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关于”开头词的各种意思“的英语句子21个,句子主体:Various meanings of the opening words。以下是关于开头词的各种意思的六级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Various meanings of the opening words


1、What does the word ‘satire’ mean?


2、Tending to use, using, or expressed in more words than are necessary to convey meaning.

另外,“set” 和“stock”的意思相重,是应该各算一个单词吗?

3、Should “set” and “stock”, for instance, each count as one, though their meanings are manifold?


4、Manga is Japanese for comic or cartoon.


5、All your writers do consent that ipse is he.


6、We can also learn some things about word meanings by examining SYNONYMS, which are words that mean something similar.

7、海绵宝宝 His nautical nonsense be something you wish 他的四处探险是你希望的一些事物 SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!


8、Antonyms are words of opposite meaning.


9、There's a first time for everything. You know what I mean?


10、Sam : Baozhongsounds similar to the verb phrase, to pass a test.


11、Prociono is an Esperanto word meaning either the star Procyon or the animal species known as the raccoon.


12、The lexical meaning difference of the word" flat" between the two English dialects can effect a different pragmatic meaning.


13、In the middle way. I mean they know how to coordinate all kinds of relations.


14、All she needs now is a life worth living for.


15、Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

16、或者 have a good apitite(这个单词你自己查,意思是 胃口)

BAM 通过分析各种各样的项目,开始重新思考传统的自然概念。

17、Through thinking diagonally across diverse subjects BAM reconsiders traditional concepts of nature.


18、Except for the ordinary meaning of vocabulary, teacher should induct students to concern other annex meanings using the research conclusion of lexics.


19、which is like, I mean, it's from a Greek word which means "the love of words".

You have confused the meanings of the two words.


21、There are enough hotels…to suit any pocket.这组词都有“足够的”意思。

22、Once you've tried this exercise, look it up in the dictionary and confirm its meaning.一旦你开始了这项练习,你就要查字典确定生词的意思。

23、Notice that each objective begins with a verb (e.g., “Achieve, ” “Finalize, ” “Complete, ” etc.).注意我的每个目标都用一个动词开头。

24、Second, following the theory of Matsumoto, by separating the adverbs into two categories, "basic meaning"and "derivative meaning".第二,根据松本的理论,提出可以把副词“还”“又”“再”的各种意思分为“基本的意思”和“派生的意思”;

25、In a relationship, some words have different meanings.在男女关系之中, 有一些用词是另有一种意思的.

英文句子26:,26、What does it mean the word does not understand?这词什么意思不明白吗?

27、Things have been so busy around here that it was nice today to sit down and have a powwow with my wife; by this I mean “a meeting.”手头的事情忙翻了天,今天能坐下来跟我老婆进行一场powwow,实在难能可贵。 那个词的意思是,开个“会”。

28、This "tank" is a verb.这里说的tank是个动词。 意思是完全失败。

29、The Dutch verb has both notions present in it, denoting both tangling and unweaving.荷兰语的这个词两个意思都有,既指缠起来又指松开。

30、I didn't have an inkling about it. ( Inkling作名词意思是"暗示,略知"的意思。

31、The standard is specific in its instructions, which aim to ensure that once someone has learnt a word in one form, they will not encounter it in another.此项标准具体体现在其各项指令当中,这些指令旨在确保一旦人们掌握某个词所表示的意思,他们就不会遇到该词还表示其它意思的情况。

32、Of course with that basic meaning all kinds of other meanings adhere themselves to the word.当然,在这个意思的基础之上,该单词又有了其他各种各样的意思。

33、I jump out of bed, my mind already mulling over the various projects I want to complete.一跳下床,头脑就已经开始考虑各种各样我想完成的项目。

34、I suggest to use english dictionary to get the meaning so that you could learn more words and acquire the accurate meaning of the words you look up.我建议用英语词典查询英语词语的意思,这样的话,能在意思中学习近义词或者更多的新词。另外一方面,英语的解释更加准确。

35、Do you know the opposites of these words from the text?你知道与文章中这些词意思相反的词是什么吗?

36、These three lights with their respective colors just do positively mean these things.三种颜色的灯和它们各自的颜色,自然的有各自表达的意思。

37、Imitative words are words that sound like the thing or action they stand for.拟声词是发音像它们所代表的意思的词。

38、Do you even kown what that meand?你知道这个词是什么意思吗?

