize die internal mammary artery using the ultrasonic seaiw1.


16、It has brilliance characteristics like super-thin, super-light, even light, economize on energy, environmental protection, non-dark space, durable, hard etiolation , easy installation and maintain.


17、Simply turn to forehand in the table of contents and you'll find My Forehand Is Going Beyond The Baseline.


18、Then super heavy element 114 and 116 are also calculated and studied.


19、Referred to as transhumanism, it is the belief that science will provide a futuristic way for humans to evolve beyond their current physical forms and realise these dreams of transcendence.


20、"Ignoring a conflict may be the easiest option, but it can cause issues to escalate, " Huang said.

21、Going far beyond its original function as human shelter and trade center, city has become the spiritual home for mankind.城市的发展,早已超出过去简单的防卫和贸易功能,成为人类向往的安居之所和精神家园。

22、High bright-ness, small volume, and simper.超高亮度,体积小,更简约。

23、More than anything. Astro Boy is simply fun to watch. It is really a great story about love.超过任何东西《铁臂阿童木简单地看上去很有趣这真的是一个伟大的爱情故事。

24、The key( A)on the desk when I go out. A.was left B.will be C.leaves D.has left 钥匙只能被忘记,所以用被动

25、Simplicity, is the moderate nature beyond common . And only the product coming from the artistic thought of life can perform the strong vitality.简约,是超越一切简单之上的适度返朴,只有渗入对生活的艺术思考之后的产品,才能焕发出强大的生命力。

英文句子26:,26、Simply introduce this torpedo principle of work and the supercavitation shaping mechanism.简单介绍了该鱼雷的工作原理和超空泡形成机理。

27、We can still enjoy the activity together even without being on the same level." But compromise is not always so easy for the hyper-healthy and their sweethearts.然而,在超健康方面和对许多恋人们来说,妥协并不会这么简单。

28、Sullivan,Helen learned how to read and write and became a famous writer later。For a disabled person like her ,this was a wonder累死我的自己打出来的,采纳把。

29、The most straightforward and least exotic explanation describes the superlight motion as some sort of illusion.最简单也是最不令人惊奇的解释,是把超光速运动描绘成某种假象。

30、They have advanced beyond the simplistic format of Flappy Bird, to include endless running or complex puzzles.它们大大地超越了形式简单的《飞扬的小鸟》,加入了无尽头的奔跑和复杂的智力问题。

31、An easy and applicable improved mechanical design is suggested to solve the mechanical disadvantages of some types of the present super-mini underwater robots.基于目前部分超小型水下机器人机械部分的不足之处,提出了简单易行的改进方案。

32、The progress and challenge on studies of superheavy elements both experiments and theories has been briefly introduced.简单介绍了近年来在超重核研究方面所取得的成就和理论方面所面临的挑战。

33、A junior HR officer will typically whittle these down to a long list, spending no more than 人力资源的低级员工通常会精减出一份初选名单,阅读每份简历的不超过15秒。

15 seconds examining each CV.

34、Many monkeys needed over 50 sessions to get there. Poor old lemurs required over 500 sessions.举个简单的例子,罗妮只需要18个“课时”就能掌握5个数字的排序,许多猴子需要超过50个“课时”才能完成这个任务,而狐猿需要的时间超过500个“课时”。

35、Business lingo aside, it is simply the answer to: What can your company potentially do better than any other company?抛开复杂的商业术语,简单来说就是,你的公司是否有超越其他公司的潜能?

36、Thought and concepts have gestalt properties. They have structures that go beyond putting together building blocks.思想和概念具有格式塔性质。它们具有结构,超越建筑材料的简单堆积。

37、They have the biggest lake in Thailand, the aquarium looks like those inside a cheap restaurant.府内有全泰国最大的淡水池,旁边建了一个超级简单的水族馆,看起来有点像海鲜餐厅的橱窗。

38、I saw Jane her'self in the supermarket.我在超级市场看见简本人了。

39、However, Guojialing super-unit granite took shape later than Linglong super-unit granite.郭家岭超单元最终形成晚于玲珑超单元花岗岩。

40、LUS may not be simply regarded as a "laparoscopic edition" of traditional intraoperative ultrasonography.因此,LUS并不能简单地被视为传统术中超声技术的“腹腔镜版”。

41、It wasn't the self-questioning to personal interests, but his thought of essence of exist.它已经超越了简单的对个体得失的反省,而将思考的对象指向了生存的本质。

42、But this simply cannot understand a price of chaodie, more directly to rebound conclusion.但这不能简单理解为期价的超跌,更不宜直接得出反弹的结论。

43、It might look easy, but the lion dance requires tough physical condition and superb acrobatics skills.看起来或许很简单,但舞狮需要强壮的体格和高超的杂技表演技巧。

44、Game music has been, for some time now, far beyond blips and beeps.经过一段时间,游戏音乐已经远远超出了简单的声音信号。

45、It's really a super duple bad news for me.这对我来说简直是超级坏消息。

46、Helen: Topping up your mobile phone is very easy in the UK. You can buy a top-up card in most newsagents or supermarkets.这么简单,我只要去超市或者路边的报亭商店就可以买到充值卡了吗?。

47、Note that the Overview page in the plug-in manifest editor provides an easy hyperlink to launch the wizard.注,插件清单编辑器中的 Overview 页面提供了一个用于启动向导的简单超级链接。

48、How do you start on a task when you're procrastinating because it's too hard? You make it super easy.当你面对一项很困难的任务而导致你拖延,那该如何开始?那就把它变得超级简单吧。

49、So that leaves us with two possibilities: either you are very smart, this is an exceptional class, or the exam was too easy.所以只有,两种可能:,要么你们太聪明,这是个超常的班级,要么就是考试太简单。

50、No close-up psychic prediction test surpasses this one in impact, simplicity of execution and believability …没有关闭的后续心理预测试验超越本一在的影响,简单的执行和可信度…


标签: 简单

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