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关于”超美的短句“的英语句子24个,句子主体:Super beautiful short sentence。以下是关于超美的短句的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Super beautiful short sentence


1、The overload protection must be guaranteed by the low-voltage circuit-breaker.


2、In using, the secondary winding can not be short-circuited or operating over-load.


3、Compared with ultrasonic extraction (UE), the amount of extraction solvent and extraction time can be reduced when the UNE was applied.


4、On Thursday, IBM passed Microsoft to become the second most valuable tech company in the world, valued at $214 billion to Microsoft’s $213.2 billion.


5、As far as I am concerned, the advantages mentioned above exceed the disadvantages.


6、Technology will enter a short-term overbought region, where falling back to near the average short-term may wish to absorb.


7、That in turn would help keep long-term interest rates low and could allow the Fed to keep the short-term rates it controls at ultra-low levels for longer.


8、A tree ascending there. O pure transcension!


9、Perfect stylish appearance, ultra-thin design.


10、But physical beauty can only ever be held fleetingly . Real beauty is far greater—it's a life force, an energy, which radiates from within and transcends the physical.


11、The blessed union led to text messaging volume that was more than six times normal in the United States and the United Kingdom at the start of the wedding.


12、The women with the much-abbreviated skirts wore peculiar earrings, in the shape of keys.


13、The city has faced water shortages as groundwater runs out from overpumping.


14、Dry roses and grasses are distinguished , too.


15、Angina pectoris is usually brief only a few minutes, less than

15 minutes.


16、The short-term news was that the company beat Wall Street earnings estimates by three cents a share and revenue projections by $77 million.


17、The interaction between high intensity ultrashort laser and overdense plasma using a particle in cell simulation is numerically studied.


18、Set the client page timeouts to

2 minutes or less.

2 分钟或更短。


19、The effect of laser incidence angle on the angular distribution of hot electrons generated in the interaction of an ultrashort intense laser pulse with the foil target are investigated.


20、She teamed her over-the-knee boots with a very short grey jersey dress, giving off more than a mere glimpse of her toned thighs.

21、By 2005, Wumart had more than 450 hypermarkets, supermarkets and convenience stores.xx年,物美拥有了超过450家大卖场,超市和便利店。

22、Delicate pink add fruity and lovely corallite bead, such acting the role of article sleeve of tie-in and bubbly bubble, falbala, exceed short miniskirt, bobby baby temperament adds cent sweetly!娇嫩粉红色加上圆润可爱的珊瑚石珠子,这样的饰品搭配起泡泡袖、荷叶边、超短迷你裙,芭比娃娃气质甜美加分!

23、Ultrashort Wave Electrotherapy Machine is an instrument which utilizes high frequency electric energy of ultrashort wave to act on human's organism for treatment.超短波电疗机是利用超短波的高频电能作用于人的肌体进行治疗的仪器。 主要治疗作用是止痛、解痉、消炎、增强血液循环促进组织的生长和积液吸收。

24、The inverter possesses of some functions, for instance , overload protection , short circuit protection , exceeding temperature protection and so on.逆变器拥有一些功能,例如超载保护,短路保护,超出温度保护等等。

25、Total solution of protection as: converse connection over-charge&discharge over-loading; short-circuit protection.保护功能:放反接,过充和过放,超负载,短路。

英文句子26:,26、But I won't pay more than 6000.但我不会花费超过六千美元。

27、This article tries to sort out the brief development of cyber hypertext literature, and manifests its aesthetic features compared with traditional one.本文力图疏理超文本网络文学的简短的发展历程,并阐明它与传统文学相较之下的审美特性。

28、Looking upon the MJ future, Double Diamond Family, Mei-Juan (middle )has unlimited confidence.展望美兆未来,美娟超福(居中)充满无限信心。

29、Based on ultra-short wave communication, author discusses the channel equalizer.针对超短波跳频系统,讨论信道均衡技术。

30、The number of workers looking for a job jumped from three percent to more than twenty-five percent in just four years.对找工作的工人人数也从百分之三至超过百分之二十五,在短短xx年。

31、That's why, despite the free download, the Android app rakes in more than $1 million in sales each month, second only to the iPhone version.所以虽然Android版是免费的,但在很短时间里,Rovio公司就从中获得了仅次于iPhone平台的收入——每月进账超过100万美元。

32、Radiography is one application of the hard X-ray derived from ultra-short ultra-intense (US-UI) laser-matter interactions.超短超强激光与物质相互作用产生硬X射线的应用之一是X射线照相。

33、The mega star makes maga bucks.那个超级明星赚了大把大把的美元。

34、"Gold's strength is unnatural and $1,000 is overshooting, based on very short-term technical factors driven by trend followers," said Wakako Harada, senior trader at Mitsubishi Corp."金价的强势不合自然,

1,000美元已属超涨,是建筑在趋势投资人推动的极短线技术面因素上,"三菱商事交易员Wakako Harada指出.

35、Objective To evaluate clinical effects of ultrashort wave on chronic prostatitis patients.目的评价超短波治疗慢性前列腺炎的效果。

36、Utrashort Wave Electrotherapy Machine is an instrument which utilizes high frequency electric energy of ultrashort wave to act on human's organism for treatment.短波电疗机是利用超短波的高频电能作用于人的肌体进行治疗的仪器。

37、For our example, we’ll shorten the href value in each anchor.对于我们的例子,我们要缩短每一个锚链中超链接的值。

38、I heard you are into painting. Remember not to let women who are too pretty or dressed to scandalously into the exhibition, it would distract your guests from your paintings.听说你在绘画,展览时可要婉拒过度貌美或穿超短迷你裙者进入会场,那会影响观众对你作品欣赏时的专心。

39、These companies have created over $522 billion in market capitalization and employ over 500,000 workers.这些公司创造了超过5220亿美元的资本,雇佣了超过500,000名员工。

40、According to the charts, the euro has been oversold across short and longer time frames. A technically overbought dollar tilts toward even more overbought territory.根据技术图表,欧元从短期和长期来看均被超卖.美元可能还将深入技术性超买区域.