39、The meaning of the world is "God-breathed".这个词的原文意思是「神的呼气」。

40、The etymological meaning of both words is “something added on.”从词源学的角度来看,两个词都有“附加物”的意思。

41、All volunteers took tests that assessed various types of memory - including attention, verbal memory for words and language, and visual memory for images - at the beginning and end of the study.所有志愿者在研究的开始和结束时,通过测试来评估各种类型的记忆,其中包括注意力、对单词和语言的口头记忆和对图像的视觉记忆。

42、New phrases like “leftover girls” and “leftover boys” are entering the modern lexicon, referring to women and men in their late 20s or early 30s who are still single.像“剩男”“剩女”这些新词也列入了现代词典,意思是到了20多岁30出头还单身的男女。

43、An interrogative pronoun meaning "how?".焉:是疑问代词“怎么”的意思。

44、So the Greeks called these curious stones magnes lithos which means “stone from Magnesia.”因此,希腊人称这种奇怪的石头为magnes lithos,意思是“来源于镁的石头”。

45、Gelos is a Greek word. It means laughter.Gelos是希腊单词,意思是笑声。

46、Betty was beginning to pine and to yearn after Beuno.这组词的共同意思是“渴望”。

47、New phrases like "leftover girls" and "leftover boys" are entering the modern lexicon, referring to women and men in their late 20s or early 30s who are still single.像“剩男”“剩女”这些新词也列入了现代词典,意思是到了20多岁30出头还单身的男女。

48、Raiden: You mean start over?雷电:你的意思是,从头开始?

49、just to cut hair, dye hair, curl hair, fun stuff.剪头发,染头发,卷头发,有意思的事。

50、Medieval theologians will talk about this: they'll use the term literal,they'll use the term allegorical, they'll use the term anagogical, and they'll mean by that three different meanings.中世纪神学家会这么说:,他们用字面这个词,寓言这个词,神秘这个词,他们的意思是三种不同的意思。

经典英文句子51:开头词的各种意思,51、He saw his troops retreat from the field.这组词都有“撤退,离开”的意思。

52、The meaning of the word, when used in this sense, is vague.但是按这种意思来使用这个词是含糊不清的。

53、What are the various connotative meanings words in the text may have? Do these various shades of meaning help establish relationships or patterns in the text?文本中的字词,其各种内涵是什么?这些隐含的意义是否有助于在文本中建立起各种关系或形成各种模式?

54、He was pretty strong for his size.这组词的共同意思是“相当”。

55、The word bullheaded in English has a similar meaning when referring to such a person.在英语里顽固这个词在指这类人的时候也有这种类似的意思。

56、Do you know the meaning of this word?你知道这个生词的意思吗?

57、You have confused the meanings of the two words.你把这两个词的意思弄混了。

58、The word “osedax,” Latin for “bone-eating,” is an apt description of this whale-carcass dweller;在拉丁语中意思是“吃骨头”,这个词用来形容这种栖息于鲸尸体的生物真是再贴切不过了;

59、Yes, that’s an interesting phrase there Dan.是的,这有个有意思的词。

60、A wonderful phrase, "to go," meaning what?精彩的一个词组,“去“,什么意思?

61、Often little words have meanings of their own.通常小词有它们自己的意思。

62、Thanks a lot for sharing these important words and phrases.的意思应是:“很多感谢分享这些重要词和词组。

63、This French phrase means “leave it be” and is used to describe a leader who leaves his or her colleagues to get on with their work.这个法语词组的意思是“随它去吧”,它用来形容放任下属各做各的领导。

64、I forgot the meaning of this word.我 忘 了 这个 词 的 意思。

65、Humble opinion on Ci expresses Li yu's theory on Ci in a purer academic way.《窥词管见》以一种较为纯粹的理论思路表达了李渔的词学思想。

66、So learn your first word, "lekker" [le'-ka], adj. meaning "good/nice" for anythings from food to girls.现在开始学你的第一个词,"lekker" [le'-ka],形容词,意思是“好的/漂亮的”,可以用在任何东西身上,从食物到姑娘。

67、I'm ashamed to be seen in this rinky-dink car.我开这种破车,不好意思被人家看见。

68、Focus on changing your mind-set: This is the day to change the thought patterns playing in your mind.注意改变你的思维方式:这一天开始改变你头脑里的思维模式。

69、It means moonlight shining on water.这个词的意思是月光映照在水面上。

70、It really helps you to remember the meaning and the spelling as well.这种方法确实能帮助你更好的记住单词的意思和拼写。

71、The keeper made a series of brilliant…saves.这组词的共同意思是“贮藏”。

72、Mr. Tomkins…had a wonderful eye for the picturesque.这组词都有“极好的”意思。

73、In the deeper sense of that word, creation means something totally new being born.那个词的更深刻的意思,创造意味着,某种完全被新产生出来的东西。

74、What does this word mean?这个词是什么意思?

75、Or Ushahidi – meaning testimony -- first launched in Kenya by young Africans, but now a global phenomenon.Ushahidi这个词的意思是“证词”,这个开源信息平台最初由非洲的年轻人在肯尼亚创建,现在已经风靡全球。

英文句子模板76:Various meanings of the opening words,76、First borrowed to describe rip-off products, it has evolved to refer also to homemade products, such as video parodies of movies.刚开始,用这个词借代那些盗版商品,后来演变下,也指代各种个体的作品,比如模仿电影镜头的视频。

77、American English is rich in words that are humorous, vivid and homonymous, which are so-called slang words.美式英语中有很多幽默、形象、意思又模棱两可的词,这种词就是俚语。

78、He understood the meaning of the word without looking it up in a dictionary.他不查词典就懂了那个词的意思。


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