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关于”坚持励志正能量“的英语句子37个,句子主体:Adhere to inspirational positive energy。以下是关于坚持励志正能量的六级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Adhere to inspirational positive energy


1、Adhere to the "quality first, service first" principle.


2、He said: "Henry was truly a gentleman - his strength of character, his purpose.


3、Second, upholding neutrality and justice in international mediation.


4、We insist on the principle of "customer first, quality first".


5、Find the right rheumatologist, Keep the advice of the doctor.


6、The guerrillas were holding out in the Paghman valley.

7、Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.Heywood 对一个意志坚强的心来说,无事不能为。

8、He that can have patience, can have what he will.B.Franklin 惟坚忍者始能遂其志。


9、Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.Heywood


10、When I ask what keeps him going in life, he gestures towards the volunteers who are clearing up the kitchen.


11、Can China reject the Four Cardinal Principles?

Energy and persistence conquer all things. 能量和坚持可以征服一切事情。



13、The most determined of dieters are aged between 45 and 64, with almost a quarter spending up to a year slimming.


14、People with persistence are morelikely we are to cultivate a strong will, maintain optimistic in adversities and seize fleeting opportunities.


15、Darry on, give me hope, give me strength.


16、Hold on, because unexpected opportunities are on the way, and you should be confident. Strength creates resplendence in the future.


17、As Deng Xiaoping insisted, “Stability supersedes all.”


18、The champion of the week is only a encouragement and the one who can work hard on together with the right strategy will be the winner, and the competition should be a really fair one.


19、To succeed to do what’s never been done before requires an enormous amount of fight grit and unrelenting tenacity.


20、Beifeng feels very tired. He's drinking some power drinks and thinks he'll make it. His only problem now is not much power left in his cellphone.

21、When you stick to the concept of energy density, you don't have to feel hungry or deprived.当你坚持按能量密度原则用餐时,你不会觉得饥饿或失去乐趣。

22、She tried to keep his spirits up right to the end, throwing parties for his birthday and their wedding day.为了能让他的斗志坚持到最后一刻,她把他生日和婚礼的宴会抛诸脑后。

23、He is on pins and needles. 他意志坚强,立场坚定。

24、So we wanna keep our inflation rate low which will generate a strong dollar or a dime.因此,维持低通胀才是正道,这样才能让美元坚挺起来。

25、Insist to practice day after day, can only maintain the enthusiasm of the training activity in moderation and improve sports skills.日复xx日地坚持练下去吧,只有活动适量才能保持训练的热情和提高运动的技能。

英文句子26:,26、Because insisted that China would emerge a batch lofty ideals;就是因为坚持,中国才会涌现出一批批仁人志士;

27、Assess what you can realistically do on an on-going basis, commit to it as part of building your business, and do it consistently and with high quality.定期估量一下你真正能做的有什么,把它作为你建功立业的一部分,并且坚持不懈,精益求精。

28、Great things do not depend on strength, but on how long they last. —— Johnson成大事不在于力量的大小,而在于能坚持多久。

29、Companies adhere to the quality of survival, to the quality and development of quality policy.公司坚持以质量求生存,以质量求发展的质量方针。

30、Nuts: Store your nuts in air-tight containers if possible—these allow them to maintain the right level of moisture.坚果类:尽量将坚果类食品放在密封食物罐中,这样能让食物保持其水分含量。

31、The Moai school insisted such evaluation principle of morals that motive always matches with result for integral whole. Their standard to measure a person's reasonable or justice b…墨家坚持“志功合一”的道德评价原则,把能否“利天下”作为衡量人类行为是非善恶的标准,并且以切实行动坚持贯彻以社会为本位的崇高道德原则。

32、nothing is impossible to a willing heart.heywood 对一个意志坚强的心来说,无事不能为。

33、If you are struggling with this technique, then persevere.如果你正在尝试这种方法,那么坚持下去。

34、Only persistent study yields steady progress .坚持学习,始能不断进步。

35、he that can have patience, can have what he will.b.franklin 惟坚忍者始能遂其志。

36、He that can have patience, can have what he will.B.Franklin惟坚忍者始能遂其志。

37、Children and adolescents areencouraged to maintain calorie balance to support normal growth and developmentwithout promoting excess weight gain.鼓励儿童和青少年,维持热量平衡,保证身体正常生长发育而不肥胖。

38、Can not see through, adhere to the positive, who is not much. — Hugo.能够岿然不动,坚持正见,度过难关的人是不多的。–雨果。

39、Defense attorneys said neither side wants a mistrial and insisted the judge ask jurors if they can remain impartial.辩护律师说,双方都需要一个无效审判,并坚持要求陪审员,法官,如果他们能保持公正。