41、CONCLUSION To prepare the better microspheres of PLGA, ultrasound should be performed in the iced bath, and the keeping time should be shorten and the interval time should be lengthen.结论制备新城疫病毒的缓释PLGA微球时,宜加冰浴超声,或缩短超声时间,延长超声间隔;

42、Export exceeds import by five million dollars.出口额超过进口额500万美元。

43、Conclusion The biological characteristics of BMSC have no changes after short-term cryopreservation.结论短期的超低温冻存对人BMSC的生物活性无明显影响。

44、We have already received over 1100 downloads in a very short period of time.在很短的时间内我们已经收到超过1100 次的下载。

45、An upside breakout points to around $14.50 but is currently trading over a dollar in excess of the 40 day moving average down at $10.90.冲破市场上升点指向约短期趋势为上升,中期趋势为横向式,长期趋势为牛市。



46、All entries should be no longer than 参赛短片必须以英语进行,片长不得超过3分钟。

3 minutes and in English.

47、Mainly it covers Yang Chunshi's Super-aesthetics and Pan Zhichang's Life-Aesthetics.它主要包括杨春时的超越美学、潘知常的生命美学。

48、They raised more than $35, 000.他们筹集了超过35,000美元。

49、At the same time, left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF) and left ventricular shortening fraction(LVFS) were detected with echocardiography.同时行心脏彩超心功能测定,包括左心室射血分数(LVEF)和左室短轴缩短率(LVFS)等指标。

50、The destruction totaled more than $26.5 billion.经济损失的总额超过了265亿美元。

经典英文句子51:超美的短句,51、Our foreign exchange reserves exceeded US$ 外汇储备超过

1.52 trillion.


52、More than 30 sightings of bright lights over central England in just six hours in March 1993.xx年xx月在英格兰中部,在短短6个小时之内,超过30人目击空中有道强光。

53、Her beauty surpasses all description.她的美丽超出了人力所能描绘的限度。


3)SIL: Please, please, please stop sending e-mails over three (

3) sentences in length.

55、March EPS guidance: $4.90 vs. $4.43 Street consensus, anything over $3.92 solidxx月份每股收益指导:




56、Maximum duration for a documentary or drama shorts may not exceed 30 minutes;纪实类和剧情类短片时长不得超过30分钟;

57、Short Circuit Temperature of laying: >250℃ Not more than 短路温度>250℃持续时间最长不超过2秒。

2 sec .

58、It is just the beauty that awakens a certain sublime emotion that oversteps material, surpasses reality and exceeds fame.美正是对人的一种拯救,是为了唤醒某种超越物质,超越现实,超越功利目的的崇高的感情。

59、The effect on pulse compression in dispersion managed fibers is studied.本文研究了色散管理光纤中超短光脉冲的压缩效应。

60、Aim To investigate the relationship between the supercontinuum spectrum generation and the parameters of the tapered fiber and ultrashort pulses.目的研究超连续谱的形成与拉锥光纤及超短脉冲参数之间的关系。

61、The super short track and the asphalt track are up to the international standards.超级拉力赛短道、柏油赛道,都具有国际化的水准。

62、Chapter three make known aesthetics idea and logics from his cultural theory of hyperreality;第三章揭示超真实文化理论的美学思想和审美逻辑;

63、Clean Bench length of life reldined ond to the degree of air cleanliness.超净台使用寿命的长短与空气的干净程度相关。

64、So, the generation of ultra-short pulse is the basic and key technology.因此超短脉冲的产生是最基础,同时也是最关键的技术。

65、The VERT -LEVS are to be classified as SUPER STOL aircraft.在垂直,列弗,将作为分类超短距起落飞机。

66、An excess or deficiency not exceeding 3% of the contracted weight should be permitted.不超过合同重量3%的溢装或短装是允许的。

67、From the mode of information transmission, the wireless communication can be classified as long wave, medium wave, shortwave, ultra short wave, and microwave.无线通信系统按其传播信息的方式,可分为长波、中波、短波、超短波和微波通信方式。

68、The charge for overweight luggage is 超重行李的费用是每公斤5美元。你须得托运超重行李。

5 dollars per kilo. You should have excess luggage checked.

69、For the full year, AIG lost over $99 billion, more than twice the total profits of Exxon Mobil.在2008整个年度,AIG已经损失了超过990亿美元,这一数字超过了埃克森.美孚全年盈利的两倍。

70、As of the end of June, Apple had more than $76.2 billion in cash and short-term securities. It probably has more now.截至今年xx月底,苹果公司拥有超过762亿美元的现金及短期证券,而现在可能更多。

71、It includes:solving "excess attempt" and "defective attempt" of AGC by load prediction in extraordinary shot time, that is preceding control technique;其中包括:①利用超短期负荷预报解决AGC“过调”和“欠调”问题的超前控制技术;

72、In short, Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) is committed to helping people overcome cancer.在短时间里,CTCA致力于帮助人们超越癌症。


标签: 英文 短句

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