40、But understanding that monogamy is a struggle for most people—and being able to be honest with our partners about experiencing it as a struggle—may actually help some people remain monogamous.如果能认识到坚持一对一对大部分人来说都是难事,而且能跟正在经历这种挑战的另一半开诚布公同渡难关,可能反而会帮助这些伴侣坚持一对

41、Because standing for our ideals is a key part of our power.因为坚持理想,就是力量的关键。

42、Black chronograph satin finish dial with white luminous stick indices and logo.黑色与白色夜光计时缎坚持完成指标和标志拨号。计时机芯。

43、No, just stylish, insists G.O.D. founder and chief executive Douglas Young.D创始人兼首席执行官杨志超(Douglas Young)坚持表示,他们要的就是时尚。

44、It has colorful second class activities and the youth volunteer activities are persistent.第二课堂活动丰富多彩,青年志愿者活动坚持常年不懈。

45、哥德 Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.Heywood 对一个意志坚强的心来说,无事不能为。

46、Without them, China would be in turmoil.中国不搞四个坚持能行吗?

47、Among other capabilities, willpower encompasses the ability to be a self-starter and to persevere after a project has begun.在其他能力中,意志力包括主动开始一个项目并且坚持到底的能力。

48、Energy and persistence conquer all things. 能量和坚持可以征服一切事情。

49、"Of course, the figure could be less, but I'm keeping this target, " Leahy said.李海说:“当然,具体实现的数量可能会低一些,但我仍然坚持这一目标”

50、Their standard to measure a person's reasonable or just behavior is whether to benefit the world with the actual activity, regarding the society as the basis .墨家坚持“志功合一”的道德评价原则,把能否“利天下”作为衡量人类行为是非善恶的标准,并且以切实行动坚持贯彻以社会为本位的崇高道德原则。

经典英文句子51:坚持励志正能量,51、She had a strong will and power of rapid decision.她具有坚强的意志和速决的才能。

52、The Moai school insisted such evaluation principle of morals that motive always matches with result for integral whole. Their standard to measure a person's reaso…墨家坚持“志功合一”的道德评价原则,把能否“利天下”作为衡量人类行为是非善恶的标准,并且以切实行动坚持贯彻以社会为本位的崇高道德原则。

53、In 43, a major strength is not the size, but that can insist on how long. -- Johnson.成大事不在于力量的大小,而在于能坚持多久。 。——约翰逊。

54、He is iron-willed and stands firm.他意志坚强,立场坚定。

55、To keep on, day after day practice go down, and only activities to keep the enthusiasm of adequate training and improve motor skills.日复xx日地坚持练下去吧,只有活动适量才能保持训练的热情和提高运动的技能。 ——塞涅卡?。

56、In the second case, the volunteer insisted that students look him in the eye to show attentiveness.在第二种情况中,那个志愿队员坚持要让学生们直视着他以表示专心致志。

57、With strong will, men can move mountain and fill seas.—and凭借坚强的意志,人类能够移山填海。

58、Skimming and scanning a big taboo; before finishing hold your opinion. Firm your will and uphold the conviction.通览之前,忍住意见 坚定意志,秉持信念。

59、The basic function of the university is education…大学的基本功能是教学。杨志坚说,…

60、Only by upholding justice can an officer win people's trust, and approval.为官只有坚持正义, 才能得到人民的信任和认可。

61、Event is not the size of the power, and can insist on how long.成大事不在于力量的大小,而在于能坚持多久。——塞·约翰生。

62、I will always uphold the principle of quality: painstakingly created, quality first.我公司将始终坚持质量方针:精心制造、质量第

63、If you are not able to make the 如果您不能够坚持参加完13周的项目, 您愿意成为我们的替补志愿者,等有需要时替代别的志愿者吗?

13 week committment, are you willing to be placed on a list for occasional emergency replacements?

64、For me, sticking to a routine like this would involve brute force – a never-ending battle of willpower over the desire to stay in bed.对我而言,坚持类似这样的习惯需要强大的力量——意志力与赖床之间永不停息的较量。

65、And we Persisting "Customer Supreme, Quality and Credit First".我们坚持“顾客至上,质量和信誉第一”。

66、Our company insists on the policy of taking quality as center and the tenet of winning clients' trust on excellent quality.公司坚持以质量为中心的办厂方针,坚持创质量优良,赢用户信赖的经营宗旨;

67、Although bioethanol production releases a lower volume of greenhouse gases than petrol, critics say that it has encouraged deforestation.虽然生物乙醇生产流程中排放的温室气体量比提炼石油少得多,但是批评者仍然坚持说这样是鼓励了森林砍伐。

68、We firmly backed the just struggle of the oppressed peoples for liberation.我们坚持支持背压迫民族争取解放的正义斗争。


标签: 英文 励志

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